Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Nomadic
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Nomadic The Wanderer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kisa inhaled softly as she saw what appeared to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex, walk into the room. She raised her eyebrows as he introduced himself as their homeroom teacher, how ironic that they both had a dragon and a dinosaur in their class. Kisa wondered if it was more than mere coincidence, but then Mr. Suika was talking about them declaring themselves, as if they needed to explain why they wanted to study at UA. Who didn't want to study at UA? It was the top school in the country for aspiring heroes, Kisa could only count herself monumentally lucky that she had scored a spot for herself.

The first one to stand was the athletic girl Kisa had talked to earlier, Akeno, declared first that she wished to be a hero. The next to stand was Lizzy, and Kisa found herself smiling softly when the robot girl talked about keeping people safe. That was why Kisa wanted to be a hero, after all. Next the boy who had boasted about breathing fire declared that he too, wished to be a hero. Kisa knew that she would eventually have to stand up in front of the whole class and declare that she wanted to be a hero as well, but she found herself extremely nervous. Shaking slightly in her seat, Kisa stood slowly with her eyes cast on the floor.

"Hi...m-my name is K-Kisame Momosake and uhm," Kisa took a deep breath and swallowed thickly balling her hands into fists at her sides as she bit her bottom lip nervously, steeling herself. She really needed to work on her confidence.

I'm not the most confident or the strongest, but I've wanted to be a hero since I was a kid. I've always admired those willing to sacrifice everything to help those in need, I've always wanted to be like that! When I got my quirk I felt like it was my responsibility to use it to help those that couldn't help themselves, and so I decided to become a hero someday...to do whatever it took, " Kisa said in a soft voice and looked up at Mr. Suika, knowing she was probably being way too dramatic for the situation. She didn't care though, she needed to declare herself right? Kisa knew that if she was going to start being confident in herself, she had to be honest with why she was at UA. It wasn't just because she wanted to learn how to use her quirk to save people.

She wanted to learn how to believe in herself too.

"I know that UA can help me become a more confident person and teach me to believe in myself! I know that I need to learn how to trust myself, to be a better hero. So I'm not just here to become a stronger hero, I'm here to become a stronger person as well. I'm tired of being scared and anxious all the time," She said and grit her teeth as she realized she'd said that last part much more forcefully, the passion seeping into her tone. Kisa blushed a deep red as she ran a hand through her long hair and once again looked down at the floor.

"Sorry I know that was really long-winded and you probably just wanted us to keep things simple but... I had to get that out, to be honest about why I'm here,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Kaze's nearly closed eye cut towards the fire breathing boy. He looked a bit put out that no one had really commented on his fire breathing. "Kids today are less impressed by things due to technology, don't let it get to you." He rumbled out as the teacher entered the room. How did he know the dinosaur man was the teacher? The way he dressed, the way he held himself, and the fact that all the desks except the teachers was taken. Another yawn and then his jaw shut with a meaty snap before his eyes closed.

But just because his eyes were closed didn't mean he wasn't paying attention. His ears were cocked forward, focusing on the front of the room as the draconic teen relaxed. When the teacher ended his speech, much of which was strange philosophical stuff, Kaze uttered one word. "Rawr...." And then he was quiet as the others stood and said their peace.

Sighing, why did schools always do this, he sat up. He didn't need to stand, he was big enough as is and he was lazy. "Kaze Rin, I'm doin this cuz I feel like it. Being a Hero wouldn't be bad, we'll see if I get there." He growled out monotonously before relaxing on the desks he hoarded once more. As unenthusiastic as one could get short of being a corpse.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salty Spitoon
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Salty Spitoon

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Benny gulped quietly to himself, swallowing the nerves that began to twist his stomach uncomfortably; That was just about everyone else to declare their intentions. Or so he thought, he wasn't exactly keeping track. The last to speak was Scaley McDragonface, or as he might prefer 'Kaze'. It was a short silence after Kaze spoke, mentally checking if everyone except him had spoken; the ones still standing unknowingly helped him whittle down the list. Benny was the only one left.

