Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Name: Aedan Chistopher Selwyn Date of Birth: April 4th, 1988 Appearance:
Blood Status: Pure Blood. Personality: Quiet, perceptive, and cunning Aedan is a very fast thinker and thrives on split second decisions. He has a good mind for how spells work and has little trouble learning and casting. As a Selwyn he has been brought up in the traditional pureblood lifestyle. However Aedan has issues with standing still for to long and tends to get headaches, which have been blamed on him having heightened senses. Wand: Red Oak and Phoenix Feather. House: Slytherin Best Classes: DADA, Charms, Transfiguration. Worst Classes: Potions, Herbology, History of Magic, Astromancy. History: Aedan was born to a pureblood and very muggle racist family. He is cunning, smart, sly, and quick with spells that other first years would probably not even try. He's obsessed with the dark arts, and studies the techniques and spells from the Death Eaters. His parents kept him shielded from the worst of the fighting during the war but there was only so much they could prevent him from seeing. As the time got closer and closer to him attending Hogwarts he made a pact with himself, despite his heritage and love of the Dark Arts, he would watch and wait, patiently deciding how he was going to go through school.
Believe that starts in the Third year as an elective.
Can count me in Gisk.
((Post is a collab between myself and Prints.)) Chandler looked up from staring out of the window and his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the compartment door being opened. "Hey, you mind if I sit here? I promise not to fall asleep and snore the whole time, or get motion sickness, or unload all my family drama on you." Chandler had to giggle a bit, "no I don't mind. The more the merrier and making the trip alone would have been... Well boring. My names Chandler, Chandler Webster." "Nolan Archer," Nolan replied as he got the trunk fully under the seat. "Nice to meet you," he continued, reaching out for a handshake. With a smile Chandler returned the handshake, "nice to meet you Nolan. It's weird I guess I thought wizards and witches would greet with something other than a handshake. I got a lot to learn I guess heh. I'm the first one in my family to have powers." He shrugged and looked at Castiel who in turn was not taking her eyes off of the newcomer. "Oh and this is Castiel." Nolan laughed as he plopped down on the seat across from Chandler. "Nice to meet you to Castiel," he said with a grin. Upon getting no response, he shrugged. "Cats..." He then gestured to the train all around them. "Well I expected this to behave like much more than just a train, but I was disappointed there." He grinned, "It's not too hard to get used to though. Overall just be polite in the same way you'd be to Muggles and you should be set. Just make sure you're friends with someone who knows about wizard society though, so you can ask about anything strange. You'll be fine though. Hogwarts and the world in general these days is a lot more accommodating to people in your position." Chandler cocked his head to the side he assumed that muggle was a person unable to use magic. He shrugged again and let Castiel out of her cage to paw around the compartment. The white and black striped kitten slowly approached Nolan and stretched out as far as her body would allow to sniff him before running back to Chandler's side. "I mean it's going to be confusing but so far I have to say it's pretty awesome. So what happens when we get there?" Nolan watched the kitten with an amused look. His family had never kept pets aside from their handful of owls. He nodded at Chandler's comment. "Yeah, it's a lot to get used to. Dad still seems a little uncomfortable when we go to events. As for when we get there..." Nolan's eyes widened in excitement. After years of hearing stories, it was nice to be the one to tell the stories. "Actually I'm not too sure. My brothers have told me some stuff. So there's this lake that we cross in boats to get to the castle. And there's this huge feast where you get Sorted. There's four houses and while you're at Hogwarts, they're sort of like your family, not that you can't have friends in other houses." He gave quick glance out the window, curious as to the house he'd end up in. Chandler figured that if it could get Nolan this excited then Hogwarts was going to be awesome indeed. He was a bit curious though but he controlled himself to only asking a few questions Instead of bombarding the poor boy. "How are we sorted and what sort of Houses are their? " His mind was a whirl taking in the information and breaking it down all at once, Castiel curled herself in Chandlers lap while the 11 year old watched Nolan waiting for more information. Nolan held up a hand with four fingers counting off each of the houses. "So there's Gryffindor which is just famous these days 'cause of Harry Potter. They say that's where the courageous people go. Then there's Slytherin which is for the ambitious cunning folk. They kinda have a bad reputation since a lot of evil wizards are Slytherins. Not so much these days, and there's really nothing wrong with being ambitious is there?" he grinned, imagining the look on Judoc's face if he ended up in Slytherin. "Next is Ravenclaw. They're more concerned with knowledge and learning and other brainy things. They're kinda weird too. My brother Roy is one and his heads always in the clouds. That's probably the house I'm least likely to end up in.... And of course, Hufflepuff. They're the hard workers. A lot of people like to say Hufflepuffs are less talented and that they end up there because they wouldn't fit in the other houses. My older brother Tidus though, he's amazingly good at everything. So don't for a second think there's anything wrong with Hufflepuff..." he trailed off. "The Sorting itself... I really don't know, actually. My brothers refuse to tell me," the boy looked down his face a bit redder than before," Think it's better if I find out like they did. But those are the houses! Any idea where you want to end up?" Chandler mostly just stared at the other boy as he listed the houses, this was where people called him weird and shunned him. His mind while very sharp had a interesting trait that has to filter all the information that he receives. The filter breaks it down and once it finishes Chandler can always remember the conversation, including the details around him. It just made him look slightly crazy simply staring with a little glaze on his eyes. He nodded as Nolan finished and shrugged. He watched closely to see any reaction to the stare. "I would say either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor since as you can see I can get pretty air headed as well. But I have a weird reflex to protect people." He shrugged again and patted Castiel a few times.
