Avatar of Andre Valias


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current Spent a hot minute filling out my Bio a bit more, please validate me.
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3 mos ago
‘I’d like to see a Colovian sky one last time before I die.’ – Bloodies-His-Face, when asked what he’d want to do before the end.
6 yrs ago
"Yeah I've been dancin' with the devil, I love that he pretends to care." MARINA, Forget
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6 yrs ago
"It is a double pleasure to deceive the deceiver." Machiavelli
8 yrs ago
"A true dragon knows no fear."


I need to be stopped.

Current Roleplays
Arrowfell: The Wizard Queen's Court, playing as Anton Agravaine and friends.

Discord: andrevalias | Telegram: @Andre_Valias | Tumblr: andrevalias | BlueSky: @andrevalias.bsky.social

My Art Portfolio, if you'd like to see what I paint.

My Elder Scrolls Archive, where about a dozen gay Argonians live rent free in my head.
Posts at least once every day at 6pm (AEDT): conversations, quotes, letters, excerpts. All from the 2nd Era.

Stops and Bloodies, my beloved

I've published an origin story for Bloodies, if it pleases you.

Most Recent Posts

Not on mine they don't. You must be behind, like always, you silly Canadian.
[12:25:10 PM] Andre Valias:Take me out of the Palace.
[12:25:15 PM] Andre Valias: I am done.
[12:25:18 PM] Andre Valias: Post is now up.
[12:25:25 PM] Andre Valias: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/37775/posts/ic?page=3#post-2171118
Date - 16th Dawn's Light (April), Year 547 of the 2nd Era
Time - 6:21 AM, Middas, Morning
Location - Province of Ravenfell, Capital-City of Arthroyeaux, Royal Court of Arthroyeaux

Damien DuRant
Damien walked on through the hallways, accompanied by his personal guard. He was reading a letter he had found on his desk that morning. His face was stern, but devoid of real emotion, as he read the black writings upon parchment marked with the obscure seal.

“My lord,

Consider our agreement consolidated.
Last night was a test of your security.
We were pleased with the results, and we hope you are as well.
You now know the futility of trying to capture shadow.
You also now know that the same shadows are now at your service.

We await your orders.
We shall receive them by your desk.

Yours sincerely”

Damien did not smile, but inside he felt gratified. He partly still fumed upon the inadequacy of his guard in detaining the rogues, but as the letter indicated, he was also partly pleased knowing that it was the best of the best, now at his beck and call.

It’s all falling into place…

He folded the letter many times, before visiting the dining room where he planned to dispose of the letter in flame, and then proceed with his day. He passed by nobody important on his way, just a few servants making the rounds and a boy whom he barely recognized as one of his courtiers.


Date - 16th Dawn's Light (April), Year 547 of the 2nd Era
Time - 6:25 AM, Middas, Morning
Location - Province of Ravenfell, Capital-City of Arthroyeaux, Royal Court of Arthroyeaux

Leithe "Kester" Abaelard
Kester bowed his head sincerely as the king passed by, out of formality more than respect. As he expected, the king went by without even an acknowledgement of his presence, and that was all Kester could hope for. He kept walking quickly, anxious to visit Evelyn. After what happened last night, I have better chances being blown up than procrastinating and then having something terrible happen… He kept thinking.

He knew where the court mage resided. Despite still having been in court for only a fair while, Kester knew well enough where the truly important people take up residence in the palace, as well as where the amenities needed were placed.

As he travelled, Kester began to consider how he should approach the one he was indebted too, as he saw it. I haven’t even made an appointment… Divines know I of all people have any idea of how to approach a powerful mage… Kester thought to himself nervously. I even made note of what a terrible idea it would be coming so unannounced, but… He then shook his head. Ugh… No, I will just have to be honest and humble, just as father always said. Kester reaffirmed to himself.

He reached the ornate gateway to the court mage’s domain. Kester swallowed a lump in his throat once more, and then gathered the courage in his fist to knock upon the oaken doors. He then waited briefly for a response.

Date - 16th Dawn's Light (April), Year 547 of the 2nd Era
Time - 6:41 AM, Middas, Morning
Location - Province of Ravenfell, Capital-City of Arthroyeaux, The Loving Rose

Flicks-His-Tail & Devlin Mallory
Flicks-His-Tail leaned in the doorway as he watched and waved goodbye to his love of the morning clunk out in the armour he walked in with. The Argonian masseur smirked and counted the coins he scored in his pouch, before leaving the room in a mess in his wake.

He shut the door closed and made sure the left curtain was let loose, before leaving the room for the caretakers to clean out the used sheets and deal with the mess. In the meantime, Flicks smiled, all cheered up for the morning ahead.

Flicks soon passed by Devlin, who was just letting loose his left curtain as well. The Argonian smirked at the Breton, passing him by without a greeting. Flicks did not think it was worth the time to strike up a conversation with such a reserved character, or at least not the time he could be spending on a delicious breakfast.

And Flicks always had an appetite for sweetrolls on the morning after.

