Avatar of amorphical


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3 mos ago
Current Going through a very rough patch will reply when able QQ
4 mos ago
Interests in bio now updated.


I am experienced and over 18+. I prefer original pairings and concepts. If you have an RP idea please PM me. We all have lives outside this site I am no exception, any other questions please PM me.

1x1 fxf mxm
slice of life with twists, Gotta have twists!

Concepts /worlds willing to explore
*the Expanse
beast star /anthro
D&D *ravenloft
*Original concept [TBD]

**all OC only, retyping the script is not interesting
Thanks for stopping by.

Most Recent Posts

As Michael Swink stepped out of the mechanic shop after a long day he found himself greeted by the fog. A fog so thick anything beyond two feet was impossible to see. The air smelled of sulfur and the burning of wood. The quiet was deafening around him as she cautiously strode out looking for the parking lot and his truck. There was nothing to find, becoming panicked he rushed back to the direction of the shop only to find the fog getting thinner and he now stood at the outer limits of a small new England styled town. The sign read Ashbroune, the population spot was burned and the sign also looked to have taken a couple of slash marks by a blade or maybe a chainsaw? There were notable bullet holes in the sign as well. To the lower right in the tall grass was the top of a skull. Indeed the grass had grown through a human skeleton that was leaning against the post for the sign. The clothing was gone as was any possessions.

The air was dead still, not a single breeze to be felt. Looking up at the sky the fog or perhaps the clouds above obscured the sun creating only a bright grey spot in the never ending canvas of grey. Behind the mechanic a few feet from the road was more fog. Before the mechanic lay the town. there were a few cars that looked to be from twenty years ago. Most of the windows in the buildings were either boarded up or broken. The street sign read the corner of Redwood and fifth. The buildings were all commercial in nature. Everything looked abandoned, the cars had all the glass broken, the tires flat and too far rotted to hold air. Rust clung to just about any sort of metal, some more then others.

Female ghost
Name: [TBD]
During the day...

At night...

The fog rolls in and out like the tide as the sky remains a perpetual hazy grey during the day. At night, the stars refuse to shine, the shadows tug at the corners of reality as if trying to reach you. Somewhere in the distance are screams of the less fortunate. Sometimes ash falls like rain. Sometimes the walls whisper unspeakable things in the night. Yet there are time still when reality falls apart and the nightmare takes hold. Some buildings decay to ash while other structures take their place.

The town of Ashbourne valley is where YC stands. As day turns to night the buildings decay and nightmares come to life. The only respite are rooms with the sygil burned into the floor.

But why? Why did this happen? Where is this hellish landscape of no escape?
Im sticking with air and updated my character post. Thanks for the clarification and patience. XD
When will we get the thumbs up for posting the CS in the section?
Ah... that is helpful thanks. ^^
Ill make corrections now and resubmit. Does the weapon/ virtue key work?
PM for interest bump.....
So i could say mind and air creating the prcognition effect with the air flow around a person to give the hint of the characters/NPC's next move? With mind i can shape and move the air as I wish?
Main Magic: abstract /mind < foresight/veil
Foresight: Utilizing the Abstract mind Terisa can strategize several moves ahead[precognition]. This allows her to shoot at a location her opponent will be with deadly accuracy.
Veil: Utilizing abstract mind makes Terisa's intentions and movements harder to anticipate.
Secondary magic: Air, dense/flow/void
With air magic I can condense it to step on or make a area resistant to movement [think running underwater]. Flow allows me to fly or hinder something flying by pressing down ward [eventually redirection]. With void I remove the air from a space making it impossible to breathe or the area silent as sound unable to travel.

Question on magic: So are the magics in the opening post tiers? Like at level one [the magics tab] carnal is level one and what is capable at this basic level, then contingent(level 2), and finally celestial?
So does this mean I need to select one at each level?

I choose the abstract mind. As a type of telepath reading peoples thoughts as to their movements. Is this the correct interpretation?
Title: Terisa of the piercing strata
Full Name: Terisa Sokolov
Age/DOB (before the slumber): 26
Height/Weight: 5'6 /128
Sex/Gender: Female

Personality: Originally Terisa was a very patient soul. Taking her time like an archer taking aim, awaiting for the single perfect moment in time. Then with all the speed and certainty moving in a strait line to the target with astounding results. Whenever a choice is offered one can be assured that Terisa would weigh all the angles, choose the best item to get the task done in a single shot.

The corruption has made Terisa impatient, very impatient after learning her time was wasted and she never got married or experienced life fully. While in the void it was not the waiting or continual nothingness, it was the lack of substance, it was the constant reminder of all of life's bounty she was being denied. The once ginger now has become glutton for all that life has to offer in all its forms!

Main Magic: Breath, air

Virtue Key: Raudra, Compound bow
Utilizing Vitanima the bow creates softly glowing blue arrows. These mystic arrows are capable of piercing any target bypassing armor or hardness as spiritual damage. The Compound bows mystic ammunition is harmless to inanimate objects passing through them. The bows one weakness is water, the bolts seem to disburse in the life giving element.
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