House Blackwood
Strike swiftly, Aim true

House Description:
Dating from the Age of Heroes, the Blackwoods have ruled in Raventree Hall for centuries with large swaths of land and, while they are sword to the Tullys of Riverrun, they can call up vast armies to their aid. Though their history reaches farther back, they were originally Northmen who were driven from the North. Just as far back does their hatred with the Brackens reach, the other house being no more than horse breeders and petty lords that usurped the Blackwood kings of old. As if their poisoning of the Weirwood tree did not confirm it! Since those ancient days, they have had a history steeped in feuds, battles, and many victories with notable figures.They rule from Raventree Hall in the Blackwood Vale, north of Riverrun and the Red Fork.
Recent History: In recent years, they have settled into peace. The House took Benjicot's view, that the peace was well earned after the brutal wars for succession and the turbulent times when the Young Dragon and Baelor the Blessed ruled. But the House held in reserve, it's irked-natured about allying with the Dornish, though it bristled at the apparent favor the Brackens were given under King Aegon IV. Now with alliances firm in the Riverlands, the Blackwoods hover with their hands near their swords to keep a sharp eye out for their rightful Targaryen Kings.
{202 AC} -Current Time
-Birth of Benjicot Blackwood, son of Bennifer and Olyria
{197 AC} -Marriage of Bennifer Blackwood to Olyria Frey
{193 AC} -Death of Marianne Blackwood, suffering chest pains
{190 AC} -Death of Benjicot Blackwood
{183 AC} -Birth of Roger Blackwood
{181 AC} -Marriage of Calera Blackwood to Manfryd Lothston
{178 AC} -Calera delivers a stillborn babe
-Ser Damon Paege is sent to the wall for murder
-Birth of Roland Blackwood
{177 AC} -Birth of Robert Blackwood
-Melissa Blackwood is set aside as King Aegon IV's mistress
{176 AC} -Marriage of Calera Blackwood to Ser Damon Paege, third son of Lord Kavan of Fairmarket
{175 AC} -Brith of Brynden Rivers
{173 AC} -Birth of Bennifer Blackwood
-Birth of Gwenys Rivers
{172 AC} -Melissa becomes mistress to King Aegon IV
-Birth of Mya Rivers
{170 AC} -Marriage of Quentyn Blackwood to Marianne Tully
{161 AC} -Death of Royce Blackwood, brother of Benjicot Blackwood
{156 AC} -Birth of Melissa Blackwood
-Birth of Calera Blackwood
{151 AC} -Birth of Quentyn Blackwood
-Birth of Benjicot Blackwood, son of Bennifer and Olyria
{197 AC} -Marriage of Bennifer Blackwood to Olyria Frey
{193 AC} -Death of Marianne Blackwood, suffering chest pains
{190 AC} -Death of Benjicot Blackwood
{183 AC} -Birth of Roger Blackwood
{181 AC} -Marriage of Calera Blackwood to Manfryd Lothston
{178 AC} -Calera delivers a stillborn babe
-Ser Damon Paege is sent to the wall for murder
-Birth of Roland Blackwood
{177 AC} -Birth of Robert Blackwood
-Melissa Blackwood is set aside as King Aegon IV's mistress
{176 AC} -Marriage of Calera Blackwood to Ser Damon Paege, third son of Lord Kavan of Fairmarket
{175 AC} -Brith of Brynden Rivers
{173 AC} -Birth of Bennifer Blackwood
-Birth of Gwenys Rivers
{172 AC} -Melissa becomes mistress to King Aegon IV
-Birth of Mya Rivers
{170 AC} -Marriage of Quentyn Blackwood to Marianne Tully
{161 AC} -Death of Royce Blackwood, brother of Benjicot Blackwood
{156 AC} -Birth of Melissa Blackwood
-Birth of Calera Blackwood
{151 AC} -Birth of Quentyn Blackwood
Family Members:
Quentyn Blackwood
Bennifer Blackwood
Marianne Blackwood nee Tully
Benjicot Blackwood
Robert Blackwood
Roland Blackwood
Roger Blackwood
Melissa Blackwood
Quentyn Blackwood

Age: 51 (151 AC)
A handsome man, tall and still at the height of his physical abilities. Quentyn often could be one for scowls with an eagle's beak of a nose, scattered with scars from prior battles. His brown eyes and grey-shot blonde hair is often slicked back from his face and a beard frames his mouth. Often he wears clothes of fine cloth, though of muted colors after his late wife passed.
