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Level 5 - (28/50) EXP +1
Location: Charnal Lane, Cathedral Square
Word Count: 570

Apparently the big Ent wasn't as dangerous as Blazermate thought it was. Yeah it was a giant, but after constant strong hits to its roots from Banjo and Donnie, a pretty cool scateboard grind up the ent's arm leading to a shotgun shot from Jak, a newcomer summoning giant monsters to attack the Ent, and Donnie showing that he was a lot stronger than Blazermate thought, the Giant lay on the ground in a heap, still clinging to life but very clearly hurt.

As Nero told everyone to finish off the Ent, having gotten up form all the healing, the moans of the undead were very loud now. Hearing this Blazermate said "I think your going to get your wish very soon.". As Blazermate said that, the first of the undead reached the area. climbing over or smashing through the roots around the area, the place was being swarmed with the undead that Blazermate had called. As they crashed through the area, they attacked any remaining minions that were left on their way to the Ent. It was actually pretty amusing seeing a swarm fight a swarm, although when the Chargers and other strong beefy zombies entered the scene, the combined effort of Kamek and the undead thined out the now finite minions the Ent had summoned.

The corpses of the ent's minions were being trampled by the undead as they rushed the ent, a few undead stumbling as they battled any minions in their way. Once the undead reached the ent, they were greeted by the same Jokey that Kamek had saved. This Jokey looked haggard and downright war hardened, as it had somehow lived through literally everything thrown at the ent and everything the ent had done to everyone around it. Covered in root rot, visceral, and whatever else splashed through the battlefield, if the jockey had any kind of intelligence, it would easily be scarred from this fight. But being alive the longest, the zombies that began to pile onto the remainds of the ent, tearing at whatever they could get their hands on, almost looked at this small dwarf of a zombie as some kind of superior.

Blazermate watched as her undead hoards piled onto the heap of the ent, attacking it like she commanded, ignoring her allies entirely. "I bet you never thought the undead would be your ally, huh Nero? I never thought a Medabot could command an army like this, hehe~." She was enjoying watching her swarm rip and tear at what life was left in the ent. "Get his parts my minions! " Blazermate said, more as an observation. However, the zombies all took that as an order and with that, started to rip off parts of the ent and wear them.

Hearing he could have the ent's head all to himself, the Jockey hopped off it and started to tug on its face. The little thing, while strong, had difficulty actually pulling the head off, at least until a few chargers decided to help. After a few moments and a combined effort, the Jockey held aloft his prize, a large part of the Ent's head. You could swear that an item jingle played as the Jockey held its prize above its head, running around in joy with its strange demented cackle being heard as it ran.

"This hand is so handy, huh guys?" Blazermate said, pointing at her horde with the suffering arm, while healing up the melee pair of Banjo and Donnie, making sure everyone was healed properly.

Level 5 - (24/50) EXP +2 New Ability

Location: Charnal Lane
Word Count: 752

Many of Blazermate's cohorts were able to dodge the ent's shockwave, and even more capitalized on her pointing out its weak point on the back. Although things didn't go super well, the monster did take quite a hit and was really angry at getting hit so hard. Nero felt most of the pain of the retaliation of the ent, as it knocked him off and splat the guy and with a weird goo that paralyzed him, while firing off more globs at everyone, while summoning new minions and letting off another shockwave.

The minions worried Blazermate more than the shots of gunk, at least at the start. While Blazermate could dodge the first attack, the second glob hit Blazermate dead on, smacking her backwards into her engineer nest. While she took the damage from the exploding globule, unlike the others the paralysis effect didn't affect her. "At least I landed next to the dispenser..." Blazermate said as she picked herself back up. Since the Engineer didn't really need to repair his sentry in awhile, the gun shooting the new minions who quickly exploded upon being pelted by gunfire, Dehl was sitting in a lounge chair drinking beer and looking over the battle casually. "Well then..." Blazermate said, looking at her striker with a bit of confusion as she healed herself. She noticed that Kamek was also focusing on the minions, with Banjo/Kazooie also luring the minions both towards the sentry gun, but also keeping them away from the gun itself as it mowed everything down.

