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Current A quiet day is a good day, especially when it doesn't have to be productive.
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I made a new RP for the first time... In years. roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… please give it a look!
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Fallout Tactics has death claws that can talk, scary killer robots, and the ability to have a tank. It just doesn't... Sit well with the rest of lore.
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The Accords of Wolves and Wyne

Just before the Stark Feast...

Brandon Stark waited until his kin departed then withdrew a flask from cloak. “Gods what I wouldn’t give to have a more normal family. My apologies for my... Wife’s less than adequate courtesy Lady Redwyne.” He spoke, taking a long drink from the flask and passing it to Gryff who knocked back some himself. “I’ve come to make an offer... Two actually to present your father, one if my son has championed himself in the melee. The other if he has not... I know you two are fond of one another, I’ve spent time ensuring our coffers can pay a Redwynes bride price and survive our winters... We are not the richest of houses but we are proud and honorable.” He explained as he smiled at Honora. “And any price is worth it for the way my son speaks of you. I'd think he’d found true love by song alone."

Gryff blushing next to his father as the young man turned his head lightly scratching the back of his head. “I... I told you I wasn’t just wasting all that time I had to get what I needed... I won’t dare to dishonor you... Hope you know we might not have the wonderful weather and wealth you are used to here...” He explained nervously it seemed fiddling with practice sword hilt.

Honora listened in silence, her eyes moving from Lord Brandon before they settled on Gryffith’s.
“No need to apologize.” She offered. “I wasn’t exactly at my best either. I beg your pardon for my own rude behavior in return.” Honora asked as she bowed in reverence and honor.
She dared not interrupt the compliments, as she felt a blush rise to her cheeks once more.
“I fear your son cannot be trusted as a reliable source my lord. For I fear he is not impartial, but then again neither am I. My heart has been wholly his since the night he sang for me, I must confess he spoiled me rotten. For no man could compare thereafter.” She spoke praisingly, before smiling at the dowry offer.
“I dare not make such demands, nor would my father protest I believe. We are a lower but wealthy house. Father always was more pleased with prestige, a noble house and lineage such as your own would certainly lift his spirits, regardless of the distance.”

She turned to Gryffith and took his hands in hers, demanding he’d look at her.
“You would never be able to dishonor me. For all my coldness, truly can you blame me… waiting for three years without a word of comfort?” She asked with a slight smile before stating. “If I was afraid of the cold, I would not marry a wolf. Besides, the bear pelt you gave me back then has kept me warm through the biting licks of frost that do venture South.” She smiled warmly at him. “You shall simply have to see to it I don’t wither from the cold.” She teased.

Brandon nodded, then produced formal letters with personal seals on them. “One is for should Gryffith win, the other should he not both be generous terms. I know how he feels... Same way I did when first met Sylvara and when found ourselves beset by brigands.” He chuckled thinking back on as he stepped forward putting a hand on her shoulder. “Besides, no need to bow you were good to my boy and him to you Lady Honora you will always have my care and respect even if my pack isn't the best at showing it.” He smiles at her, turning to Gryffith. “You want a moment alone before we go off to feast and revel with our fellow men of the north? You know Ashe will start to suspect something soon.”

“I heard your eldest was a troublemaker, I fear, we do not lack in those either.” Honora remarked. “All good families seem to produce at least one.”

Gryffith stepped forward taking her hands. “I wasn’t fast I admit... But I promise this time next year you’ll be with me in Winterfell. You’ll love the glass gardens and the hearths.”

“Maybe I should set up our chamber there. In the hothouses.” She joked feeling relief wash over her. “You’re really sure about this…a deal struck is a deal made and this time in front of your father. I would hate for you to regret marrying a dainty Southern flower.”
“Also whatever may happen know that I hold you dear, dearer still than my own life, regardless of who will stand against us, I’d rather not uproot unnecessarily.” The light that reflected in her eyes was slightly fractured, due to the smallest of tears starting to form at the thought of their future happiness.

Brandon nodded. “Aye, he didn’t stop hounding me for three years to marry. I think the lad knows what he wants.” Griffith blushed but nodded and hugged Honora.

“Yes... You are what I always want.” He spoke, stepping forward to hold her hands then leaned down kissing her sweetly.

“Good.” Honora managed to say before he hugged her and took hold of her before robbing her of her breath and any restraint or struggle she might have felt was necessary to maintain some dignity. But as his lips touched hers she concluded dignity could go hang itself.
She was too preoccupied to care.
“You’re cruel.” She stated softly giving him the lightest of punches. “How am I supposed to get a good night’s rest after all that? I’ll be sitting in that box all puffy eyed tomorrow and it will all be your fault, for haunting my dreams.” She proclaimed with a slight pout as her eyes couldn’t help but trail downwards and instantly make her flush bright red again.
“You’ll be the death of me.” She scolded. “It is a good thing I love you, otherwise I would be horribly frustrated.”

Griffith laughed. “Could be worse Mathias is infamous for forgetting a shirt after training.” He sighed as he shook his head. “And Ashe doesn’t use doors very well. He once climbed up the side of the Eryie.” He shook his head. “My older brother, the trouble maker. I wonder what sort of Warden he’ll make one day.” He added before hugging Honora. “I have to go pretend to be happy without you awhile, think you can manage?”

Honora sighed remembering.
“Don’t remind me, Serenei was ready to jump him, poor boy. She’d ravage him. You might be wolves, but from what I’ve seen he seemed more like a duckling and she was the hungry vixen ready to devour him.” She rubbed her temple in a tired manner.
“Make a mental note to always bring a shirt for Mathias and to put a bell on your brother.” She said. “I will not have him scare the death out of me with his antics. I had to deal with Arystide and Finnegan. He shall find me no easy victim.” She reminded him before she smiled at his embrace.
“I have managed these past few years, I think I can manage those extra few days. Go and be a good son, but if I hear of you flirting with any of these Northern girls I will show you exactly why you don’t mess with a Redwyne.” She added with slight jealousy for good measure.

Griffith blushed. “Please like any northern woman could-” Brandon coughed. “Could... Compete with you in my heart, even drunk I have only eyes for you.” Gryffith squeezed her hand and smiled at her.

“All right then, go on. The Seven know I loathe to watch you go, but I would hate myself more if I caused you harm or damage your reputation. I know the North expects its men to be tough and whilst the women of Bear Island may be excused for their She-bear behavior, I doubt they would approve of a Southern Lady chewing out her husband to be.” She curtsied again for the both of them, taking her distance and turning more stiff again for appearances sake.

“Please be careful.” She pleaded.

“I may not be able to keep you from ‘proving yourself’ but remember it is you I want instead of that flower crown.” Honora reminded him, before wishing him and his father goodnight.

Meanwhile in the feasting hall...

With the festivities now over and the hours progressing later and later in the evening, long after other Lord's had taken their leave, the Redwyne sisters had been on the prowl again for some merriment and finer specimens of men to spend the evening with.

As the crowd had grown larger the twins had eventually even split up, with Rowenna enjoying a turn about on the dancefloor only to bump straight into a familiar sigil.

