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Light watched as Kiyoshi seemed to blame himself for what was going on. Well, after knocking out Cobra with some kind of.... well, Light couldn't really explain it. Some afterimage rush attack? It played tricks on her, distracting her from the puncture wounds she had gotten. As the thugs got up and retreated, dragging their comrades away with them, in came a jeep with a dragon symbol on it. "More reinforcements?" Light said as two men came out of the jeep.

One was some emo looking guy that Light instantly disliked from his appearance alone. The other was some native American guy that she thought looked way cooler, and was far more interested in. both of them wore dragon tatoos, so Light figured they were from one of the other gangs. And considering the emo guy announced their group as 'not being part of the gangs', Light was right.

Light absently scratched at the wounds Cobra had inflicted on her, which reminded her that she had gotten stabbed. Naja approached the pair, choosing to be part of the '2 on 2' they asked for, with Sam soon following suit, the two striking a pretty fun pose all things considered. As they were doing this, Light focused a bit putting a finger in her mouth and blowing into it. With a slightly audible pop, all her wounds closed up, leaving her skin pristine with no scarring. "Yeah, you two go get'm! Now if only I had popcorn...." She said, stepping back to give Naja and Sam the space they needed to fight. She made her way over to Llexe and Kiyoshi, patting the latter on the shoulder. "Hey mate. Do you know how to heal her? I can regenerate, but I dunno if she can." Light said, offering what help she could.
There is no point in making a droid character, they have no room for growth with the current sheet, hence why I haven't really updated this to remove the more OP stuff.
Light smiled as Sam took the thug she offered him and watched a bit as Sam more or less intimidated the poor guy who was already spooked by Light and the effects her Void Touch caused. When Light turned away from Sam, Sam having dealt with her gift and advancing towards the group of thugs, Light noticed there weren't that many thugs left. Heck, even onf of their bosses was getting pummled, although a bit mercilessly, by Llexe. But considering the other one was open, Light saw a chance for a hug.

Making her way over to the group, moving much faster than Sam and his intimidating walk with a Sharp Void dash(Without the sharpness), Light got behind the distressed Viper and gave her a hug. "Ahagl ahagl, ymg''ll ah ahehyee Magl. Mgah'ehye guh h' yog (There there, you'll be just fine. Lets hug it out.)" Of course Light was speaking eldritch and giving her a bit of a strong hug, as someone else dealt with the whole Cobra/Llexe situation, the Cobra lady not looking too pretty, but very much still alive. Although being mauled by what was essentially a berserk tiger lady at this moment wasn't the best of things.

Viper wasn't taking things as easy as Light was. Thanks to Light's Void touch ability, Viper was getting far more agitated than she normally would. And considering she was already pretty distraught, she was making quite a racket as her feelings of fear and paranoia were being amplified. For all intents and purposes, Viper was making things look much worse than they were. Sure Cobra was a bit brutalized, but it wasn't nothing some rest and surgery couldn't fix up. Light wasn't having a super great time either, considering Viper was stabbing her so she'd let go. Out of annoyance of this, Light threw Viper to the ground, taking one of her knives away in the process. Since Light was a Void creature, she didn't bleed from her wounds. Instead, wispy darkness seeped out of the wounds.
Light wsan't too sure what to make of the two newcomers who approached on a motorcycle, being a bit too preoccupied playfully poking the pile of thugs nearby. They didn't seem all that strong, although with her head visible they did comment on her which she thought was adorable. They did rally a few of the KO'ed thugs to their feet and all with a cry of "Tunnel Snakes...." with the thugs saying "Rule!" but again, even their little bladed weapons didn't look super strong either.

Wanting to play with these two newcommers, Light made her way to them with a grin on her face. While Liexe was making a distraction with her bull charge into the group. As the thugs that Liexe wasn't distracted stood at attention at Light approaching, she had a fun idea. Using her Sharp Void ability, she dashed through a few of the thugs, striking them with void energy. She then abducted the first thing she could grab and jumped away, having struck two other goons with her Sharp Void ability.

Of course she couldn't see who she grabbed with everything being a blur, and lo and behold, it was the one guy who she jumped at the start of this whole fight! "Hello again!" Light said with a grin, the man who was full of vim and vigor suddenly adorning a face of terror at the sight of Light. He tried to struggle as Light walked away from the group, who were more focused on Liexe to help.

