Avatar of Apoalo


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Most Recent Posts

*Calms everyone down* The fire isn't spreading! We're clear!!!

No, but seriously we got a lot of stuff to do and life hits at the worst time. But have no fear we shall proceed when we're all present and accounted for. No man get's left behind!!!
Of course, not a problem. Been mostly quiet on the Western Front. *nod*
Ha! No rush Lost, I understand business trust me! We're not going anywhere, looking forward to what you put in!
Heh, It's probably a good idea not to go -TO- far ahead for the newer people coming in anyway. Don't want to flood the IC after all.
Cya Oliver.
Your signature is so good. I also love the character so far! Well done.
Boo! I'll send them a letter of frustration for you. Other than that, don't stress over it. We're fine and chilling like villains at this point.

@Oliver Toby is going to be so surprised when Landon calls him over.
Not a problem at all, just shows that you prefer us to be ready and happy before yourself. What makes you an awesome GM, already got some good posts in for everyone to get together. Riley is currently sitting off to the side if anyone wants/needs someone to interact with while Landon is tying Bruno and will call out to Toby as well.
Awesome posts guys!

And so it begins!
Riley Alexander Revels

Location: Revels Household - First Day Carnival

Interactions: Landon, Toby, Class in general with jokes.

"THE BOY'S ARE BACK IN TOWN! THE BOY'S ARE BACK IN TOOOOOWN!" From beneath blue and white covers a hand suddenly shot out like a bullet from a pistol and slammed itself into the top of the insufferable alarm clock which had just been blaring out Thin Lizzy's song. The arm went limp and fell beside the bed after silencing the rude machine but a groan could be heard a few moments later and the bed shifted until with a large lurch of the covers it revealed a 15 year old boy with disheveled dirty blonde hair and a sleepy look in his chocolate colored eyes. The clock read 6am and the boy, Riley Alexander Revels quickly turned the machine off to prevent another outburst. Moving to his dresser he picked out a simple outfit, a white T-shirt with some sort of graphic printed on the front and a pair of dark blue jeans. He also put a change of clothes into a duffel bag for physical education and Football practice. For the final bits he threw a pair of plain looking shoes onto the floor below the clothes and trudged himself into his attached bathroom.

Shower, teeth brushing, hair combing, and the general get ready ritual were performed and Riley walked out wearing just his boxers and looked much more awake. As he was heading towards his clothes he stopped dead and suddenly ran over to a Gibson Songwriter Deluxe Guitar and threw open a folder laying on top of it. He made a few marks and smirked goofily to himself as he nodded and danced back over to his clothes and proceeded to literally dance into them. He was still dancing to the nonexistent music as he left his room, leaving it open and uncaring as he kept things straight and neat. He wasn't a clean freak just his room really and everything else was just sort of fly by the moment. He headed into the kitchen and smelled a motley assortment of breakfast foods and he smiled brightly, lightning up his face and he went to stand beside a large African American Woman finishing up a platter of sausage. "Jeez, went a bit overboard today Felicia?" He asked as he chuckled and then sat down at the table, proceeding to load up his plate with bacon, eggs, toast, and sausage. He received a tsk in reply from Felicia and Riley chuckled to himself as he poured some Orange Juice. He truly loved Felicia and considered her much more a mother than his own who big surprise wasn't home. Not that he really cared if she was home or not anymore but he still remembered when he was younger sitting at the door and waiting for her or his father to come home and always getting upset when they didn't.

"Can't have you going to school on an empty stomach Riley, besides it's your first day of Tenth Grade! Are you excited?!" Felicia had this voice that just sort of soothed your soul, a bit of roughness that stated she knew the world for what it was but at the same time a calmness that let you know that she was going to protect you from that world for as long as she possibly could. Riley rolled his eyes and finished chewing a bite of food and glanced at her.

"I'm excited yes, but more to get it over with." That wasn't entirely true, he was looking forward to Football and improving his music a lot but he played it cool, no need to go overboard along with her. "Thank you for breakfast truly though Felicia." He felt her hug him around his neck and kiss the back of his head.

"Don't ever worry about it sweet Riles. Don't forget your sweatshirt today, it's chilly." She chuckled and then went back to cleaning up the kitchen from her cooking. Riley finished his breakfast in that time and took his plate over to the sink near Felicia and hugged her again before checking the time and wincing.

"Got to run! Gonna miss the bus." Yup, that's right. His family was easily millionaire's in worth and Riley was going to be riding the bus to school. And honestly Riley preferred it to rolling up to the front of the school in a Ferrari or something. He didn't like many people knowing he was rich and enjoyed just being a regular kid. So, running back up to his room he grabbed a simple dark blue sweat-shirt and put it on goofily before slinging his satchel backpack around his shoulder, coming to rest on his right side and then carefully slinging his guitar into place on his back. Satisfied that he was ready he took the stairs two at a time and called out a final goodbye to Felicia before launching himself out the door and into the chilly morning. It wasn't a long walk to the bus stop and he was -right- on time since the bus was approaching the stop now. He waved to a few of the students he knew and also to a few of the newer ones and took his guitar off his back as he sat down in the back. He put a mute on it and began strumming out chords and messing with the music folder.