She managed to catch hold of the man's arm only to laugh mischievously offering the man an apologetic wide smile.

Cregard had been crossing the floor having just finished his book. He was about to go put it away, maybe take in a proper meal and then see about some training. However when she caught hold of his arm he turned, looking her over he didn't apologize or try to move as he looked down. "Best be careful, wolves bite." He spoke not with a smile or a wink but a warning most ladies didn't much care for rough and tumble north men who wed easily before a tree and took them off to bed.

She laughed wider at that.
"Do you promise?" She chuckled, offering a slight bump with her hip as her smile turned wicked.
"But only after a dance and a glass of wine surely?" She offered, wondering if the man wanted to play.

He shook his head and then paused. "I don't dance but I do drink if that is your game. Happy to drink." He offered with a shrug. "I always bite, it's why my brother and I are my father's Fang's. He talks and we bite."

"Well, dear Ser Wolf, I do hope you tend to keep that promise. We'll see whether I can convince you to drink our wine, rather than our blood, how is that for a start, Ser Wolf?" She suggested.

"Fine to me, though it's Cregard. Just call me that." He spoke, clasping his book and turning to walk with her. "I only want blood in a fight... You're not really the type to fight, are you Lady?" He added not even knowing her name.

"Cregard... A powerful name Ser Wolf and no I do not fight....well not the usual type of fighting." She laughed as she pulled him along to one of the bars and merely needed to signal before one of the barmaids came running.

"The usual Lady Rowenna?" Asked the maid.

"The usual." She nodded with a smile watching as the wench took two goblets and poured them from a different casket than the other Arbor Reds before planting them before them.

Rowenna turned to Cregard and handed him a goblet before saying.

"Enjoy... and don't immediately toss it backwards like one of the other vintages. This one is to be tasted and allow your palate to savour all the Summersun that lies within it." She instructed with a lower voice, before doing so herself.

"Oh and I am Lady Rowenna Redwyne, my lord...at your service."

Cregard had already reached for it to toss back and drink like so many beers before but he listened... Curious to learn about wine a bit at least if he was to marry into one of these families he should learn about their customs and drinks. "Fair enough. I admit it's different from the beers back home." He added taking a long slow drink nodding his through scrunching his face a bit. "It's sweet... So sweet." He muttered, seeming a bit off put by the nature of it.

"Your wine is certainly interesting, my uncle has brought beer. Maybe you ought to try our deep black drinks?" He was curious about her reaction to the idea of drinking it. "It's more filling but stronger than wine. Though it's bitter not for the faint of heart." He added carefully trying not to discourage her from it.

Rowenna put a hand on his, which seemed tiny in comparison. "Aren't all Summer's sweet?" She asked in return. "Of those long, warm nights, simmering with the cool sea breeze and smelling of the various sweet blossoms." She turned to watch him carefully through her long lashes. Making sure she would keep his attention.

"Is Ser Wolf inviting me? Then how would I be able to object to such an invitation?" She asked. "Whilst I perhaps shouldn't, as the saying goes, you have piqued my interest. I certainly am willing to taste this deep black drink...I imagine it is brewed by Winter itself." She said, taking another swig from her granite red.

"Mhmm nothing like that but the waters are from fresh mountain snow... As for Summer nights... I help the smallfolk. We prepare constantly... Winter is coming and if we do not have years of grain, food, and drink readily stored we will starve." He spoke then thought a moment before turning his hand to take her own in his rough and strong hand. "Summer nights are strange to me... Too warm and bright. Summer in the north is cooler, sometimes gets warm enough the wall weeps yet never melts... You know some cut the ice from it? It never melts so you can cool anything without weakening the drink."

"Sounds appetizing under the right circumstances." She stated. "And I am sure you're a tremendous help, how could they starve when they have men such as yourself to rely on." She played. "I am certain one needs to be warm blooded to survive those cold northern nights. Aren't you lonely, Ser Wolf?"

"It's why we are so contentious: cold weather breeds hot blood and desire to stay close to kin. Northern families grow so big because men and women spend months and months in doors in winter so close together bundled in furs for warmth." He added with a pause then sighed. "I've never been the most keen for the company of women. Good conversation is more important, learning and understanding that makes things worth doing. My brother has a vice for women." He then paused for a moment.

"I am not adverse to female charm just... Different I crave battle and blood or knowledge and companionship, I do mean good company and conversation first before anything else." He spoke letting her know he wasn't as uneducated and unrefined as many might think to look at the man.

Rowenna's expression instantly changed.
"I did not mean to offend you, Ser Wolf." She smiled wryly. "I am a problem child, my sister doesn't approve of me, claims I am too promiscuous, but that is because I seek the right type of man. One cannot but test them and see how they fare without a little risk." She claimed. "I want a man that fights for me, would kill for me and would rather spend himself out on me."

"Perhaps I was wrong to presume you would be up for that task." She stated. "I beg your pardon."

"They call me bloodied for a reason. I fight when blood needs to be spilled only." He took a long drink. "Mine or theirs matters not to me. If you took me a yours, I'd cave I'd skulls and rip out hearts." He spoke simply with a shrug. "Wolves will fight an Ice bear to protect what is their own, even if they'd lose their tears and fight till it's done." He simply finished the wine and grabbed her arm light and was careful not to hurt her.

"If you're looking for someone to kill, die, and fight for you. I would do it all but you have to be mine and mine alone. Wolves mate for life when they choose one." He spoke staring into her eyes a wildness in them, he was a man who did the things he had described to men before. "I won't fight tourney's in your honor or talk shit to little men with tiny cocks. If they harm you, if they hurt you, I bring an ax down upon the helm and split it then ask who else needs a lesson." He let her hand go. "That the right type or are you looking for something more refined?"

Rowenna raised a sculpted eyebrow, putting a hand on her side.
"Listen, my lord. Not every lady here goes weak in the knees for flower crowns and tourneys." She stated with a proud look in her eyes.

"I'd chain myself to the bed for a man that would promise me that he would ravage only me." She replied boldly. "So Ser Wolf, do we have an accord?" She asked as a wicked grin slowly crept on her face.

"I am yours and you're only mine."

"Aye, I'll be true if you do. My eyes will never wander. I want only love, a warm bed, and good conversation each day with the woman who I share my life with. As for chained to the bed... When winter comes, we probably won't leave it weeks at a time during the blizzards anyway." He spoke reaching an arm to pull her towards him, so open and eager not worrying about decorum or station.

She easily slid into his embrace.
"You'd better find me Septon... Oh that's right...you Northerners marry differently do you not? Well whatever you do, I suggest we do it quick, before you can change your mind." She teased with a warm smile.

"Before weirwood trees... Perhaps we might find a grove. All we need is a tree and then to consummate it … Your family alright with you taking up with a Wolf?" He stared into her eyes holding her close as he was curious he'd never met a woman southern born who spoke like this.

