Well gents, I did have a bit of writing ready for term start. Did being the operative word here. *sighs*
Ok, so, term's gonna start sometime next week.
It's probably a good idea to appoint a co-gm and work on a collaboration together on etherpad or something so we can get this up and running sooner rather than later.
Kaito is a trickster who likes to pull pranks on unsuspecting people. Most of which are harmless, but he does not hold back against teachers. He can be really creative and unpredictable, which can be applied to his own quirk and achieve its full potential. He thinks highly of his quirk, often brags about it in a teasing manner. Ironically, he has never told his parents about his quirk. He is confident that no one would be able to catch him. Except by a teacher of course, thus in the end he earns a trip to detention.
Aside from the pranks, he is genuinely friendly to other students, but rather hostile and rebellious towards teachers or adults in general. He simply does not trust any one of them. He has a tendency of doing things on his own and acts selfishly when it came down to searching for his sister's whereabouts. Which leaves him prone to being manipulated if he is pressured into believing his goal is within his grasp.
When it comes down to fighting or any sport really, he can become rather competitive and aggressive the longer it drags on. His reflexes are insanely good, possibly the best trait he has to compliment his teleportation ability and his strength follows closely behind. Although, he can be easily outmatched by someone with a quirk which increases their defenses or an attack which would knock out a normal person, Kaito himself won't fall so easily because he is not normal.
Kaito has lived in Tokoyo for about a year after he ran far away from home in search for his twin sister. They were separated at birth, after an unknown villain supposedly kidnapped her. He wasn't told about it by his parents until he was older, but always felt he had some kind of connection to his long lost sister. The day before he left his home, he saw a news report about mysterious kidnappings in Tokoyo. The victims were newborn babies who were already born with their quirks. This got him into thinking that his sister was most likely targeted for that reason. Although Kaito is a twin, his sister was actually born with her quirk while his did not manifest until age four. With both of his parents quirkless and having his own quirk being kept a secret from them, Kaito selfishly decided he was going to take matters into his own hands.
When Kaito first arrived in the city a year ago, he was endlessly searching for his sister day in and day out. This went on for a couple of days before he realized that he couldn't really survive on his own. So he did small jobs for the locals and occasionally got his hands dirty until he got some connections which allowed him to attend school regularly under a new name. The short time he spent with criminals made him distrust adults and begun to hate himself for doing their kind of work. Although, he did receive useful information on the one is looking for.
In preparation for fighting his greatest enemy, he has been focused on developing his physical and combat skills throughout most of the year. Before he left home, he regularly attended mixed martial arts classes for the quirkless since he was young. With his own quirk being kept under wraps at the time, he managed to advance up to a level where quirks were allowed during spars. His physical condition was slightly above average, just enough to be at the lowest rank in the quirk level without relying on his own. Now that he is under a new identity, this gave him the opportunity to freely use his quirk during class, placing him within the top ten of his class at 6th place in such a short time.
The reason he chose Kosei Academy is to become strong enough to capture his target villain and find his sister. His MMA classes do not really focus on refining individual quirks, but on how to utilize them within the rules of the octagon. It is not enough for him to accept that, if he wants to go all out then attending Kosei Academy will do that. He does not really care about being a hero or anything like that, if Kosei Academy can help him achieve his goals then so be it. If not, then he is willing to turn somewhere else.
Name: Point to Point
Classification: Emitter
Description: A teleportation quirk which can be used on himself or anything else he touches, including people. However, the maximum weight he can teleport is 344lbs/156kg, which just so happens to be two times his own weight. If he tries to teleport anything beyond his weight limit then nothing will happen. Additionally, he needs to see the location where he wants to teleport, either visually or through memory. Teleporting through memory requires intense concentration to get the precise location. The maximum distance he can teleport is within a 25 meter radius.
Every time Kaito teleports, his stamina decreases. So, he can eventually pass out if he teleports beyond his limit. His stamina can affect the amount of time it takes to teleport, only if he is teleporting anything greater than his own weight (172lbs/78kg). The teleportation process is instantaneous, even if he is low on stamina, on the condition that if he is teleporting either himself or objects less than his own weight. Any object greater than his own weight will cause some delay which will gradually increase the closer he gets to his overall weight limit and will factor in the status of his current stamina.
Talents: -Tennis, Baseball, Basketball -Mixed Martial Arts -Setting up pranks