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There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
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Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
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Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

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<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>

  • 2 duelists wanted to prove themselves (ma boi Jou and Mai).
  • 6 are doing/want to do something.

    • 2 want to get something
    • 4 are doing shit around Atem

ngl I get what you mean but the examples from yugioh ain't really that character inspiring.

I'm aware of the problem here, but it's just the thing on hand I have to help illustrate the idea. It's better than the Fortune Cup route of "Half the cast was forced into it" at the very least, since everyone did sign up voluntarily. Yugioh doesn't always have the best writing.

I do think that sort of... Banking on the 'trading' aspect wouldn't be too bad, either?

I'm not particularly interested in this myself. It's something the OCG Structures manga does (that's the actual title, not a descriptor) and I'm... just not too fond of it. If you read on the subreddit it has definitely found an audience of people who like a (slightly) more realistic and low-key take on Yugioh with more closer-to-real-life duels, but I'm more fan of the "Hey the fucking world is ending and everyone around me is dead" type of storytelling.

That said, I think there's been definitive enough pushback against the idea for me to not really go with it, so back to the drawing board.
imo having this kind of easter egg hunt for strong cards might force a lot of us to write similar characters, like "whats to be the king of kings". It's not like there's a lot of unique reasons a person might want to collect these kind of cards.

Keep in mind the Ante rule is a sideshow at best; My main suggestion was gathering everyone in the same city, presumably a hub for duelists. The reason you have to come to the city is up to your character.

Battle city's come up a lot, but I'll draw from it again for another example. A lot of characters had different motivations in it:

-Atem was looking for his memories
-Jounouchi wanted to prove he was worthy of holding Red-Eyes by becoming a true duelist
-Mai was fighting to prove she was an independently strong duelist and didn't need to rely on Yugi's support network
-Bakura wants to obtain the Millenium items
-Marik wants to kill Atem
-Rishid follows Marik
-Ishizu wants Marik to not kill Atem
-Kaiba just wants to flex on Atem

And this is just the quarter-finalists. Most other competitors came to the tournament just to win the gods and rare cards, yes, but none of those made it into the finals because they're not interesting motives. That's what I'd be looking to emulate; Have players come up with their own side-stories to get them into the city and into the story.
Meaning that it wouldn't be impossible to set up Shadow duels/Ante duels against the villians where the price is your super special awesome card.

See, there's one constant in Yugioh that not a lot of people seem to like; The stakes are perpetually too high.

Almost nobody has leave to lose a duel because losing would mean ending the plot dead in its tracks. I don't want to repeat that mistake by setting up an RP where you guys have to always win, especially not when so many of your seem to be intent on playing a character fully intent on tanking a few losses. To that end, I need a premise that would give some tension, but not always be the biggest threat in the world.

I'm also still 50/50 on a special card plot, since I don't think there's been a massive consensus either way. I'll definitely be introducing one-of-a-kind, ultra-powerful cards into the plot somehow, since that's pretty much a staple, but it doesn't seem like everyone wants to have their own unique thing going.

I'm going to hear from a few people before I definitively say "yes" or "no" to my own suggestion, since I think only you and PKMN have definitvely commented with an opinion on it so far.

<Snipped quote by 1Charak2>

I think the problem there is DM overloading. While it would be cool for all of us to play the heroes of a Yu-Gi-Oh style story, what you're suggesting does one of two things: either we have to split some of us fellow writers up to play as the villains of the story, or we are all dueling the DM.

I'm a bit iffy on letting players set out to play a villain. I'd rather everyone start off without a predesignated role (though with a direction they're leaning in) and having the characters grow into it as the story goes. Granted, I tried this once in the past and was a bit too forceful with telling players what they should be doing. I can definitely handle a lot of stuff at once, but I'll admit that 7 duels at once might be a bit much. Especially since I end up planning them all out myself most of the time :c
I feel ante has potential, but I also feel that it would be best saved for an arc, rather then to be the whole premise of the rp. But thats judt me.

then propose a better idea I'm running on pure vegetable oil here
<Snipped quote by 1Charak2>

The way I interpreted the Ante Rules for this is that it wouldn't necessarily be that you'd have to give up your strongest card like in the anime, but rather than you'd both wager a card upfront before the duel began. The fact that Ammokkx said you'd register your deck and your card collection as two separate items means you'd potentially be anteing a strong card that isn't vital to your deck and potentially something that you don't even use. I can see the Ante Rule mostly being a way to get your hands on off-archetype extra deck monsters.

I could be completely off base though.

You could also just pull a Joey and lose your best card right away and have to claw your way back. There's story potential there.

Yeah, I was definitely leaving room open for people to not have to risk crippling their deck every duel. If they're in a desperate spot, though, they could always wager their key card, which would up the stakes.
I think it might be best to establish the existence of buying or not before pushing for this, because a Battle City sort of scenario does mean that players are rolling in with their top decks at the very beginning.

Not necessarily. Only really Kaiba and Marik started with the strongest version of his deck; Yugi got his God in the middle of the arc while Jounouchi literally lost his strongest card (Red-Eyes) before the tournament kicked off, and the entire set-up was so that his deck grew as he won more and more rare cards. Oh, and Yugi was also shown pulling out Lightforce Sword from a pack, a card he went to use for the rest of the tournament, so make of it what you will.

