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Tomura faltered for a moment. His eyes, shaded under the hoodie, scanned the girl standing in front of the two of them. Yes, he remembered her. How could he forget? She showed some.. 'impressive' works at the festival. The villain released Midoriya, and raised his hands into the air as the teen clutched his neck coughing for breath.
"Ah, sorry, didn't expect you to have a friend with you."
He said.
"Don't try to follow me or I'll kill you."
Before they could say anything, Tomura vanished into the crowd.

Midoriya caught his breath and looked up to Nensu. At the best timing, she came to save the day. He couldn't smile to assure her this time- Tomura's threat was real.
"Th....thank you."
He said, his voice still rough and frightened. He pulled himself up from the bench, but failed and crashed back on the wooden structure.
"He... came out of nowhere."
Midoriya was sitting at a bench alone, waiting for Nensu to return from the restroom. His mind was still in a daze after the blast of a date they've had so far. Not to mention the pro hero goods they shopped at the gigantic mall. The green haired boy was too busy reminding himself of the events that happened that day when a hooded stranger approached him.
"Woah, a UA student! Can I talk to you a bit?"
A hooded figure threw an arm around him as he sat down next to Midoriya. With no time to react, the teenager was caught by surprise. A hand reached for his neck, leaving only one finger off the delicate part of the boy. Frightened, Midoriya tried to call out for help, but the figure moved around his finger threateningly.
"Don't think about doing anything stupid."
He said.

It was Shigaraki Tomura, head of the League of Villains. He had paid a 'surprise visit' on Midoriya, questioning the difference between him and Stain- how the Hero Killer got so much attention and sympathy, when he didn't. The villain found it unfair that such treatment could happen. Midoriya tried to break out whenever he saw the possibility to, but Tomura was too alert to wriggle out of. Every time he thought there was a suspicious move, even a flinch, he tightened his grip, yet being stealthy enough to not have anyone passing by notice. In their breathtaking conversation, the villain soon reached his conclusion- everything, everything had to do with All Might. And he was going to prove that the hero was wrong. He will kill him, no matter what it took.

From his wretched smile, Midoriya could sense the obvious hatred and madness swelling inside this villain that had commenced attacks at the UA. He had to stop him, but only if he could get out of this sticky situation...

What happens now? My memory's a bit rusty.

Also new Abridged will be coming soon
Alright, here's a post.

"I'll do my best too."
Midoriya rested with Nensu for a little while. 'Here's to less awkward hugs.' He thought as he reached for Nensu's hands and gently pat them. If only he was more used to these situations, things might've been more sweet. The green haired boy felt the girl's cheek press against his face, until he finally decided to pull off. It was starting to get awkward just standing in the middle of the mall cuddling intensely. Maybe the owner of the store was staring holes into the couple from behind them. He never knew.
"So... should we move on?"
He said.
Mesmund had almost jumped back and reloaded his gun when he heard a chair move. For the bystander's sake, Mesmund was quick enough to realize it was just an average human, who was also conveniently going to open the diner just now. The hunter lazily stuffed the gun back to its holster and scratched his chin. He didn't know, was he hungry after the sudden fight? The loss of his trusty bike and an unexpected assault had only intrigued his curiosity for the city over his hunger for a nice breakfast. Food could wait a bit. Being one with his demon buddy helped out on going a little bit longer without food anyways(though hunger was something he had to manage).
"I'll pass. Food isn't really interesting right now."
Mesmund shook his head, chains around his neck clanking against each other as he did. Instead he turned over to the direction leading deeper towards the city. A little investigation wouldn't hurt at all. Who knows, he might get someone to pay him well to deal with a big game.
"Tell me, is this demon appearance thing common around the place?"
He asked the man.
Going on a school trip for three days.
I'll try to respond if I get the tme to.
Midoriya's hands were now gathered together, fidgeting the fingers as he listened to Nensu's voice ringing from next to his head. Yes, maybe he'd be better if she warned him of what came next. He'll know what would happen, and brace himself for it. Slightly better than being struck surprise. Though he didn't want to lose the joy of surprise, he didn't want her to feel bad about what she did either. The green haired boy slowly leaned his head towards Nensu's, gently pressing his cheek against hers.
"...yes. Thank you."
He said.
I'm making too many changes on Hiems, I'm just getting too much ideas to leave him be.

This probably won't happen here, it's some kind of a huge overhaul of his character. Backstory wise, mostly.
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