"Come on Mom! Come on Dad we're going to be -LATE-." On the steps of King's Cross station a young boy around 11 seemed to be practically dancing up and down with excitement, a huge grin on his face and a spark in his eyes. Still struggling up the ramp with a cart a man and woman just shook their heads at each other and after catching up the their son put an arm on either side of him as they walked in. The three didn't get a single glance as they made the walk to platform 9. To be honest they looked like any other muggle family. Being raised as such for sure helped blend in, and to be honest Chandler was glad. He watched a few others run into the wall and gulped before his father bent him down and whispered to him. "Now THAT looks like fun son." He winked at him and patted him on the head before giving the boy a hug. His mother on the other hand was a bit more dramatic moving his hair around trying to savor every last sight of him before he left for school. She did her best to not cry in front of him and instead finally gave him a big hug and made him promise to write to her at least once a week. Of course to escape the public affection Chandler promised and situated his shirt. In the end he gave his mom a hug back and smiled at them once more before taking a deep breath and running right at the wall. He tried, he really did try not to close his eyes but instinct took over and he did. The sight he saw when he opened them however was one of the best he could have ever imagined. He stood wide-eyed and in shock at the bustle and hustle and in so doing was sent flying by the next trolley that came out of the wall. He mumbled an apology and got his things back together ignoring the irritated meowing of his kitten and pushed himself to the beautiful train. Some older students helped him with his luggage and after taking Castiel from her cage he smiled and thanked them for the help before stepping into the corridor. "Time to make friends I suppose." He thought to himself. He didn't walk for long before coming to a compartment that was totally empty. He sighed and scooted in with his smaller suitcase stuffed beside him near the window. He watched the rest of the kids arriving wishing his parents would have come with him to the platform, but who knew if they even -could-.
Name: Chandler Griffin Webster Nickname: None Gender: Male Age: 11 House: Appearance: Wand: Supple 11 inch, Cedar, with Ashwinder Ash core. This wand was in the very back of the wand makers shop when Chandler went to buy his gear. The shopkeeper said that it was a somewhat rare core. Personal items and pets: A black and white spotted kitten named Castiel that his parents gave him. Magical Heritage: First in the family to have wizarding powers. (Muggle born) Backstory/Personality: It all really started when Chandler turned two, all sorts of unexplainable things would just seem to 'happen'. His parents 32 year old Colton Webster a videogame designer and mother, 30 year old graphic artist Becky Webster were rightly perplexed. They would be walking with Chandler and all of a sudden the tot would be holding some kind of candy or be petting a kitten. It wasn't until they caught and watched Chandler, the little rascal making his food (spinach) disappear that they realized that this boy was special. Being the rare breed of parent they were the two decided that Chandler would not be treated any differently and they would allow him to decide how he wanted his future to go. The future was decided when Chandler found out that he could -if he believed and concentrated hard enough- make anything happen! Instead of trying to abuse this Chandler instead sat down and started trying to control it, to keep it from controlling his emotions. He was very successful, other than the skill he had Chandler grew up as any other British boy would. He enjoyed sports playing rugby and football mostly, but he also loved anything to do with getting his brain active. As he grew older Chandler found that he had a problem learning, or for better explanation he didn't learn things the way others could. For Chandler he had to take everything in and formulate everything himself. This meant that it took a long time, sometimes even weeks to totally learn something. However, once he did learn it he never forgot it. Almost like a photographic memory of things he thoroughly picked apart and put back together. Chandler is also a very caring person and constantly sticks up for the guys getting bullied in school which of course meant he came home with a lot of bloody shirts. Special Gifts and Abilities: Chandler is very adept at defensive magic, including other white magic like a patronus and the such. He also takes a long time to finally get a spell 'down' sometimes even taking a month. But when he gets it down he can perform it very well. Strength's: Very adept at White magic in general, has a rare talent with such charms. Photographic memory. Weaknesses: Is seen as stupid and made fun of as he takes awhile to learn things his own way, he also gets himself into situations where he defends others on numerous occasions.
