Class name:Field Researcher
Main weapon: one handed bladed weapons
Generally bone saws, daggers, and various "surgical tool"s.
General skill set:
Difficulty level (how long it would take to 'git gud'): It'd take some time to gather actual effective materials(as, by common logic, stronger enemies with stronger poison to research will come out later in adventures) to utilize in combat, so difficulty would be high.
Usage in battle: Field Researchers collect data/samples from the field, and put them to use directly. They can create various solutions that can either provide buffs for the allies or debuffs for enemies. It could be a handful of medicine powder, or a vial of antidote, or a carefully kept flask of strong acid. Apart from their affinity of the weapon of choice, collecting and utilizing materials from the field is the key method of their combat. And also out of combat.
Any other information you can provide: Most field researchers are fighters with the patience to sit down and study medicine for at least a year or two, but some doctors decide to take arms and research on the fields too. Rarely though.
Field Researchers get a discount on purchasing common medicine ingredients and flasks if they shop from a Grey Doctors Union merchant.