Introductions: II
Starring: @Andreyich@Lauder@DrRtron@KaiserElectric
As the human and the Quarian turned they heard a noise that both would be able to recognize as Krogan. They were in the Engines so it must have been Urd, and rounding another corridor they saw the rather massive form of the space turtle. “Urd, Urd! What the hell are you yelling about?” He demanded, slightly puffing out his chest and flexing his musculature. Dealing with Urd and Sosa might have at first seemed hard, but apart from the level of intensity their personalities ultimately weren’t
that different. Awaiting an answer he turned his head slightly to the Quarian: “Urdnot Shephurd, one of our Engineers. His dossier should appear on your hud now”
Urd whipped around at the sound of a familiar voice. He bared his teeth in a smile. “Eu! Just the person I needed! I’ve found a stowaway in the Engineering Bay. A sneaky little Pyjak thief I’ve encountered before. She’s a kidnapper from the Terminus systems, stole one of my clients when I was mercing. She’s doubtlessly here to steal from us or kidnap someone, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she snuck her little group of criminals with her. I tried to apprehend her and she snuck away into the upper rafters. Ruzad’s looking for her now.”
He gestured up towards the blocky drone, dutifully searching through the upper levels of the engineering bay. “He’ll find her, and drive her out like Varrens driving out Klixen for Rites. Then we can grab her and throw her out an airlock.” He paused, processing Eustace’s comment to the Quarian.
“One of your Engineers? I’m the only engineer you guys hired! You don’t need anyone else. I’m the best in the galaxy, after all!”
“Only engineer?” the Quarian repeated, looking over at Eustace for a moment as she brought up the files of the crew, and counting threw them quickly before looking back to the Krogan. Her head tilted as she looked back to the rafters, looking back to Urd in an obviously confused manner before speaking once more, asking Eustace, “I saw in that dossier it is said that he is assistant engineer. Our Chief Engineer is a drell, no?”
“And she’d very much like to NOT be thrown out the airlock,” came a voice from overhead.
what is a
what?” The Krogan’s eyes narrowed in confusion, before snapping back up to the drell’s voice.
She took in a breath and looked back to Urd, looking to the rafters and back to the krogan, as she realized what was happening. Sosa’Numos let out a long drawn out sigh, wanting to rub her temples but unable to due to her helmet being in the way as she took a step back. “Are you trying to throw out a drell, Shephurd?” Sosa’Numos asked in a slightly annoyed tone, crossing her arms and shifting her weight to one side.
“Hey, I know that slightly annoyed tone,” the voice called out again. Osino emerged from behind one of the rafters and swiftly descended to the lower deck, swinging off the power conduits on her way down.
“What in the name of the Void is a ‘Drell’?” Urd replied, tracking Osino as she climbed down. “There she is. The little kidnapper.”
“Kidnap nothing, that was a high-value criminal target,” Osino said indignantly, effortlessly dropping behind Sosa’Numos with her arms crossed, glaring at the Krogan.
“It was the Terminus systems! There are no laws there, how can there be criminals?!” The krogan reluctantly lowered his weapon, now that Sosa was in the way, and glowered at Osino.
“By Arashu, am I going to have to worry about this merc trying to crack my skull open?” she said to Sosa’Numos. “
“Probably, if you keep trying to steal things!” Urd snapped as Ruzad descended to watch the Drell again.
“Keelah, we are off to a great start,” Sosa’Numos sighed, returning her posture to the bubbly personality that would become the normal face the others would see. She took a step forwards toward the Krogan, holding a hand out in greeting, disregarding the argument between the two for the time being. “My name is Sosa’Numos nar Suram, and I am going to be your captain!” she greeted in an otherwise bubbly tone despite having been annoyed a few seconds prior.
“And I would appreciate it if you did not vent anyone out into space or crack their skull open without my express permission,” the quarian finished, doing her best to defuse the situation before it got to her nerves too much.
“I...guess.” Urd agreed, with some difficulty. He turned his attention to focus more on Sosa, while Ruzad kept aimed directly at the Drell. His expression brightened, and he patted the Varren plushie on his hip as he reorganized his focus from the thief to the captain. “The Captain! Just the person I was wanting to see before the thief showed up! I’ve put in several requests for Varren and Kakliosaurs that have been erroneously rejected. I’m sure you’ll agree that both of those animals offer not only increased tactical flexibility to the squad and a way to lessen the teams reliance on easily knocked out electronics, but also have proven to increase the morale of the teams they are assigned with by several multitudes.
Especially the specific Varren and Kakliosaur I’m requesting. Sparky and Grumpy are of the highest quality breeds of their respective species and have temperaments that would make even the kindest human ‘dog’ look-”
“If you three need a moment,” Osino interjected, leaning against the captain, “I still need to go over the upper bulkheads to check the shock dampeners. Especially if we’re turning this place into a zoo or something. Not that I’d mind, I have a Varren of my own back home, just-”
Alright!” Eustace called out, his eye only now having stopped twitching since Urd had used an impropmtu abbreviation of his name. “First of all, it is Yeoman Dar Adal to you, Mr. Urdnot.” he said, before turning to the trio at large. Now he could of course do his best to mimic them and if they were needed Eustace was more than happy to appeal to any kind of people, but three of the
playful sort in one space made his trigger finger itchy. Perhaps he shouldn’t have rejected Captaincy, after all then he’d have more authority in telling C-Sec “no” when he was getting such nonsense forked onto his plate. “The Drell Osino Kael is to be our Engineer and so is Mr. Urdnot Shephurd, the first person to continue to make a problem out of this is going to get kicked into the void between the wings of the Citadel. All of you were hired on the assumption you wouldn’t behave like fucking incontinent children. Now it would not be hard to call the office back on C-Sec, have the two boys just escorting our dearest Captain come back here, yeah?” he said, looking between the Drell and the Krogan.