She brought the struggling man over to Sam, petting him like he was a teddy bear or doll. She offered the man to Sam, saying. "Hey buddy, wanna give a hug to this guy for me? Some of the others in that group need some love!" The thug, seeing the hulking wall that was Sam, started to panic even more. First he was terrified by this creepy feeling monster lady, then abducted by her again, and now he was going to be left in the care of a giant man? It just wasn't his day!

@Stern Algorithm OH RIGHT. Sorry, I totally forgot about that. I'll edit.

Level 3 - (24/30) EXP
Location: Peach's Castle
Word Count: 154

Din, being distraught over the death of Zer0 and Gauge wasn't in the best of states. Having been damaged, she limped her way to Blazermate in a shellshocked state. Seeing this, Blazermate started to heal her and applied a cleanse to try to snap her out of her state, saying. "Sorry ma'am. I can't fix dead. Especially when their power has already been taken. Best focus on keeping those who aren't dead alive."

As more and more of Blazermate's allies join the fight, MegaDragonBowser sure wasn't looking so great. While Blazermate still couldn't actually scan the brute due to his annoying aura, it was clear for everyone to see the big gaping hole in his chest was a weak point, including MegaDragonBowser who, after the bullets from the Courier and Michael, and the attacks form Tora, decided to go and hide behind his thrown. Although he wasn't too bright, and let his anger get the better of him, using his cover as a projectile.

Blazermate really couldn't do all that much to stop such a big projectile but heal one of the people the projectile was heading towards. Hopefully it wouldn't squish them flat and she could heal them up to full, but it was a tossup either way.
When her allies came to deal with these thugs in force, Light noticed there wouldn't be that many playmates left. Sam was an unstoppable wall, while everyone else was either beating up people inside the store, or were with Light dealing with the people outside. Giving out a sad "Awww" as she noticed this, she caught the fist of the one person she was fighting with. Using her other hand to pin his other arm to his side and stopping him from moving, she began to play with him by doing a mock dance with him. Sure the thug tried struggling at first, but when Light could effortlessly drag his feet across the ground, he eventually just gave up struggling knowing he was just completely overpowered. Of course this didn't stop him from saying obscenities, but that ended fairly shortly when Light began to sing a slow dancing 60s song in eldritch.

The thug she had gut punched earlier recovered from being winded to the scene of his buddy being played with like a doll from a cloaked figure that was just speaking tongues. Seeing this, he tried to swing at Light, who swung his ally to block the attack, following up with using his allies own fist to smack him. This continued with a playful side kick from Light, followed by a smack by his buddy, and eventually the weirdness of the situation really got to both thugs. But just as the free thug was thinking of running away, Light grabbed him and put both thugs in a big hug, swinging them around like dolls and squeezing them until they passed out.

Throwing her unconscious playthings on top of the third thug she had knocked out earlier, she moved to help the others. If this meant dealing with anyone who was going to run away, or anyone who called for help, time would tell.

+2 KO, total 15 KO, 3 injured, 2 unaccounted for.
Light was presently surprised at how well everyone was taking her appearance. All the others of her group only showed a slight bit of hesitation at her appearance, which was pretty nice. Some only lightly grasped her monster sized hands, others gave her an earnest shake, but no one was screaming or running and this made her very happy. Even the rude lady was pretty fun to interact with once she saw what Light was, her face being funny to watch as she tried to piece together what Light was.

At least until the secretary she had met earlier rushed in as Eve was suggesting what sounded like a very fun way for everyone to bond. He blurted out something about Eve not answering her intercom until he stopped to stare at Light. Unlike the others, he didn't seem to have much of a constitution to him, and the way he was looking at her, Light figured he was looking at her hips. Posing to one side so she could rest her hand on her side, she said with a giggle. "Ya like whatchya see?~" Light wasn't making things easy for the poor guy as Eve tried to get his attention for his report. He managed to blurt out something about a small store being terrorized by the tunnel Snakes, and with a mission to do, she put her disguise back on and followed the others out to the store address.


