(I lied)
Name: Serena Richter
Age: 21
Gender Identity: Cisgender Female
Sexuality: Unknown
Appearance: Serena is a young woman of medium height, with long black hair and gray eyes. She is commonly seen dressed in steampunk-style outfits, usually with goggles that obscure her eyes.
Personality: Very bright and bombastic, but quickly turns serious when the moment calls for it.
Special Skills: She can speak French, pick locks with exceptional skill, and is good at administering medical assistance in a pinch, though this is mainly limited to basic first-aid. She is also good at making simple gadgets.
Likes: Reading, listening to music, baking, practicing new fighting styles, gossiping, and watching other people fight.
Dislikes: People saying "Bonjour" to her when she says she's from France, big trucks, "lone wolf" types of people, and people asking if she likes "French" things, like baguettes, croissants, and other things.
Name: First-Class Suicide (FCS)
Appearance: Appears to be a mechanical-looking humanoid Stand, with a copper-colored metal exterior with silver accents. It has a large protrusion in the middle of its chest, which appears to be a collection of ten "petals," once they all open, they reveal a glowing white ball of energy in its chest, which flashes red once Serena is close to death. The rest of its body appears to be heavily steampunk-themed.
Range: 10 meters
Abilities: It possesses incredible strength and speed, but it can only perform actions that can directly or indirectly harm another sentient life form once it has taken enough damage for its ten "petals" to open up. After which it is capable of attacking. This is usually once it or Serena has sustained serious injury. It can detect the severity of future attacks, and it shows this by slightly raising its petals to show how much damage the attack is capable of.
Additionally, it can reduce its own durability to open up one or more of its "petals" without causing injury to itself or Serena. Serena usually uses this to end fights quickly, but it leaves her vulnerable to attacks.
Stand cry: Devenez ruine! ("Become ruin" in French)