With a confidence building breath Benny pushed himself to his feet, standing as proudly as he could before the rest of his class mates. He then reached up to his half mask and pulled it free of his face. Displaying his absurdly wide mouth with jagged lips and large fang like teeth, a soft smoke faintly billowing out between his fangs from his stomach acid.

"Benikuro Ayame. But you can call me Benny." He began in his guttural and gravely tone, a faux confidence attached.

"I want to rise above what people perceive me and my quirk as being villainous and horrifying. I want to be a beacon of hope for those who think they should remain unseen. That they don't need to hide themselves away in their homes and parents don't need to toss aside their children if they were born different. Because despite their appearance they too can become something greater, a force for good."

Utterly horrified at his weird declaration Benny casually placed his half mask back over his mouth and returned to his seat. Not trying to display how nervous he was for the barrage of questions coming his way later in the day about his appearance, questions he was all too familiar with.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Rokkaku stood up next, sensing that the allocated time for such fanciful introductions was coming to an end. A couple seats in the room remained empty, and not everyone had opted to stand up in the end either, but homeroom time was limited. With a cough, the raven-haired youth stood up, his back straight and his eyes grinding into Mr. Suika’s own. The student with the big mouth had set a high standard for introductions, all things considered. Concise and idealistic, with the dragon-boy’s lazy answer serving as a foil. But where Benikuro had his ideals and Kisame had her enthusiasm, Rokkaku had something far more concrete.

He took a breath and said, in a voice gravelly and hard, “I will place first in the Sports Festival.”

With that, he sat down once more, hands set flat against the desk. The first of many goals. Maybe he should have gone for something softer though.

Kyou swept his gaze over the students, waiting for anyone else to step up. It was certainly a straightforward class, if nothing else, the majority of them appearing to be relatively normal kids with a healthy appetite for do-gooding. Kaze in the back row appeared lazy, but that was expected of children whose quirks allowed them to stay on top during junior high. Kisame appeared to, at a glance, have some anxiety and self-esteem issues, but it wasn't crippling, if nothing else. The rest were what one'd expect. Akeno seemed prime class-rep material, Lizzy had the childish optimism that grew more endearing when one was old and tired of cynicism, and Yuno...well, Yuno knew to sit afterwards.

"Well, then, with all that out of the way, if everyone can rise?" the scaled teacher said, a glint of merriment directed towards Akeno before he waved at the others to get up. "We'll be moving towards the training fields for a quick physical exam to start off your day."

Honestly, if he had it his way, the class would have just met on the fields to begin with, rather than doing this whole awkward 'in-and-out' maneveur, but, alas, administrative shenanigans. There was almost a shrug as Kyou slapped his hat back on his head, before he strode out, his tail curled into itself to save space.

A couple minutes later, Class 1A was outside. UA as a whole had facilities larger than what such a small student population would require, and the vastness of the fitness field was a bit humbling. Gravel served as the base for the area they were currently in, and it was the size of a football field, open space all around. Spring sunlight shone warmly but not oppressively, and the sky itself was a blue that appeared to have no end, stretching endlessly in all directions. Shoes crunched against the terrain before the class reached their destination: a polished square plate, five centimeters thick and one meter long, with a metal frame and chains suspending it in the air. In the open field, it certainly looked out of place, but, well, it also didn't matter. They weren't going to be doing sports here, that was clear, and the electronics attached to the frame made clear the function.

Standing beside it, Kyou tapped the plate with his knuckles lightly, causing it to beep and punch out a number. "Well then, class, to begin with, I'd like you all to take turns hitting this plate with all your quirk has. This plate's sturdy enough to more or less withstand whatever you throw at it, and can calculate voltage and temperature as well, in cause some of you are elemental Emitter-types too. I will record your maximum output, and from there, will be collaborating with other teachers to form a curriculum that will maximize the growth of each one of you here, individually. Due to that, please hold nothing back so that you may receive the best education possible."