Since she was spending a bit of time near the engineer camp and healing herself, Blazermate figured that with her free arm, she could at least start commanding more undead to attack the ent. They were endless in this area after all, even if most of them seemed to stay away from this area. Using what she learned from meddling with her new arm, Blazermate called out to summon even more nearby undead, commanding them to swarm the ent. After she let out the call, the moans and howls of the nearby undead did start to converse on the area, but it would take a bit of time before they got here. The few undead who had survived the ent's attacks, including the Jockey that Kamek had saved, followed her command without question, either attacking the ent's roots, or in the jockey's case, attacking its face.

Gene, taking advantage of Nero's injuries, freed Nero of Galeem's control. And seeing as Nero was the most damaged, Blazermate would have to make her way over to the demon hunter to heal him back into the fray. Gene was holding off the minions, seemingly ignoring the gas they were releasing upon death. He also had no weaknesses Blazermate could see, so she figured it was an ability of his. As she made her way across the battlefield to Nero, Ratchet got hit hard from the minions swarming him, apparently going into a weird state, at least according to Blazermate's sensors, where he was bleeding out. Seeing this, she started to beeline for the little fuzzball, but shortly after he had gone into this state, he was back up, fully healthy. "Some of these abilities really mess with my sensors..." Blazermate thought as she gave Ratchet a slight heal and cleansing him of any paralysis before continuing to where Nero was.

Since she tended to stick to the air, the shockwave and minions didn't really bother her, being ground based. While Gene and Donnie were protecting Nero, Blazermate descended from the sky, putting her healing beam on the demon hunter to get him back into fighting shape. When she figured he was at least healed up enough, she revived him, waking him from his stupor. "Rise and shine sleepy, we sitll got a giant to beat!~" Blazermate said as she revived Nero, making sure she was a bit away from the giant, Jak and the animal pair attacking the ent head on. Blazermate would heal them if they got damaged, but she wasn't going to go anywhere near the giant monster. As she backed away from the giant, Blazermate reached an area covered in roots, with a few things trapped inside them. At first she didn't pay this much attention, more intent on dealing with the problem in front of her. But as she was about to leave the area, something within one of the roots caught her eye. A robot, much like the ones that were at the robot battle field where she had gotten the spirit of the engineer, but it looked different. Fully tangled up by roots, its wheel missing, the robot seemed broken ant battered, but in its hands was a healing beam weapon much like Blazermate's own healing arm. Seeing this as an opportunity, Blazermate ended the existence of the robo medic and absorbed its spirit into herself. She hadn't seen anything that could heal people until now spirit wise, so she hoped this new addition would do something to increase her healing capabilities.

Level 5 - (22/50) EXP +1 (1 skill point in reserve)
Location: Charnal Lane
Word Count: 428

With all their shopping finished, Blazermate followed Nero and the rest of the party into the courtyard that held the odd looking tree. At the request of Nero, Blazermate began to set herself up in the area as there was about to be a fight. Finding an area with some height to it, she summoned the Engineer, who began to construct his sentry and dispenser. Since this looked like it'd be a much worse fight than the Suffering, she figured that Ratchet would love a dispenser for his weapons, as she knew it gave him lots of ammo.

Thanks to her testing with her arm earlier, Blazermate was able to call some of the nearby undead to her side. At first, she figured that her sentry would attack them, but as they were following her commands to the letter, the sentry just beeped as it looked back and forth, looking for a hostile target. Following her testing earlier, Blazermate injected a few mindless undead with the mutagen that the arm drooled from its maw. "This feels... so unnatural, but good." Blazermate said a bit darkly as she mutated some of the mindless undead into stronger forms that the group had seen earlier.

