Avatar of Andreyich


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5 days ago
Current no fucking way
1 mo ago
while tru, quantity != quality, the fact is there's enough good writers out there with diverse enough interests to fit most niches apart from the unrealistically specific i.e. kitten beheading RP
1 mo ago
srsly it seems the ppl having trouble finding RPs are by and large the ones that either dont have a thread asking for partners or inversely never contact anybody else and wait for ppl to come to them
1 mo ago
why dont u make ur own and hope people reply
3 mos ago
Chris Chan's girlfriend is pregnant. If he can find love and family you have no excuse!!


If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.

About me:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.

Most Recent Posts

@Andreyich, I love your sheet, and I am inclined to accept it, but one should note that this time, the issue is not plausibility, but rather 'fairness' towards the future British player. Basically, a potential player has quit before because he thought Britain was 'nerfed' by Egypt being so 'strong' (quotation marks intended), and a stronger US with Canada might cause more potential players who want to play Britain to turn away.

@Lady Lascivious, Approved.

@Yam I Am, Accepted; hopefully, a potential British player won't be too turned off by losing the Anglo-Sikh War.

Okay, what if continental Canada was taken but all the islands (PEI, Labrador, Nova Scotia, Atlantic Nunavut, etc.) remained British? after all I think the loss of Canada hurts a lot less than the loss of India......
@Letter Bee

Name: United States of America
Flag/Badge: I'm too lazy to edit on the appropriate number of stars so suck it bitches
Head of State: President Clay
Head of Government: President Clay
Ideology: The United States is best characterized by nationalist liberalism, wherein typically reactionary values are syncretized with liberal ones like value of the individual and his freedom and the right of all men to vote.

Loosely based on alternatewars.com/BBOW/Stats/US_Mil_M…
Army Numbers: 70,000 men under arms (30,000 additional in irregulars)
Navy Numbers: 20,000 men under arms (including and mostly made up of USMC)
Army Equipment: The United states though bearing a comparatively small army when accounting for population density certainly makes up for this by the ingenuity of its development. Noticing the fact they had hardly any superiority on the mothballed arms of the Mexicans and arguable inferiority to the British-Canadians the United States has begun to use its technological progresto not only modernize their army but to be the one to be pushing the standard of modernity in warfare. The Artillery of the United States is particularly advanced with production in local armouries. The Hall Rifle system has come to be the standard issue rather than simply for elites, to be replaced by the Sharps following further tests and development. As well, the United States is far ahead of other states in weaponry of the future such as the Colt Revolver; based upon this it is creating revolving rifles. Though first models are wrought with issues of reliability newer ones are appearing ever more fit for standard issue to cavalry and marines.
Naval Ship Types: Following the loss of much of its old fleet to Britain and the failure to seize British ships in Canada, the United States fleet is rather small, though many propagandists have used this to describe a "fresh start" wherein all ships will be steamers of the future. Indeed though it has a numeric and doctrinal disadvantage on navies of other powers there is a distinct qualitative advantage of the vessels.

History, Expansion, and Economics

History: The Point of Divergence is 1841 with the second presidency of Martin van Buren
With the election of Martin van Buren, the United States was free of the bleeding heart nonsense of the Whigs, the Democrat stranglehold tightened for the foreseeable future. However the vote was not won by appealing to moderates, rather by playing further to his base. A promise to undo the failings of his presidency, namely the eventual induction of Texas into the Union.

However, as he became President his first act was to focus upon undoing his Northern failures. Mackenzie's Republicans, Papineau's Patriotes, Natives, Fenians and even Mormons seeking to carve themselves a small enclave, all forces for a Canada free of the British (or for the Americans) were rallied, and once more marched North. The conflict was a short but vicious one, where the American navy in effect sacrificed itself in all but entirety to ensure the British would struggle to reinforce the continent. Though ultimately American victory was hard fought and it brought more problems than it solved. The Republic of Canada was made into an unincorporated territory of the United States, and the strains of defending this ensured that van Buren was unable to maintain his promise to annex Texas into the United States of America.

Just as easily as the Democrats had created their hold on the US government, so too they quickly lost it. The Whigs under Clay won the presidency in 1844, and began the process of elimination of slavery through Federal payments for the liberation of slaves to their owners akin to what the British had done. Though still formally legal, the Whigs set into motion bills in an effort to make the practice unprofitable to further encourage slave owners to attempt to get rid of them fast. Unfortunately for the moral goals of the Whigs, many simply sold them off elsewhere for great profit.

