Holding a rifle in hand made him feel like he was in a real mission. The hard ones, where life and death shook hands and played dead pool. But he didn't have one in his hand now. Which was a shame, because he wanted to feel like this was a top secret mission.
Obviously the chatter of these excited teenagers did not help with it at all.
The operative remained silent for the whole journey. He followed the group from behind, making sure nobody fell behind or sneak somewhere they weren't supposed to go. To his relief nobody tried such an action. These teenagers were more behaving than him in the age. Their parents must be proud.
Mir admired the weight of this mission as the group moved from a deserted hallway to a service elevator. It was so much of a secret nobody was supposed to see it. The security cameras had to be turned off too, probably.
The operative hardly reacted to the Major's intense swearing as the elevator grinded to a halt. He himself was frightened a little, but there was no room to look surprised. He was the kids' guard, he needed to stay tough.
This silent walking and guarding gave Mir a surprising amount of time to monologue to himself and think about random stuff. The man wondered if he could write a whole book with the content of thoughts he produced during this project as Major Akane lockdd the door of the makeshift mess hall. He stood by the door as the Major and the Zasshu prepared to get to know each other.
Obviously the chatter of these excited teenagers did not help with it at all.
The operative remained silent for the whole journey. He followed the group from behind, making sure nobody fell behind or sneak somewhere they weren't supposed to go. To his relief nobody tried such an action. These teenagers were more behaving than him in the age. Their parents must be proud.
Mir admired the weight of this mission as the group moved from a deserted hallway to a service elevator. It was so much of a secret nobody was supposed to see it. The security cameras had to be turned off too, probably.
The operative hardly reacted to the Major's intense swearing as the elevator grinded to a halt. He himself was frightened a little, but there was no room to look surprised. He was the kids' guard, he needed to stay tough.
This silent walking and guarding gave Mir a surprising amount of time to monologue to himself and think about random stuff. The man wondered if he could write a whole book with the content of thoughts he produced during this project as Major Akane lockdd the door of the makeshift mess hall. He stood by the door as the Major and the Zasshu prepared to get to know each other.