So, hello! I'm looking for a partner, and when I say partner I mean a partner someone that loves the universe as much as me. Now this is a long-term thing and I plan on doing this over a instant messager so we can shoot this back and forth. I have a few ideas on how this will go. In every scenario we begin as it always begins. First year. If you're interested at all, shoot me a PM. :)
Name: Chandler Griffin Webster Nickname: None Gender: Male Age: 11 House: Ravenclaw Appearance: Wand: Supple 11 inch, Cedar, with Ashwinder Ash core. This wand was in the very back of the wand makers shop when Toby went to buy his gear. The shopkeeper said that it was a somewhat rare core. Personal items and pets: A black and white spotted kitten named Castiel that his parents gave him. Magical Heritage: First in the family to have wizarding powers. (Muggle born) Backstory/Personality: It all really started when Toby turned two, all sorts of unexplainable things would just seem to 'happen'. His parents 32 year old Colton Webster a videogame designer and mother, 30 year old graphic artist Becky Webster were rightly perplexed. They would be walking with Toby and all of a sudden the tot would be holding some kind of candy or be petting a kitten. It wasn't until they caught and watched Toby the little rascal making his food (spinach) disappear that they realized that this boy was special. Being the rare breed of parent they were the two decided that Toby would not be treated any differently and they would allow him to decide how he wanted his future to go. The future was decided when Toby found out that he could -if he believed and concentrated hard enough- make anything happen! Instead of trying to abuse this Toby instead sat down and started trying to control it, to keep it from controlling his emotions. He was very successful, other than the skill he had Toby grew up as any other British boy would. He enjoyed sports playing rugby and football mostly, but he also loved anything to do with getting his brain active. As he grew older Toby found that he had a problem learning, or for better explanation he didn't learn things the way others could. For Toby he had to take everything in and formulate everything himself. This meant that it took a long time, sometimes even weeks to totally learn something. However, once he did learn it he never forgot it. Almost like a photographic memory of things he thoroughly picked apart and put back together. Toby is also a very caring person and constantly sticks up for the guys getting bullied in school which of course meant he came home with a lot of bloody shirts. Special Gifts and Abilities: Toby is very adept at defensive magic, including other white magic like a patronus and the such. He also takes a long time to finally get a spell 'down' sometimes even taking a month. But when he gets it down he can perform it very well. Strength's: Very adept at White magic in general, has a rare talent with such charms. Photographic memory. Weaknesses: Is seem as stupid and made fun of as he takes awhile to learn things his own way, he also gets himself into fights a lot. - Name: Syler Martin Everwood Nickname: None Gender: Male Age: 13 Year: Third House: Slytherin Appearance: https://31.media.tumblr.com/e82f816c63f693f755f259d3bc0fda8b/tumblr_inline_mznm6uXc1W1r1yj84.gif Wand: Cypress wood, 12 inches, Manticore Stinger core (heirloom wand), reasonably springy Personal items and pets: Pet hawk named Shruikan. Magical Heritage/History-Personality: Pure-blood to the very bone Syler has been raised to hate muggle borns and to make sure everyone else knows it. As a child Syler showed early the signs of a Slytherin. Cold cunning, calculations, ambition, and huge drive to succeed no matter what. The boy started practicing the wand movements and incantations of spells separately trying to get an edge in his classes. When it came time for his to go to Hogwarts Syler tried to cheer his brother up by promising to teach him the spells he would learn at school, and possibly even write some good notes down about the first year classes. During sorting, the hat barely touched his head when the talking sorting hat screamed "SLYTHERIN!" Syler excelled in his new house noted by the teachers as a bright, easy learning boy who did whatever it took to do great at whatever assignment they were doing. After the first year Syler went home and as promised spent almost the entire holiday with his brother. If anyone in the world could get him to actually relax it was Chase. His second year was spent at least in his head on the quidditch pitch. Syler tried out for and was granted a place on the team as Chaser and like everything else he strove to be the best he could. Now it's his third year, but most importantly, his little brother will be joining him this time. And Syler can not wait. A few areas that needs improvement as far as classes go is definitely potions, AND anything other than DADA, Charms, and Transfiguration. Special Gifts and Abilities: A very strong user of offensive magic and dueling. Syler is a force on the dueling team that can never be underestimated. Strength's: Very strong dueler, Great on a broom. Weaknesses: Being a student in general, he can be rather rebellious. - Name: Ryam Connor Everwood Nickname: Ry Gender: Male Age: 11 House: Slytherin Appearance: Wand: 11 inches, Ashwinder Ash core, springy Hawthorne. Pet: A white/black striped kitten named Kayle. Strengths: His mind handles tactics extremely well processing information very quickly, this allows easier time with learning which in turn causes him to excel in studies. Weaknesses: He is very snobby and as such he hardly has any friend that can stand to be around him, he is very lonely and depressed most of the time. Personality: Smart, and he knows it. Arrogant, and rude Ryam is the epitome of a self-absorbed genius that thinks he has no need for anyone else in the slightest. With his brother being the only one he can talk to Ryam however is beginning to feel the depression of being alone all the time. He is on the inside a great kid ready to break away from his shell that he has hid in under his father and mother's eyes. Inside he is smart, charismatic, and noble willing to do what is needed to protect anyone that he could befriend. History: Mostly the same as Syler only being the punching bag of the family, he is constantly hounded to be the Everwood he should be...
Love to see some old friends here. Expect some CSs out of me!
I'd be down. PM me!
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