Avatar of Andreyich


Recent Statuses

5 days ago
Current no fucking way
1 mo ago
while tru, quantity != quality, the fact is there's enough good writers out there with diverse enough interests to fit most niches apart from the unrealistically specific i.e. kitten beheading RP
1 mo ago
srsly it seems the ppl having trouble finding RPs are by and large the ones that either dont have a thread asking for partners or inversely never contact anybody else and wait for ppl to come to them
1 mo ago
why dont u make ur own and hope people reply
3 mos ago
Chris Chan's girlfriend is pregnant. If he can find love and family you have no excuse!!


If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.

About me:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.

Most Recent Posts

Has metalbending been invented in this timeline? Has the earth kingdom managed to take over the Si Wong tribes?
portal and half life is deep within as classic game core. Would be fun to play a somewhat misanthropic scientist who shacks up with the pro-AI humans / AI rights group because of a cynical belief in AI being the future and not wanting to stifle their growth rather than meaningful ethical concerns.

DRG has to be one of the best renditions of "fantasy stuff in scifi setting" I have ever seen.

Hi, I'm Andy. I've had my life change more in the last year than all the year prior combined but now I have some stability, I want to get back into some collaborative writing. I've GM'd and RP'd for years, and with recent news of the Fallout Amazon show I suddenly got a hankering for the setting. Thus my brainchild written over a few years but coalesced over the last week.

Fallout: Salvation

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>Begin transcript.

>K: Elder I insist. The resources you are pouring into this? We could do something as bold as assassinate the NCR president with them.

>M: Then what you fucking moron? They rig up the war economy they didn't when fighting the Legion? This is happening.

>S: If I may, Sir. I understand seeking out aid. I am sure the great diaspora of the Brotherhood will come in our time of need. But, making a list of the dangers of the wasteland? You think that won't be taken advantage of? You know, we mention some military base as a repository of killer robots, and some bastard tries to unleash it?

>M: Okay. Let's say it is taken advantage of. The bad guys win. Exact same result as if we they were let run amok. Ingenious reasoning. Who made you Chief Scribe again? No, if we fail, we must hope others won't. We must hope that as our enemy rummaged through our remains, they may at least find wisdom. Besides, I don't want the rumours about Elijah to paint the world's memories of us.


Salvation is a Fallout RP set towards the end of the 23rd century after the events of FNV and FO4 but using inspiration from canceled or pseudo canon falliut material like FoTactics and Van Buren with an aesthetic and literary leaning to Fo1/2 and FNV.

The main plotline is that the Brotherhood of Steel in California is very obviously losing their war with the NCR. With every passing year the NCR's quantitative advantage increase, while their qualitative disadvantage decreases. With the war inevitably being a loss, the Brotherhood now needs a hail Mary, or to at least fulfill their mission of preventing existential technological threats to humanity - at the very least, cataloging them and dispersing them across the wasteland to ensure good intentioned souls can bring them down.

This is where you come in. Maybe not quite the best of the best but you are damn good at your job. A Paladin, a Scribe, a member of the Circle of Steel, and the many things those descriptors entail from soldier to scientist to spy. You are assembled in a team with one of the last vertibirds not yet gunned down by NCR air-defence with the aim of either finding something to save the Brotherhood, or to discover and potentially combat every single threat to humanity in the territory of the United States with what resources remain available to the BoS.

With the best inventory of the Brotherhood at your disposal, apart from the general description of your mission your team is given free reign to accomplish it as they see fit with simply one recommended path of inquiry to begin with. Establish contact with the Mojave Chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel and find out the truth of Father Elijah's alleged crimes., Subsequently and if possible, attempt to investigate the fate of the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel as well as any other Chapters.

Some of you however, might get slipped a note under your pillows to investigate the Divide.

Your mission will be long and hard, all are expected to be ready to die. Transmitting your findings back to California will alert many threats to your location. You will have to scrounge and scavenge for fresh supplies, and make difficult choices on how best to accomplish your mission (should you choose to remain faithful to it).

Good luck. Ad Victoriam.


Your characters will be in the top of any performance reviews in the Brotherhood. Most will be old enough to have gained experience but not so old they start to lose their edge, thus with some exceptions people will be in their 30s. A variety of professions will be needed but Paladin or Scribe, you can be cool enough to be a jack of all trades (within your discipline). After all, only so many people can fit in a vertibird, so it's important to cover all bases.

To some degree, this expedition will also have some resemblance to the much larger Brotherhood expeditions of old. This is to say that many of the people involved will be the loudmouths, the naysayers, the rebels and malcontents and other problems for the leadership of the Brotherhood who they wish to get rid of in a productive way. Maybe you insisted too loudly on peace with the NCR, maybe to the inverse you were too much a hardliner of Brotherhood doctrine screaming how all these damn tribal recruits are all traitors deep down and just joined up for the regular meals and medicine.

It's not fun when characters always agree on everything, while trouble between people forced to share a VTOL aircraft for months on end is primo RP material.

Characters can and will die but I will probably consult players before killing them off. No more than 1 at a time to fit everyone into the aircraft. Will always accept new players but only at points logical to the story. DM me if you want something secret or the likes to ‘em.

Here is the character sheet.

I am not expecting some sort novel about just one person. But, please, give me enough to work with in planning encounters and the like. If you like you can write in what you want from them I.e. some sort of personal arc or character growth you want me to facilitate.

Also not necessary but nifty if some characters have interacted prior to the RP.


I mean like, don't break RPGuild rules, and don't be mean or annoying or dumb? I'm not going to write some list of commandments if you need a law book to tell you how to behave, then we won't do well together.

I'm a dad and stuff now so I understand life can easily eat your time but please don't sign up if you can't post more than once a month.

You don't need to be a lore nerd but be interested in the Fallout setting please.

Lore & Q&A

-Independent Vegas Victory, courier now rules as something of a merchant prince.
-The BoS aren't nice people, especially to supermutants and ghouls. At RP start you cannot play as either.
More to be added with player questions.

I hope you are all like this. I intend to keep this RP active as long as I am alive and there are players interested, I'm in it for the long run baby.

Excited to hear of any interest and I am happy to answer any and all questions you might have.

Happy new year. I can take one or two stories rn

The daring, glaring, and flaring sword,
Shone and it clanged, sparks from it soared.
Quaking and shaking, earth's core was gored,
Wonder and thunder, above and below roared.

To look upon all that was, is, will be.

I fucking love Rembrandt, if you don't like his art don't even message me you're not human
got covid and feeling deathly ill, but boredom is what i need remedy from most

All of the lonely nights
Waiting for you to come
Longing to hold you tight
I need you so desperately
Waiting for you to come
Bringing your love to me
So due to my employment and other IRL reasons I can probably post about once a month give or take right now, but still interested in grabbing some stories. If we have some unfinished story from the past there's a good chance I would be interested in resuming it.

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