"I am the least of my family's concerns... They would be thrilled to hear I made an honorable match." She stated with light annoyance. "Keep sweet talking to me and we won't even get to your precious tree." She smiled, turning her attention back to the man in front of her. "I do hope you keep your promise, the one of you biting me." Rowenna grinned, before dragging him with her towards the exit of the tent. "No turning back now, Ser Wolf. I am not letting you escape."

"Please, like I'd run now... I wanna see if you tumble as well as you talk." He spoke reaching down and grabbing her up to carry as he looked down into her eyes. "You're the prey tonight." He whispered as took her quickly off to find a spot and show her how they kept warm in the worst of Winters.
The Wolf who got into the Wyne

@Neianna86 and @Apollosarcher

Three years ago...

It had been a most wonderful tourney. Her father had offered her the chance to go and she had leapt at the opportunity. She was to accompany her brothers and her Uncle, to watch Arnaud and represent House Redwyne.

Despite her brother not winning, it had been an overall success. The Pavilion itself had brought a good profit already and the night was still young. Her Uncle had allowed her to excuse herself, her tasks as ‘Lady Redwyne’ done and finally being allowed to leave the Feasting Tent.
It was starting to get rambunctious, with a more rowdy crowd and frankly Honora was simply too tired of all the work and impressions she had these last couple of days that she welcomed the reprieve from duty and potentially watchful eyes.

The cool night air still held some of its Summer’s warmth, so that Honora had not needed a thick cloak to shield her from the cold. As she stepped across the pavilion heading into the direction of her tent, her feet stopped for a moment. She wasn’t sure why, but there had been a lure cast out by the nearby woods ever since their arrival.
Though the dark did make them seem taller and slightly more unnerving, the stars and moon gave off their pale but bright light illuminating the grounds and offering her a little more courage.

She couldn’t resist.

She had been curious to see what secrets those old silent trees kept and so with a slight smile, she stepped towards them.
This is a fool’s errand. Her own mind berated her as she cautiously entered the woods, her silks shifting almost silently with her.
What she met was all the sounds a night could make and a lot of darkness.
Of course upon her entering, all life grew even more quiet, destroying the magical feeling and leaving her with naught but silence.
She sighed as she rubbed her eyes, the darkness now truly starting to take her sight completely, she berated herself once more for being as foolish as Nadiya and Odette in believing in the more fantastical side to the tales of old.

The battles had been hard, the day was not won but honor intact and skill shown, Gryffith retired from the feast and celebrated having congratulated the winner. He was never one for big parties, at the Southern ones where they all sat and said polite backhanded compliments never saying what they meant or really meaning what they said. He’d taken his lute and found a spot in the Godswood of the keep alone from any eyes upon him he splayed out on the cloak he’d brought with him. He often sang to the Weirwood in Winterfell, he wondered if the gods ever got bored of prayers and oaths, he wanted to offer them something different. Songs, songs of the people they watched over, music was a way to the soul and perhaps the gods would enjoy to know the souls of those they could not see.

Honora’s ears pricked up as heard the man’s playing, luring her farther in, to be finding a figure laying in the field of grass, eyes shut, singing a slow and haunting tune.
It was a slow and sweet one she had never heard. The voice had startled her, making her heart jump and clutch the closest tree nearby for protection. That was until the true soothing melody filled her ears, making her catch her breath and listen on in silent reverence.
"Hear you now the sad lament of brave young Danny Flint. Whose parents died of sickness when she was not but ten."

A lute joined as it showed on the dark haired young warrior, a grey dire wolf shield at his side. Gryff lay there singing cool wind blowing across his body as his sword and shield laid off to the side and he had left off his gear. His shirt loosely hung over his frame, sack cloth pants held on with a simple leather belt as his hands held the lute strumming and playing slowly. He missed the cold and songs of home though the food and friends were good he felt the southerners could be so cold in how they regarded one another.

Her curiosity getting the better of her, she glanced past the thick trunk of her hiding spot and ventured a little further, her eyes trying to see where the alluring voice came from. Her feet carried her further until she reached the edge of a clearing.
There she spotted the source of her nightly singer, a lord of the North.
She recognized the sigil instantly.
One of the Starks of Winterfell.
Having not the heart to interrupt him she stood there, within the shadows of the trees, captivated and lost in the sad ballad. Her right hand found some support against the tree next to her as she was completely zoned in, perhaps it had been her own exhaustion, perhaps the more romantic side of Honora finally came out and claimed possession of her, but she kept silent. Her eyes transfixed upon the man’s face and her ears to the strumming on his lute.

He sang long and low the northern tale of a woman who lost her parents and then her maidenhead to her uncle; she then posed as a boy to take black. Only to later be accosted by her new brothers at the wall then murdered after the sickening deed was done to her. Yet though such a somber song it was mournfully sweet, almost one could listen to it for hours as they cried for the woman so long ago lost..

The song did not leave her unmoved. It struck a strange cord in her, one of melancholy and of dread. Honora never considered herself to be fair enough to be fought over by men of standing. Assuredly she was the daughter of Gorlois Redwyne and with it would come an arranged marriage to a stranger.
Such was the way of things.
A daughter’s future was to be the wife and mother of another man’s children. To strengthen alliances and be a graceful hostess.
She would not be sought out as a Queen of Love and Beauty.
She had fairer sisters and had no notable reputation to distinguish herself from the other countless noble women. Yet, what was she but spoiled when compared to the maid of the tale. The tale itself ended in utter tragedy, sung by a voice filled with such sweet sorrow, it made her eyes well up with tears as well as feel her breaths catch in her throat only to be released shudderingly, in a final desperate act not to disturb the scene before her. To keep her dream, just for a little while longer…

When Gryffith finally stopped playing he breathed slowly, opening his eyes now well adjusted to the dark of the Godswood, a trick Ashe had taught him. He froze a moment as his eyes rested on his watcher. He blushed furiously, half to run yet... He knew that hair, could see the tears... She enjoyed it? He knew if he thought for too long he’d lose the moment so then taking a breath began to play again. This one another, this one still soft and slow. One known across Westeros, The Maids that Bloom in Spring. A love song of even winters as long as they may be must end and their like that of maidens fair. A truly love struck song meant for celebrating weddings and feasts. Yet he sang it alone and just for her without a thought to anyone else, he’d chosen it in the hope she’d stay... He’d never once been able to properly face a beautiful woman alone and flirt, Ashe had all the skill with that, though no follow through according to his friends.

When their eyes met there was a spark of something that flew between them. And at the instant blush Honora realized she had been discovered only to see him change his tune and now played a merrier song of renown. She must have been tired, for a little while later she realized it was probably meant for her. Her cheeks flushed, chasing the tiredness away with its bright red blush. Her eyelids fluttered as she stepped back into the tree, stabilizing her as she looked down, feeling both honored and mortified for not having a graceful response.
She clenched her fist and told herself to stop fretting, lured back into the song and this time, being more bold. She stepped out of the tree's shadow and moved over to a nearby boulder and took a seat there, all the while gazing at her musician with great enjoyment.

Gryffith sang and played for a while for his lone audience, his eyes closed tight to keep him from staring as his voice went high and low, terrified in part he would open them and she would be gone. Eyes opening she was instead leaning on a rocky boulder next to where he lay. His eyes eventually coming to rest on her delicate features, the worn and bruised sword of the North smiled sweetly, it was rare to see a Stark look so happy.