Description & biography: Born to Benjicot Blackwood and his wife from the House of Moonton. His childhood was spent as was many lords, playing with his sister, Melissa, and his cousin from his Uncle's marriage to a distant relation of the House Waxley, Calera. When his uncle died from a fall in a tourney when the boy was ten and had just started to work as a squire for his uncle, Benjicott took the child and mother into his own house. Though the young woman left to marry an erstwhile knight leaving Calera behind. For all they were cousins, the three turned their relationship into one of the siblings
Years pass, and the marriage between House Tully and House Blackwood was announced with the union of Quentyn and Marianne. His wife found the marriage beneath her, but she remained close to Riverrun and Quentyn was careful to ply Marianne with favors and ease himself around her temper of willful youth. In truth, they grew to find companionship in each other if not love, but all was well enough. The Blackwoods had gained favor at court with Melissa becoming King Aegon's mistress and the Brackens were appalled at the fact.
It was after their first child that Calera was arranged to wed the knight Ser Damon Paege. A sullen man that both Marianna and Quentyn were uneasy with, but Calera was eager for children of her own and feared spinsterhood despite her young age. He was the third son and well off to provide for her. Benjicot arranged a place at his court, which was refused and the newlywed pair returned to his father's much smaller keep.
After two sons were born in the following years, Quentyn seemed rather satisfied and attempted to let the bed lay cold between himself and Marianne, having no wish for more children as she had born Robert with some pain. Thus he found himself in the fight for his life as he was ruthlessly hunted by his wife and fights erupted throughout Raventree. Quentyn had left Marianne be, refusing himself and her the pleasure of the marriage bed as he worried that another child might well kill her.Marianne did not worry about more children, claiming a babe over winter is hard on any woman and that if Quentyn did not mean to use what the gods gave him to bed her, then she would mount it for a trophy. The woman enjoyed hunting. Much to the amusement of Melissa who had been set aside as mistress that same year. Thus it was the following year that Roland was born, though tragic it was.
Tragic, for Calera, returned with an armed escort and fell weeping into the arms of her aunt. With all his apologies, Lord Paege informed Benjicot that Ser Damon had struck his wife and the child had come too soon. In his fury at that fact, Damon murdered the midwife and was sent to the wall. For how could a father cast death on his son? Gifts of gold and a ward were given over to Benjicot as well, the Paeges had no wish for enmity with the Blackwoods, and their offered gifts were accepted though the Lord of Raventree was keen to find his brother's daughter a good match. It was years later that Lucas Lothston offered up his son and Manfryd and Calera met for the first time. The man was exceedingly the gentle knight and Calera found him most acceptable though her critical words and eyes kept Manfryd's tongue curbed about his dislike for his mother and sister, and his assumed slight taken from the Targaryens. The fathers found it an acceptable match, which Quentyn agreed with. What the young Quentyn did not admit to what that he had taken to horse when the Lord Paege had come with the new and ridden after Damon Paege slaying the man by the sword. Perhaps it was fury or honor the man said nothing of it and left the matter to lie.
After the birth of his fourth and last son Roger, Quentyn had taken Bennifer as his own Squire and offered to do the same with Benjicot Lothston before the boy's untimely accident. Benjicot Blackwood had encouraged the Lord of Harrenhal to accept it but grieving even as their uncle and cousins did Manfryd was loath to let his children leave his side so soon after his wife's death birthing Elayne. The girl had the look of her mother and grew into them. It was in the year 190 AC that the Stranger came collecting both Benjicott Blackwood and the younger Lothston. There was no surprise of Benjicott's death, the man had been growing frail in his years and Quentyn in his recollection of that year would find it some small token of gladness that his father did not have to live to hear the news of Calera's son's death. Now, Lord of Raventree, the Lord took up the rule, and with the aid of his newly knighted son, Bennifer, he implemented a few changes but kept a stubborn hatred for the Brackens for thrusting his sister out of favor. Marianne urged her Lord husband to extend the offer to take Alysanne, Danelle, and Elayne as wards in Raventree. Noting that they had no womanly figure in their life unless one could count the recently returned Jeyne. Again, this offer was refused and with far harsher words. Manfryd needed no aid to raise his daughters and he had no wish for help from the Lord of Raventree. He had remarried and the woman could easily enough mother three girls in the ways of the world.