This occupied his attention all the way to school, though it was harder to concentrate as the bus filled more and more. Riley liked to pride himself on working in stressful situations but there came a point when there was just no hope. He put his life away as they neared the High School and he smiled softly to himself as it came into view. One year was down in the records book and he had another three to go until he graduated. He did a quick check-list in his mind as the bus stopped and began unloading the high school students. Check-in with Coach, check-in with the theater director to see which musical was first this year, check-in with the band teacher and give him his latest thoughts on an orchestral piece he was working on, and then make it to homeroom on time. He took off, turning around and taking a deep breath as he walked down the hallway and smiling again, tenth grade was going to be awesome.

Somehow he managed to make it through all of his check-list with time to spare and so he walked into homeroom a bit early. He waved over at Landon who was sitting in the middle of the room, and also sent a quick wave to Bruno and Colton. He himself took a seat in the back of the room like he preferred and leaned his guitar safely inside of its carry bag in the corner. The noise was actually pretty civil but that all stopped as Mr. McGregor came over the speaker, McGregor was someone Riley could really respect, an ex-marine he was well received by most students and so Riley had no issue with standing and reciting the pledge along with him. He groaned along with some others as he mentioned an assembly and he knew to prepare for an organized lecture. If it wasn't the first day he'd consider sneaking into the band room to work on his music but he knew he would have to just suffer through this one. He rolled his eyes a bit as they were asked to get into a single file line and he caught sight of a rather young looking boy who seemed like he should be in sixth grade or something. He shrugged, he had been taught young not to judge anyone based on their looks and he strived to do just that, besides he might be the next Einstein or something.

As they lined up fully and prepared to leave Riley couldn't help but laugh. "The last march of the Sophomores." The Lord of the Rings reference got a good many chuckles and even Mrs. Wiley smirked. Since most of the students and staff who had been in classes with Riley for awhile knew of his jokester personality it wasn't anything new for them. They made their way towards the middle of the school and Riley laughed out loud as the hall monitor made a scene. As he passed the poor monitor Riley patted the bewildered boy on the shoulder, "0 for 1 there buddy. Don't worry, you'll get one eventually." He chuckled again, winked at Toby and smiled at the monitor to let the boy know he was kidding and then followed the class into the impressive auditorium. The class stayed there for an hour, and hour of getting spoken to on how amazing the school was and how much fun they were going to have and by the end of it Riley had so much joking potential that went to waste that he actually frowned. Oh well, plenty of school left to get them in.

The first day of school was always pretty cool in this school district, they paid a ton of money to get the students excited and ready for the school year. And as they reached the football field Riley could tell it was the same this year. He shook his head at all the booths and then realized he was the only one still standing, instead everyone else had ran off to the booths. Riley went to grab a drink and snack before moving off to the sidelines and sitting on the bench where he once again took out his guitar and put on the mute. He figured he had about twenty minutes before a teacher moved him and chided him to go enjoy himself and he would reply that he was -trying- to enjoy himself if she would stop interrupting, to which he would get a glare and he would surrender.

Landon Jeremy Miland

Location: Miland Home - First Day Carnival

Interactions: Riley, Bruno, wave to Colton



A loud bang followed by more shouting could be heard and inside a still dark room the muffled sound of French cursing and general grumbling could be heard getting louder and louder until when a door opened and light flooded into the room bedsprings would be heard and out from the covers came the form of a fifteen year old who looked very much like a sociopathic killer. The young boy who had opened the door froze, he was small with rather adorable messy brown hair and hazel eyes. But he didn't look very adorable then, cowering into the floor as fifteen year old Landon Miland stood over him and glared at him wearing nothing but a simple pair of gray shorts. Doing his best not to growl Landon stared down at the boy. "Corbin, how many times have I told you -not- to come into my room in the morning? Hm? What if I was getting dressed?"

Corbin for his sake at least rolled his eyes and slowly stood from the curled up ball and stared back at his brother now that he knew it wasn't a monster that was going to carry him into the afterlife. "But Astor won't let me in our bathroom, he's to busy looking 'perfect'. And besides it's not like we haven't seen each other before, I mean we -are- brothers." Landon sighed and had to smile as he heard Astor's words and rolled his eyes as Corbin continued, life with younger brothers was chaotic and insane but honestly for all their annoyances Landon loved them deeply and so he simply grumbled again and moved out of the way to allow Corbin into his bathroom. He himself stretched and yawned, scratching his chest and making his way outside into the hall and pounding on the other bathroom's door. "Astor! You got ten minutes, I don't care if you look like that social worker in France." He giggled again as he heard his brother gasp in horror and he went back into his bedroom. The clock read 5:45 and he couldn't believe the demon children were up so early and already yelling at each other. He wondered if he could grab a few more minutes of sleep...