He didn’t know how to speak to her, to say how he was feeling, to do anything more than stare and be awkward sod. So he did the one thing that came natural to him, the one thing he’d been able to do well other than swing a sword, sing and play.
However a faster more upbeat song came next, Two Hearts That Beat as One. A love song only ever heard at weddings and as passionate as they came.

At the end of it Honora raised herself up a bit, having felt ensorcelled by his promising songs of love and of loving hearts. Her soft voice cut in, for fear of losing the opportunity to tell him, before he would start playing another.
"You play and sing beautifully. Forgive me for disturbing what was undoubtedly something you kept for your own self." She uttered, her voice slightly hoarse from earlier.

Her silks glistened in the pale moonlight, as did the small silver jewelry she was wearing. Her mother's earrings twinkled beneath her long dark locks. Her bright eyes regarded him as she bit her lower lip in slight hesitation.
"I am sorry... I shan't intrude upon your good person any longer...I already made quite a nuisance of myself already." She offered.
It was propriety that made her say it. In truth, she never wanted to leave, but to remain here by his side forever.
If that was her fate, to be caught by some spell a Northern man laid upon her, she would gladly embrace it.

The young man's lips went dry, his voice half caught in his throat he had to speak now... Or she might leave, so he calmed himself and focused, be honest and say what you mean, if she really is for you she’ll understand. Gryffith shook his head; he spoke slow and carefully though as plain as any Northerner would.
"I don't sing for others much... Not a skill many Northmen care much for outside of parties and it's much less liked than sword play is... I sing to myself or the weirwoods often when I am away from home... I hope the Weirwoods across Westeros can hear me, I hope they can hear the song and know that though many are far from the sight of the old gods, people are still good and honorable." He spoke smiling again as he looked her over. "And thanks for the wonderful people that we might stumble across."

She couldn't help but smile embarrassed at that.
"I doubt I can be counted as 'wonderful people'." She uttered as she pushed some over her hair behind her ear in a nervous gesture. "Just a Southern Maid who strayed from her usual path." She turned towards him with a question. "You truly believe your old God's house in those trees?" She asked, never having understood much of the old Northern religion. "They seem to be frightfully haunting. Caught staring at the world from one spot only to watch on as both feast and war go by." She spoke softly, as she dared not risk them being discovered and to keep her own fears somewhat under control.

She rubbed her arms for a moment as the night's chill now settled in properly and her silks were hardly a proper shield against them.

He nodded a moment.
"The old gods aren't the trees. They are nature, the mountains, rivers, streams, and hills. The Weirwoods are just how they see us and know us. It's why we pray quietly to them alone. It's about us beseeching our gods... Not some priest to tell us how but us directly speaking our wants and needs from our hearts." He explained as he reached under himself he pulled the heavy fur bear Ashe had hunted and given to him for a cloak.
"Here, take it you must be freezing in something so light." He sat up and reached out an arm offering the heavy cloak to wrap herself in it, though the weight that showed it was more practical than fashionable but still good. "Though you do look gorgeous in it, we don't have such fine things in the north too often." Whether he meant women like herself or clothes was up to her mind.

Thankfully she took it before glancing back at him asking.
"But, what about you? Won't you be cold...." She stopped herself from stating foolish things further. Of course he wouldn't be cold, he was a Northerner, he probably thought of the night's chill the same way as she thought of the warm sea winds. Her cheeks burned again at his compliment. As she wrapped herself in the warm furs, its insolation instantly stopped the slight shivering she had been doing. She was caught utterly speechless. Which was rare. Normally Honora could easily converse, but there was something in his eyes, in his voice that threw her off. He turned her into some innocent 14 year old, blushing at the sight of real men. Finding her voice finally she returned the compliment.
The Southlands don't have wolven lullabies so mournful it makes maidens weep. We'd cast our gold, our pearls for but one of their songs of love or sorrow. She smiled back at him, her lips slightly parting.

"You have offered me your voice, your playing and even your warm fur...yet I have nothing to give you in return." She lamented.

"Perhaps... I could ask for a kiss? Or maybe just your company a while longer... I know you more than likely prefer some great knight or a tourney winner... But I feel happy sitting here with you, no words needed. Like I took the day in the melee, even as I lay here sore and bruised from losing the day." He added as he looked into her eyes with a warm deep smile he did not move to take or push, only asking for something she could give easily to him. Though he was nervous he still understood he had to try and make his intentions clear... This was the daughter of major nobility in the South. He knew there was etiquette but he always wanted to make true intentions known to her, that he would not sully her name.

Honora flushed again.

She attempted to speak, but no words came. She swallowed before asking nervously.
"A kiss as payment for the songs you sang, I will grant, but with one question...would you even remember my name afterwards?" She wondered aloud. She straightened a bit as she looked away. "I have brothers, I know men need to...to be with other women, flings for a night to be discarded come morning." She looked back at him. "I do not desire to be one of those..." she pressed.

Gryffith blushed something fierce as she told him that but he took a breath, he’d caught her name several times during the tourney, seen her too, he doubted he could forget even more so now. "I won't forget... I knew your name before you came over. Honora, of House Redwyne yes?" He spoke without a pause or thought.
"I had never wished I could joust before I saw you sitting out there, I wanted to offer you a flower. But I have no plate for jousting and few reasons to learn." Surprising her again no doubt.

Honora's breath got caught in her throat at his voice saying her name.

It all felt very surreal. Her wishes all come true, no lady was that fortunate, but for now Honora couldn't care about reality. Her eyes fixed upon his as she drew closer to him, moving over and kneeling at his side. She smiled more widely at his mentioning of the joust and the implications of it. "I do not need a crown of flowers. I have my songs. My wolven lullabies." She said softly as she rested a hand upon his chest for support. "You won't eat me...will you, Griffith Stark?" She asked so softly it danced in the realm of whispers. Her soft rosy lips moved over to his as her eyelids fluttered to a near close. Her breath sweet and laced with Arbor Red, now could touch his face as she drew ever closer, her body close to his.

He spoke before he knew he was answering, the nervousness gone only the joy of her touch and companionship driving him onwards. The beat of his heart ringing in each ear. "Wolves can be tamed, you know." He added soft gently, moving his hand to embrace her, sliding her into his lap. Slowly shutting his eyes leaning in a whisper. "I could never harm a hair on your head." He slowly leaned in the sweet scent enticing him further into her embrace as he held her alone in the night.

The kiss that followed washed her restraints away completely. As their lips locked the wave that rushed up and enveloped her was so powerful and dizzying that it left her longing for more.
Her breath tried to recover, but failed abysmally as she lost herself into it now only left with a fleeting remnant of a rush, and left needing it. Her fingers grasping his vest as her lips released his and her eyes hooked onto his as the familiar red blush graced her cheeks as her mind dared to dream further. "A tamed wolf...should never be. They are their own masters...though perhaps their loyalty could be earned." She offered instead.