By 1846 the refusal of Clay to take Texas into the Union made Senators and Congressmen push to introduce the means to make a vote of no confidence. In a last ditch effort to avoid the matter, a referendum was made across the United States to decide whether or not Texas would be admitted into the Union. An overwhelming success, the matter unsurprisingly prompted Mexico to declare was as promised.

It was a difficult conflict with strong initial gains from the Mexicans as American soldiers had to face difficulties in arranging sustainable deployment that wouldn't put the North at risk. Nevertheless, the United States military was able to narrwoly overcome the Mexican army through its superior armament and command; in and of itself these would not have been able to overcome Mexico, but several lucky strikes of canisters were able to eliminate Mexican generals that collapsed their war effort. Though much of the United States were sated by the taking of Texas and California, the difficulty of the conflict made the public feel that a larger prize was needed giving great strength to the All-Mexico movement. Another referendum was held, and at a far tighter margin than the previous one all of Mexico was declared another unincorporated territory of the United States. However, American troops only maintain order as far South as Durango and Ciudad Victoria; beyond is a great guerilla movement that the Federal army has not yet found the confidence to move against.

Territory: The US has gained control of the vast majority of Canada as an unincorporated territory and Northern Mexico (formally claiming Southern Mexico as well). However its hold on all of its territories is far more strenous than in the past, especially with the risings of the natives, the ever increasing count of Mormons, and the veteran Fenian soldiers without a cause.
Economic Description: The United States is truly capable of autarky with advanced industry compounded by a vast sectors of agriculture, mining and other natural resource extraction. Nevertheless, with the multitude of ports it holds it performs trade for may things, notably luxuries like fur for more southern ones of tropical climes. Further, the impending end of slavery has had many Southerners decide to sell their slaves abroad for a high price rather than the much smaller one that the Federal Government is offering.
Historical Claims: The United States is first and foremost interested in the consolidation of its existing territories. However, once that is finished there are many calls for the ejection of European colonial powers from the New World.
Claiming a thicc USA
The squad spent their time in their various ways, from the posh soiree of the blue palace to a quiet (or in some cases, rather rowdy) pint in the fine establishments of Solitude. Sejanus had gone to the temple of Talos, trying his best to pray out loud in a rather odd rendition of Old Nord. Nobody truly knew where Telleno went, a fact that would be used later for speculation and accusation that he was a spy for the Thalmor. Ballistarii Portexe and Ganelon had chatted each other up, Ryjko nonchalantly noting they went to bed in the same room later, for they had gone to spend the night in the same inn he lulled himself to sleep in a rocking chair. Hakim and Rashid had apparently won many a gold piece wrestling, only to lose them all and be back where they had started in some other wager. Mukbolg had gone to the Bard’s college hoping to find kin spirits, where instead he was turned away as an unwashed grunt of the Legion. Dallio had apparently waited politely in the Imperial barracks until a spot in one of the beds was freed and spent the remaining few hours getting what little sleep he could for the night.

But ultimately, day would come and the Legate would await his muster at the city gates. Word would spread that he most certainly kept true to his promise of prosecution for deserters, ordering Penitus Oculatus agents to track them down on suspicion of many crimes from spying to nondescript treason. Once all were assembled and orderly, a march would be declared Westwards. Edward and Tylmaesa would be the only two people below the rank of Captain in the Legion to know of their first destination. It was the Kilkreath ruins beneath the statue of Meridia, the vampires having desecrated the statue and the ruins beneath, a fact that was of no particular care to the Empire at large for the lack of apparent strategic value to the war, but had provoked enough concern among the Dunmer that the ambassador had - upon hearing of this - politely suggested to the Imperial forces that they should consider focusing on that area. At their leisure, of course! Regardless, once the site was liberated it would be a camp from which to erase the vampires in the area.

The snow had started to melt, but thankfully not enough to turn the roads and all around them into mud to sink a man to his waist. Unfortunately, it was not yet warm enough that the marching ranks would be free from gales to chill to the very bone. Small encampments and outposts along the road would be passed, but they would be stopped at for mere minutes to receive any news they might have and provide little respite. Other groups would march along the road, be they the blue paramilitaries of the local Nords or the Dawnguard trailing the column. Marching songs of course boomed throughout the ranks at the order of the Legate, the man using his voice to begin refrains that were in turn echoed by the officers, and yet further in turn the common soldiery.

The lines were organized such that Hastatii would be organized on the outer edges of the column, such that in event of an ambush they could shield their comrades from the first volleys of fire whilst the ballistarii and mages returned all that they could. The Ballistarii with their pavise shields were next in line, followed by auxilia, then mages, then the bards, and at last officers — the most treasured of the force.

