Sorry for the delay

s p e c i e s human
a g e Lates 20s/early 30s
h e i g h t / w e i g h t approx. 210cm & 110kg
g e n d e r Male
s k i l l s
w e a p o n s
a r m o r
e q u i p m e n t
a p p e a r a n c e
A very large man, he is of naturally pale skin nominally kept that way thanks to usually being in his armour. His face is clean shaven, his hair just long enough to not be considered buzzed. It is a very dark black, contrasting with very light brown eyes that a doting mother or writing minstrel would call "amber". He has naturally rather strong features with good symmetry thanks to nature, which thanks to his well muscled body push him to be slightly above average in appearance. His body is littered with minor scars, but they are outnumbered by brands of scripture.
p e r s o n a l i t y
Though it may seem like a really silly attempt to appear edgy and aloof, August is more or less always distant in his behaviour tuning out the outer world to be alone with his thoughts and prayers. He has great distaste for things not fitting into his puritan perspective, but at the same time he rarely lets that get in the way of his mercenary and more recently sunrunner work.
l i k e s
There are a great many things the warrior likes, but styling himself as a Knight and Paladin he generally summarizes all that he likes as the good, the light, the truth, and all that is holy.
d i s l i k e s
Much like above except inverted. Though there aren't a great many things to frighten the warrior he feels much disgust at the mere mention of evil, darkness, sin.
Sorry for the delay

August Tahlen
s p e c i e s human
a g e Lates 20s/early 30s
h e i g h t / w e i g h t approx. 210cm & 110kg
g e n d e r Male
s k i l l s
- The Martial - From sword to axe to riding a horse to bows and firearms to splattering skulls with a kick, August will do it all.
- Survival - He can find the edible bits of any creature, he can make a fire with the slightest bit of supplies, and the heat of the sun has long since stopped phasing him even in full plate.
- Faith - Calling upon what is holy he can do some works of the arcane like healing, cleansing water, discerning truth at times even holy flames bursting from his arms, eyes and armour. Perhaps more important he will through holy will persevere through many things that would phase other men be it magical charms or a debilitatingly painful poison.
- Speech - One could say he has a silver tongue, if not for the sly connotations of the expression
- Learned - August knows a rather large amount about the past, the world, arts, philosophy, and the likes.
w e a p o n s
a r m o r
- Head - Helmet - plate & chainmail, blessed steel, coif - cotton.
- Chest - Breastplate - plate & chainmail, blessed steel. Gambeson - cotton.
- Left Arm - Full plate from pauldron to gauntlet - plate & chainmail, blessed steel. Gambeson - cotton.
- Right Arm - Full plate from fauld to sabaton - plate & chainmail, blessed steel. Gambeson - cotton.
- Left Leg - Full plate from fauld to sabaton - plate & chainmail, blessed steel. Gambeson - cotton.
- Right Leg - Full plate from fauld to sabaton - plate & chainmail, blessed steel. Gambeson - cotton.
e q u i p m e n t
- Rope
- Crossbow bolts
- Weapon maintenance equipment
- Climbing picks
- Stationery
- Scripture
- Provisions
- Bandages & lesser medical equipment
- Fire starting kit
- Bones
- candles & torches
- Loose money
- His horse "Bobby", a great white working beast with fluff around the hooves and barding similar to August's own armour
a p p e a r a n c e
A very large man, he is of naturally pale skin nominally kept that way thanks to usually being in his armour. His face is clean shaven, his hair just long enough to not be considered buzzed. It is a very dark black, contrasting with very light brown eyes that a doting mother or writing minstrel would call "amber". He has naturally rather strong features with good symmetry thanks to nature, which thanks to his well muscled body push him to be slightly above average in appearance. His body is littered with minor scars, but they are outnumbered by brands of scripture.
p e r s o n a l i t y
Though it may seem like a really silly attempt to appear edgy and aloof, August is more or less always distant in his behaviour tuning out the outer world to be alone with his thoughts and prayers. He has great distaste for things not fitting into his puritan perspective, but at the same time he rarely lets that get in the way of his mercenary and more recently sunrunner work.
l i k e s
There are a great many things the warrior likes, but styling himself as a Knight and Paladin he generally summarizes all that he likes as the good, the light, the truth, and all that is holy.
d i s l i k e s
Much like above except inverted. Though there aren't a great many things to frighten the warrior he feels much disgust at the mere mention of evil, darkness, sin.