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@ProPro Yeah, but people can look at the post and know who I'm talking to. lmpkio does it with his it looks like.

Also Bowser is turning into a mobile weapon's platform at this point. Hes got a sniper on one shoulder, a medic on another, and himself.
Blazermate is riding on top of Bowser, and if Michael takes up the offer, he'll be riding with her and be in Bowser's group as well. Figured someone with a sniper rifle would prefer to ride on the giant turtle monster's back and not have to walk everywhere.

I tend to add the @mentions after I've typed up the post in an edit, so yeah. hope thats alright.
A lot of people seemed to be following Bowsers lead, after all he was the one taking affirmative action and was probably the most familiar with this area from what she could tell. Taking a look as to who was following the group, right now it looked like it was her, Bowser of course, the cowboy, Geno, Michael as he'd call himself, Linkle, Toba, and... a new cat person? Blazermate didn't see him before, was he just hidden and got up recently like that Din lady? Well, he seemed friendly enough. "Sorry buddy, Geno, Zer0, and I are the only robots I've seen so far. Stick around, I'm sure you'll find him soon enough." Blazermate said.

Around this time Bowser offered her a ride on his back, which Blazermate accepted. Hopping up on his shell she rested herself in between the spikes, keeping her healing beam on Kirby. Thankfully for Bowser her robotic frame was very lightweight yet durable, so she didn't add much weight for him to carry. On her new perch, she could see the rest following the group more clearly and noticed the onion bird man Toba walking behind Linkle. Blazermate, having been preoccupied healing Kirby and talking with Bowser, wasn't really able to talk to him much, especially considering all the questions he seemed to have. Although she had a very hard time making out what he was saying sometimes, she had heard his question he asked her while she was chatting with Bowser.

Pointing at him with her free hand, she said. "Hey Toba, you had some questions about me?" Remembering the question Geno had as well, she said. "I'm a medabot, a highly advanced combat robot. I'm a -mate model, which means I'm a support medabot. But that doesn't mean I can't fight, just that I prefer to heal and support." she said, putting her hand into a fist and moving one of her robotic pigtails to make a punching motion before going back to a more relaxed position. "The rest, I might tell you later~." She said, in a teasing cutesy tone.

The Submachine gun man, then made his name known to the group as he joined. Considering he didn't look nearly as athletic as the other, cowboy human or Linkle, Blazermate gestured to him to sit on Bowser's shell with her. After all, considering the hike they had to go before they made their way to the castle in the distance, she figured he'd probably get tired really fast carrying around a big rifle like that. Bowser meanwhile was figuring out a way to pay this cowboy man, turning one of his suit buttons into a golden disc using his... fire breath? This gave Blazermate some ideas, considering she had worked with a few fire spitting Medabots back in the day.

The group walked along until they reached a strange crossroads. One which lead to an ominous looking canyon, one that Bowser wanted to go to that looked like something out of a book, and one that she figured was the most dangerous, considering how inconspicuous it looked. Blazermate was glad that Bowser was going down the path she would've gone, the book route with the weird creatures that Bowser seemed to know, considering he called them out as his 'minions'. Geno at this point decided to just fly up in the sky and over everything, something Blazermate could also probably do for a bit with her design, but decided against it considering there were allies down here to heal. She was really curious as to why the courier was deciding to go down the canyon route however, yelling at him. "Oii. Why are you going that way? Rock slides are a real problem there! If you want heals, stick with me!" she said, but the man made up his mind and was out of sight soon after.

Letting out a robotic sigh, she watched as Bowser used his fire breath to torch some nearby grass in an attempt to scare his minions into cooperation. Blazermate figured this wouldn't work, considering how alert all the creatures became with all that noise, and said to Bowser "Pretty sure mind control means mind control~." She got in a more riding combat position on bowser's shell, as the guy looked like he was ready to rumble. At least being so close to the guy she could easily heal him or anyone nearby if they got injured. She really couldn't do much other than maybe telling someone where to attack these enemies from her perch, for some reason her blaster wasn't inside her frame like it usually was. But these enemies didn't look like they'd be much trouble, they were littered with weak points.


@ProPro Well I think Blazermate will go with the group that needs the most healing, and considering the canyon is very close to gravelpit, Blazermate would probably find a spirit there. Although IC wise right now shes sticking with Bowsers group due to the whole healing kirby thing. But if enough people go down the dangerous route, she'll be forced to follow them to keep them alive.

@thedman Well you could always ask one of the two mechanics to help you out with that stuff. I'm sure They'd be happy to make new things if everyone found the proper scrap metal.
The tensions with this group seemed to be going away, especially with the biggest of them advocating peace. Even those who were aggressive, like the centurion man, named Agoston as he introduced himself as, even gave up the chance to fight and instead went into a wordy introduction. The man was pretty full of himself it seemed, and considering how he looked at Blazermate, she couldn't help but roll her eyes. (Which most probably couldn't see, considering how her eye plates covered her optics.) But at the same time she couldn't help but find his rederec amusing. After giving his little speech, he turned and went towards the castle.

Soon after, another person approached the group, a lady in red, and seeing the lady in green, she made her way over to her and started to strike up a conversion. From the way this Din lady was talking, her and this green clothed lady came from the same world, much like Bowser and Geno. At least Blazermate wasn't the only robot in the group, looking at Zer0 as she thought this. The lizard man, named Bowser, thanked Blazermate, then went on a long explanation in his, cute bumbling sort of manner. It was really adorable, Blazermate thought, at how Bowser was trying to be commanding, menacing, and caring all at once.

"Wait, so that second sun is actually a living thing that brought us here? I just figured it was something with this world. I already know I'm not in Tokyo anymore." Blazermate said as Bowser explained everything, telling everyone to follow him at the same time. She flinched a little as Bowser carefully picked up the pink thing, calling him Kirby, and ran her way over to the pair, putting her medi-beam on Kirby as they walked. It was then she noticed that there was another person who was walking with the Centurion guy. Blazermate didn't recognize him, but for now it looked like no one was attacking him so he was probably friendly.

"You don't have to be that slow Bowser, I'm healing the little guy for ya." Blazermate said, giving a little giggle as she said that, a constant light hum coming from her hand.

Blazermate really doesn't mind working for someone, but she'll be sure to call you out on your crap.

Also getting over 500 words is apparently really really hard xD.
@ProPro This is going to be fun. :P

EDIT: Nah, more I wanted to do that anime trope at least once in this RP and I dind't think it'd happen this soon xD.

So who is everyone maining in smash bros atm? I'm loving K-rool, but man is olimar super super powerful. I am glad all my mains are in the upper tiers. Megaman is scary strong and I think inkling is goign to be nasty when I learn her. That dash dance is like impossible to read and a 15-25% jab that inks is nuts.
@ProPro I thought that was part of his thought bubbles? Was he actually saying that out loud? Oh boy, I really should comment on that next time then.
@Lugubrious@LemonZest1337 Just remember you two, you need to ask for consent before messing around with the robo lady :P.
@Lugubrious Oh, that didn't save? Well then, I'll re-add that in then!

And added it in. Yeah, it didn't save I guess xD.
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