Hit the Music
Name: Remy Clarke
Nickname: Overkill
Appearance: Remy is a 6'2" middle-aged caucasian man with leathery tanned skin covered in lascivious tattoos. He's got a strong square jaw framed by a thick moustache, and long flowing brown hair that passably covers his bald spot most of the time. While he's developing a slight beer gut, underneath that is the hard musculature of a lifelong fighting man. When he talks, Remy's voice sounds like someone jammed a bottle brush down his throat and he decided to keep it there out of spite.
Age: 46
Origin: Originally from New Delos IV in the Free Worlds League, though he hasn't been to his home planet or considered himself a Marik in decades.
Personality: Remy acts like a man who's never heard of the concept of moderation. It's hard to name something that he hasn't drank, smoked, snorted, or tried to hump. He usually has a filthy joke for every occasion, and will be all too happy to share them with anyone in earshot--unless there's kids around. He's reckless, cocky, and quick to start a fight if he thinks one's coming, or sometimes if he's bored.
Despite this, he's also a capable Mechwarrior, and can be trusted to get the job done-- after all, the sooner the work is done, the sooner he can get back to sloughing off. He also has a strong paternal streak, and is occasionally prone to fits of melancholy when in one place for too long.
History: Remy Clarke will talk your ear off about his wild and lewd stories from his career as a mercenary, but doesn't like to talk about his life before that-- if asked, he'll more than likely brush the question off with a rude joke, and if asked again he'll reply with a headbutt to the nose. A former member of Hansen's Roughriders, Remy spent several years as a front-line fighter for one of the loudest and rowdiest mercenary commands in the Inner Sphere before seeking his own fortunes as a freelancer. His reasoning for leaving the Roughriders, much like his life before becoming a mercenary, is a subject best left dropped if one wants to keep all of their teeth.
The only bits of information one can get about Remy's early life are those which are matters of public record. The first official record of his existence isn't a birth certificate, but an arrest record on New Delos IV, where a 13-year-old Remy Clarke was charged with vandalism in 3002. Multiple following arrests suggest that Remy had been a juvenile delinquent in the industrial city of Campbell, involved with a rock-band-turned-street-gang known as the Sonic Assassins. At 17 he was conscripted into the local militia as an alternative to prison, and training records indicate surprisingly high test scores that put him in consideration for Battlemech training. By 3012, Sgt. Remy Clarke was transferred to the 3rd Marik Militia and assigned his first 'Mech, a 50-ton Hunchback.
During his time in the militia, several disciplinary reports suggest that Remy had gotten involved with political radicals, particularly those who supported Anton Marik's opposition of his brother the Captain-General. In 3014 Anton Marik declared an open revolt, and combat records show that Remy had fought on the front lines as part of the rebel forces. Within a year, however, the revolt had collapsed, in large part due to Anton betraying Wolf's Dragoons and forcing them to switch sides, and Remy's unit was one of many on New Delos IV that was utterly destroyed by the notorious Black Widow Company.
No records exist of Remy's whereabouts for the next five years, but he would resurface again in 3019, joining the famous and infamous Hansen's Roughriders. A command well-known for being loud, rowdy, and devastatingly effective, Remy was a perfect fit for the Roughriders, where he gained a reputation for simply holding down the triggers of his 'Mech's weapons until either the enemy exploded or his 'Mech shut down from overheating. He applied this same approach of excessive force to nearly everything else he did, from exercise to music to drinking and fighting, earning him the nickname "Overkill."
The next ten years with the Roughriders were a whirlwind of heavy firefights, bar room brawls, failed romances, and obnoxiously loud music. From New Olympia to Hesperus II, from Sevren to Shiloh, from Suk II to Satalice, Remy survived six major battles against elite enemy forces, four 'Mechs shot out from under him, five bullets, twelve stabbings, fifteen arrests, and three attempted bands.
Unsubstantiated rumors suggest that around the outbreak of the Fourth Succession War, Remy had begun fraternizing with his company commander, Captain Dinah "Midnight" McAuliffe. In May 3029, the Roughriders attacked the planet Satalice, and after heavy fighting against a Kurita 'Mech regiment, conquered the planet. Captain McAuliffe did not survive the battle, and shortly afterward, Remy Clarke was granted release from his contract with the Roughriders. Of note, an inventory of McAuliffe's belongings that were disposed of after her death included a diamond ring and an unassembled baby crib.
For the past five years, Remy has wandered from one hiring hall to another, piloting whatever 'Mech he can find, and working as hired muscle if there are no 'Mechs to be found. The rise of conflict in the Rasalhague region has attracted Overkill, hoping that being where the action is will lead to some steady work and a new DropShip to call home.
- Gunery: 3
- Piloting: 3
- Guts: 5
- Tactics: 2
Abilities: TBD
- Remy has an old electric bass guitar which he carries with him at all times, even cramming into his 'Mech cockpit if it will fit.
- Despite being lewd and off-color nearly all the time, Remy has a soft spot for kids and will do his best to be wholesome and polite when they're around.
- While he's the type who sneers at religious or spiritual matters, Remy's very superstitious when it comes to Battlemechs. His lucky charm is an old joystick pulled from the cockpit of his first 'Mech, "Murder One." According to him, as long as that joystick is installed in whatever 'Mech he's piloting, the "spirit" of his first 'Mech stays with him. Therefore, no matter what make or model he's piloting, he always refers to his ride as "Murder One."
Type: The type and variant of your mech.
Name: The affectionate name given to the machine by your pilot.
Mass/Class: The weight and class of your mech.
Armor: How many tons and what type of armor your mech has.
Top Speed: How far can your mech run/jump.
Armanents: The amount and type of weapons that your mech carries, as well as how many tons of ammo it has available.
Heat Sinks: The amount and type of Heatsinks your mech has.
Quirk: Any notable feature associate with the type, or the specific mech.
Name: The affectionate name given to the machine by your pilot.
Mass/Class: The weight and class of your mech.
Armor: How many tons and what type of armor your mech has.
Top Speed: How far can your mech run/jump.
Armanents: The amount and type of weapons that your mech carries, as well as how many tons of ammo it has available.
Heat Sinks: The amount and type of Heatsinks your mech has.
Quirk: Any notable feature associate with the type, or the specific mech.