With the group's preperations complete, Nero instigated the fight with, what looked like a huge walking tree with tentacle branches for a beard. As a low roar came from the tree creature, much smaller beetle-like trees came up from the ground and rushed the group "And here I thought the zombies were weird!" Blazermate said as the sentry beeped, locking onto the nearest target and opening fire. Pointing at the monster, she commanded the undead that listened to her to attack it. While she couldn't really control them beyond that, she didn't really need any advanced commands either.

As everyone began to attack the monster, it let loose a powerful shockwave as it slammed the ground. Thankfully Blazermate kept her sentry set up a bit away from the fight so the shockwave didn't damage it much, but it greatly injured the undead she had commanded to attack the creature. Blazermate gracefully flew over the shockwave herself, much like Ratchet and Clank did. While in the air, Blazermate got a good look at the creature, and her scanners detected some strange things in the roots of the monster. "Hey guys, there are some strange things in the roots of that thing and the buildings." She continued to scan for the weakpoint of the creature, as she figured that just attacking it outright wouldn't be nearly as effective. After a bit, she continued. "The upper back is its weakspot!" when she was sure that was the weakpoint of the creature.

Level 5 - (8/50) EXP +1 (1 skill point in reserve)
Location: Zombie GY
Word Count: <500

While Blazermate was healing Jak, who was in quite the critical state, the combined effort of everyone including the giant Gene brought down the big suffering leaving behind a few souls. When the monster was defeated, Rachet came over commenting on how Blazermate should heal Jak due to what he did with Blazermate replying. "I have sensors, I can see~" using a bit of a teasing voice. She looked over at the corpse of the giant behemoth and the souls it left behind and figured that such a large creature would give some interesting parts. Worse comes to worse Peach could always remove them. Making sure Jak wouldn't get worse, Blazermate followed Ratchet as he got his spirit and grabbed one herself. Much like the Engineer spirit before she had taken, she inserted the Suffering spirit like she would any other medabot part, preferring to replace her non healing arm. Speaking of Dehl, as the fighting died down and the sentry gun was cleaning up the rest of the stragglers, the striker disappeared, leaving his buildings up on that platform to do what they did.

A new ally had revealed themselves among the chaos calling himself Mr. Bonez, but as Blazermate had to get back to Jak to heal him up, she grabbed her spirit as the others also grabbed their spoils, Kamek stocking up on the standard zombies. "Thanks for the help. And it was funny how a van delivered the final blow, I thought it'd be giant Gene." Blazermate said in a bit of a rush as she congratulated everyone on their victory. "Any of you want to help me hoist Jak to the trolly? I can't carry and heal him at the same time, not in his condition." She asked the group before flying over to resume her healing duties on the eco user. Ratchet offered his help, and while Blazermate wasn't too thrilled by how he was carrying Jak, he was carrying him to the van at least.

Level 5 - (7/50) EXP +1
Location: Zombie GY
Word Count: <500

The Combination of Blazermate's Sentry and Mr. Bonez helping out kept the horde of zombies at bay. Blazermate saw that Mr. Bonez wasn't an enemy, and even if he was, Blazermate's sentry would attack him if he was hostile, so she didn't pay him too much mind. Not when Jak was so critically injured with his fight with the Suffering. But beyond all that, the most weird thing was Magickoopa coming through her teleporter, and turning Gene into a giant. "What the... ok then..." Blazermate said as the giant Gene went to fight the big monster. Blazermate meanwhile had to move over to Jak to heal him up.

While she was healing Jak, falling behind where Ratchet pulled him to and helping him fight off the occasional zombie that her sentry gun missed. Dell kept the sentry up and refilled, enjoying the carnage that his creation was causing to the zombies below. Once all the zombies were cleared out, the sentry having only the Suffering as its only target starting unloading upon the giant beast.

