Name: An Shalaa-Doo Nicknames: Age: 34 Gender: male Level: 5
Class: Shaman(something of a druid-cleric hybrid)
Specializations: rituals, axe swinging, intense shouting also a little bit of medicine
Magic Affinity: nature
Appearance: (Written, or picture)
Biography: An is the last one of a nomadic tribe that roamed around the monster filled woods. They were ravaged by a stampede of monsters, falling powerless against a horde of vicious creatures. An was left by himself and without a clear goal. He roamed the wilderness by himself for some time, only running into wildlife and seldom adventurers. He slayed the monsters and aided the people, only to continue on his travel when he saw that his job was done. After spending years in the woods, An ventured into the nation of Melromarc, wondering how the kingdom would look. After venturing around shortly, he joined the Adventurers' Guild as he found that it'd be of aid to his wandering. After venturing and bickering with other adventurers a bit, An came across the words of the four heroes that would save the world from demonic threats. Ad decided to go find whoever they were, with an objective to join them on their grand journey.
--- Preferred Weapon(s): axe, ritual staff
Appearance of Weapon:
Abilities of Weapon: Ritual Staff: A wooden staff imbued with mysterious power. It allows An to boost his shaman magic. It can be used without the staff, but has greatly decreased effects. A new one can be created with a ritual when broken, but there can be only one at a time. --- Skills/Abilities:
Hunter's Dance By shaking his staff vigorously with a chant, An can buff the physical capabilities of nearby allies and himself for three minutes.
Mana Song An strikes his staff to the ground with a fearsome scream, boosting the magic of nearby allies for two minutes.
Abilities: slight magic boost(stronger spells, regenerate mana slowly for duration Downside: limited range(a radius of 10 meters)
Shaman Blade By running his hand across the target weapon, An can enchant it with an eerie green aura that gives it additional holy damage for the next nine strikes.
Downside: can only be used once per day.
An can 'bless' a fire(minimum size of a small campfire) to repel weaker monsters. This fire can be used for performing rituals.
With a combination of medicinal herbs, An can craft a mush that can be applied on wounds. Or optionally consumed. Various ingredients can be added to make mush of different effects.
A good length of wooden stick and a Motherly Fire is required. An imbues the stick of mysterious power, taking 20 minutes. It creates a new Ritual Staff. Cannot be done when there is already one intact.
A Motherly Fire and a (literal) handful of things harvested from plants. Includes things such as berries or herb leaves. (harvested goods must be a practical one, not some random twig or leaf picked from a random tree) An performs a ritual with the gatherings, offering it to the nature as a wish for good harvest. For the next 10 hours, he and his allies(who were at the fire) have additional chance to find rare plants for gathering. Medical items of plant origin(plant brew, mush, etc.) also have stronger effects for the duration.
---- Inventory:
-A knife(for non combat uses) -food supplies, leather sack for storing food -whetstone for sharpening axe -kit for making plant based medicine, medical supplies -various bones of animals and monsters - 12 copper(found in a small sack on the ground)