The strictness of adherence to the formation could by many have been seen to have been foreboding what was to come; it was at the crossroads from wherein a turn right would bring the Legion’s march to the statue of Meridia. It was as they began the right angle turn to go North that the first arrows flew. The appearance of the Thalmor was as sudden as it was violent, hundreds of conjurers dropping their illusions to spring the ambush. It was a true combined arms strike with archers positioned behind hills knowing exactly where the Legionnaires were hailing arrows from above. Destructive mages closer to the the Legion rained a far more direct fire with bolts of lightning and streaks of flame smashing into the massed ranks in a great burst to take advantage of the shield wall; the cessation of their volleys by virtue of an exhaustion of magicka coincided with the charge of Altmer footmen started some moments ago bringing them to a mere stone’s throw away from the Legionnaires.

For their part, the warriors of the Empire had a mixed reaction. Many a man followed protocol forming ranks with their shields to protect the mages and ballistarii whilst they returned fire, and many of such men were scorched alive within their plate. Others were far more disorderly for better or worse. Many a man fled as a coward, screaming for mother only to be mercilessly brought down by an Elven arrow to their neck. Just as many showed bravery, initiative, and possibly insanity by breaking rank and bringing forth their own counter-charge into the elven swordsmen, a most gruesome melee beginning as a result with gore spraying across the field. The Legate himself entered the fray, his shout tearing to pieces a cluster of Elves that sought to slay him. Dallio attempted to bring the squad to order, though before he even finished his command an arrow punctured his armpit and another the eye of Rashid, held by his screaming brother. Mukbolg sounded his horn as loudly as he could, this rousing Sejanus to charge the approaching Thalmor. Ryjko dropped to heal the wounded Redguard, the whistling of crossbow bolts from the ballistarii echoing in his ears whilst Telleno tried to protect the Redguard Brothers and the Nord restorationist from molestation by yet more arrows.

A leader, or at least a subcommander of the Thalmor entered battle himself, his telekinetics bringing individual men airborne only for them to implode into messy clumps of flesh and steel. After just a minute hundreds already lay dead, for it seemed the Thalmor sought here to destroy the Legion in one fell swoop, and the battle had far more twists and turns to take as the Altmer archers previously behind hills now ascended to stand upon them to fire directly at individual Legionnaires and officers. If the Imperials won the engagement, it would certainly be a close deal.
<Snipped quote by Andreyich>

Der Grosscarolinareich officially instructs you to perform the following actions:




tl;dr incel
<Snipped quote by Andreyich>

ight. you have a one way ticket to reddit

<Snipped quote by Andreyich>

nobody cares

u did to reply :]
@yam i am Сволочь. но. ты мой Сволочь.
так что ссср не обиделась.

It would more correctly be моя сволочь
Horacio lay where he was, knife in bleeding hand as he saw an apparition appear before him. Momentarily he reacted with fear, for he knew very well that it was the way of the daemon to hide their evil in appearance that a faithful Imperial would mistake for piety. But his fears were gradually dissuaded with the words the woman provided, and eventually he was convinced that it was indeed a blessed occurrence indeed.

As he pushed himself upright with a grunt, he brushed himself off. Who had visited him? Perhaps Saint Arabelle? Or perhaps Sabat herself? It was a matter of much contention within his mind, and indeed it may just as easily been a mirage brought on by the injury of his head. After all, the bleeding from the head-butt may not have been all that severe, even if the internal injury may have been mighty enough to create hallucinations. Nevertheless, even if it was a falsehood of injury, it was right in that he had been neglecting his duty to his Sisters through laziness, fear of his incompetence, and now he had to go to them once more. Picking up the weapons of the traitors upon slings, he jogged through the hallway to move at speed but simultaneously conserve energy and not create too much noise.

The man found himself turning at intersections and walking up and down flights of stairs, guided along even with his eyes closed by his very instinct — a euphemism for the providence for the Emperor in any sane society. As he got closer to what that same instinct told him was his destination, he found ever more dead men. Fortunately, a good many seemed to be traitors for which no mercy could be afforded.

At last, the edge of his vision bore doors behind which there was a good deal of noise. By now Horacio was shouldering quite a good many weapons on slings and holsters, from las and autorifles to recovered chainswords strewn about the place.

He only arrived in time to hear the last few syllables of the dark manipulator, but it was enough to knew this was spawn of darkness, a being which could only beckon one response: its demise.

"Watch out!" the Confessor bellow, pulling the pin from a single grenade upon a bandolier of them that he then swung like an ancient sling, the length of synthetic leather flying in a neat arc over-head of the Sisters towards the bugger.
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