Once renowned as Red Kings during the Age of Heroes, House Bolton - the Bringers of Dread - sowed terror and paranoia across the North as rulers of the Dreadfort. While they now bend the knee and pledge fealty to House Stark, the banner of the flayed man still inspires fear in friend and foe alike.

The ascendance of her brother; Rycann Bolton to the Dreadfort's lordship began in the wake of tragedy and remains shrouded in secrecy. Their late Lord father - Robett "Ravenskin" - succumbed to an illness and within the fortnight the disease had spread across the fortress grounds and claimed the lives of many others. Among the other lost souls were her eldest brother Rodrick and their household Maester Bertram; the one who had been around since she was born. It was sorrowful to see him go, though it stopped nothing of the plans set in place by her late father.
But that was many seasons ago. No specificities about the tragedy could be determined but rumours are a plenty. Whispers seeped out of every corner of the castle and grounds, most of them with words that told of the Old Gods having done away with a lot of the Bolton's as punishment for Rycann and Aden violating the house oath not to flay men during their time in Essos. A truth that makes Raelith sick to her stomach every time she thinks back on it. A perfected craft they had all been taught at a young age to partake in. A family rite of passage. And for them to do away with it? As if it meant nothing. Tradition meant nothing. Family meant nothing? To say she was bitter about the entire ordeal would be an understatement.
However, even darker tales breached loose lips within the walls of the Dreadfort and even further throughout the North. That her own, dear sweet brother, "Redmark" orchestrated the tragedy himself, with the employment of Braavosi assassins. Though there is one truth known for certain with regards to this matter. Any man who dares speak of the incident may find himself before the lord of the Dreadfort, pleading a case as to why his tongue not cut off for speaking falsities. His methods are getting better, in Raelith's opinion, but he is still too weak when it comes to acting on his threats himself. Sure, he might have been able to hire someone to kill for him... but he wouldn't do it himself. That's what his dear sister is for after all. Raelith is no assassin by any means.
But a butcher?
As for their political standing, there has always been an air of fear when dealing with the Boltons and Raelith uses this to her advantage whenever she has the chance. It's only fair seeing as how her brother does the same. She has no true interest in policies and politics in the slightest. No urge or drive to rule as the head of her House - only to serve in the best ways she knows how. The best ways any Bolton in history is known for. And damn does she do a good job.

- Robett "Ravenskin" Bolton | Father - Former Lord of the Dreadfort †
- Rodrick Bolton | Brother †
- Aden "Quickbolt" Bolton | Brother †
- Rycann "Redmark" Bolton | Older Brother - Lord of the Dreadfort - She is a voice that speaks to him with words of empowerment, and levelheadedness. The devil and angel on his shoulder.
- Alarra Bolton née Umber | Sister-in-law - Married to Rycann | There is a love hate relationship between the two women
- Desmond Bolton | Nephew - Dismisses most of what Raelith has to say in favor of doing his own thing
- Alaric Bolton | Youngest Nephew - Takes majority of what Raelith says at face value; there is a sweet bond shared between the two that seems almost out of place with other relationships she has.

- A small gathering of vassals and subjects loyal to House Bolton - specifically Raelith similar to Ramsay Bolton's Bastard's Boys
- Brachyllo Hotoris | Captain of the Guard of House Bolton. Loyalty runs deep with his connection to Rycann from their time together in Essos, but there is something oddly binding between the Captain and the Lady.
- Olly Mollen | Twin Brother to Osric. Very skilled in swordsmanship & riding.
- Osric Mollen | Twin Brother to Olly. Very skilled in archery & riding.
- Gage Snow | A bastard of the North, the kennel master; Tarner Locke took pity on him and took him in. Raelith frequents the stalls and stables where the animals are kept and ran into him tending to the creatures. He was smitten instantly. Hasn't quite gotten over how close Ashe Stark is to his Lady Bolton.
- Mara Graves | Lowborn girl, easily manipulated by the Lady of the Dreadfort. Has her sights set on a specific lad or two and doesn't take that they ignore her very well. Has been surprisingly chummy with Lord Rycann's wife as of late. Raelith makes sure to keep an eye on her.

