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I am experienced and over 18+. I prefer original pairings and concepts. If you have an RP idea please PM me. We all have lives outside this site I am no exception, any other questions please PM me.

1x1 fxf mxm
slice of life with twists, Gotta have twists!

Concepts /worlds willing to explore
*the Expanse
beast star /anthro
D&D *ravenloft
*Original concept [TBD]

**all OC only, retyping the script is not interesting
Thanks for stopping by.

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No worries, I'll make you always look good. XD
It was true the farm had been ruined. When the family explained about the wolf and the damage. The story quickly grew into a demon that killed the family and destroyed their home, while blood could be seen along the trees for a mile! However the scene was a little more vanilla than the reports. The house was still standing and the family was walking around. The kids were feeding the farm animals the mother was making butter and the father and two sons were mending a broken fence.

When questioned further the father answered saying that a pig had been taken and there was some blood on the grass from the resulting struggle. The fence was in fact not very sturdy and the farmer was surprised this sort of thing had taken so long to happen. Seeing the huntress the man apologized for not taking better care of his livestock. He also promised to bring them into the barn at night to remove the temptation. The farmer did mention that the one pig that was stolen was about sixty pounds and showed the huntress the tracks left by the wolf. They did indeed match a wolf however these tracks were not normal. The first thing was these tracks were larger than a normal wolf. On the same size as an adult bear. It made sense, no ordinary lone wolf could have taken on a were bear. The weight difference alone would be more than enough to make any normal timber wolf flee.

It had all happened too fast and at night there was little light to really get a sense of the creatures size. Now in the day with a fresh print the gathered information all pulled Shamira down like a sand pit. The unavoidable conclusion that this was no ordinary wolf. A were wolf perhaps, maybe even a dire wolf, or forest guardian bestowed with a task by the goddess of the very nature that surrounded the small town. No doubt this wolf was large enough to not only hold its own against a were bear but defeat it and live! The huntress was certain there was only one creature last night. Now at the farm, no ordinary creature could carry sixty pounds off in the night. A normal wolf would lead a pack in, team up to kill a single pig and then leave the carcass while making off with large chunks. Nothing this wolf has done would be considered "normal" behavior. Maybe the wolf was a cursed person trying to survive? The thought of two different wolves in this size class was almost too much to believe. Undoubtedly two wolves would be more reports and sightings. The town was blessed with very few incidents. No raids, or weird creatures taking kids. Maybe it was worth looking into a bit further?
In Enemy, Mine 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Bri stood there looking over the vast expanse. Being the first landscape it had ever seen, it was not entirely unpleasant. Ali however found the whole area to be reminiscent of a nuclear war. Ali let out a sigh of being uninspired at the desolate landscape stretching out before her. She wouldnt have minded some water and beach like, anything instead of ...well this. The cyborg looked up at Rhaegar waiting for the next move.

Bri on the other hand never having seen any type of planet landscape before was more impressed. Even though the android still retained all the sensor logs and information from the shuttle it had never actually had the self awareness to formulate an opinion of it's own. "There is no viable water on the surface for Ali. The air while breathable is not recommended for prolong exposure. The semi acidic compound will break down lesser metals. Such as optical wires and smaller components. We should only remain exposed for a few days then we should decon and run maintenance scans for any minor damage. I calculate a maximum exposure to any mechanical object of 72 hours before server damage to the metals integrity. I would estimate the best sources of water would be below the surface of the land. Possibly in small underground lakes. Or with a modification the the ships life support we could extract the necessary elements from the atmosphere directly. However doing that would irrevocably damage that system while gathering the necessary quantities needed to sustain life for any significant length of time." Bri looked up at the reptilian life form for any acknowledgement.

Ali face-palmed at the report. "We would also need a replenishable source of food in either vegetation or animal life. Making sure it's not sentient. I think that alone may be more of a challenge in this type of environment. We would need to build some sort of vehicle and split up to have a greater chance of success."
I'm suppose to like skinny girls, except I don't.

Banned @Raptra so you can spend more time on me. ^^
Mercantile ☆

Banned for trying to make a 3way samwich ban! Spew!
Upon returning to the town with the bear hide in tow on a flat cart with a loaner mule. The towns people were at first happy to see the huntress return! After hearing the tale and that only so few returned they were somber. The huntress could spot some of the cowards that fled from the bear leaving her party at half strength drinking in a far corner hoping to remain unnoticed. They avoided Shamira's gaze. The bounty paid and the bear carted off to be skinned and the meat burned. The rest of the day was to do with what she willed with a decent coin purse to show for her troubles. Not having to split the bounty helped ease the loss.

The wolf slept for most of the day only waking once at dusk to see the wounds healing. A soft whine at the soreness and the hunger within gnawing at the creatures body. Food could wait until the wounds were healed. It seemed the next night would be another life or death struggle hopefully this one would involve food!

Awaking for the second time and slowly moving out from under the dirt mound the wolf sniffed the air. Nothing. Nothing except the smell of the cold night air and the surrounding forest. A few stretches he took before strutting out into the darkness. Starting to see just what the Bear had been so interested in. Leaping from one rock to the next until finally getting to the crevice the bear had been so intent on reaching. *Sniff, sniff... A human. Even in the dark the animals nose told the tale of their fight. The others around her as the bear circled from behind. The fear still lingered on the rocks and the lack of blood and second trail gave him the impression she strode first toward the wolfs trail then back to her encampment. Surely a pelt would of been a hunters goal. Guessing the bear more than filled that need. it would seem the huntress buried the others next to one of the trees at the forests edge. Leaving the safety of the wood to satisfy the wolfs curiosity was questionable yet he trotted out into the dark plains following the huntresses scent.

Along the way His nose managed to help him unearth a den of rabbits. They were a small meal yet not really as fulfilling as he had hoped. He first buried the second escape hole before frantically digging to their burrow. Food was the first law of living. More bones than meat still they worked out in a pinch. Making the detour to the sound of running water for a cool drink and a dip to wash off the bear scent and fresh rabbit blood. Closer the wolf came to the small town the scent was overpowering! So many people and the mix of animals! Picking out the hunters scent became almost impossible. The cows, pigs, sheep, and chickens! All in one spot ripe for the taking! The wolf shook his head trying hard not to loose himself to the hunger. Pacing back and forth trying to not give in to the pain in his stomach! He could eat for a month every day and still have more! Would they really miss just one or two?

The sound of a wagon broke his trance. He skitter off into the high grass as one boy using a sling shot whizzed a rock by the wolfs feet. There in the grass he looked back with only the lanterns light reflecting off his eyes. A soft howl of frustration and need broke the night air and the animals in the town fell silent. Trotting deeper into the grass to the wheat field rows did the wolf disappear from sight. A soft walk around the town to try and find her scent from the rest was also impossible. The towns live stock and look out fires kept any progress from being made. Still there was the one that didn't get away.

A sudden leap and the mud was thick as the wolf bit deep into the squealing flesh of a pig half his size. The fence was only a deterrent and not very well made. He dragged the animal off into the wheat field taking a final bit into the animals neck to silence it. In the morning they would find a small circle of trodden crops and a mix of dirt bone and blood. The wolf had eaten the rest. Doing a zigzag path back to the water then to the edge of the woods. There he would make a few long leaps disappearing back into his den. His stomach silent and very full.

In the morning the towns people were bustling with trade and the word of the theft was mixed with a family on the road spotting a lone wolf. The farmer putting up a reward for wolf pelts ten silver each. Soon there was even talk of hunting parties going out again to look for the demon.
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