Thankfully since both Sans and Mr. Bonez weren't hostile, the sentry didn't even look in their direction.
Blazermate (with help from Lugubrious)

Level 5 - (7/50) EXP +3
Location: Zombie GY
Word Count: 1628

The fight with the tank seemed to go pretty well. Sure Blazermate had to jump out of the way as the tank barreled towards her sentry on the trolly, but its fire, alongside the combined efforts of everyone took the beast down. Although having what was essentially meaty zombie bits explode everywhere wasn't great and Blazermate was caught in the splash zone like Gene was. "Eww.... Seriously?" Blazermate said after getting covered in zombie goo. But then... the smell came. Blazermate hadn't really developed much of a sense of smell, as she had never had it before, and until now really didn't have any reference point. At least not until now. "Gah, and how do you guys handle this stuff? I Really hate it." Blazermate said. She decided though that she could tough it out, shaking herself clean. She was clearly getting extremely annoyed with the whole situation, healing Gene almost subconciously as he was the most injured being closest to the exploding tank. Eventually everyone decided to move along, Blazermate propping the trolly back upright, fixed it and the buildings that fell of of it up, and followed the van.

What finally broke her though was when they came up to the crater of plant life. This zombie plant life and its pollen, combined with the lingering smell of goo, caused Blazermate to start sneezing. This was the final straw, and out of sheet annoyance she said. "And Now THIS? 'achu' This is horrible, 'achu' I'll be right back." As the cars stopped at the graveyard gates, Blazermate took her teleporter to head to the other team in the Land of Adventure. If she remembered right, Peach had something that'd let her fix this whole issue.

The land of Adventure was far different from the zombie town she was just in. Here things looked far more peaceful, pretty, and almost like a scenic sort of place, almost peaceful if it wasn't for the light of Galeem shining over everything.

The Medabot's newfound sinuses continue to plague her for a short while as she wandered the town, though the crisp breeze of the plains did wonders to clear away the wretched musk of the Dead Zone that clung to her. Luck proved to be on her side as she, without even needing to ask for directions, spotted Peach outside Lumbridge's castle-based guild hall. While the location might be expected of a royal, what Peach was doing was anything but. She appeared to be undergoing some sort of training courtesy of the town's courteous sheriff, a gruff-looking man with a giant wolfhound never far away. The Houndmaster was appraising Peach's performance of a couple strikes when Blazermate appeared.
When she spotted her ally, the changed princess excused herself from her new mentor and greeted Blazermate straightaway, though not with the same sweet merriness that she might have shown a day ago. "Hey. Hello," she said. "I've seen you around, and your ability as well, but I don't think we've ever really met. Peach, at your service." For a royal, she discarded her title with remarkable indifference, but the hand she extended to shake seemed genuine.

Blazermate liked how straightforward Peach was being. Like Peach had said, the two hadn't really met face to face and Blazermate only knew her from her speech in her castle, but she looked a lot more.... battle hardened now. Considering she didn't have to worry about learning a new thing, breathing, she was probably having a better time than Blazermate. Making sure her hand was clean, Blazermate shook Peach's hand. "Hello, I'm Blazermate. Nice to meet you ma'am." Blazermate said, giving her a polite bow. After doing their greetings, Blazermate said "You guys got the peaceful place huh?"

Getting down to business, Blazermate said "So Peach. This soul I absorbed on the battlefield in front of your castle has been very useful, but this whole 'breathing' thing it forces me to do is just awful. Especially when everything in the zone I'm around is just awful zombies and sneezing pollin. I remember saying you could do something about this? I think I installed this 'part' incorrectly." Blazermate wasn't going to give up the skills that the engineer gave her entirely, but she remembered that Bowser had a few striker spirits that did things for him, so Blazermate figured that since she only builds buildings and nothing thats really 'combat worthy' or mobile, summoning a striker would free her up to do other things.

Peach gave a grave nod. "I think so. Should come naturally. Uh...hold still." After a moment hesitation -squeamishness, even- Peach abruptly shoved her hand into Blazermate's chest. It sunk straight in, and both her hand and the area of Blazermate's body turned prismatic. Peach's fingers closed around something, and yanked it with all her strength. Prismatic energy flooded Blazermate's form, her new modifications all draining out in an instant. The next second the light died, and the Medabot stood just as when she arrived in the World of Light. Looking surprised and more than a little relieved, Peach looked down at the Engineer spirit in her black glove. "Whoa," she murmured. "Didn't know how that'd turn out. Glad it worked, huh?"

