Right. See you there.
Valentin made his way to the meeting, and once everyone was assembled and greeted everyone he pulled up his laptop bag, and removed the device from within before unfolding it.
"Unless they're there to simply gather intelligence, the agents at the university are wasting time. Between all the people at the exhibition to the security about campus, there's no space to work and too much the little shit can use to his advantage if making a getaway. What's needed is a trap." the Professor said, turning on his computer.
"That we can make. Before I knew what thing was it spoke to one of my students. I ran him down and it seems that he had a roommate. Guess who?" It would be inevitable they'd make the connection, and Valentin would smile when those in the room would have it visible that realization was dawning. "Well, what will our friend Brian Dudley have thought about some random fellow approaching him? I don't know to be honest, I don't pay attention to those piece of shit kids. But I don't think he reacted the way our prey wanted him to react. Now with the background out of the way, a course of action!" the man roared, spreading his arms with little care for volume control.
This really isn't like a lecture he thought.
"There needs to be bait, and the dormitory is perfect. From our imprisoned friend we can get spittle, hair, skin flakes, whatever's needed to make a scent trail. It won't be hard to pressure his roommate to make a post on social media saying he'll be 'chilling with his roomie', maybe get a friend or two of the brother to add our prey on facebook or whatever they use now given they add people they never met all the time anyways and thus they can share, retweet, et-cetera, spread the knowledge that our boy is supposedly still on campus with many proofs he still is. Pressuring some students won't be hard, a few men in black suits with sunglasses will get them to cave to anything if they aren't fierce ideologues. In-group hunters can probably get into Michael's accounts and help confirm whatever narrative we like with edited images. All efforts need to be made to make the kid believe that his brother is out and about and that he can get to him. Then just have a few operators staking out the dormitories when our friend inevitably comes, easily concealed in the rooms themselves if needed. I like the expression 'a wild goose chase' I heard when I first came to America, it perfectly describes what a hunt for this creature across all Ember Grove will be. But a good trap? Perfect." Well, he had said it. He had gotten through this speech and that was good enough he reckoned. Chances were he wouldn't participate in this operation himself given how hard it would be to overcome the overwhelming urge to break every single bone in the beast's body once it was caught, but if all said just now helped Operation Humanity get a big win then his standing in the organization would surely grow.