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Understood! In this case, I would have controlled the guards more, but I wanted @Vee to have some say in all this. I kind of wanted to see how Lyra would play along with Reina's ruse. ;3

And d'aww, thanks! Can't wait to see how she and Joslyn would interact! <3
Reina went with her inner pirate and used deceit. Let's hope that doesn't backfire! ;p
Reina Lockwood

As the blonde Paladin exited her commander's office, a grin danced across her pink lips, challenging and giddy and thrilled all at once. There was a visible spark in her eyes that could have lit the gloomy skies, and a spring in her step that betrayed her enthusiasm. It was a look that has become infamous in the Therra Enclave, one that meant trouble was brewing. If the other Paladins saw her now, they would undoubtedly turn tail; they'd learned ages ago that it was best to leave the matter of a keyed up Reina within Lyra's responsible hands. There would be less damage that way.

"So, so, did you hear that, Ryn? Tobi actually complimented me!" she playfully nudged the older Paladin, but received only silence in response. Sometimes, she wondered how the other Paladin could stand not speaking for so long. Surely, his saliva must get dried up like that! Reina cleared her throat before continuing, lowering her voice in a very poor mimicry of the commander. "'You have proven your worth,' he said! And here I thought he hated me!"

Dutiful Ryn saw them out through the long hallway, ignoring Reina's nonsensical chatter as always. She was unfazed, though. His persistent stoicism only served to fuel her determination. Five years she'd been at the Enclave and she hadn't once gotten him to crack a smile. She'd been hard at work at it, and she was sort of disappointed she has to put that goal on temporary hold. It was probably for the best, though. After she and Lyra successfully return with the Purifier and they save the world, Ryn would no longer have a reason to be the stick-in-the-mud that he is!

Reina hummed happily, the promise of adventure making her giddy all over again. The weight of their duty wasn't lost to her—and if it ever comes to the point that it has, she knew Lyra would be there to remind her—but it was hard to quell the restlessness stirring inside her. This was the opportunity she had been waiting for, the surefire way to save the souls of her family. She wasn't entirely certain she believed they would be damned by the gods in the first place, but she felt compelled to do this. For peace of mind, for closure. Whatever the reason may be, she had to see this mission through.

"Meet you at the front in five," Reina called out to Lyra.

They walked for three nights and two days.

As the castle gates of Hebetude loomed in the horizon, Reina felt a surge of energy course through her body. This was it; they were but a stone's throw away from their savior. She could still remember when she first heard of the rumors, the hushed whispers being spread by the few who dared to hope. A blessed individual gifted with the power to purify the land. It sounded too good to be true, but Reina believed in it immediately.

Reina quirked a brow at their welcoming party, her keen blue eyes expertly assessing their count. A total of five guards flanked the walls, arrows nocked and their aim true, while three more guards and a knight had their blades at the ready. Her fists clenched unconsciously, quelling the lightning surging through each fingertip, and she looked to Lyra to muster some composure. Every fiber of her being urged her to step forward and fight. The guards were afraid, it was only too obvious from their bearing. She would be able to take them out in a heartbeat, and twice as fast with Lyra. But their caginess made the situation quite problematic as well. Fear tended to warp people's judgment, and there was no telling what they would do to a pair of nosy Paladins seeking out their Purifier.

In situations like these, Auran had taught her it was best to appeal to their mercy. It would trick the frightened party into believing they have some power, and in turn, this sense of assurance, no matter how slight, would help make them more rational.

"Please! We seek shelter!" Reina meekly approached, staring up at the knight with imploring eyes. She dropped her shoulders, feigning exhaustion and mirroring their fright. "My sister and I have been travelling all night. Please, we won't last another minute out here."

Although the guards did not drop their weapons, the wary knight stepped forward. He still didn't seem completely convinced, but judging from the loosened grip around his sword, he was very close to relenting.
@lydyn Looking forward to it!