"The commoner mothering noble girls raised to be ladies. They will allow pigs in the great halls of kings rather than slaughter them." Had been Marianne's comment and Quentyn could hardly disagree. Yet he received a far more interesting letter from Jeyne, the woman urged him to send letters to the girls and keep them in contact with their mother's kin. Speaking of worry that the girls, the two, Alysanne and Danelle, at least with little Elayne following like a duckling, had joined arm in arm against 'The Harlot'. There would be no motherly aside from her, and that Manfryd was a man who would hold out hope for a son but in reality it was unlikely. He spoke too loudly and if he were to ever go silent there would be true trouble or he would be dead. She remarked that the latter was more likely as his health seemed to be failing since Benjicot's death. Using his wife as a measure for the situation, Quentyn kept to the suggestion of Jeyne as Marianne saw it as acceptable.
It was a year later when his wife died, clutching her heart and Quentyn shut himself away from his family. It took Melissa ordering Bennifer to break the door down along with a scandalized Robert for Quentyn to come out and more badgering from his sister and Roger for the Lord of Raventree to resume his life. Though he found it bitter and lacked the vitality without Marianne. The light returned to Raventree when Bennifer married Olyria Frey. The woman was ruthless with how a hall ought to look and succeeded where Melissa failed in knocking the webs from the rafters in Raventree.
Bennifer Blackwood

Age: 29 (173 AC)
Appearance: Standing at six feet, the man is a literal giant with the muscles to match. His blonde hair is combed back often if not tied in a tail. Clean-shaven with strong features. He is covered in various scars from tournaments past, battles, and rough-housing in taverns. Dressing in mail and leather rather than court finery as often as he can get away with it.
Description & biography: Born the first son of four, Bennifer was always the one to charge into things. He did get better over the years, but in general, the man leaves the thinking to his younger brother Robert, claiming that numbers make his head hurt. Action is the better course to take. A large fellow, he is careful of his strength and often worried about hurting others as a large child would. So while he is bloody-minded and eager for a fight, Bennifer's anger is slow to rise and there is often a joke around the four that their mother must have laid with a Northman rather than their father for Bennifer's size and a hint of the berserk juggernaut within him. Those wise ones do not do more than a joke, however.
Training under his fathers as a squire, his mother arranged his marriage to Olyria Frey and the deal was sealed when his father became Lord of Raventree. Good-natured Bennifer saw little problems with the choice, though it hardly stopped him from visiting the taverns and brothels. Already a bastard, he often argued with his mother over that fact especially when he took the sigil of House Blackwood for his shield upon Quentyn granting him a knighthood. When Marianne died, she found himself regretting the harsh words, and those once frequent visits tampered off and he drank more. It took his mild-mannered Aunt ordering a keg of ale dumped upon him in his bed and a scolding tongue lashing that led him to help her attempt to break down his father's door. In those four years with only Lord and son in residence when Melissa returned to the court in King's Landing that turned Raventree into an air of ale and lack of care for beautiful things. Servants slacked in their cleaning, though repairs were kept up and the food turned out well-made but simple.
Upon the marriage to Olyria though the stout woman became a storm upon the 'squalor' she would be required to live in. The roars of temper between the two shook Raventree to its foundations for a solid year while cobwebs were stripped from the rafters and silk tapestries were hung in the halls. While not a marriage that started in love, they grew into it as Olyria taught her husband how to be a husband and not a meat-eating barbarian whose wife was an axe. After five years of marriage, they produced an heir in Benjicot Blackwood. The young mother and babe looked frail to the new father, it took Melissa's return and promise to stay with the two for Quentyn to drag his son to the tournament. It took one teasing jest from a soldier about their heir's state for the man to find himself filling and digging latrines all night for a week for the men to steer away from the topic.