He nodded and breathlessly answered as the passion of the still hung on his lips. "Perhaps... But they are honorable creatures... More so than man often is... This wolf would not dishonor you. I swear." He spoke, brushing her hair gently as he held her in the dark of the night moon shining down on the lone pair holding each other tightly.

"I want more I admit. But I'd rather not dishonor whom I care so much for." He added, taking her hand to hold and continue to embrace her without doing harm to her or her purity.

She kissed him sweetly and curtly once more before she put her head upon his shoulder, leaning against him enjoying his strong hand holding her own. "I doubt your father would approve of an alliance with us. We're not your bannermen. Though it has happened before, most lords shy away from such matches." She started showing off her knowledge in the matter and thinking ahead. "As for my father...with the grief of mother being too near still, I doubt he would let me settle." She explained things further to him. "I stepped into my mother's role when she passed. My father and uncle depend on me a great deal."

"Heh, my father would be off put certainly but he would not refuse me. He wants us to be happy more so than marry for advantage... My aunts married half the North." He chuckled as he leaned his head on hers. "All children must find their own path. I want it to lead to you no matter what it takes." He knew his father having had the chance to marry for love and caring so deeply for his bride had given him a unique opinion only Ashe had been pushed towards a match... Mostly due to his older brother's reckless disregard for rules and obeying them, their mother felt a strong woman ought to sort the boy out.

"I'll try to talk some sense into my father. He should be able to see the importance of a Northern alliance and if not to see his oldest daughter happy for all the work she's done." She laced her fingers with his, before pulling it close to press a kiss upon its back. "Though half of me wonders if reality is truly this sweet or whether I am still dreaming." She said as her other hand moved up to his face and allowed her slender fingers to comb through his hair ever so slightly.

He shook his head. "I'm wondering how I ever got so lucky to hold the fairest maiden south of the wall in my arms tonight." He added nestling her close and shutting his eyes letting them both drink in this quiet moment alone together. Something they might not have again for years to come.

Redwyne camp, shortly after Northern arrival.

Gryffith had stepped away from his father as Mathias took their horses off to get stabled and cared for. Griffith was helping direct the merchants while his father saw to informing others of their arrival and bringing gifts to their hosts. However, as he finished sending the brewers wagons along, he passed near the central tents where the Redwyne's wine was being unloaded. He couldn't help but stare at the now even more womanly Honora Redwyne... He could hardly turn his head though when caught his stare he looked to the wine trying to save face for her sake.

Of course it had been three years since that night... Since that kiss, he’d fought and trained for days and days, but did she still want him? Did she have some other who had come into her life, after all he wasn’t some pretty knight with gold and jewels to ply her with, he was from a Great House certainly... But the Starks were not famed like the others.

Honora had been giving Arystide and Finnegan an earful for their earlier antics. At the suggestion of just setting up a bachelors tent, she had exploded into a proper fit. "So you two can start a damn orgy in there? I think not. Listen. If you want to keep drinking I suggest that you for once keep yourselves out of trouble. If I even catch a whiff of something I will break all your fingers, is that understood?" The threat came with such venom that even the easy going Arystide knew not to test the waters any further.

"For the time being I will however grant you a 'boys table'..." She said easing up on them in the hope they would actually listen to her for once and not disgrace their house. With Arystide pecking her on her forehead and Finnegan patting her on her shoulder she watched them walk off to gods know where. But at the least they would hopefully be out of her hair for a little while. Exhausted she trudged off to find a quiet spot to contemplate, behind the feasting tent would usually do, but before she rounded the corner completely she recognized a familiar frame.
She wasn't sure what to feel. Horror, Love, Shame, Disappointment, Anger? It all seemed insufficient.

Gryffith bit his lip looking at her a moment before bowing slightly as he walked over, he was no Knight with chivalrous vows to uphold. Northmen had no need for special status to be warriors of great skill. He turned his head back and forth making sure no one was looking at the pair and gave her a smile, then mouthed. 'I'm so sorry', as he tried his best not to get them noticed. Of course she'd heard the rumors about the second son of The Wolf Lord being in love with a southerner, yet she never got a name. No doubt he'd be teased to death about it but he'd never said a word and even now he tried to make sure she was safe from accusation.

But her face barely betrayed her feelings. She had heard and whilst at first in hope of something to follow after it, silence had been her everlasting companion. More loyal than a dog and if anything stickier than a tarnished reputation.
Still she had felt slighted and she was going to let him know.
"Three years." She stated calmly, keeping her voice low and marking one of the wine barrels."Do you know what makes a good wine?" She asked. "Sweet water, Warm sun and the promise of spring. " She spoke in a businesslike manner. "Well, it seems this year will taste absolutely sour."

Gryffith sighed and scratched his head looking sheepish as he took a long breath then finally answered her. "In the North... We make beer. It only takes months but the flavor is more bitter..." He added, trying to answer for some of the time at least to give her something to try and understand. "I've always wanted to bring more wine to the North... Ciders and such too... My father finally relented when I said I love red wine and I recommended where we should get some. Though we are having trouble getting anyone to agree to let us take something so precious Northward.” He was trying to make it clear his father had been bickering with him over his intentions it seemed and only recently had started to agree in pursuing this truly.

She sighed. "Maybe it was foolhardy to attempt in the first place. Winter does kill the Winerank. Soon it won't matter where it will be planted. It will have to accept whatever circumstances it faces. Come rock, sand or soil. Father started betrothing us to different houses. The gameboard is being set and we are all but pawns upon it." She looked at him with a longing stare that held a layer of fear as she spoke in warning.
"A storm is forming over our heads, ripping out roots and stems."

"...My father plans to ask directly about our concerns while we are southward... And I intend to win the melee to prove I am worthy of what I seek as a Southerner born in the warmth of the sun." He explained with a ready stare, wanting to reach for her hand as he took a deep breath. "I've been training... A lot just for this reason after all your father would not part with such rare perfection as you so easily."

Honora shook her head at that.
"You'd be wrong to think that. Odette is his pearl. I am simply his eldest. I will marry to his wishes unless persuaded otherwise." She turned back towards him stating. "There are many flowers out in the field today, why be content with the withering flower that is mine own?" she asked as she put the chalk back in its spot, before resting as she leaned against the wine caskets.

“Because... I'd sooner save the withering flower then abandon it. I know what I love and I'll chase it to the ends of the earth... Us wolves don't ever give up... I'll win the melee... And I'll ask before them all for you my heart's desire." He added, straightening up knowing this was his chance... He had to do it for her. He walked over helping move a wine barrel to sit upright as he passed he whispered. "I love Honora Redwyne, I always will... And if I can't win today... I'll try again and again till I'm an old wolf." He added letting her know he was still as set as he always had been.

"Don't make a fool of yourself." She uttered, looking back at him, barely capable of maintaining her uncaring facade. "Do be careful." The whisper was soft and genuine. "I'd hate to see you pummeled into the ground, as my brother will compete into the melee as well. And as it would be considered unbecoming of a lady to root against her family, I at the very least shall look forward to this particular year's melee with renewed interest." She spoke and offered him the slightest of winks.