@Vee So how do you think the two of them got on while they were at the enclave? With Reina being the magnet for trouble that she is, and Lyra the motherly type, I was wondering whether Lyra could have been the ex-pirate's keeper. ;p The paladins at the enclave would have delegated Lyra with reining Reina duties because Lyra is the only one she listens to.
Reina Lockwood

Age: 20

Occupation: Ex-Pirate and brawler

Enclave location: Therra Enclave

Reina is like a thunderstorm: unpredictable, wild, and dynamic. More than anything, it is her whims that drive her and passion that fuels her. She tends to get swept up in the moment and acts before thinking things through, a fatal flaw that is only exacerbated by her devil-may-care attitude. Reckless and heedless of consequences, she is flippant in the face of danger—it's the way of the (ex) pirate!—and trusts completely in her abilities to escape any predicaments she might get herself into. Suffice it to say, Reina is the type to live for the moment. She struts about like she has nary a care in the undead-ridden world, with a challenging grin on her lips and a spark of mischief ever-present in her eyes. She's charming when she wants to be, cunning when she has to be, and playful at all times.

But sometimes, there are cracks visible in her buoyant façade. A hint of loneliness and sadness that could have only come from heartbreak. It clouds her smile for a brief moment, then she's back to cracking jokes and spouting nonsense.

  • Listening to stories
  • Teasing
  • Sweets
  • The ocean
  • Watching the stars

  • The cold
  • Having nothing to do
  • Being alone

Vihm, the weather goddess, better known by the merchant navy and the pirates as the Sea Witch. She is said to be as mercurial as the tides, vengeful and fearsome one moment, magnanimous and indulging the next. Incurring her wrath means certain doom and a grave beneath the waves, while receiving her favor assures safe passage across the rough seas,

The weather goddess has bestowed upon Reina the wind at her feet and lightning in her hands. With superhuman agility and lightning coursing through her veins, Reina becomes an unparalleled fighter able to run circles around the undead and knock them flat with her fists.

  • Spatial and visual acuity, or in layman's terms, the ability to never get lost. Life at sea has honed Reina's navigational skills and she has become adept at gleaning pertinent information by surveying her surroundings.
  • She can scale walls or trees or anything high with relative ease
  • She's also pretty good at winning people over (and just as good at making enemies, it seems)


A street urchin, a thief, a pirate, and now a paladin.

Reina never would have expected to live so many different lives.

Abandoned at an early age by desperate parents already struggling to survive, Reina grew up calling the streets of the port town Azmarin her home. It was there that she learned the value of a charming smile and quick fingers; no one ever accused the happy, little beggar girl of pilfering. For someone who grew up without four walls and a roof, Reina could say she lived rather comfortably. She had never wanted for anything; her meals were supplied by the generous townspeople (sometimes intentionally, as they invite her in their homes for supper, and sometimes not, as she uses their coin to purchase fresh food from the market) and she spent most of her time meandering about town in search of targets, or playing at the shores of the Blessed Sea.

Reina was eleven when the self-proclaimed pirate king took notice of her talents. She had bitten off more than she could chew when she tried stealing from one of the crates being loaded onto his infamous vessel, The Llyr-vihm, but the challenge had been too great to neglect. The pirate king Auran caught her just as she was about to slip away with a bagful of his trinkets. He only smiled as he grabbed her by the collar and dragged her back to the deck, cutting a menacing but somehow awe-inspiring figure as he brandished his falchion and pointed it at her.

She was given two options: pledge fealty to the pirate king or meet with the Sea Witch beneath the waves.

Piracy came surprisingly easy to her. The skills she obtained in the narrow streets of Azmarin turned out to be translatable. Charm, a quick tongue, and even quicker fingers made her an indispensable asset. She would be the bait, the one they sent out to lower guards, or the one they carried aboard other ships to ransack every tiny nook and cranny.

Reina had unexpectedly found a family in the Llyr-vihm's fearsome crew. It became apparent to her early on that they were not the vicious, cutthroats they were painted as, at least not entirely. Necessity had forced this hand on them—an ailing wife that needs medicine, two newborns that need financial support—and who was she to judge their means of survival? She had been doing the same thing. Besides, it was difficult not to get attached to the motley crew with their colorful personalities, and even harder not to admire their stalwart captain. In return, Auran had grown especially fond of her, as well. For the girl who reminded him of the daughter he lost at sea, he begged the Sea Witch for a blessing. He sacrificed relics to earn this favor and the Sea Witch, feeling magnanimous that day, obliged, but under one condition. The blessing will only take effect after the pirate king makes good on his final promise.

