Sarpedon said
oh fuck. that sounds fun. cool beans I'll be around
I'll talk to her to sort something out. Worse comes to worse, I'll just make another character to be "sword fodder". c:
Sarpedon said
oh fuck. that sounds fun. cool beans I'll be around
Dlayeth said
Oh, interesting tidbit. Oh yeah, someone save the little fool (Kester). Or don't... Not sure whether I'd like to be rescued or if I want to tap-dance my way out of this.
Sarpedon said
I'm a sword. I could also use rescuing. Where did Xiggy go?
Sarpedon said
I demand you pm me these details so I can rectify them.
Sarpedon said
Can I play a sword? I want to play a sword.
Estylwen said
Awesome, so there's gonna be two posts up today, and then we'll all have posted (except for Ves), YAY!! This makes me a very happy GM. //group hug~
Xiga said
I am home now :)And today I shall now read and post! :D really looking forqard to getting invilved -hypes-Also Upcoming absences: I wont be home, ill be in England. Theres a high chance Ill have internet connection, but as Im visiting my boyfriend and his family, well see how much online time ill be :P I will be home, however Ill have 5 guests over. 2 from Holland, 2 from England and 1 from southern Sweden. Well see how much Ill be online (but since we are all gamers, i assume quite a bit, near regular online-times) No connection what so ever. Ill be at an animeconvention. Ill be hiking in Norway. No connectivity what so ever o3oSorry for the inconvenience.--shamelesslycopypastasmessagefromotherroleplaysandpasseson--shamelesslongnospacedtexting-
Estylwen said
I hate QQCode, just click me.