Not to mention I forgot to post more lore yet. I have no willpower and I must sleep(for now) I will get to posting lore approximately 8+ hours later, so you might want to wait a bit more.
The national broadcast channel will now send out the daily encouragement message. Please refrain from switching to a different channel during its broadcast.
The robot army marches closer and closer to our glorious capital each day, hungering to lay its hands on us. The innocent lives of the nation of Fidelis is at stake! If there is nobody standing between the people and the robots, all will be lost for humanity, and forever. Life will perish, and this once green planet will be turned to a cold, lifeless mass of bloodthirsty metal. But YOU can stop this dreadful future. YOU can put an end to this act of evil, unjustifiable violence. YOU can bring justice on to the plains of Earth. "How do I do it", you ask? Well, fine citizen, it is by doing nothing else but joining the Sunderers! Sunderers are the heroic,fearless warriors that stand in the frontlines of our war against the ruthless machines of murder. They take up arms in the name of humanity and all that it stands for, to fight! To protect! To slay! To lead us to freedom and salvation against the preposterous legion of wickedness! JOIN THE SUNDERERS TODAY! TAKE PART IN THE CRUSADE AGAINST OUR SWORN ENEMY! MAKE JUSTICE TRUE!
The daily encouragement message transmission has ended. You may now return to enjoying your daily activities. Make justice true!
Sunderers are the chosen few operators of the nation of Fidelis in a post apocalyptic world, using the recovered tech and hard training to destroy robots and recover more cool tech. And fight more robots.
Name: Age: (the average Sunderer recruits are 19~20 years old. No younger than 19.) gender: appearance: personality: backstory: powers: equipment: additional info:
Feel free to add any extra details to the CS.
BC and I have come to an agreement to keep things to a RWBY level. For people who haven't seen RWBY, simply put, you have stylish weapons, can shoot big bullets strong enough to kill evil monster bears(which are just bears with edgy looks), and can dash around with those heavy stylish weapons and swing them around like you're flailing your bare arms with a straw held on it. So you're allowed to be stylish with your weapons and powers(get a scythe-sniper or hammer-grenade launcher or something like that), but something not too destructive. Keep things on a... personal level.