Word of the undead rising came months late in the sea, and the crew erupted in panic and fear once they knew. After they disembarked at a nearby port town, many rushed to visit their families and loved ones, but it was too late. The walking dead had done away with the smaller towns, sparing no one in their rampage.

Within a short year in the accursed land, the crew's number had dwindled to a handful. Auran thought it best to return to Llyr-vihm and escape to the waters, where the undead could not reach them, but before they could reach the vessel, hordes of the walking dead had surrounded them. Five became four, four became three, until finally, there was only Reina and Auran.

Reina was certain it was the end. She thanked the Sea Witch for her wonderful life and her wonderful captain and prepared herself for the worst. But it never came, at least not for her. Auran had protected her until the end, shielding her with his body, and this final sacrificial act had awakened the dormant blessing of the goddess Vihm.

As Auran fell, Reina felt a surge of power within her, taking over her body. She doesn't remember what happened next, but word has it that she had gone straight through the horde, defeating those that stood in her way. When she came to, she found herself at an Enclave, days later, with Auran and the rest of the crew all gone.

With nowhere else to go, Reina remained at the Enclave, learning the ways of the paladin. She heard from one of the paladins that those who have sinned were cursed with eternal punishment, and so Reina began focusing her efforts on making reparations for the whole crew. Surely, if she helps rid the world of the undead, the gods could grant her that favor?
@lydyn Ahh, thank you so much for trusting me with this. I'm incredibly excited to see the trio's journey across Ioter! I hope Joslyn and Lyra don't get their hands too full with Reina. ;p As for where to begin, I believe it might work out better to start with the paladins arriving, or at least near, Hebetude. Starting from the Enclave might leave Joslyn isolated for some time.

And I'd just like to say, I think the subplot concept is great. I'm all for that if you happen to make it work. Everyone's made such wonderful characters; I definitely would love to see them one way or another. :D

@Vee Perhaps we could also establish what sort of relationship the two currently have? :) Lyra would have arrived at the Enclave three years after Reina, who should have been back to her jaunty self by then. I can imagine Reina likes to hover over newcomers, and mysterious Lyra who managed to survive by herself in the wild would have very much intrigued her.
@lydyn I think we may have posted at the same time, so in case you didn't see, I wanted to let you know that I finally finished my CS! Yay~ :D
Reina Lockwood

Age: 20

Occupation: Ex-Pirate and brawler

Enclave location: TBA**

Reina is like a thunderstorm: unpredictable, wild, and dynamic. More than anything, it is her whims that drive her and passion that fuels her. She tends to get swept up in the moment and acts before thinking things through, a fatal flaw that is only exacerbated by her devil-may-care attitude. Reckless and heedless of consequences, she is flippant in the face of danger—it's the way of the (ex) pirate!—and trusts completely in her abilities to escape any predicaments she might get herself into. Suffice it to say, Reina is the type to live for the moment. She struts about like she has nary a care in the undead-ridden world, with a challenging grin on her lips and a spark of mischief ever-present in her eyes. She's charming when she wants to be, cunning when she has to be, and playful at all times.

But sometimes, there are cracks visible in her buoyant façade. A hint of loneliness and sadness that could have only come from heartbreak. It clouds her smile for a brief moment, then she's back to cracking jokes and spouting nonsense.

  • Listening to stories
  • Teasing
  • Sweets
  • The ocean
  • Watching the stars

  • The cold
  • Having nothing to do
  • Being alone

Vihm, the weather goddess, better known by the merchant navy and the pirates as the Sea Witch. She is said to be as mercurial as the tides, vengeful and fearsome one moment, magnanimous and indulging the next. Incurring her wrath means certain doom and a grave beneath the waves, while receiving her favor assures safe passage across the rough seas,

The weather goddess has bestowed upon Reina the wind at her feet and lightning in her hands. With superhuman agility and lightning coursing through her veins, Reina becomes an unparalleled fighter able to run circles around the undead and knock them flat with her fists.