"Yeah. And way less intrusive than actually losing a part." Blazermate said, tapping her face plate, relieved that she didn't have to do that 'breathing' thing anymore. "I don't know how you fleshies can stand breathing. Its so.... annoying. Sneezing was the worst though." Blazermate said, giving Peach a bow. Trying to remember what the Master of Masters had said, Blazermate grabbed the engineer spirit out of her gloved hand at a request and tried to link, but not absorb, the spirit to make it a Striker. "Not sure how Bowser did this thing, but it can't be too hard, right?" She said, concentrating.

While Peach looked on, unamused, Blazermate attempted to bond with the spirit. Just looking at it hard didn't seem to do anything. After a few moments, the princess offered some advice. "If you want to bond with it, you have to make a connection with it. The others had an easy time with their minions and mooks, but that looked like a person. People are harder to persuade." She crossed her arms. "Try thinking about what you want from it, or need from it. Ask for its help. I don't think it can hear you, but if it can somehow feel you, I'm sure it'll respond."

Hearing Peach's advice, Blazermate concentrated on the spirit. Having been one with it for a time, Blazermate felt like she knew at least a little bit about Dell Conagher. "So. I know we just split up, but I still need your help. Your buildings are great, and would really be helpful if for me and my friends you could make them instead of me." While this would probably work for any standard lacky spirit, the Engineer was a bit more intelligent than that, especially since he was a mercenary, and Blazermate wasn't really offering him much in the way of pay. At least until.... "You know, I couldn't find any hats, but I could give you any I find if you team up with me?" Blazermate had known of the Engineer's hat lust after being joined with him for a time, but since she needed her hair to move in order to fly, there was no way she could wear one. But if the engineer was a striker....

After a short while of Blazermate broadcasting her feelings, the spirit began to change. It grew warmer and brighter, then started to move on its own. Some invisible tie bound the spirits of machine and inventor together, and it allowed the latter to take shape. From the swirling vapors formed the form of the Engineer, conscious for the first time since his death. "Hmm," he mused, taking a look around. "Don't rightly recall much, but it looks like I owe ya folks some. Guess I oughta stick around." He reached out to shake Blazermate's hand. "Feels like you're the reason I'm back. Name's Dell, I solve problems. Not problems like 'what is beauty.' That'd fall under your conundrums of philosophy." He adjusted his goggles and grinned. "I solve practical problems."

"Like building a tri mounted sentry gun to shoot people with, mostly zombies. I know, I was using your plans for a little while. Very nice gun." Blazermate said. "So, lets go solve the problem of 'too many zombies', partner." Blazermate continued, overjoyed that she didn't have to worry about breathing anymore. Plus she had her cute accent back, instead of that weird texan/japanese hybrid that she had a hard time making cute. "Thanks Peach! I'm heading back to make sure no one gets killed. Tell everyone I said hi. Zombie land is pretty crazy. Jr. should know, he was there, and its gotten worse since then. Although that might be because of the sneezing..." With a wave, Blazermate said goodbye to Peach and took her teleporter back to the Dead Zone to meet up with everyone else who was dealing with the ambush at the Graveyard.

"I'm back from my trip fellas, whats..." Blazermate started to say. As she overlooked the battle she decided to jump away from the Trolly to keep its teleporter up. Since she hadn't been there for the start of the ambush from a weird, green giant monster looking thing, she was mostly ignored. Flying up to a high landing, Blazermate summoned the Engineer to start to construct a sentry gun that would shoot the zombies from below. Sadly this also meant the dispenser had to be destroyed to be relocated up so that Dell could get enough metal to build everything, but that was neither here nor there. Floating down to join the battle, Blazermate put her healing beam onto Gene, who seemed to be the one that was most vulnerable. Especially after Blazermate had only just healed him up from an explosion beforehand.