Robert "The Young Steward" Blackwood

Age: 25 (177 AC)
Appearance: With his dark hair cropped short and a small beard, Robert is a handsome man. Though his hands hold callouses from swords, the man can more often be found with ink stains on his slim fingers. A willowy man, he lacks the muscles of his brother and often is seen walking the halls of Raventree in long robes with a book or transcript of some records of the castle and the trade, but always with a sword by his side and a frown on his face.
Description & biography: The Young Steward, as the common folk called him, was forever a bookish child and Quentyn considered sending him to become a maester at the citadel. Marianne encouraged this and Robert was sent to the Citadel to study and to see if he would become a Maester in time. There was no lack of sons in the family and Marianne was young enough to bear many more children, which she insisted to do. So shortly after his youngest brother, Roger was born, Robert left to study in the Citadel and excelled at it. In all truth, he was expected to become a Maester, and save for the hand of fate he would be.
Receiving a raven of his mother's death, Robert rode north and found Raventree in disarray. His father secluded himself in his rooms and Robert found that his brother had taken to drink. Roland was stoic in his mourning as a ward of the Freys from the letters that Robert had gotten. As for Roger? Robert tanned the lad's hide after he found his brother trying to duel peasants and turned into a wild thing. Taking over the training of his brother, he tried to pull the family together but failed until the arrival of his aunt. The small folk were thankful for his administration and granted him the title 'The Young Steward'. For his youth when he took up the task of arranging Raventree's trades and taxes, and his kindness to them. What they did not know is that he had taken a lover of the smallfolk, a pretty young widow known as Rosy. With her, he could not return to forge a chain even if he had wanted to. While the family knows about it, none speak of the two small boys Rosy had in the intervening years. A small bit of respect for Robert, as the lack of marriage, was no choice of his.
Roland Blackwood

Age: 24 (178 AC)
Appearance: Slightly shorter than his brother, Roland still cuts an impressive figure with his blonde hair and dark eyes. Often wearing the colors of his house and livery. A knight in truth, he lawfully follows the directive of his liege lord and practices his skill with sword and lance and keeps that physic. A man of few words and a cold demeanor, he was mocked by his brothers for not having any fun and his face matches the humorless eyes of brown over a hawk-like nose.
Description & biography: The fourth son, was born in protest of his father's celibacy. Even as a boy, Roland would admit to any wrongdoing the others did, even if it led to him being punished. It came to him being mocked and his older brothers teasing him in good nature, but not getting even a crack of a joke or temper back. The exact opposite of Bennifer, the lad was sent to his grandmother's family to foster. Though none unstood his self righteous and stubborn insistent to do the absolute right and honorable thing. While ideal for a knight, he lacked the troublesome fun that other boys his age often fell into. There he was a lonely boy and turned even lonelier after his mother's death. "His only lover is a sword." That was what many a Frey would say of Roland and in truth, there was little else to be said. His emotions were locked behind a tight wall and only once did they come out when he returned to Raventree. Finding that Robert had taken a lover and never wed the woman despite her having several bastard children. Then he demanded satisfaction from his brother for this besmirch on the woman’s and their own family name. It took Bennifer putting a snarling Roland in the dirt to stop the duel from going through. Though Roland shunned Robert for his disgrace.
Leaving Raventree often, he patrols the borders of their land and deals harshly with lawbreakers. Hanging and cutting off hands are some of the lighter sentences. More often, he sends men to the Wall. Where they could do service for the penance the gods demanded of their lives. When home, the man is often seen sitting near the weirwood tree reading a book or practicing his sword. Devout and pious, he shuns the Seven and keeps strictly to the Old Ways and the oaths he has sworn.
Roger Blackwood

Age: 19 (183 AC)
Appearance: A handsome young man with shockingly blonde hair inherited from his mother. An oddity for a Tully. Roger has sharp features and a strong nose, though it has been broken at least once. Shorter than his brother, he has a thinner frame and is lankier than anything even Robert can account for. Dressing in fine silks with high necks and tunics that fit him closely, he cuts a handsome figure, just a noble should. Rings glitter on his fingers and in his ear, he often wears a sword that is ornately decorated and is quite obvious about his status as the son of a Lord.
