Avatar of Andre Valias


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current ‘I’d like to see a Colovian sky one last time before I die.’ – Bloodies-His-Face, when asked what he’d want to do before the end.
6 yrs ago
"Yeah I've been dancin' with the devil, I love that he pretends to care." MARINA, Forget
1 like
6 yrs ago
"It is a double pleasure to deceive the deceiver." Machiavelli
8 yrs ago
"A true dragon knows no fear."
8 yrs ago
"Tell me something I can hold on to forever and never let go." - "Let go." Adaline Bowman and Ellis Jones, Age of Adaline


I need to be stopped.

My TES Archive, about a dozen Argonians live rent free in my head. Posts at least once every day at 6pm (AEDT): conversations, quotes, letters, excerpts.

Stops and Bloodies, my beloved

I've published an origin story for Bloodies, if it pleases you.

Most Recent Posts

Supremacy Kills said
I have missed this world. It will be good to be Roleplaying with you again, Andre.

I'll work on a Character Sheet immediately. I just need to know what Year and which Era this is so have a better idea of this setting.

Ravenfell Bretons are more French, yes?

And, perhaps add a "Recommended" section for Races, Jobs, Magic, Skills and Background. I doubt you would have Dwarves in Ravenfell.

Message me sometime, please.

<3 <3 <3

Also: 2E547!

Also Also: Yes, they be Francois.

Also Also Also: I'll just post fun facts every now and then.

The Roman07 said
Its always good to hear about a recurring player with good things to say :) I'll make a cs around 6:30pm eastern time.What's the magic difficulty level in this like? A) A fireball is a weak spell and pretty much anyone can cast it.B) Fireball takes time and patience to cast but is common for wizards and scholarsC) Throwing flame from ones hand has been forgotten and only taught to a few gifted masters that can control the mighty dragon within XDCloser to A B or C? Also what's the tech like?

B), now give me my prize!

Also Also Also For Everyone:
I'll finish my CS soon, and post all the fun facts too. :3

I'm hoping to get this RP up on this coming Monday. x3

"Long Live the King!" They chanted then.
"Long Live the King!" They chant now.

But the one who wears the crown and sits upon the throne in Arthroyeaux is not the same as then. King Vertreaux DuFairre passed away only a short while ago, and his only son, Prince Arsene, took his own life out of grief and fear of the crown. Thus ended the DuFairre Lineage, leaving the Bretonois Throne of Ravenfell empty with no successor.

Henceforth the Bretonian game of political intrigue and cunning began, as feudal lords began vying for the throne. But the game had concluded as swift as it had begun, and the Baron Damien DuRant was accelerated to the seat of sovereignty. There was no contest as evidenced by the union of lords kneeling to him, and now Ravenfell has become his dominion.

But as cruel taxes are passed and rumors arise of plots and deceit within the old court of the DuFairre lineage, one must wonder if this "King of Ravenfell" is really nothing but "The False King".


Be Your Character
Philosophical bullcrap aside, step into your character's shoes and seriously see the world as they do. If your character is a beggar and you think nobles are scum, then act like it if another person's character is a noble! If your character is scared of fighting, run away from any battle!

(Yes, your characters can hate each other, because we're all friends OOC, right? This is recommended if personalities clash, otherwise I'll whip you for Rule 2.)

Be logical.
Not much explanation needed here. Think from your character's perspective and the age they are in. They might get lost in the woods if they go off the road. They might run into a pack of wolves on the way back. These wolves could possibly kill your character if you're not careful.

If death is a near certainty, don't overpower the situation just to stay alive.

Death earns bonus points if you do it with style.

(If I am being illogical, call it out! I'm no exception to this rule either)


No Godmodding.
NPCs belong to me. Mooks belong to Everyone. Characters belong to Individual Players. Don't touch what isn't yours or influence them on your own accord.

(I'm an exemption to this rule WHEN people become inactive and stop up the storyline. See Rule 5.


Proper Spelling and Grammar.
To an extent where your posts are most definitely comprehensible/understandable.

(You can tpyo as mchu as this)

Lords of Time Management
Keep posting, posting, posting, posting whenever you're up! Even if it's OOC! Let us know when you're available or if you are going to be absent for a while!

(If you are inactive for a while, intended or not, I'll PuppetPlay your characters until you let me know you're ready to continue or, if needed, leave.)

Have Fun!!!
And I will penalize you if you don't follow this one!

(I think.)



Character Sheet Template:

<Full Name. Nicknames Allowed>
<Acceptable ages are: Humes = 17 – 80 / Dwarves = 20 – 175 / Elves = 22 – 180 / Beastmen = 18 – 80 (Dragonians = 20 – 220) / Gnomes = 5 – 50 / Orcs = 25 – 100>
<Male or Female. As usual, nobody in between>
<Pick from Hume, Elven, Dwarven, Orcish, Gnomish, Beastmen>

<List the weapons your character is currently wielding>
<List the clothing/armour your character is currently wearing>
<List whatever your character is currently carrying, as long as it is possible to carry>

<Picture or Description. Make note of physical body appearance, such as hair colour, hair style, eye colour, skin tone, body build, body markings or tattoos, facial appearance, etc.>

<Describe your Character's life>
<Describe how your Character acts>

<Occupation of your Character. eg: Knight, Beggar, Thief, Mage, Chevalier, etc.>
<Skills your Character possesses. eg: Archery, Herbalism, Weapon Proficiency>
<Traits your Character possesses. eg: Hardy, Agile, Swift>
<Magic your Character possesses. eg: Restoration - Minor Heal, Destruction - Fireball. Optional.>
<A special talent your Character possesses. eg: Fierce Fire Magic, Swift Sword Cuts. Optional.>

<Define your character's strengths, the things that make them strong in any situation>
<Define your character's weaknesses, the things that bring them down in any situation>

<Theme Song. Optional>


Recommended Races (Will be added to!)

Recommended Jobs (Will be added to!)

Recommended Magic (Will be added to!)

Recommended Backgrounds (Will be added to!)


Afternote: Will add more. Please do ask questions about Races, Jobs, Magic, Skills and Background, and I'll help you with all of it.
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