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Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
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Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

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Maybe you can give us the best of both worlds, to a point where the the Breakers are fairly new and have just overthrown the Doomraisers, it doesn't change much except for the fact that everyone will still be working out their relationships and their goals onward (which is desirable, as trying to convey a gang society without any prior talking or posting is difficult), giving us a plot to focus on and the foundation of what the breakers will be to figure out. That way the counter-attack plot can make sense.

In thinking about it, I think I like the idea of setting it only about a week or two after the breakers have been 'formed'. It'd require a little bit of a rewrite on most our parts, I think, but it could work if everyone else is up for it.

I maybe shot a little high with when I set the timeframe for this, but that's because I initially thought it appropriate. Now I realise that leaving the timeframe small enough to where people know each-other, but don't really know each-other is probably for the better.

I think if we set the RP in such a short timeframe, though, it'll put some of the gang dynamics in a different context as people haven't really settled into things yet. I'd like to think if we set it this close to their forming, that they haven't actually done much of anything yet. Haven't gotten into shit with anyone other than the Doomraisers, haven't raided a security outpost yet, etc.

Maybe then this first act could serve as them getting their shit together and seeing they need to think things through a little better, since I imagine they'd have just routed the Doomraisers and didn't really put any checks in place for them to rise up again. The gang they see will definitely be in smaller numbers though, just like a handful of guys or that didn't feel like giving up, being led by the same big brass. Have the scenario be that they maybe-not-so-figuratively kick in the door of the schoolhouse. This would also set the Breakers' rep to basically 0 and have them not really recognized as a real gang/threat yet. Y'know, other than maybe some key figures around the Collar that keep track of this stuff.

Idk, anyone else have any thoughts?
Guys, I'm really sorry for how long it's taking me to make any judgement calls here.

I'm running into problems with my own lack of inspiration at the moment. I can think of several different scenarios, but no way to make that work for a first post. Let me run you through some of the ideas I've had:

-Security shows up to raid the base. This doesn't work because that means the breakers would need to switch bases while their current one's barely established. If they didn't, then Security would just continue to hound them.
-Some gang shows up in town and the breakers have to deal with it. This doesn't really work because the breakers aren't the type to kick someone out of their territory for just being there ala doomraisers, and if the gang was going to start shit anyway, I might as well have them be at the Breakers' doorstep and save the hassle. Even then it'd come down to me just doing a few quick duels and we're done here.
-I could have some of the remnants of the Doomraisers launch a counter-attack after they've bolstered their strength these last two years, but I run into the same problem as the above example. Also, I don't really have a good reason for why they should be doing it now rather than some time in the past closer to the original incident (unless I still set the clock back).
-People go to an underground duel ring because they may have a lead on something relevant to them. I feel like if I'm going to do this, it's better saved as a plot point after the first event.

There's just nothing I can come up with that I'm satisfied with, even though I should probably stop worrying and just throw one of these at you guys anyway.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and reverting the timeline isn't what I'm going to be going with seeing as its a 50/50 split and we kinda settled on 'being in a gang' for the setting.
For clarification: Charak is serious about leaving and let's leave it at that. No prying please.

On that note, I'm gonna need some more time before I decide on what to do with the scenario.
The nobody's mystery woman seemed shocked at the greeting, even asked if they were not afraid, which... sure made them regret not hightailing it first chance they got. 'Maybe the smile didn't work,' they thought. Said thought stuck for a second. The nobody hadn't stopped to take a moment to ponder it themselves, but... they didn't even know what they looked like. If they even had a face to smile with.

What... what was the nobody?

"Well, I guess it's refreshing to meet someone who does not have a meltdown over a simple 'hello'," were the words to snap the nobody back to reality, or whatever was meant to pass for it. Seems like not bolting was the right choice after all.

'Oh yeah, smooth sailing now,' they briefly thought to themselves as they watched the lady wave her hand. Maybe not knowing the reality of your existence isn't so bad if you can hang out with a total babe like-


It hurt. That name hurt so much. The pain assaulted the nobody as suddenly as it was mentioned, their 'body' freezing stiff for a moment. From an outsider's perspective, nothing too gruesome was happening. However, what it felt like was different. Not only did the pain of memories flooding into the nobody's- no, their name was Cythril. The memories contained it. Cythril's mind. Lisami. Cythril. Goddess. Balance. EndingsOmegaworldVoidfoxspiritpreservethecreationof

Bones snapped into place, the back shot out three different ways, limbs were growing and coiling around themselves, hair shooting out like needles. No screaming. There wasn't a voice left to scream with as their lungs choked on themselves. Ran out of air to breathe outwards. Out of noise to make. Blood started to circulate aggressively through the veins of this newfound body, feeling the heat it lacked finally land through a burning sensation akin to fire and brimstone.