Description & biography: The youngest child of Quentyn Blackwood, Roger is still a boy in many ways. Taken as a squire under Quentyn after his older brother, Bennifer, was raised to knighthood, there had been talks about sending Roger out to be a ward of House Tully, but they failed when Marianne died. Only at the age of ten, Roger was furious with the world and turned that anger into striking out those around him and, in particular, those weaker than him. Only a boy, he was found by Robert trying to bully a peasant into dueling him, having already beaten several boys with practice swords and leaving one with a broken arm. Robert took him as a squire and Roger found the life of pushing papers under "The Young Steward" something of an agony. He delighted in the sword and charming women, though he was crude in both and sometimes cruel. Often he was knocked about by Roland in punishment when the young knight found him picking on their young armsmen and the peasant boys.
Roger finally had tested his luck enough and when he was fourteen, he slaughter a pig herd's piglets for amusement. Robert paid off the man and gave Roger over to Bennifer who took the lad out to the fields to fight against bandits. They talked of anger and rage and the status of being noble-born when Roger was raised to be a knight. Bennifer was satisfied that his brother had turned himself around, for the most part. The large man had his own battle with his temper and had hoped to impart his wisdom on the matter to young Roger. But there was still a well-known kernel of hatred and bitter resentment in the boy. In a fight, the newly made knight would go for slow kills and wounds in tournaments. Mocking others even as he strutted his greatness. A cocky, arrogant youth.
Melissa Blackwood

Age: 46 (156 AC)
Appearance: A beauty with a slender frame that attracted a King in her youth, Melissa has aged like wine. With streaks of white in her once dark hair, her face has lines of age that smile and warm eyes carved into it. Dressing in court fashion, the woman cuts an impressive figure with her looks just as she does with her kind-hearted and generous disposition.
Description & biography: Sister to Quentyn and cousin to Calera, Melissa was a happy child. Her only sadness came from late nights when Calera would cry to Melissa about her mother's leaving, though those were few. The two had been raised together as sisters and the bond held for most of their life. Be it whispering about the glorious future they would have, who they would marry, how many children they would have. So unaware of the world.
So when her father took the girls to the court in Kings Landing, Melissa caught the eye of King Aegon IV. Benjicot was less than pleased when the King paid favor to his daughter, but there was something to be said for allowing the game to play out. Granted the Teats, known as Melissa's Teats, by Aegon IV, he allowed his daughter to play as mistress to Aegon until she was passed over five years later. Melissa found herself enjoying court life and befriending many of the lords and ladies she met, even Queen Naerys and the Dragonknight. When her reign as the King's mistress was usurped by a Bracken, much to Benjicot's dislike, Melissa returned to Raventree with her three children. Mya, Gwenys, and Brynden. Her beautiful children were raised alongside Quentyn's sons and though she often returned to court to call on friends there, Melissa never returned to King's graces.
When Calera returned from her time as wife to Damon Paege, it was Melissa who urged her brother for vengeance upon learning how turbulent the relationship was. Just as it was Melissa who smiled upon finding that King Aegon IV had legitimized his bastard children. Though she had no want for the Iron Throne, and knew well her children did not stand to claim the seat, Melissa found it a bitter bit of irony that the man she had once given in to lust for, something she came to regret, was so great a fool. It was shortly after his death that Melissa returned to the Red Keep to keep a Blackwood presence at Court. She accepted no husband that Quentyn offered her and upon her leaving told her brother. "I loved in lust once and had three beautiful children. You would see me wed for happiness brother, but I have happiness and could not provide you a match for advantage." She returned often to visits at Raventree. Her most notable visit was after Marianne's death. Then it had taken her badgering her nephews and brother into a fury to pick up the pieces of their lives, even if it took dumping a cask of ale over Bennifer's head and in private holding Quentyn as he wept.
Ever the caring woman, it troubled Melissa when she heard the words coming out of Harrenhal. She had been raised with Calera and wept for her death, but now with one of her children dead and another missing. The woman keeps a sharp eye and suspects there is more to death and disappearance than can be accounted for by ghosts. Though her hands are full of caring for Bennifer's wife and their newborn son. The large knight had been absolutely beside himself with worry until his aunt had come to care for mother and child and shoo the 'blundering oaf' off to the tourney.
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