Midoriya's mom nodded. She might question more details on this little dating incident, but for now that could wait. The little kids had time to enjoy. But hopefully somewhere without any possible villain lurking around- that was something unacceptable for her.
"Good for you guys."
She said.
"Since you two seem fine, I'll wait for you back at home so you can... settle things down a bit. Just don't come back too late, okay?"
Midoriya's mom left the station, giving the young couple a bit of time to settle down before Midoriya would have to come back home where he was safe and in his mom's sight. Once he saw his mom disappear, Midoriya let out a grand sigh, bigger than probably any he'd let out of his mouth. The sudden reveal of their relationship to his mom, his mom coming itself, and all... was overwhelming. He felt himself slowly lean into Nensu.
"Well... that was a hectic day."
He said.
Hiems settled a hand over Momo's shoulder. She was evidently investing herself in thoughts about today's incident-and the villains in general. He himself had took notice to little amount of details himself, so there was nothing he could say to help her investigate. His best shot was assuring her. And even if Midoriya was in great danger, he'd rush to help him out. That's what being a hero was about, helping out people. He'd break an arm or two, sure, but who cares.
"I don't really have anything to say to help you think, but..."
He said.
"The villains won't stand a chance with every one of us working against them.
"If that helps you ease down a bit."