Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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You know what, I'm in. I went back and forth quite a bit, but I loved Stargate.
I will have a post up later tonight. Been a CRAZY start to a semester.
Same, the world of Warcraft launch had me a bitttttt preoccupied! <3
Poor Abigal.

[Reserved] Oh hai.
Ashton Caverly

Location: Camp Half Blood, Hypnos' Cabin

Interacting with: @Lightning Sunshine

"No... NO, NOOOOOO!!!" Suddenly the area around the cabin of one Ashton Caverly, only currently claimed child of Hypnos shook. A wave of energy hit the tree closest to the cabin and the bark began to wither and shrink away. Inside the cabin itself however 14 year old Ashton awoke with a loud gasp, covered in sweat and instantly grimacing. He was shaking as if he were freezing and through the grimace residual legitimate terror was etched on his face. He could feel his muscles tensed up and the cramping start and he quickly wiped tears from his face before his that could happen. It was becoming more and more rare for a nightmare like this to hit him this hard but it seemed the nerves for the beginning of the new camp season.

For Ashton, Camp Half Blood was home, his family all 'dead' except for the 'extended' family that had lived with on an island near Greece. That had been where his father had taken him to recover after... Well, after. He felt his limbs begin to cramp and the grimace that had slowly taken away the look of panic became a soundless scream as the pain assailed him. It felt as if every muscle spasmed at once and if anyone were there to watch it would seem as if he was having a seizure of some sort. After a few minutes things stopped and other than the occasional twitch, Ashton seemed better. Relief flooded his features, and a small smile could be seen. A much better recovery than usual meant that despite the nightmares, or PTSD as he called them, he was getting better. He still hated going to sleep but progress was good in the long room.

He let himself rest for a few more minutes before standing and pulling off his sheets. He took them outside to a large washing tub and after dipping in some lavender scented soap washed the sweat stained fabric. He put the sheets up to dry and then stepped back into the cabin and peeled off his boxers before going to stand under his shower to get himself clean. It always helped him relax, the warm water pounding against his back. And after hard mornings it was exactly what the Doctor ordered, or at least what counted for Doctors in the Camp. Thinking of doctors sent a pang of hurt into his face for a moment once more and his thoughts turned to his mother who probably still lived in Chicago. He had been told her would never see her again, and while a part of him knew that was probably for the best, another part of him longed to keep in contact...

After showering and dressing in his Camp shirt and some simple khaki shorts he did a half hearted attempt to comb his hair, and counted himself lucky in at least one factor knowing that his darker curls always seemed to find a way to look decent. He stood by his door and took a few deep breaths, his first real day back. His first year had been rough to say the least, he didn't really make a friend and had of course garnered a reputation as the 'weird one'. It was perfectly fine with Ash to be honest but he would be lying if he said he didn't get lonely at times, especially when hearing all the others kids laughing and having an overall good time. He kept to himself, and knew it was mostly his fault he didn't count any of the demi-gods as friends.

Taking another deep breath, he gripped the door knob and before he could start thinking anymore took the plunge and literally jumped out of the doorway, slamming the poor thing shut and wincing as the sun blinded him. He began blinking rapidly and took a few steadying breaths before heading towards the camp center. His cabin was nestled in the woods, a small path and a creek that led to the Long Island sound itself the only indicators that anything was up on the small plateau. Ash loved it and counted it as his own little piece of the world, somewhere he could feel safe and not worry about hurting anyone.

Smiling again, he headed down to the sound itself, enjoying the view of the water and the sound of the shoreline. As he got closer to the camp he heard something that sounded quite good, a girls voice for sure and it was singing a tune that Ash had never heard before. It was faint, which meant that he wasn't exactly to close and when he didn't hear anything else he figured the person had moved on. A shame he though to himself, they were really good. He continued heading for the camp, making a mental note to duck the practice area when he heard the sound of a musical note. Or at least Ash thought it was a note, it sort of sounded like a dying animals last yowl. Suddenly the water 15 feet in front of him rippled and splashed and the rocks in front of the water moved a bit.

"Shit." Came the feminine voice and Ashton could only stare as a red headed girl turned away from the water and slung a guitar across her back. It took the son of Hypnos a few moments to gather himself before he quickened his pace to try and catch up with her.

"Hey! Was that you singing? You're really good." He called from behind her and had to give himself props for actively trying to make conversation. Already this year was shaping up to be better off than the last, or at least he hoped so. He'd see how the girl responded first before jumping to conclusions. He tried to place her face and thought he had seen her with the Apollo kids and the insufferable Will Solace.
I'm also interested. I wouldn't be opposed to a small group as well.
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