- Tarner Locke | Kennel Master, Uncle to Howland Locke and father-figure to Gage Snow
- Brack Fenn | Huntsman/Hunting Master
- Colren Moss | Head Cook
- Waylar Wells | Steward
- Maester Warne | Maester
- Jorelle | Septa
Because of Alarra and her pseudo faith in the Seven

- Benjicot Marsh
- Eryon Mollen | Cousin to Osric & Olly Mollen
- Howland Locke | Kennel Master's nephew. Cousin to Gage Snow

Raelith is a mysterious and ethereal beauty.
Thick black locks, typically worn down, pulled from her face just enough to allow for her beautiful face to be seen. Always seeming to have a bouncy wave to it; almost rat's nest like, wild and unkempt even in the best of situations. She prefers it that way - instills a type of manic look to her that helps when extracting information out of enemies to their House. Adds a little to her "wild" persona.
Standing just about average height, her body lithe and adorned with subtle curves. She harbors a number of small scars along her arms and fingers - those uneducated believe it to be a result of fine needle work; typical traits set aside for a lady of the castle. Those who know better, don't ask. Then of course there is the one across her back. Given to her by her dear old father. Given as a means to "teach a lesson" - one she hasn't forgot.
Her eyes, a piercing frosty steel; a trademark of the Bolton's, can bore into someone's soul in the dead of night and would still shine brightly. If the light catches her eyes just right they take on the color of the lights around her and she looks almost witch-like. A terrifying sight to behold when being held in the dungeons at the Dreadfort. Raelith keeps her nails trimmed, but long and sharp enough to use to do damage, should she need too. But that's ultimately what her blades are for.

Patience is a virtue. Controlling. Manipulative. Fleeting moments of normalcy float through her mind and she longs for what "every other lady experiences" - though she won't ever admit it aloud. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly. Cold and calculating. Ambitious and alluring. Adroit. Secretive. Loyal. Raelith will lash out when things do not go her way, she feels that she is better equipped for the harsh realities of the world around them and for others to dismiss her words of warning and wisdom pisses her off. It's rare for her to lose her cool, but when it happens it would be best to have her on your side and direct it to others. Flirty and charming in a way, she isn't unattractive in the slightest. However, once people know she is a Bolton it is almost as if a curse has been spit forth and most suitors find that... intimidating. Needless to say, her brother has his hands full with trying to find her the perfect lord to marry her off too.
The youngest of the remaining Bolton children, only daughter to Robett, and the most Bolton-like of the lot - at least she will tell you that. Born as a surprise to the late Lord of the Dreadfort, rumors swirled around that it was not Robett's child and that his lady wife had been unfaithful. However, as soon as the child was born it was clear from the beginning that she was of Bolton blood. That knowledge only solidified as she grew, coming into her own self and mirroring the lifestyle and traditional values held in high regards by the Bringers of Dread. Raelith basks in it.
A goal of hers was just to be able to make her father proud, to make the family proud and be the best at what she could. And she did. As the youngest, and only female, there was a lot of pressure on her from her mother to be a proper lady and do well to be married into a noble house - perhaps the Starks? - and to bring honor to the name Bolton in such a way. However, that was the furthest thing from her mind. It wasn't the life she would have chosen for herself and thus there were a lot of arguments held between Raelith and her mother about her future. In which Raelith could be found shadowing her brothers or her father, always watching and learning, discovering new ways to improve their techniques. As she grew she came to find out that she thoroughly enjoyed being the one wielding the blade, pulling the secrets and screams and other tid-bits of information from someone with the smooth stroke of a sharp blade along unblemished skin.
Seeking out those who would best benefit herself and the family is something of a past time for the young lady. It is rumored that she inherited the skin changing abilities of her late father, especially with her affinity and love for the black birds that are seen circling the castle towers and cawing at all hours of the day within the walls of the Dreadfort. Raelith does nothing to squash these rumors, delighting in them and even playing into them from time to time, basking in the fear and obedience it commands. Doesn't help that a lot of her attire and accessories flow into the motif of ravens and crows; bones, feathers, skulls etc. Who is she to correct them?
Raelith is skilled, to a degree, in combat. Mostly in the ways of handling her blades - preferably knives and the like, but trained nonetheless. Carrying with her at all times no fewer than two blades and a pair of needles, Raelith is always prepared for whatever the situation calls for. Though she may not be well versed in other weapons, she does quite enjoy watching the tournaments and the spectacle of fights. It brings a sort of flustered adrenaline to the surface and she is buzzing with excitement. Though, she isn't a fan of being so far South and having to rub elbows with those who think they're better than her and her kin, she does find that it's easier to stroke their egos and pull words from them if they feel they're being pampered and worshiped. A couple of lies here and there from a silver tongue won't hurt anyone~