Yes, they'll roll in with the best deck they have, but the best deck they have doesn't have to be full of top-tier cards. The idea was spur-of-the-moment and would definitely need refinement, not to mention I've no guarantee with sticking to it, but I don't think you need to worry about high-tier decks.

Not to mention an Ante rule situation being the perfect excuse to pick up more cards to begin with; by definition you'd be obtaining more stuff as the RP progresses, and theoretically your "top deck" would only be assembled at the very end.

On that note, I'm definitely not looking for a mainly "game-play" experience. For better or worse, I'm trying to stay as close to a playground free-for-all-format as possible. Even when I still played the game, I played a bunch of decks that don't really have any kind of meta relevance (Pure artifact, Red Dragon Resonator, Genex Super Quantum, Cipher etc.) but that allowed me to have fun playing against other low-tier decks. My most fun opponent is my friend who plays a deck of 37 traps and 3 Uria, so that's the kind of perspective I have on the game.
Lots of stuff to respond here, so I'm not going to quote individuals and instead address it all in one go:

-Point buy seems like the most pressing concern atm since it isn't very clear how it worked. Aside from how you saw it in the screenshot, I merged the OOC system with an IC card shop. Players were part of an academy that wanted to encourage dueling, so their point credit was tracked so they could get new cards from the on-ground card shop. The system was inspired by the DP system you find in videogames mainly, where dueling gained you points to spend on packs or password machines. If I re-use it, it's not without some major retooling. If anything, I'd give an equal amounts of points for winning or losing so you care less about the result and powergaming. The reason it was in place was to let players be on an equal playing field at all times, and while it didn't quite work the way I intended it to, a sense of progression helped retain some interest I found. I'm willing to do away with it, but that just means I'll be extra strict on how your deck is looking throughout the RP so you don't put in a Divine GO-D/D/D Zero King Zero G.O.D. Reiji right at the start.

-Rule fucking. Thing is, only DM was *really* bad about this, and even then, it was mostly because the game was only taking shape battle city forwards. It actually did have rules it followed, they're just not entirely like ours; Stuff like a Fusion monster being unable to attack the turn it is summoned. Most of the other stuff in the anime is them not entirely understanding how timing works and the like, but that's more on rules lawyering than it is not following concrete rules. Yuma wasn't able to activate Number 39's effect in half the situations he did, but the anime didn't really care too much. My take is: Stick as close to the rules as you can and don't try to fuck them on purpose, but if there's a minor error in the duel at some point, I'm not going to get on your ass for it.

-Duels: At this point I'm going to adopt a "anything goes" policy. Everyone seems to be pretty in favor of whoever the two individuals dueling are to be doing it in a way they both can agree to. While I'm a contrarian cunt, I'm not silly enough to go against a clear majority here.

-List of rare cards: I did that, once. It's not a very good idea.

-Story: I'm not 100% on board with any particular one idea proposed yet, but not everything isn't worth my time. I could set up a Battle City situation, only without a strict tournament. Basically invent a fictional city which is essentially the Mekka for duelists around the world. There's only one rule, and that's the Ante rule. Duelists compete to win cards off each-other, both to hone their skills and to upgrade their decks as they go. They go to one of the local (Company)-mandated stores to register themselves, their deck, and their collection of cards and be given a rating. The characters could have any one reason for coming to the city; Winning it all, becoming a true duelist, revenge for or on their father. Mysterious duelists show up in town and y'all end up saving the world. How's that sound for a pitch?

-Underdogs: Don't set out to be one, just become one if it works out that way. I've had a spot of trouble before where players expected to lose everything and then go on a winning streak, as well as players setting out to be the strongest duelist and then lose all their duels. Have your character adapt to whatever happens, especially if we're going to improv like some people here are wanting to. Besides, if everyone sucks, nobody does.

+1 to Appropriate Culture - Has Yu-Gi-Oh done anything with Mesoamerica yet? I'm feeling in a Mesomaerican mood today.

did you sleep through 5D's the entire first third was all about Nazca lines and a Quetzalcoatl knockoff lmao
alright I'm gonna go to bed

Not enough ideas for a full RP yet, but we're getting there. Keep brainstorming while I'm gone plz, or at the very least keep shitposting so it's an int. check topper and we can get a whole 1 additional person.

Or don't. I'm not your biological dad.
Oh we're votin?

i didn't approve of this democratic revolution what is this

Only real conclusion I can garner from this is "No lock on card progression, steal from a culture" so far. 50/50 on the "This card is my very being" schtick and while 2 people voted for scripted duels the vote's rigged 'cause I knew they would
You talking about when someone clutches a win through god-tier luck?

I mentioned it briefly in my reply to Calle. There's another trope that's somewhat common in YGO RPs where everyone has this 1 card that's unique to them/unique in general which kickstarts them into the plot. An example I can think of from an old one is everyone having a "Guardian" (term, not the archetype) monster that watches over them, and these guardians came together in a tournament and were drawn to fighting each-other for reasons.

Think the Numbers in ZeXal, or the Signer Dragons in 5D's.
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