Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Accepted! I like what you did with the middle child :) He's very interesting and much different from what I though he was going to be.

Thanks! Looking forward to the RP!
"Power is an illusion, you must keep the majority thinking you are the most powerful, otherwise another will rise to topple you."

Name: Alacai
Age: Appears 20.
Sex: Male
Sexual Preference: Prefers Vampires and Boys, preferably newly turned or just coming of age.
Pure Blood

-vampires only-
House: Juran
-Aristocrats only-
Family: Juran

Telekinetics: To the point of using blades with his mind.
and Metamorphing: The ability to take whatever shape or human form desired, able to change even the slightest detail of his body

Deep and methodical Alacai is a warrior at heart. He loves nothing more than a good battle but he excels at strategy and covert strikes. A deep thinker, Alacai is said to be one of the Vampires you don't wish to trifle with because you never know who in your own cirle is working for him. Mastering a Vampire Intelligence network around the world Alacai prevents wars from happening by eliminating key players of the side that foolishly goes against the House of Juran. He has contacts throughout the Vampiric world and his consistent, methodical approach to problems and situations makes him one of the top Generals that the House had produced. He his fiercely loyal to his family as expected.

Alacai is the middle child of the Juran House and was raised to be the defender of his siblings. His older brothers birthright, and younger sisters life were the two most important things in his unlife. He received the best education in combat techniques, was drilled throughout his entire life to become the perfect warrior, and trained religiously in order to perfect his skills. Martial arts, firearms, knives, axes, swords, maces, all of them were thrust toward the boy and he was expected to perfect it or to dishonor his House. He took to his life with a cold ruthlessness, and was proven to be talented at martial combat. What surprised his trainers was his powers, the ability to change ones appearance into any other humanoid form was very powerful. Aside from that when sparring with a trainer he suddenly sent the Vampire flying across the room and into a wall without doing anything but thinking. He became a tactical genius when he made his appearance in the families affairs and quickly made a name for himself as a cunning and ruthless General. His preferred strategy of using his enemies followers against them made it quickly apparent that Subterfuge and Intelligence were also talents of his. His one weakness was his love of newer male vampires. They had to be young and at one point he and a unit of his slaughtered an entire High School football team for Alacai's pleasure.

He has curbed those desires a bit since but he treats himself every know and then. The turned boys that survive are trained as operatives and sent them throughout the world

Has two pet cats, Romulus and Remus.
I'm definitely interested, will be looking for the OOC.
Art thought for a few moments and then nodded happily, he was actually not all that tired just ready for relaxation and well his dad's thigh made a great pillow! "I'm sure dad, I'll be fine so long as we don't stay out to, to late." He smiled brightly and slowly stood back up and went over to the door where he left his shoes and placed them on without bothering to untie them, he just smashed his foot inside and inserted a finger to make sure it didn't mess up. He then waited at the door for his dad to be ready, a small yawn escaping him for just a brief moment. He wondered where they were planning on eating, and he also wondered if they'd see any kids out, it wasn't likely considering the time of night, but it was a possibility.
Me and Gisk are working on a collab and should be done soon, so we'll probably be finished at around the same time.
Art didn't feel all that hungry when his father mentioned going out to eat and he smiled happily when it was suggested they go out to a midnight supper. He was very tired and he knew his eyes were drooping. He felt his hair get ruffled and he shot another tired smile at his dad before he plopped slowly up the stairs, his feet dragging a bit against the woodwork. He yawned and covered his mouth with his hand and then collapsed right into his bed, instantly asleep even before his head hit the pillow and he started snoring softly and well, rather cutely.

He slept for a good five hours, and it was the best kind of sleep, dreamless and instant REM. Art felt recharged and much better than he had earlier. He blearily stumbled to the bathroom and relieved himself before jumping into the shower and putting the water onto Ice Cold and washed his body quickly. Without even thinking he walked back to his room naked and began dressing in a simple outfit of a Hollister Shirt and designer jeans. He messed with his hair a little and then went to go find his dad. He smiled when he saw him in the living room and collapsed into his lap. "Hey Dad, I'm ready when you are..." He curled his body up and sighed as he settled his head on his dad's thigh.
Moving officially sucked was the only thought from ten year old Art's mind. He slowly walked around his new 'home' touching the different wallpaper and glancing at the familar and yet foreign furniture they had brought with them. He sat down in his own lazy boy chair and closed his eyes, he had gotten plenty of sleep on the way to the new home but he still felt tired, he supposed since he helped move things inside was the main reason.

As he sat he wondered what he would be doing had they still been at home... Or rather their old home. He smiled sadly as he thought of his normal routine of coming home, grabbing some lemonade and then tearing back outside and up to his best friends house to play video games and generally be stupid and silly boys. Right after he would come back home, eat supper with his dad, finish his homework and then tucked into his bed. It was all so normal and regular but now it was going to be so different, the same but different all at the same time.

He was actually just dozing off when he heard his name being called and he smiled, his father was still able to put a smile on his face no matter how iffy Art was feeling, he loved the man more than anything in the world and it was for his sake that he was trying hard to get used to the situation and new move as quickly as possible. He jumped out of the chair and hurried himself through the welcoming foyer until he could see his father standing near the stairway. Art slowly headed up to him before stopping right at his side and smirked up at him. "Yes dad?" His voice and hair would tell the story of his attempted foray into dream land while his eyes and brightening expression would tell how happy he was to have his dad right beside him.

He was shot back to a few weeks ago when there was a very bad thunderstorm near the House. Art doesn't -do- thunderstorms, in fact he's more afraid of thunderstorms than most pets are and he can get so bad that he occasionally will become more or less a 6 year old mewling like a kitten. He knew his dad was a bit strict on some things and could be quite gruff but he always seemed to be there for Art when he needed it the most and that was what was important.
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