Avatar of Archmage MC


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@Lugubrious Yeah, but how heavy is he? Blazermate can't fly with too much weight right now, and I got a feeling hes a little feathery rock.
Does anyone need Blazermate's Assistance getting across the canyon on Bowser's squad? She can fly over herself and give whoever needs help a bit of a longer jump, but she can't carry someone outright, and she can't really help Bowser.

Guessing Michael could use the help?
So, Bowser's group is waiting on Bowser to post so we can move forward? Are we going to go and have a fight in the Ancient Guardens, or are we going to move past that into the Greymann battlefield and maybe save Geno soon? xD
@DracoLunaris Well if you do, you know where to find me. Thats what I do IRL, well one of the things I do, and yeah. xD

Level 2 - (3/20) EXP
Location: 1-1, Master's Mushroom
Word Count: 455


Blazermate had to think about what this 'master of masters' said. Spirits were a bit less, destructive, than what she was used to, but could grant even greater power? Considering the whole story he said about this Galeem, who had the power to wipe out basically the multiverse and recreate it, such power would be necessary. As strong as a medabot Blazermate was, she was well aware there isn't much she could do by herself or even with any of her current cohorts against a multiversal threat like that.

Toba and the Centurian seemed to realize the near hopelessness of this situation as well, and looking at Toba's posture, he was taking it much harder than the armored man. He was mumbling something to himself, and his doubt was visible to everyone around. Although after a moment he regained his composure and waddled off with determination after having a fun confrontational stare with this faceless man. Blazermate couldn't tell if this fired up the Master of Masters or not, as he went on being about being bad with combat, saying he hadn't done it in forever, but offering to join the group in an... excited manner? It was hard to tell, this guy was borderline crazy with how he gestured and acted and everything, but he at least seemed to know his stuff.

Michael seemed to take this information with a bit of annoyance. He was a more middle aged human, so Blazermate figured it was his age talking more than anything. Trying to cheer him up, she said, with accompanying exaggerated gestures. "Hey, think of it this way. Saving the multiverse is a HUGE feather to put in your metaphorical cap. I don't think anything could crown that." Her eyes then followed where Michael was looking, and she noticed that the girl laying in the hammock was moving. "Oh, another person that probably needs healing. Ok up and atem little lady, you gotta meet King Bowser, hes an adorable little teddy bear!~" Blazermate said, focusing her healing beam on Minako and using a Revive protocol to get her out of whatever daze she was in.

Everyone here had spent enough time here, and if this Master of Masters guy was going to join the party, might as well bring the person he was tending to along as well, and it'd be best to get them going on their own feet. Blazermate was sure herself or the Centurian could carry this lady, Toba having already darted off, but why do that when you can heal? After healing this lady, Blazermate made her way back to Bowser and the group alongside the rest of the people who had joined up.
@Lmpkio Don't worry Geno, we're coming to save you! But first we gotta get through the Greymann battlefield...

@Lugubrious Considering how many robots Greymann has made and all the variations you could do, those could make for a pretty good standard enemy don'tchya think?
How was everyone's Xmas? @DracoLunaris If you catch this message before you get your comptuer fixed, if your computer can get ont he internet (even if its buggy or bad), I can probably help you fix it.
@Lugubrious I can see it as "This guy is supposed to be omnipitent, but is within kill range of 5+ people who could easily kill him if they wanted to." or "This world is weird as is, whatever."


Level 2 - (1/20) EXP
Location: 1-1, Central Road
Word Count: 824

Blazermate listened to Michael's explanation of how a gun works. He was pretty spot on, and Blazermate only had to add in. "Don't forget the rifling. The barrel the bullets travel through is a spiral, which makes the bullets spin or drill through the air, making them far, far more accurate." She said, giving Michael a cute wink. Linkle had caught up with them aroudn the tail end of Michael's explanation, and from the way she talked, Blazermate figured her world didn't have guns either. Giving Micahel a bit of time to rest from his explanation "The explosions aren't all that strong truth be told. Guns can fire an insane amount of bullets before they need to be cleaned, and if its maintained properly, I don't think there is a limit on the amount of bullets a gun can shoot. There are guns that shoot over 200,000 rounds per minute all with the same or even more force than the bullets that Michael was using. I remember there was a medabot who used two of these kind of guns for arms. I was glad I didn't fight him." Blazermate said to everyone as the group made their way to that hooded figure under a mushroom.

This hooded figure was a strange one, calling himself the Master of Masters and giving away a lot of information in a bit of a bumbling, but endearing way. While the man was talking, Blazermate tried to get a look under his hood, but noticed she was unable to do so, as if the man didn't have a face or wasn't really there or something. But all the things he was saying, about spirits, about how to fix this world, about how to save her world and everyone else's, was fascinating. The man was also very... the best word Blazermate coudl think of was poetic, with how he said everything, mentioning a lot about the heart, body, and spirit. The mention of a keyblade was frankly silly, but considering how outlandish such a weapon sounded, it was probably something very important from his world.

His explanation of Spirits and how they worked made perfect sense to Blazermate, even if the Keyblade bit didn't. When the man was done talking, Blazermate said. "Oh, so the spirits are like Medals and Parts, sort of. Crush them for stuff you wear, put them in your head like they're parts to gain new abilities instead of swapping out limb models, and absorb them entirely into your Medal for more power. OK that last one isn't a 1:1, but makes sense to me." Thinking about what had just happened, with the multi colored balls that housed the spirits of Bowsers minions, she thought to the future where if this world was as varied and as vast as this figure said, there would be some insanely powerful spirits she could squire. Spirits that, if she could take them home with her, would easily make her the best Medabot in the world!

Thinking about this, she also thought about how her design worked with medals and parts, and caught on to a single word that the Master of Masters had said, but didn't really extrapolate on. "But wait... If these spirits are like Medals and Parts, doesn't that mean you also take on new personality quirks depending on the spirits you take in? Thats how it works with Medabots, and while I'm used that concept, I don't know if the others here would be so keen on that. Is that how this all works?" Blazermate said, asking the Master of Masters to clarify this point. Linkle asked the other question Blazermate had, as it sounded like if you linked with a spirit, instead of absorbing it, you got all the benefits, but none of the drawbacks.

Looking at Michael, Blazermate questioned to herself how effective spirits would be for him. There were humans in her world, and Blazermate was well aware of how fragile they could be in the wrong circumstance. And if his world was mostly humans with no Medabots, and he retuened there with what would be the equivalent of godly powers from any strong spirits he managed to find here, much like how blazermate was interested in bringing strong spirits with her back to Tokyo and dominating the Medabot world circuit, how would there worlds react to something like that?

Besides the whole spirits thing, there was another thing that bugged Blazermate. 13, why did it have to be 13 things everyone had to defeat in order to stop Galeem, the sinister sun? It just seemed odd, that everything that was bad was either a 4, an 8, or a 13. Zer0, being the poet he was, would probably get a kick out of something like this.

All this new info would be really interesting for the rest of the party when Blazermate and Linkle's questions were answered.
@DracoLunaris I'd just have them be unlockable abilities, since those abilities from BIS don't summon those balls of minions to do anything beyond that team style attack, while I believe a striker stays around after its first attack to do other things. Although keeping the souls in his metaphorical pockets is a hilarious idea.

@Ninja My only question is, how is he going to react to goofy heroes, goofy villains, and just overall very few 'dark' characters? I didn't play KOTOR that much so I might be mistaken on how his personality works.
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