It subsided.

The result of this hellish experience was a man, lying down in the grass. He barely had the time to ponder the ticklish feelings of the moist blades rubbing against his skin. He pushed himself up, looking down at his hands. Unlike before, he could see them with clarity. Not just the hands, but the white sleeves lazily hanging down below them too. Wind brushed against his face, blowing through his hair. A few strands of blurry gray waved themselves in front of his eyes. That breeze did more than just that, though. It brushed against his ears, perched on top of the head rather than to the side. Tickled the fuzz inside. Ruffled the hairs around the back. The last thing of note was the tail swaying gently side-to-side.

That's right. This was his body.

The goddess asked for his name.

"Ah... of course, my name is Cythril, milady."

He stood there, blinking for a brief moment. Then Cythril remembered who she was. He quickly bowed down after that. "D-d'oh, err, I ah, I apologise for my rudeness, I erm, uh, your humble servant is at, d'ah, your service?"

brave man
@King Cosmos@Kaggs@webboysurf@LunarStandard@PKMNB0Y@Amaranthine

Alright, so. Had a talk with @1Charak2 because I was losing my mind, and while none of my sanity has reovered, it gave me some insight about a part of this that I'm doing wrong/potentially doing wrong.

So bit of background. The issue as I see it, is that nobody has anything to do because nothing interesting is happening. The problem is partially because there's no real conflict or immediate problem to solve. Initially I fixed the issue of having nothing to do at the base by having Gritty show up, but it being a player-pressed conflict led to... well, player conflict. On the other end, the busted Duel Runner only really gave Webboy an idea of what to do. Neither LunarStandard nr Amaranthine felt like they had much to work with, so there's another failure of the scenario.

Now, I don't have any alternatives still. I proposed Charak to set up a mini-arc for him so he had something to do, but he didn't want it. The discussion eventually led to the following failure: The very premise of the setting.

See, as he says it, the fact we start out in a duel gang is very "Tell" and not very "Show". Our characters are assumed to trust one another because of their shared history, especially as a lot of people signed up as having been there from the start. Because of that, we already have vague and unestablished relations. We have to assume our characters know one-another without having actually RP'd to get to know them as such. What he pointed out as a counterexample of something much cooler to be done, was the Doomraisers.

See, as Charak poses the argument, had we actually started at a time before the Breakers were born, and instead played out the immediate threat of the Doomraisers first, we'd both have a "unified goal" while still having immediate pressure. It also makes it so our characters could meet one-another for the first time and do things. Had we actually rallied under this banner and left the gang's objective of "Break into the core" for much later, we'd have a more healthy and engaging opening scenario.

So that's to say, the problem with my opening post as I put it is both that I had nothing to give you guys to do (something I was aware of) but also had the chance to give you guys something you could've rallied under and then didn't.

My question to you all now: Given this argument, how would we proceed? I'll give you all a few options, but I'm sure there's something I haven't thought of. I just want to solve this issue of nobody really being engaged to post at all and I want to give everyone something to do.

1: We can just keep the scenario as-is.
2: We wipe the slate clean and actually start from before the breakers were formed
3: We stick to our current setting, but I merge the group and do a different scenario. I either start trouble with a gang, or with security. Or we have some trouble started already and are in the middle of getting out (would feel railroad-ey and lack tension in my opinion, but I'm willing to try anyway if those feelings are unsubstantiated)
4: I came up with this literally as I finished the last one, so it's not exactly a refined idea. Gist is that I wipe the current scenarios and instead have a "briefing" Takuma's giving where he intends to strike one of Security's checkpoints or another gang for reasons.

If I'm still off-base with any of this, then I dunno. What I'm trying to accomplish is for people to have both the reason and want to interact with one-another, so I encourage anyone to bring up any plot points if they feel like they want to do it.
Gonna be straight with you guys

Not sure what you want me to be doing in this situation

Because of Aurel's suggestion the courtroom briefly was abuzz with chatters. All three of the relevant people questioned why they had to show off their arm, but eventually Flare was the first to relent. Chikako and Flare followed not long after. None of them showed traces of any wounds. "Happy now?" Chikako bit back.

"The hell was that about? If they cut themselves anywhere, wouldn't it have been their hands?" Taka interjected. "If we had a clue like that, this trial would've been over already..."

"I told you to shut up," Momoe growled. She had her eye closed, but her eyelid was twitching. She let her right arm rest on her other one and clutched the side of her head with her hand. "Even if miss killer had a cut like that, it'd be damned small. And, if the scissors weren't used for murder... there's no way... it'd draw blood," she groaned out. Speaking seemed to be getting hard for her.

Chikako glared daggers at Momoe. "And what's that supposed to mean?! I still haven't heard why you're accusing me instead of the other two!"
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