Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Hecate would be interesting, give Micah a sibling. Plus Magic is just awesome.

Likewise for Hypnos with Ashton! =p
I don't think it hurts to have a back-up plan. I hope that the OP returns! But, having this plan set reassures everyone that we want it to stay.
@The One

I'm here to stay wherever it goes.
I'm really excited for this to start up. By the way, I have empty relations sheets for Micah (who has been at the Academy for a LONG time), and Ashton. Feel free to PM me and we can start talking about our characters!
Decided to make a younger character as well in case anyone came in with one not in the general age group!

*plops interest sticker*

Don't usually post twice this quickly but my first post was rushed, and I'll be at work all day tomorrow!! Still only Shawn he's interacting with at the moment.
Caleb Caverly

Interacting with: Shawn Sinclair - Text @MechonRaptor

It was funny, the way cereal can taste so good and yet be so simple. Sure it wasn't eggs, and bacon with orange juice but to be honest cereal was just as good if not better of a breakfast than those other items. This was the thought process of Caleb Caverly as he finished drinking the left over milk in his bowl and tossing it into the sink. He knew he'd have to wash it and whatever other dishes pile dup during day later on so why bother wasting time now. Then again, the possibility to escape the House of Depression (as he called it) for the night was a possibility if he played his cards right.

With a yawn he picked up his camera from beside the door, along with a few different lenses. He wanted to try and get some good shots around town since the paper would be running out of his last batch and he skipped it the day before. As he exited his house he felt his phone buzz and the all to familiar ping notification sounded. He swiped his wallpaper back and nodded when he saw Shawn's reply. Typical really and it was one of the reasons he and Shawn were able to be such good friends, neither of them really enjoyed large crowds and preferred to be alone, yet the two seemed to just click. It helped that Caleb really enjoyed spending time over at the Sinclaire home and honestly if he had it his way, he would live there.

Smiling at the thought of Shawn, Bailey, and their parents all sitting down and eating as a family made a familiar pang of sadness hit his thoughts and he almost missed a perfect shot of a spider web still barely trickling with morning dew caught in the sunlight. He snapped a lens on and smiled as he took the picture. After he clicked Shawn's name once again and shot a message back to him. "I could come over around noon, we could work on a few songs and then play some video games? I forgot to get my books from the House of the Dead (his home). But that one movie is supposed to be out in the rental place today, and everyone said it looked pretty good?"

Placing the phone back in his pocket he continued walking around the town getting different pictures of nature, and a town becoming alive for a Saturday. He had to admit that he was a little tense when doing his usual walk around, with the death of Olivia the idea of being around the outskirts of town alone gave him chills down his spine and caused him to cut his safari hunt for the best pic short. He was confident this would get the paper through next week and that was good enough for him. He placed the camera and lenses into a shoulder bag and then headed into the town itself to grab a lemonade and get some more practice time in on the church's piano. Caleb had long ago snatched a key from his father and as forgetful as the minister was it was easy for the man to just think he misplaced it.

Just as he was getting closer to downtown he saw a form in the trees near him and he froze. All the blood in his body seemed to just stop flowing and an icy feeling of dread started from his extremities and worked itself all over the rest of his body. His breathing hitched and he found that he was taking large and deep breaths to compensate when his brain finally told him to find cover! Luckily for him it was only a girl. Caleb had seen her around town before so knew he had just given himself a heart attack for no reason. He slid down the tree he was using for cover and wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and shook his head, 'no more early morning strolls for me for awhile at least.' After about ten minutes of sitting there recovering he finally stood once again and continued on towards town. It was then he remembered the funeral was that day, his father hadn't asked him to play which was weird, maybe they decided not to have a pianist.

He thought about Olivia, he had of course known her. It was hard not to know her as she was a bright light around the town, he fought with the idea of showing up anyway, but the idea of going back to his house, and changing was getting the better of him. He figured if his father didn't ask then it probably meant that it didn't matter and Caleb felt he would just be intruding awkwardly if he showed up so he stuck with his original plan.

As he walked through town he waved at a few of the others out and about and made a beeline for the Church. He unlocked the back and then relocked it behind him and let himself smile widely. A whole space all for himself, his refuge from the world itself. The choir room. He headed over to the piano and just sat at the keys staring down at the ivory and then closed his eyes, just taking in the moment itself before placing his fingers on the keys and playing. He played for about ten minutes before realizing something was wrong, the song he was playing was one he had been working with Shawn on and he frowned, maybe Shawn wouldn't mind if he headed over early? He shrugged, and replaced the key cover over the piano and stretched himself out. He sent another quick message to his friend and messed with his beanie he was wearing, trying to get it into a better position while he waited for a reply. "Finished pictures early, at the church. Thinking about just heading over to your place now, that ok? Also, Olivia's funeral is today, were you and Bailey going?"
Eh, I guess a little bit. Different eye color and build I think. But I could see the similarities!
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