Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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*Places reserved stamp on the Doctor role. CS will be up soon.
Oh boy, ohhh boy, here we go again, another performance. Another time for Landon to go out on stage in front of all those people and show everyone the joy of the violin, electric and classic. He was nervous, like he always was. He supposed it was because he was still young, the others didn't ever looks as nervous as him, but when it came down to it Landon always played his part well and after about the first 5-10 minutes all the nerves were gone and it was just fun again. He walked onto the stage with his amp and cables for his electric violin and nodded at his band mates. "Everybody ready? Big night right here." He was always the quiet one but he was hoping he would be reassured by some words of yes big night but don't be nervous. He did a quick checklist on all his electronic equipment and gave his violin a quick test to make sure the tone was there. He nodded then satisfied sitting down on one of the chairs that hadn't been taken backstage yet and gently slid his regular violin from the case playing a part of Beethoven's 9th Symphony while tuning the strings to perfect pitch little by little.

He had always loved the sound of the violin and while he knew it was a well different kind of instrument to play for a band he enjoyed it and was glad his bandmates were ok with it. He finished and placed the green Violin beside him beside the electric and walked back to the other two.
Name: Landon Helton
Age: Just turned 17.
Gender: Male
Orientation: He's not entirely sure.
Position in Band: Electric Violin, and Violin

Personality: The goody two shoes, the brainiac, the straight A nerd. Those are the things used to describe Landon when people first see him, but that quickly changes when you hang around him and get to know his personality. Landon is a happy-go-lucky kid who loves being around people and gets along with just about everyone. He's a music virtuoso and has played Violin since he was 4. Other than that Landon is still somewhat confused about the world and how people act, his innocence still there. He has never kissed a girl or boy for that matter, and he really doesn't know his sexual orientation. When approached by strangers he is rather shy until he finds his place in the conversation or activity.

Favorite Bands: Not a band but Jason Yang, Bryson Andres, Bond.
Hobbies/Skills: He practices his Violin and plays for the cities orchestra. He is also good with computer games.
Job: None.

Bio: Born and raised by an executive CEO of a major bank and a Hospital General Owner Landon has never wanted anything in his life without being able to get it. He lived a very sheltered life being basically raised by his nanny. He attended a private homeschooling with other children of CEO's and the curriculum was as rigorous as the rules were. When he was 10 he saw some other boys his age playing baseball on the television and he begged to be allowed to do that. Of course the answer was no and Landon started feeling lonely and depressed. When he was 13 he attempted suicide by drowning himself in the pool, attaching a heavy weight to his ankle. Luckily for Landon his father himself walked down to try and find him for the party that night and saw him in the pool. Ruining his suit his dad untied his ankle and managed to revive him on the floor. Ever

After that incident he was allowed to do more things with other kids, which included hosting slumber parties, sponsoring teams that Landon played on and the public relations ended up doubling his father's business's stock. Everything was going perfect for once. When he entered High School his parents buckled and let him attend the public High School not to far away from the mansion. Here Landon found he was very much ahead of his grade level and coasted through classes making friends with the not so cool, not so preppy crowd. He enjoyed being able to live for once and with his faithful violin beside him Landon felt he could now conquer the world.

Not long after the start of the second semester of his freshman year Landon was found by what would become his best friends. He was playing his electric violin in the auditorium to a crowd of band students. He was of course showing off his prodigal status as a violinist and he had most of the students jumping to the rock/pop music he was blaring out. They approached him about joining their band and Landon quickly agreed even offering to have his dad sponsor it.


Band Names:

Dead can Dance-
Paralyzing Paradoxes-
Pretentious Deficit Disorder-
Benevolent Anarchy.
Your imaginary friend plot interests me!
Alright, you hear that we need a drummer!
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