"I intend to make a fool of all who get between me and my heart's desire... And don't worry I'll be gentle on him." He added with a wink back then set off towards the tents, renewed hope that he might be able to do this. That she still wanted him and it could all work out... Oh little wolves know of the hearts of men... And dragons.

A little while later there was a young boy barging into the Starks encampment. With the child having been given clear instructions. "Are you the Howling Wolf?" Was all he asked until he was directed to Griffith to whom he handed a silk ribbon of a particular shade of red. Arbor Red in fact. "Favors given." was all he stated clearly having done his task and intending to return for the payment.

He nodded and took the ribbon before tying it around the arm of mail, to let her know he'd wear it with pride. He tossed the boy a coin from his purse. "Here, tell no one who you delivered this to if they ask, especially any northerner." He added sternly and coldly as only a Stark could. Melting a bit as he caught a whiff of her scent off of it, he wondered if she still kept that old bear fur cloak. No doubt it saw her through many cold nights he could not.

It would make him proud to know, it traveled with her everywhere, not that she traveled much, but that it served its purpose well. Honora smiled as she sat back in her own tent stroking its thick fur and allowing her mind to drift to other days and potential futures. At the least she had confirmation he still cared for her. Pouring herself another cup of Arbor Red she allowed herself to ease out of her confining clothes and slink back into her soft silks as she had worn that particular night. When they had met and he had claimed her first kiss.

Gryffith meanwhile took up his sword the runt and the howling wolf began their practice though he was by no means small, Mathias and his great sword were truly impressive. Gryffith ducked and rolled away parrying when he could and striking for openings as they moved around each other one after another. Every time he took a hit and wanted to take a break he remembered Honora waiting for him... And he got back up to try again, there were tougher men, there were better fighters, but he had to at least try to beat them all.

Night's Watch

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.

Order Description:
The Night's Watch have fallen from their once loft ambitions, once tens of thousands men stood upon the walls and stared out into the North waiting for the enemy to come. Many have forgotten the purpose and reason as to why the Night's Watch must stand but the magic in the wall, strange bundles of Dragonglass daggers found in their castles, and more tell another story. One the current Lord Commander intends to uncover to understand the history and work behind his seat.

Currently the Night's Watch stands at around three thousand five hundred men ready to fight and die to hold the wall against the Wildlings from beyond it. They know of other threats many do not believe in yet those who go beyond on the wall who listen to the Wildlings speak and the stories from the far north know. Ice Dragons, Giants, Ice Spiders, and perhaps even the Others are real... Yet for now the Wildlings are gathering, reports from Rangers say that the clans are fighting harder and allying together. For what reason who can say yet... They all know the world is a dangerous place and the one beyond the wall is like the one from the age of Heroes, men of the world not the dangers they are protected from.

Recent History:
The Night's Watch has recovered some strength since the Dance of the dragons and peace more law and order have as well as removal of schemers and traitors has helped to fill the ranks out. The North who has prospered over the last fifty years has had many sons and volunteers come forth to join the Crows. Though their glory days are long behind with this surge the Lord Commander has begun a new mission, learning more about what is beyond the wall and mapping it so future generations might know more.

The Rangers have greatly increased their numbers and more importantly the builders have used the extra man power to fortify Castle Black and the other fortresses with the intent to use the time well. They have expanded the navy of galleys as well, the Night's Watch wants to use it's limited time to prepare even scouring libraries and looking their old castles, they seek to know about the ancient brothers who came before. Of course their is even rumors of a ranging coming to look into a tale the wildlings have told for centuries of a horn that might bring down the wall.

The Brothers:

Lord Commander Willwyn Forrester

First Steward Gillan Flint

First Builder Harlwyle Ryswell

Barth Blacksword,
Lord of Winterfell

Nearly two thousand men at his back as they had traveled days and prepared as best they could they had been searching for ruins and signs of battle. Now they had their answer Barthogan stood over desiccated and chewed human bones the village around them burned down and and destroyed one of the scouts vomiting as he had little stomach for it. "Aye, it's the Skags... Only people worse are the wildlings. We make for Karhold. We will need more men. Have the scouts track them, carful and quiet too. Send riders to the Manderlys... We may have needs of their knights for this." He explained scratching his beard as he looked along seeing more smoke in the distance. "And a rider to Karhold... This is their land, their men will be useful. Our forces together should crush this horde of unruly fools." He turned looking around at his sworn swords and nodded. "We keep on them but look for their ships too. Best to separate them from the boats and force them towards us without a method of retreat."

Barthogan stared hard as he mounted his horse a big black mare that could run all day with him sat astride on her back, one that had been a gift from Brandon. He thought of his brother off down in the south probably drinking with Lannisters and talking of trade with Tyrells, maybe even feasting with one of the dragons. His brother was the diplomatic sorts, the reasonable sort, the thinking sort. Barth touched a hand to Ice and gave a grin, this was all he needed to be a good lord of Winterfell to fell his foemen and cleave traitors in twain. He was his father's son and with iron grip and steady hand he'd direct the north for years to come or so he hoped. Yet his age caught up with him sometimes he couldn't quiet walk right in the morning or he'd have to wrap warm towels around his arms to ease the pain in the muscle.

He walked back towards his horse sighing as he looked out at the horizon, maybe it was time to stop... To rest and command, not charging in the van with his men, or riding round the flanks with the outriders. Perhaps he should take the advice of others, he was old now... He paused leading his horse to trough of water and brushing her down as he sank against a tree. Fetching out an oil cloth as he laid the great family heirloom Ice down across his legs. Slowly oiling the blade as he wondered how many generations had oiled this sword next to a weirwood... And how many more would, that this blade was their connection to each other. How they held it... How they took the heads of those they demanded justice from with it. Ice was his... And yet part of him wondered if it was safe to wander with this blade so far from home towards an enemy mob.

No leaving it at home only give Edric ideas... But perhaps it should not be his in the next battle to precious to risk to monstrous cannibals in battles untested. As he cleaned his blade he looked up to see a crow perched above staring down at him as he yet again drifted his thoughts back. He wondered what it would have been like at the Wall as first ranger, as Lord Commander... He would have done it eventually as good as he was in his youth. Still though... He had to admit for not having fought wars Brandon was sharp, honed from fighting his brothers to learn and his father's orders. To be the first to hunt and kill a dire wolf in gods know how many years after it slayed their father? He had to admit Blacksword wasn't much of a title compared to Wolf Lord. Both were better than Edric's moniker the nobility had given him, the patient?! Bah, he'd never have Winterfell or the north no sane lord would follow him as long as any other Stark lived he was sniveling coward more concerned with the Red Keep than the North.

Night's Watch

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.

Order Description:
The Night's Watch have fallen from their once loft ambitions, once tens of thousands men stood upon the walls and stared out into the North waiting for the enemy to come. Many have forgotten the purpose and reason as to why the Night's Watch must stand but the magic in the wall, strange bundles of Dragonglass daggers found in their castles, and more tell another story. One the current Lord Commander intends to uncover to understand the history and work behind his seat.

