Avatar of AlternateMan


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1 day ago
Current chicken noodle soup
7 days ago
we are here, not for a reason, but because we simply are, now I'll see you after about five days long ad break
9 days ago
isekai is a myth, we must resort to high concentration can in a can
14 days ago
he can play the honky tonk like anything
18 days ago
I must not fear, fear is the meme-killer, fear is the little cringe


I am getting back to shitposting again, fear me

Most Recent Posts

Yes, options like that.
WhY wOn’T yOu LeT mE bE cApTaIn (insert country name here)
Fine by me, I just thought having no direct offense option at all is too much of a hardship for my small brain.
Eyy, a Shield Hero rp. Noice.
Random question, if I choose the shield guy, can I have him actually go offensive with the shield(SHIELD BASH) unlike Naofumi? Sacrificing his diversity of defense upgrades and such?
Exam ends on October 8th. Or 9th.
Just in case you were interested.
I definitely haven't been playing Destiny 2 when I could've drawn something

got an idea of the ships in varsity jackets
Slowly trying to fire up my doodling brain. If it works with me, I might throw out a new Abridged comic.
but don't be mad at me if I give Hiems a bit morr screen time
Which would mostly be his tormentful moments

Also I still can't draw Deku's hair properly. SeNd HeLp
Cool. Okay then!
Hmmmm. What happens next?
Skip to the summer camp? A bit more of slice of life so the couple walk each other to their home?
Midoriya returned the grip he felt from Nensu's hand. So her mother was a supporting figure. She helped her and her brother cope through hard times, until she was... the boy gently bit his lips. It was just too much pain for someone of his age for him to think of. Seeing the girl flinch as she had to speak the name sparked guilt in his mind.
"Oh.... I..."
He mumbled for a moment. Every time he was reminded of what she went through, his head went white about what to tell her. It was as if nothing would be good enough to mean anything. But he had to try.
"Maybe.. we can go see her some time? M.. maybe after the summer camp, we might have some free time then."
He suggested.

Did that mean he managed to help her ease out? He just had to hope so. Hiems squeezed her hand for a beat and let go.
"Pretty much."
He answered.
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