  • Spatial and visual acuity, or in layman's terms, the ability to never get lost. Life at sea has honed Reina's navigational skills and she has become adept at gleaning pertinent information by surveying her surroundings.
  • She can scale walls or trees or anything high with relative ease
  • She's also pretty good at winning people over (and just as good at making enemies, it seems)


A street urchin, a thief, a pirate, and now a paladin.

Reina never would have expected to live so many different lives.

Abandoned at an early age by desperate parents already struggling to survive, Reina grew up calling the streets of the port town Azmarin her home. It was there that she learned the value of a charming smile and quick fingers; no one ever accused the happy, little beggar girl of pilfering. For someone who grew up without four walls and a roof, Reina could say she lived rather comfortably. She had never wanted for anything; her meals were supplied by the generous townspeople (sometimes intentionally, as they invite her in their homes for supper, and sometimes not, as she uses their coin to purchase fresh food from the market) and she spent most of her time meandering about town in search of targets, or playing at the shores of the Blessed Sea.

Reina was eleven when the self-proclaimed pirate king took notice of her talents. She had bitten off more than she could chew when she tried stealing from one of the crates being loaded onto his infamous vessel, The Llyr-vihm, but the challenge had been too great to neglect. The pirate king Auran caught her just as she was about to slip away with a bagful of his trinkets. He only smiled as he grabbed her by the collar and dragged her back to the deck, cutting a menacing but somehow awe-inspiring figure as he brandished his falchion and pointed it at her.

She was given two options: pledge fealty to the pirate king or meet with the Sea Witch beneath the waves.

Piracy came surprisingly easy to her. The skills she obtained in the narrow streets of Azmarin turned out to be translatable. Charm, a quick tongue, and even quicker fingers made her an indispensable asset. She would be the bait, the one they sent out to lower guards, or the one they carried aboard other ships to ransack every tiny nook and cranny.

Reina had unexpectedly found a family in the Llyr-vihm's fearsome crew. It became apparent to her early on that they were not the vicious, cutthroats they were painted as, at least not entirely. Necessity had forced this hand on them—an ailing wife that needs medicine, two newborns that need financial support—and who was she to judge their means of survival? She had been doing the same thing. Besides, it was difficult not to get attached to the motley crew with their colorful personalities, and even harder not to admire their stalwart captain. In return, Auran had grown especially fond of her, as well. For the girl who reminded him of the daughter he lost at sea, he begged the Sea Witch for a blessing. He sacrificed relics to earn this favor and the Sea Witch, feeling magnanimous that day, obliged, but under one condition. The blessing will only take effect after the pirate king makes good on his final promise.

Word of the undead rising came months late in the sea, and the crew erupted in panic and fear once they knew. After they disembarked at a nearby port town, many rushed to visit their families and loved ones, but it was too late. The walking dead had done away with the smaller towns, sparing no one in their rampage.

Within a short year in the accursed land, the crew's number had dwindled to a handful. Auran thought it best to return to Llyr-vihm and escape to the waters, where the undead could not reach them, but before they could reach the vessel, hordes of the walking dead had surrounded them. Five became four, four became three, until finally, there was only Reina and Auran.

Reina was certain it was the end. She thanked the Sea Witch for her wonderful life and her wonderful captain and prepared herself for the worst. But it never came, at least not for her. Auran had protected her until the end, shielding her with his body, and this final sacrificial act had awakened the dormant blessing of the goddess Vihm.

As Auran fell, Reina felt a surge of power within her, taking over her body. She doesn't remember what happened next, but word has it that she had gone straight through the horde, defeating those that stood in her way. When she came to, she found herself at an Enclave, days later, with Auran and the rest of crew all gone.

With nowhere else to go, Reina remained at the Enclave, learning the ways of the paladin. She heard from one of the paladins that those who have sinned were cursed with eternal punishment, and so Reina began focusing her efforts on making reparations for the whole crew. Surely, if she helps rid the world of the undead, the gods could grant her that favor?

** I've put TBA for now, but (in the event that I get chosen as one of the paladins) I would change this to the other paladin's enclave. I was thinking Reina would have met the other paladin that way. :)
@lydyn Hi! Have you already found your Sword Sisters, or am I allowed to apply as one? :)
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