Avatar of Andreyich


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1 day ago
Current no fucking way
1 mo ago
while tru, quantity != quality, the fact is there's enough good writers out there with diverse enough interests to fit most niches apart from the unrealistically specific i.e. kitten beheading RP
1 mo ago
srsly it seems the ppl having trouble finding RPs are by and large the ones that either dont have a thread asking for partners or inversely never contact anybody else and wait for ppl to come to them
1 mo ago
why dont u make ur own and hope people reply
3 mos ago
Chris Chan's girlfriend is pregnant. If he can find love and family you have no excuse!!


If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.

About me:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.

Most Recent Posts

I was finishing up something but then I realized I should have asked this before: traditional foot infantry is not allowed I take it, but what about motorized?
The Osseus Hollow

To the the underworld of the Bonelord arrived a figure that he could see as a blessing, as a curse, or perhaps simply a nuisance. It was a fellow Skaven who was larger than the typical clanrat - almost the size of a Stormvermin - yet lacking the upright posture of Stormvermin and much of the Skaven intellectual castes (though the full extent of his proportions was hidden by the grand cloak upon him).

He was a strange fellow, with a particulalry long snouth and jaw to much peering out from the length of his hood. His fur was rather well maintained despite having apparently travelled this treacherous distance on a stormfiend, but just as interesting were the two very long and transparent warpstone cylinders likewise peering out from the hood and resting upon the snout of the giant rat; some more learned folk would be able to watch and see how light twisted around the lengths of green, and after witnessing the two brown orbs projected out the flat but smooth tips of the cylinders they would be able to deduce that these were very, very large spectacles made out of warpstone.

He would speak to the skaven he came upon and ask to see the Bonelord, claiming to have a very important duty. Though many might call this claim to be dwarf-thing-shit, he announced himself to be an Inspector from the Council of Thirteen.
Do you need help putting a unit together?

I'm still somewhat undecided on which two options I am leaning more towards, what time frame to start are we looking at?
<Snipped quote by Andreyich>

That’s an interesting point, and I definitely don’t doubt it. However I also have a couple Latinx friends who do use “Spanglish” in their daily life, so I wonder if there’s some variation across people from different cultures? Living in the southwestern region of America, we have a lot of people from Mexico in my county, and it seems to vary even person to person whether they weave Spanish into their speech or not.

That is a matter of dialect vs not knowing the language. "Spanglish" is from my experience spoken by people with a fine grasp of the English language but have learned their own specific variants of it.

Of Latin American countries I have only been to Cuba and Mexico (and admittedly much more the former), but when off a resort or airport I promptly found the behaviour I described wherein attempts to speak English did not include Spanish elements. When I switched to French with a few of them it occasionally happened that they threw in a Spanish word or two, but that is a product of the two languages being very similar, and while not completely accurate a good comparison would be someone from the British Isles using "rubbish" in the Americas when they should have said trash. Moreover, diasporas and people from the "old country" tend to develop very distinct cultures.

As a comparable example is here in my native Belarus the vast majority of people speak a transitional language known as Trasianka that is a mixture of Russian and Belarusian. The exact proportion of the mixture depends how far East you live, but this isn't because they don't know either of the languages poorly, its simply because this is what they gained fluency in.

So, back to my original point. People who have not gained complete fluency in English will not throw in words from our first languages. They're not idiots, they're well aware that 9/10 times this will make the person they are speaking to only more confused. Indeed, as an English speaker who tried (and admittedly failed) to master German, when I was in Germany I did not insert English words into my German speech save for the rare exceptions I came upon a person I knew for a fact had some measure of English proficiency (mostly Munich airport staff).

With winter's end many men would know that a harvest season would soon begin. But elsewhere the changing of seasons meant something entirely different. Some time ago and far away the Asrai held their court, until Orion eventually awoke to do the bidding of Kurnous, revered of the Wood Elves. The Wild Hunt began, and now it reached lands of the Empire. How they passed so many lands to reach this point without being intercepted was a mystery, but a far greater one was why then, if they can move as such, did they now have to ask the Lord of Lodi for permission to cross his lands?

For indeed, some villagers would speak of a great column of foreigners riding stags quietly going through the night, until one such pointy-eared rider would arrive at the Castle of the Lord hoping for a quick audience, his request simple; that the men of the Empire not interfere with the Asrai as they passed through.

The Realm of Azzsar

The realm of Azzsar had only now begun to stir with their Lord's recent awakening. But there were those who sensed these things, even if inelegantly. Whispers went through the darkness of the mountains, whispers that reached a great many ears that all made use of their new knowledge in oh so different ways.

But the most immediate result Azzsar himself would notice - perhaps informed by his most sapient of serfs - was the lingering of giant spiders at the edges of his realm, of red eyes glowing in the dark that could not be accounted for by anyone under the Dark Lord's command.

The Duchy of Gisoreux

To the lands of the Duke would appear a wandering wizard. He was not the typical practitioner of magics of Brettonnia, but he was rather a more Imperial looking man. The more cosmopolitan people who had seen him would be divided in describing him as a wizard of Shadows or of Beasts, but they would certainly agree he had the look of a college boy, what with the beard not to his knees and still not quite grey. Some would say small miracles would come follow him, but he was not here to spread these wonders.

He would state to any he passed that he had a most important business to attend to, that he had to speak to the Lord of Gisoreux with a very important matter.
I'm curious about other writers' approach to this subject. I have multiple POC and queer characters in a few of my ongoing RPs, but I was wondering recently if there are people of those demographics (or other writers in general with experience) who have advice they'd like to give straight, white writers like myself to better represent them in their stories. I've noticed for a while that there aren't a whole lot of POC characters specifically on this site, so it could be especially helpful for anyone who wants to get their feet wet with writing a character who doesn't share their race. For example, if there's anything anyone wants to share regarding their culture, terms/language specific to a minority demographic, mistakes they've seen in others' writing (without pointing fingers) or other details that aren't commonly reflected in RP, I'd love to hear them!

I'll also mention that this could be a good spot for people to discuss and share questions about writing different genders if they have any.

Writing outside of your own life experience can be a powerful thing, and I hope this will be helpful for anyone who wants to give it a shot!


Note: Please keep all conversation classy. This is meant to be an inclusive thread designed for learning, and I don't want to see it dissolve into arguments, intolerance or hateful speech. Thanks!

Take it from someone who learned English very late in life, people do not randomly inject words from their home language into English. Hollywood often does this with say a French guy saying "bonjour" to great or a Spaniard exclaiming with "puta" but this really doesn't happen that much, its a cheap way for movie makers to emphasize the foreignness of a character without doing something meaningful with them. There are exceptions, i.e. hotel staff because its expected of them to endear them to clients, but its something to keep in mind during judgement.
@Andreyich Are you with us? A BMP Battalion commander?

I was thinking ex-Berkut infantry or some mechanized troops from Galicia yes

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