When they got to the store, Naja was the first to act as they started to approach the thugs terrorizing the store with Liexe attacking some of the bigger ones. Light decided she'd have a little fun with the thugs that were acting as lookouts for the others. Using her Void Rift ability, she teleported behind one of the lookout thugs. Sneaking behind him in her disguise, she gave him a big bear hug, putting a lot of pressure on the man. Speaking in Eldritch, she said "wg, ymg' l' vmgi ng yathi, ymg' nith coh~"(Aw, your so cute and cuddly, You need a hug~) The combination of the pressure she was putting on the man that was causing his ribs to pop, her void touch, and the fact that she came literally out of nowhere much to his surprise started to freak him out. Using one of her hands, she was able to still hug the man but cover his mouth. After all, couldn't let her new buddy call for help now could she?

Seeing him trying to struggle in vein was kind of adorable, after all Light only wanted to hug him, couldn't he see that? Well, what the man saw was some white/blue demon lady with sharp teeth approaching his face speaking tongues, so it kind of made sense he started to panic. It was the same with the other thugs she gave hugs to, although she was more pulling a prank on this guy than being super lovable, what with this guy being someone she was told to deal with. Having a fun idea, she remembered a scene form a movie she saw back a little while ago. She made sure the man was looking her dead in the eyes as she opened her mouth a little to make a playful biting motion. As the man started to really squirm, she let him go, watching him run in terror as he barreled through two of his cohorts in a blind panic to get away from the void creature, Light laughing as he knocked himself out headbutting the second thug in the back.

Having done her prank, Light put her bandana and sunglasses back on as the thugs the other one had knocked over got back up and made their way to where she was, one of the clearly irritated he had just gotten headbutted in the back. They didn't see the monster that man was talking about, only a robed figure, and approached Light with hostile intentions. Light was busy having too much fun to care too much as they approached and tried to put the beatdown on her. Although she got hit in the thigh by one thug who was trying to aim low, the other wasn't so lucky when he tried to hold her foot down, unknowing she didn't have feet, and got promptly punched in the chest. Man, this was sure fun!

1 KO, 1 Injured, 1 fighting
Things were getting interesting. Sure the rude lady coming in wasn't all that fun, but a cyborg, a ninja, and a samurai looked fun! Alongside her and Mr. Meat Mountain, they had a fun looking crew. Although she wondered how much posturing the ninja and samurai would be doing, if that one movie she saw was any indication. Eve's job description seemed... alright. The gangs had some weird names; the Iron Maidens being a gang Light didn't like the sound of. But with a no kill rule, it all sounded like a really fun game.

"Well if we need to socialize, and we're all teamies, theres no point in me wearing a disguise for now huh?" Light said, all too eager to take off her disguise. Standing up she had one hand on her trenchcoat, but before she continued she said. "Oh uhm, no screaming or anything like that. I got enough of that in the last city." With that said, she pulled off her disguise in a flourish, showing everyone her fun void fishy form. With a toothy grin, she said. "I hate wearing that thing, especially the boots, but I gotta otherwise people go 'aaah, a monster!' when they see my eyes and all that."

She began pantomiming and acting out what she was saying halfway through her words, and continued to act as she said. "But yeah, my names Light, same as my fighting name. Works so well, because, well, think of it from the baddie view. They hear the name Light, and they'll expect a paladin or something, then this eldritch fish lady comes up and says "boo". They wouldn't expect someone named Light to use void powers, thats for sure!" She was in full excited swing mode, all bubbly and bouncy, bounding to each person as she shook their hands. "We have Kiyoshi here with a sword, very cool~, but what are all your names?" Considering the crew they had, it was going to be interesting.
Light was one of the earlier members of this party to arrive, having only been a few cities over before being called to Eve's office. She kept her disguise on, a bit unsure if she was supposed to show herself or not, being unsure of what the proper manners was for this kind of thing. But at lest she could sit down in a chair unlike another person who looked like a brick wall of a man. Having a soft drink in her hand from the offer of Eve's assistant, Light occasionally pulled down her bandana to take a sip. If anyone was observant, they'd notice her sharp teeth in those short instances, but the big brick boi was very distracting.

Light listened to Eve's reasoning and explanation for inviting them all here. While she didn't fully understand some of the concepts being said, especially the value of the money she was given, she nodded all the same. The crime thing Light wasn't entirely worried about, especially because it sounded like there were a lot of people who needed hugs. She chuckled a little at Eve breaking her desk as it just seemed so unnecessary. "I don't know about the others, but I wouldn't be here if I didn't accept your offer. Just keep me fed and I'm happy~." Light said, standing up and taking off her wide brimmed hat for a moment to give her a little bow, showing off her blue hair. "Anyone else think this is going to be fun? it sounds fun~!"
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