That wasn't to be since he could hear Corbin slamming drawers and he groaned realizing the boy was going to have to use his toothbrush, whatever. He stood once more, his bed protesting as well at its owner's inconsistency. He slowly walked back into the hallway and waved haphazardly at his Uncle who just grinned like a school-boy and headed downstairs. Landon rolled his eyes again and pounded on the bathroom door again. "Ten seconds Astor!" He could heard the panicked flurry of motion and knew that his brother was probably done anyway and just wanted to -make sure-. "Five seconds." Suddenly the door opened revealing Astor, his hair styled to perfection, checkered button up shirt in pristine condition, teeth gleaming, and the same striking sapphire like eyes that Landon had staring back at him. Landon couldn't be mad and he hugged his brother to his side and bent down to his level. "Don't lock Corbin out again eh? You two share everything but this cursed bathroom, learn to live together. There is -two- sinks after all." Astor sighed but nodded and promised before also going downstairs.

Chuckling once more and wondering where the kid got his need to look 'perfect' Landon yawned once more and began his morning ritual. Luckily he had perfected it and had no desire to look 'perfect' and so he was done within twenty minutes. He walked back to his room in only a towel, his brown hair already curling and styling itself into a combed over look and saw that Corbin had finished as well since Landon's bathroom door was wide open, a wet towel sticking to the floor, and his toiletries were spread all over the top of the counter. Growling again he dressed himself in a blue striped shirt, a pair of acid-wash blue jeans, and a gray sweatshirt. He also wore a black and blue pair of running shoes. He cleaned up his bathroom and then as usual went downstairs last. He was greeted with the usual chaos of breakfast in the Miland/Holloway House but his spot was untouched and a plate of eggs, and bacon was safely protected with a paper towel. He sat down and gave a quick thanks to his Aunt Claire who was still slaving away to fix herself and her husband something.

This insanity continued for another thirty minutes until it was about 7:15. Then like last year, like they had never stopped Wyatt yelped and herded everyone into the Chrysler and sped off towards the Middle School where he dropped Corbin and Astor off and then sped off towards the High School. "So, Landon. Tenth grade huh, that's pretty crazy almost finished with this chapter of your life bud." Landon wanted to roll his eyes but Wyatt was a really cool guy and had done a lot for him.

"Yea, it'll be interesting for sure. I think we can make state this year in Football and Baseball, got a real solid team if everyone stays healthy." That was Landon for you, sports was his life really. Well sports, his grades since he wanted to get a scholarship. His Uncle just chuckled and nodded, used to his surrogate son's antics since he made it a point to be there for every single game so far which was hard and only made possible since he and his father co-owned a Large Security Business.

"Well, you know I'll be there to support you every step of the way. Just try and be a kid also Landon, these are the best days of your life don't just play sports. I know you don't, you love it but just I don't know, make some other friends and explore. High School is the perfect place to really start finding yourself." Landon felt like his jaw had dropped, his Uncle actually made sense. His heart felt funny and he knew he had just had a 'moment' with Wyatt and he smiled softly at the man.

"Thanks Uncle Wyatt, I'll try at least." He gave him a one-armed hug as they reached the drop-off area and he waved as the Chrysler pulled off and he turned to the High School. Already he saw some of his teammates and so he shouldered his Orange North face backpack and headed towards the front doors of the school. He was surrounded as soon as he took one step in by cheerleaders, fellow baseball players, all sorts of people. It was a motley assortment but they were all the jocks of the school more or less. Landon smiled and felt at home instantly, and while he had been at the school for a month already practicing for the football team it was different now that everyone was back.

He finally managed to escape the throng and made it to Homeroom, taking a seat in the middle and finding his gaze locked onto a new boy who looked quite young. He shrugged, some brainier boy probably. He waved to Riley as he entered and his face blushed just a bit. Riley had been his first crush in Eighth Grade and even now he looked just as cute as before. Sighing, Landon listened politely to the announcements trying not to think of his blooming sexuality. As they left for the Auditorium Landon laughed loudly as Riley made his first playful remark of the year and shook his head, the kid was a trip. The assembly was as expected boring and Landon along with most other students were happy it was over. As soon as they reached the football field he was smiling widely and went to go find his friends and to sign-up for the rest of his sports since Football was already locked down. He saw Bruno and instantly made his way over to him. "Bruno! Yo man, what's up?" He called, the Croatian boy was a killer soccer player and last year the combination of Landon playing forward and Bruno wrecking the midfield had won most of their games.

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