Date - 16th Dawn's Light (April), Year 547 of the 2nd Era
Time - 6:40 AM, Middas, Morning
Location - Province of Ravenfell, City of Marceilles, Dancing Plate Inn

Lamont DuFairre
Lamont kept practicing in front of the mirror, trying to find the right approach for what he imagined a stern and respected baron. But no matter how much heart or soul he put into it, he always felt a little shallow by the end, and scrapped the approach in favour of a new and inevitably disappointing introduction. There was a knock on his door after a while, and Lamont sighed once more in resignation.
“Who is it?” He asked as he fixed his doublet.
“It’s just me, Roland!” A familiar voice replied.
“Oh, come in.” Lamont uttered.

The door opened, and Roland stepped into the room. Lamont looked to him and smiled, finished with his attire. He held his arms out.
“Well?” He inquired briefly. “Do I look the part?” Roland smirked.
“Like the lost prince I imagined when I agreed to this quest.” Roland replied. Lamont chuckled and turned back to the mirror.
“I won’t be a lost prince anymore, I can tell you that.” Lamont murmured happily.

Roland held his smirk and shrugged.
“We’re having breakfast downstairs. Come join us so we can get it over with and head to the castle.” Roland told him, before leaving the room. Lamont nodded before he left, and then stared at his reflection in the mirror. He finally half-smiled and decided that being himself was good enough for him.

Date - 15th Dawn's Light (April), Year 547 of the 2nd Era
Time - 3:47 PM, Tirdas, Afternoon
Location - Province of Ravenfell, Near Arthroyeaux, Netixel Haven

Tikki Siagathar
"Oh, do that again. Please? Slay another. Slice them in half, gut them like pigs, slaughter these lambs, led so far astray." The sword whispered. Tikki ignored him briefly, bellowing with all her rage at her cousin for recognition, and gratification, at the threat of destroying everything she knew without even a flicker of regret.

"They don't care about you." The sword whispered to Tikki. "Look at them, they think you mad. And they still don't believe you. Even as you blaze with righteous flame, they refuse to accept it." the weapon whispered louder as it spoke, encouraging the madness in his wielder. Tikki shook her head, as everything began to blank out in her head. Kuril’s lips were moving in pleading motion, but she heard nothing of what he said.

"Look at them. All convinced you're weak. None of them trust you. That look in their eyes, it's not fear. Look at them. They don't trust you. They think you're a stupid, weak little girl. Show them. Slay them all. Show them your strength.” The sword continued to whisper. Tikki hesitated and relaxed her grip on the sword, her stance lowering.
“But… But…” She began, the rage in her voice faded slightly.
“I am your friend, would I lie to you?” The sword reassured. As you he spoke, he felt lighter, easier to wield. “Let me show you how strong you are. Cut them down..." The sword ordered, and Tikki already felt the rage run through her veins again.
“You… Are my only friend…” She murmured.

“-- Please stop this Tikki!” Tikki head Kuril cry out. The flames began to fuelled by the anger she felt as the memories of being reprimanded came flooding back from the one statement.
She screamed with an unholy pitch, her cry echoing through the forest as the flames became the fury of the hells.
"Kill them. Kill them all.” The sword hissed as Tikki flew at her new-found enemies, the fear in Kuril’s eyes just bleeding with terror as the sword reached for him. "Gut them, flay them, take off their heads.” The sword continued to chant, hinting of a dance of death. Tikki’s once timid nature was replaced with an unseen and unexpected possession to destroy and maim. “Run them through, for the sakes of all the gods. Please... Let me taste them..." The sword continued to plead. Tikki pulled the sword free from her cousin, her second victim.

But she did not stop there, not even as he fell to his knees and began to succumb to a singed and fatal wound dealt by such a blade. Tikki did as the sword bade her to, kicking her cousin over and slashing at his guts, before swiping off his head with a swing of her weapon. As the blood of her kin stained the sword, so too did the flames like that of a pyre began to reignite and burn so much brighter than before. But it wasn’t enough.
"Kill them. Nothing but liars, cheats, and traitors. They hate you. Show them your strength." The sword encouraged. Tikki turned to the rest of her kin, who were now more frightened than awed as they were before. The rage in her eyes were that of a demon, the hunger found in her bared teeth was insatiable, and the blood of her own family that stained her body and clothes was a sight that only nightmares could conceive. Even Thrak, who was intent on taking her down before was now beyond all delusion of stopping the monster he saw before him at this moment.

They began to distance themselves at first, and this only made Tikki angrier. With another furious roar, she leapt at the rest of them, only to be satisfied when Netixel blood rained from the sky and soaked into the soil of their home. It was long until the storm would come to wash away the blood that Tikki would stop, her sword driven into the last Netixel she could catch and murder.

The rest had fled, like a flight of crows from a master that even they feared. And by the end, the flames still burned bright in the darkness of the stormy night. Tikki only stared at the flames of the sword, her eyes now blank and face stained with crimson and dripping with rain and tears as she would begin to realize what she had done.

And how much she had relished in it.
It means I'm almost finished my post.
Post Progress Report:
Damien: (WIP)
Flicks: (DONE)
Lamont: (DONE)
Tiki: (WIP)
Kester: (WIP)
Sarpedon said
right now, I'm actually being held aloft, not standing. last I checked, my XigXig and her delectable rump was murdering some fools, ain't nothing to it, crazy sword made her do it

Sounds simple enough. I'll catch up with that and have you back in the fray soon enough.
Hm. Sarpy, where do you stand IC right now?
Sarpedon said
That's what I'm saying dawg, you know what I'm saying?

Sarpedon said

Nope, that's why I asked.
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