Currently the Night's Watch stands at around three thousand five hundred men ready to fight and die to hold the wall against the Wildlings from beyond it. They know of other threats many do not believe in yet those who go beyond on the wall who listen to the Wildlings speak and the stories from the far north know. Ice Dragons, Giants, Ice Spiders, and perhaps even the Others are real... Yet for now the Wildlings are gathering, reports from Rangers say that the clans are fighting harder and allying together. For what reason who can say yet... They all know the world is a dangerous place and the one beyond the wall is like the one from the age of Heroes, men of the world not the dangers they are protected from.

Recent History:
The Night's Watch has recovered some strength since the Dance of the dragons and peace more law and order have as well as removal of schemers and traitors has helped to fill the ranks out. The North who has prospered over the last fifty years has had many sons and volunteers come forth to join the Crows. Though their glory days are long behind with this surge the Lord Commander has begun a new mission, learning more about what is beyond the wall and mapping it so future generations might know more.

The Rangers have greatly increased their numbers and more importantly the builders have used the extra man power to fortify Castle Black and the other fortresses with the intent to use the time well. They have expanded the navy of galleys as well, the Night's Watch wants to use it's limited time to prepare even scouring libraries and looking their old castles, they seek to know about the ancient brothers who came before. Of course their is even rumors of a ranging coming to look into a tale the wildlings have told for centuries of a horn that might bring down the wall.

The Brothers:

Lord Commander Willwyn Forrester

First Steward Gillan Flint

First Builder Harlwyle Ryswell

Two months before the tourney...

Barth Blacksword breathed in the fresh air, next to him his little brother Brandon, The Wolf Lord as they called him, to him it was still just Branny, his shit little brother running around hugging to his their mothers leg and watching him train. Now here they were, his brother a famed fighter in the south, respected among the North, and having three loving children he wasn't the little boy who watched warriors return from Dorne exhausted and worn.

They had been out in the Wolfswood hunting together having snuck out when their men weren't able to catch them, both brother's missing the days when they could run and do as they pleased. The crisp wind biting across them as they took shelter under a large ironwood tree in the wood, Brandon producing a flask taking a long drink before passing it to the man next to him as they both sat in the snow wrapped in heavy furs, distant howls of wolves in the distance.

"You are leaving for that big tourney in the south, aye Branny?" Barth asked laying his spear down as he looked out towards the deeper parts of the wood. "Taking all the lads to give them southern knights a good trashing? Remind'em we don't need a sept to turn men into warriors that can knock'em from a horse and bury a blade in their belly." Barthogan smiled turning back towards his brother looking over the younger Stark as he shook his head laughing.

"You act is if I was once some great warrior down their unseating the greatest knights in the seven kingdoms, I'm good Barth... But I'm older now. It's the boys time... This will be Mathias's first big tourney, your boy wants to do you proud." He added looking at Barth who took another long drink.

"I know he does... I love him so much... But I don't want him caught up in our struggles... Gods I wanted to go to the wall but then Jonnel couldn't knock a girl up... So here I sit, now I'm passing Winterfell on to you... Just to keep it out of the hands of our blackheart brother and his inclination to take wed us to the fucking dragons. Our father was a fucking fool to lead our boys south to fight for them, no blonde wench is worth the lives of northern men, the tears of our women, and suffering of the north." He spoke bitter it seemed over a lifetime of losing out on what he wanted. "You, little brother better take damn good care of our home. You killed a dire wolf, walk around wearing it's pelt like a badge of honor Wolf Lord. I don't say it often enough... But you are the right man to take Winterfell, the Lords up here adore you, no one foreign or northern has a bad word to say about Brandon Stark the Wolf Lord you just finally make that old wolf happy." He sighed turning back towards Winterfell thinking on the crypts bellow.

Brandon sighed. "You have years to go before I take this place old man, now... You want to catch that deer or we going back to tell my wife two of us can't find any dinner the forest?" They both laughed, bow and spear in hand they trudged onward into the snow.

One month before the tourney...

Brandon has finished gathering up the horses and wagons ice, beer, furs, and more to bring southward. For company merchants, warriors, and more who wished to test their metal in the south against these knights. Barth meanwhile prepared his men, reports from Skagos were scarce as always but the true concern was that there was silence after stories of the different houses there being united. As the Blacksword prepared his men to ride eastward their host seek aid from the Karstarks to try and get news on what was coming. Winter was at it's end and it meant soon it was time to prepare for another Winter, the smallfolk back in the fields and harder to gather up it's why he had gathered the force now rather than trying to recall them all later.

His children, his wife, and his nephew as well as many others from the Houses of the North young men and women eager to see the sights and hear the music of the new spring in the verdant south. In lands of wine and honey they were no doubt thinking of trysts and trouble they could get themselves into Ashe was testing his bow string as gave Beylee pointers on how to draw it back, Mathias and Gryffith sat side by side discussing battle tactics and other knights they might see at the tourney.

Edric meanwhile walked the wall, he had sent letters and at the last family gathering his pleas fell on deaf ears, he would never be lord of Winterfell as long as Barthogan was alive. But with Brandon away and the word of the south begging urges to rebel he had sent letters and lined pockets. His sons were already down south to talk and walk among his potential allies. Cregard and Torrhen would bring his words and offers to Blackfyre, when Barthogan fell the North would belong to the patient.

His sons had orders to secure themselves good marriages he had held back giving them to northern houses where sense of duty and honor might betray following him to war. In the south he had little concern of that, of course House Mormont and Bolton would more than likely back Brandon, The Wolf Lord, the avenger of Lord Cregan of Winterfell few of the houses in the North trusted the old and tired man and even fewer wanted his sons, his fangs to the position after him. Edric didn't care it was his, Winterfell... All of it was to be his, he would fulfill what his father had no stomach for make the north a real power in the seven kingdoms. He was more willing to bring the wall down, to burn the fields, and salt the earth than to let his brother's make a fool of him he who had carried Rickon home, who had studied hard in both north and south, he who had the ambition to be more than a Warden... They were fools and he never could stand a fool.

The Tourney.

The Twin Fang's were present, Torrhen and Cregard had been southward awhile. Cregard had been sitting quietly reading a book on southern knighthoods and their importance to the Seven he'd never pretend to understand the faith here but he could try and at least not mess up around them. His father wanted them to be closer with the south, he'd thought of talking with some of the noble women but honestly he was never the biggest flirt. Better to make your intentions plain and get right to what you wanted to be doing, not dancing and singing for years and weeks on end. Better to warm a bed with your love each night than leave him alone and yearning or her distressed and worrying it was a small wonder Cregard had not taken a bride he'd not found anyone he could handle his direct approach.

Torrhen meanwhile was requesting wine and food as the pair sat in the feasting tent, Torrhen eyed the noble women he needed someone he could really cut loose with not some shriveling maiden scared of a rough and tumble northern lord. He fought like he loved rough, tumble, and smooth. He loved the chase and dance of two people trying to see how they might maneuver and tease one another it was a glorious thing to be part of here and now? This would be an event for the ages perhaps he'd finally meet his match definitely looked better than hairy wenches from bear island or the those boney Boltons up north. Though his father would never approve maybe he could finally try a Dornish girl wouldn't that be a treat?