“You’re not getting paid to have a go at each other but by all that’s holy I’m getting paid to kick your asses should you fall out of line. Now then, introduce yourselves to the Captain oh dearest employees.”
Urd looked between Eustace and Osino a few times before pointing a finger back at the source of his ire. “
That’s a Drell? What’s wrong with her neck? Why does it look like she’s been cut? Nevermind, I don’t want to know.” He straightened up to a rough approximation of standing at attention and faced Sosa. “Urdnot Shepurd, call me Urd. Combat Engineer, the only one you’re going to need.” He gave a dismissive side eye at Osino.
“Powerful biotic, as both of my great ancestors Urdnot Wrex and Shiagur were. If you need something broken, send me in and stand back. If you want it fixed, I can do that too. You’ve got the best krogan in the galaxy aboard Captain.”
“Sounds like you’ll be more than useful to have around, Urd,” Sosa’Numos stated happily now that Eustace had sorted out the situation. She looked over to the drell that had been invading her space for the past few moments before giving out a little giggle as she adjusted her body to face her, though it was more of a pivot on the spot. The Quarian spoke to her in a teasing manner, “Listen, if you want to be this close to me you are going to have to get me some delicious dextro-food. Or give as much information as I desire.”
“Well, if you insist,” Osino began, only to break off and take a step back after a rather nasty look from Eustace. “Er, well you heard the angry one. Osino Kael, engineer, combat specialist, infiltration expert, part-time gravity defyer. Don’t know about being the best drell in the galaxy, but I’m fairly comfortable saying I’m at least in the top five.”Glancing over to the mass effect drive, she kicked the metal component she dropped earlier and lobbed it at the conduit overhead, which roared to life as the power level spiked back to normal. “Make that top three,” Osino said proudly, checking her work on the omni-tool. Urd scoffed while Eustace pinched the bridge of his nose.
The Captain watched as Osino did this before looking back down to her, speaking a bit of a neutral tone, “I’d advise you make sure that part doesn’t come off its place.”
“The ship was in perfect order when requisitioned.” Eustace sighed. “Can I trust you two to play nice henceforth?” the man asked. “But not to play with a very expensive ship?”
“I won’t hit the thief unless I catch her stealing something, if that’s what you’re asking.” Urd said, begrudgingly, as he waved at Ruzad. The drone beeped in response and flew back up, resuming its scans of the upper area. “But there’s already a few problems I noticed that will be mentioned in my next requisitions. ‘Perfect’ is far from what the Weiro is. Functional works better.” He gave one more annoyed look at Osino before turning around and lumbering back to the console. “I’ll resume my scans unless you’ve anything else you wish of me.”
“Whatever you happen to dislike about the Weiro doesn’t change the fact that the order of things on it was perfect when we got it. I do hope that it still works by the time we have to get to our first assignment.” Eustace stated as he slowly relaxed. “That’ll be all, thank you.” the Yeoman said to the Krogan before turning to the Drell expecting a similar response.
“I actually think the ship’s fine, just there’s a lot of vulnerabilities that need patching up before we get going,” Osino said, going over the data on her omni-tool again. “If someone like me came along-”
“Buh-buh-buh, someone like you did come along. You going to play nice with the good Mr. Shephurd or not?” Eustace said.
“I’ll be avoiding the airlocks for a few days, but sure I can work with him.” Osino smirked at the Krogan. “If he’s as good at working the engines as he is swinging that hammer around, we’ll be in great shape.”
“I am! Also, pick up your drink. It’s still all over the ground from when you threw it at me!” Urd yelled over his shoulder, not looking back at the others.
“Well that’s your own fault!” Osino sniped back.
“BUH-BUH-BUH” Eustace repeated, much louder over the Drell. He didn’t want an exhibition of the blood rage in these ever so expensive Engines, and he just hoped the Krogan wouldn’t hear what Osino said over the human’s interruption. “Right. That’s good enough for me.” Eustace said, turning to Sosa with a shrug. “I’ll be going to my office.” He announced to the Captain. “If you need me just call me up. The rest of the crew should be less… colourful, for the most part. I have some last minute paperwork to burn through, then we’re off.” he said, giving a lazy and quite frankly sarcastic salute before walking off hoping that the moment he was gone there wouldn’t be a display of biotic pyrotechnics.
Sosa’Numos watched Eustace walk away, looking over at Osino before shaking her head with a slight sigh. The captain began to walk following Eustace’s steps out of the Engine Room, but not before stopping and turning to Urd. “If you two play nice enough and you give me a full report as to why I should convince C-Sec to get your animals, then I will see about getting your varren and… other thing! Also make sure that piece is fit in place, Osino!” Without another word, the Quarian turned her back to the two engineers and began her hunt to meet the other crew.