Apparently Lizzy's other classmates were a bit... apathetic? Well, the dragon boy in the back sure looked it. But a few of the other students had fire in them like Lizzy did. Although that one trying to get first in the sports tournament...

Lizzy didn't have much time to think about it though as he was the last student to stand up and make his declaration, and when he was done the teacher started to usher everyone outside for an aptitude test. Lizzy listened as the teacher explained the first test, a plate punching bag sort of thing to determine strength. As the teacher explained how it could measure both emitter type things and physical strength Lizzy had to debate with herself a bit to decide what would be better. She concluded that since she used her lasers more than punching things, thats what she'd do. Seeing an opportunity to go first, Lizzy jumped up and down, waving her hand at the teacher. "Oh, oh, I'll go first, I'll go first!" Since she was outside, her weight only rumbled the area a little bit as she jumped.

"Hard as I can right? Ok!" Lizzy said as she approached the plate, getting clarifiaction from the teacher. Standing back a bit, she opened up her arm to reveal her laser cannon. With a short charge up, as she gathered energy, Lizzy fired a large pink beam at the plate as she used her more powerful Super Beam Cannon. It was far more destructive than her normal beams, but drained her core energy to use. The beam hit true, the destructive power of her beam causing an explosion as it hit the plate due to its high energy levels. As she finished her beam, Lizzy's body drooped for a few seconds before she booted back up and made her way back to the group.

"Hehe, beat that!" Lizzy said triumphantly. Sadly no one cheered her on, so her beam wasn't as strong as it could've been, but no one knew that bit about how she worked so it made sense.
Lizzy tapped her hands together, giving tiny metal 'chink' sounds every time the tapped as she waited for everyone to enter the classroom. Apparently the boy who looked like a dragon couldn't breath fire, yet another of her classmates could? Lizzy couldn't help but give a little mechanical chuckle at the oddity of that situation. Next came in a kid with a bandana over his mouth. This boy kept on looking at Lizzy and the dragon boy with a bit of disbelief on his face which was always enjoyable to watch. There was also another kid, a really thin kid, that Lizzy hadn't noticed until now which sort of gave off a... creepy aura about him? Lizzy couldn't place it.

Lizzy didn't have much time to think about it though as their homeroom teacher came in following the last few stragglers. And he was a dinosaur? A dragon and a dinosaur, it was going to be a really fun time here! No wonder why the classroom door was so big... His speech was pretty fun. It was clear he was trying to intimidate the class at the start, but Lizzy couldn't help but think about how much fun it was to have a dragon AND a dinosaur in her classroom. And when the man looked at her, she couldn't help but enjoy that he noticed how much polishing she did this morning. As he finished his speech, his intimidating look went away as he asked for each student to declare why they were here.

Akendo went first, giving her reason to be a hero was, just to be a hero. Just like Lizzy! With her declaration done, Lizzy went next. "Hiya everyone. I'm Lizzy and I wanna be a hero as well. Need to make sure people can live life happy right?" Lizzy said, standing up as her chair groaned in relief to give her statement. She waited to be given the signal to sit back down, deciding to stand like Akendo. Lizzy's chair was very grateful for the relief.

Level 5 - (4/50) EXP +1
Location: Zombie Junction
Word Count: 452

Blazermate's sentry gun kept most of the smaller zombies from approaching the Trolly and the van, creating a bit of a safe zone in the zombie infested city. Sadly due to how it worked, it couldn't do much damage to the big zombie that the van people were dealing with, with only the occasional errant rocket hitting the big brute. But thankfully the van people were keeping it at bay, so the only things that she had to deal with was the small zombies that kept perishing in the area, their spirits floating everywhere.

When Blazermate got an idea to scoop up some of the zombie spirits and crush them, a few more dangerous things happened. First, Gene went wading into the horde of zombies, and after a few moments, came back out covered in all sorts of nasty stuff and something extra, some sort of disease. While Blazermate wasn't sure if she could heal diseases, she was confident her medi-beam could at least hold it at bay. So she yelled at Gene to get closer to her so she could keep him healed, at least until they found some sort of cure or his natural immune system could cure him.