The Fangs sat together of course, the twins were never to far apart they didn't like it they seemed to naturally work together one tall and strong and the other lean and fast in a fight they were not to be trifled with though they never came to blows with each other. They had both sworn never to end up like Edric had with his brothers.

Beylee squealed as jumped off the wagon running through the crowds enamored with the place, as Brandon and his kin rode up ahead of the wagons full of items from up north the most prized of all good pure ice perfect for the hot weather and carefully moved and now needing to be stored. Of course beer and furs from the north as well, many a fine folk would pay good money for the furs of the northern animals to see them through cold nights. The horn resounded as they announced the arrival of the heir of Winterfell, following that announcements for each of Lords or their boys who had come with him southward to see this great tourney and fight in it.

As Beylee darted back to her father's side and took his hand and Ashe slipped out of his saddle already heading towards the jousting grounds eager to see how many shitheads knights he'd have to remind that they weren't anything special. Gryffith rolled his eyes at his brothers departure and Mathias tried to stop Ashe, both followed Brandon as he headed further in off to pay respects to the hosts and thank them for the invitation. The wagons moved to deliver their goods and sell wares as the northerners had arrived in decent number a suprise to be sure but many followed Brandon Stark for he was good man and a honorable one too.

House Stark of Winterfell

Winter is Coming

House Description: The Stark's of Winterfell are a truly ancient house, once known as King's in the North after defeating the Red Kings of House Bolton and the Barrow Kings supposedly of House Dustin. Fiercely loyal and true to their words and justice no matter the reason, a slight against one Stark is a slight against them all. Beloved by the people of the North and well regarded even in the South for their honor, the Starks like many Northerners are aloof from courts and intrigue yet when called upon they answer with ferocity and cunning, as the did with the pact of Ice and Fire. However after the death of his foe by poison rather than letting those who had wronged his foe go free Cregan Stark showed the honor of House Stark, bringing to justice the lords who had poisoned the King. Of those condemned those Cregan dealt justice upon he only beheaded two the rest took the black or were spared for strength of their defense or their kinsman defense them.

Recent History: Since Cregan's Stark show of moral strength during the Dance, House Stark has gone through a turbulent times with the children of Lord Cregan having traded the throne often from one calamity to the next. The death of Rickon Stark during the final battles in Dorne began the problems for the Great House of Winterfell. With the death of Rickon, his daughter's would be passed over and the throne given to Jonnel Stark who then wed Sansa Stark his half-niece though it never bore issue nor would his second wife. Before Jonnel's death he would pass the seat to Barthogan Stark rather than the next in line Edric.

Edric despite the fact he had married Rickon's other daughter Serena Stark and had four children a perfect safety net for the succession, he was passed over. It is believed his passing over stems from his desire to rule Winterfell and to try and negotiate for what his father never received namely a Targaryen Princess for one of his sons or failing that a more favorable arrangement as Warden of North with the Targaryen family.

Barthogan Stark or Barth Blacksword as he more commonly known has been a good King and warrior, he never took a wife. Only having a single bastard son who was raised in the care of his younger brother Brandon, Mathias Snow. Barthogan also has laid out in advance that should he perish without an heir Brandon will inherit the throne not Edric or his line, also out of love for his son has made the small request that Mathias be allowed to carry the Stark name even if he may never be Lord of Winterfell.

Edric for his part is even more enraged by Brandon, the least trained or expected to rule the North will take the seat of Winterfell rather than himself, in his old age he has passed this bitterness down to his family.

Family Members:

Edric Stark: Edric the patient

  • Cregard Stark 'Bloodied Fang'
  • Torrhen Stark 'Silver Fang'
  • Aregelle Stark
  • Arana Stark

Warden of the North: Barthogan Stark, Barth Blacksword

  • Mathias Stark 'Runt'

Heir to Winterfell: Brandon Stark

  • Ashe Stark 'Knight Bane'
  • Gryffith Stark
  • Beylee Stark

Married off daughters of Cregan Stark

  • Sarra Stark
  • Alys Stark
  • Raya Stark
  • Mariah Stark
  • Lyanna Stark

House Stark of Winterfell

Winter is Coming

House Description: The Stark's of Winterfell are a truly ancient house, once known as King's in the North after defeating the Red Kings of House Bolton and the Barrow Kings supposedly of House Dustin. Fiercely loyal and true to their words and justice no matter the reason, a slight against one Stark is a slight against them all. Beloved by the people of the North and well regarded even in the South for their honor, the Starks like many Northerners are aloof from courts and intrigue yet when called upon they answer with ferocity and cunning, as the did with the pact of Ice and Fire. However after the death of his foe by poison rather than letting those who had wronged his foe go free Cregan Stark showed the honor of House Stark, bringing to justice the lords who had poisoned the King. Of those condemned those Cregan dealt justice upon he only beheaded two the rest took the black or were spared for strength of their defense or their kinsman defense them.

Recent History: Since Cregan's Stark show of moral strength during the Dance, House Stark has gone through a turbulent times with the children of Lord Cregan having traded the throne often from one calamity to the next. The death of Rickon Stark during the final battles in Dorne began the problems for the Great House of Winterfell. With the death of Rickon, his daughter's would be passed over and the throne given to Jonnel Stark who then wed Sansa Stark his half-niece though it never bore issue nor would his second wife. Before Jonnel's death he would pass the seat to Barthogan Stark rather than the next in line Edric.

Edric despite the fact he had married Rickon's other daughter Serena Stark and had four children a perfect safety net for the succession, he was passed over. It is believed his passing over stems from his desire to rule Winterfell and to try and negotiate for what his father never received namely a Targaryen Princess for one of his sons or failing that a more favorable arrangement as Warden of North with the Targaryen family.

Barthogan Stark or Barth Blacksword as he more commonly known has been a good King and warrior, he never took a wife. Only having a single bastard son who was raised in the care of his younger brother Brandon, Mathias Snow. Barthogan also has laid out in advance that should he perish without an heir Brandon will inherit the throne not Edric or his line, also out of love for his son has made the small request that Mathias be allowed to carry the Stark name even if he may never be Lord of Winterfell.

Edric for his part is even more enraged by Brandon, the least trained or expected to rule the North will take the seat of Winterfell rather than himself, in his old age he has passed this bitterness down to his family.

Family Members:

Edric Stark: Edric the patient

  • Cregard Stark 'Bloodied Fang'
  • Torrhen Stark 'Silver Fang'
  • Aregelle Stark
  • Arana Stark

Warden of the North: Barthogan Stark, Barth Blacksword

  • Mathias Stark 'Runt'

Heir to Winterfell: Brandon Stark

  • Ashe Stark 'Knight Bane'
  • Gryffith Stark
  • Beylee Stark

Married off daughters of Cregan Stark

  • Sarra Stark
  • Alys Stark
  • Raya Stark
  • Mariah Stark
  • Lyanna Stark

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