But that wasn't all that happened. Her teleporter sprung to life as it teleported... a kid? The child didn't stay for very long, apparently frozen in fear at seeing all the zombies before he teleported back. "OK... what are those guys doing...?" Blazermate said as a few moments later Jr. came through the teleporters. He seemed angry for a moment before commenting on all the zombies around and starting to join in the fight, pulling out a giant paintbrush and leaving zones of very colorful goop that seemed to just, act as barriers that zombies died in as they passed through the zone of colorful stuff.

"OK, now thats cool. Now I can grab stuff, thanks." Blazermate said to Jr, pointing out the Tank that the people in the van were engaging in. Thanks to Jr's paint holding back the zombies as well as Blazermate's sentry gun, Blazermate flew around to collect what spirits she could that were in relative safety, making sure to keep her healing beam on Gene. When she gathered quite a few zombie souls, she landed back on the trolly and began crushing each soul to see what items she'd gather from them. Any weapons that weren't going to be useful to her, she figured she'd break down into materials and see if she could make some new items out of them, following her ideas from before.

When she noticed that Jr's paint as well as her sentry gun had decimated pretty much all the zombie hordes, Blazermate decided that she should probably keep the trolly in line with the van people who had went up ahead. Seeing as Banjo/Kazooie weren't at the wheel, Blazermate decided to give it a shot. Thankfully the trolly was fairly simple to control, if a bit wonky with how it turned. She decided to drive the trolly, with Jr. aboard, to pick up Banjo/Kazoie and Gene from where they had found themselves as they devastated the hordes, telling them to get on.

The shouts from up ahead made finding where the van had gone pretty simple, and as Blazermate had the troly approach, her sentry gun got the big zombie that the van people were dealing with in its sights and began firing. "Oooh, thats a big one! Careful everyone!" Blazermate said, keeping her beam on whoever needed it as she parked the trolly in a safe area, her sentry gun laying down fire on the big thing.
"Yes, I'm aware I'm a robot. What tipped you off?" Lizzy said to Kisa's exclamation, giving her a teasing look. The girl seemed to be very nervous about being here at UA, unlike Lizzy. While many different students made their way through the gates of UA, one of them being a big dragon guy that Kisa didn't notice. (to be fair, Kisa was focused on Lizzy...) But before Lizzy could point out some of the more eccentric looking people that passed by like herself, one of the students decided to stop by and say Hi as well.

"Hi Kisa, I'm Elizabeth, but call me Lizzy. Its way cuter. And I'm in 1-A too! Yay classmates!" Lizzy said as Kisa introduced herself to Lizzy and the newcomer. "I'm not nervous, just saying Hi to anyone who wanted to walk in together. This is going to be so much fun!" Lizzy replied as the newcomer was attempting to pep up both Kisa and Lizzy. "Lots of students are passing by, I think we should go. Don't you two think?" Lizzy said a few moments later, gesturing to Kisa and Kudo as she passed by the gates to head to class 1-A.

As Lizzy walked, you could hear her gears spinning and some audible metal tinks as her feet hit the pavement. "So, did any of you see the giant dragon guy pass by? I hope hes in our class. That looks really cool!" Lizzy said, not hiding her excitement about being in UA at all. Thankfully all she needed to do was follow the few students who had passed through the gates to figure out where the classrooms were. While not the first to arrive to the 1-A classroom, Lizzy was far from the last. And there were some interesting looking people in the classroom, including the dragon guy she had seen earlier alongside a few other mutant quirks like herself. (Although she was the only robot.) "Yay, the dragon guy is in our class! This'll be so cool. Wonder if he can breath fire?" Lizzy said.

Entering the room, she waved at everyone who was already in class. "Hiya!" Finding a seat near the front of the class, Lizzy sat down. The chair gave an audible groan as she put most of her weight on the chair but it held firm which was nice. She watched as the rest of her classmates came in.
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