There was a slight pause, a tilt of the head.

"I'd personally recommend you unleash an attack that doesn't leave you exhausted afterwards though. A hero that can't protect themselves is just a liability, after all. Do your best, within reasonable limits. Treat it as your high school debut. And if you're worried about injuring your knuckles, I've got gloves too."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

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Apparently Lizzy's other classmates were a bit... apathetic? Well, the dragon boy in the back sure looked it. But a few of the other students had fire in them like Lizzy did. Although that one trying to get first in the sports tournament...

Lizzy didn't have much time to think about it though as he was the last student to stand up and make his declaration, and when he was done the teacher started to usher everyone outside for an aptitude test. Lizzy listened as the teacher explained the first test, a plate punching bag sort of thing to determine strength. As the teacher explained how it could measure both emitter type things and physical strength Lizzy had to debate with herself a bit to decide what would be better. She concluded that since she used her lasers more than punching things, thats what she'd do. Seeing an opportunity to go first, Lizzy jumped up and down, waving her hand at the teacher. "Oh, oh, I'll go first, I'll go first!" Since she was outside, her weight only rumbled the area a little bit as she jumped.

"Hard as I can right? Ok!" Lizzy said as she approached the plate, getting clarifiaction from the teacher. Standing back a bit, she opened up her arm to reveal her laser cannon. With a short charge up, as she gathered energy, Lizzy fired a large pink beam at the plate as she used her more powerful Super Beam Cannon. It was far more destructive than her normal beams, but drained her core energy to use. The beam hit true, the destructive power of her beam causing an explosion as it hit the plate due to its high energy levels. As she finished her beam, Lizzy's body drooped for a few seconds before she booted back up and made her way back to the group.

"Hehe, beat that!" Lizzy said triumphantly. Sadly no one cheered her on, so her beam wasn't as strong as it could've been, but no one knew that bit about how she worked so it made sense.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

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Not every student bothered to say something and not all the ones that did stayed standing as she had, which made her wish she had sat back down when she’d had the chance; it hadn’t been a conscious decision to remain on her feet but as soon as the second student stood up with her, the robot-like girl Lizzy, it felt too awkward to sit down by herself again.

Of those who had chosen to speak, most gave the expected response of wanting to be a hero so it was the ones who said something different that stood out. The dragon, Kaze, barely seemed to want to be here, barely interested in what was going on and barely awake; it was a surprise that he had even bothered to say anything at all. His demeanour bothered Akeno for reasons she didn’t want to dwell on right now. The male student with white hair and the face mask, a mask that was apparently covering up a mutation that gave him large crooked fangs and a wide mouth, wanted to become a hero because he wanted to change perceptions about people with unsightly mutations; Akeno could respect a motivation like that and she felt a little kinship with someone who felt limited or marginalised because of their Quirk. The last person to speak also gave a unique answer, a short male who looked plain compared to some of the others who simply wanted to place first in the sports festival; it felt… underwhelming for someone to set their sights on something that would take place a few weeks or months from now and no further, but maybe he just didn’t feel the need to say anything else for now? Either way, he had a feel to him that made Akeno pay some attention to words.

Since no one else seemed forthcoming the teacher moved on to the next task of the day and of course he was making fun of her for starting the trend of staying standing. Resisting the urge to sigh, Akeno followed Suika-sensei out of the classroom; things were already off to a bad start if this was the kind of first impression she was making. The physical exam might be a way for her to turn things around; if they were anything like what she had to do in middle school then she was confident that she wouldn’t completely embarrass herself a second time.

The class was taken to a field outside of the school and since there was only one thing out there it was plain to see where they were heading. Akeno was a little confused at the lack of equipment at first and as Suika-sensei explained everything it only made her frown more, confusion turning to concern as it became clear that this exam consisted of only one test. All they had to do was hit the plate as hard as they could with whatever they wanted to use; it was a simple test, so simple in fact that Akeno wasn’t sure how their teacher was going to use the results to form their curriculum.

It wasn’t a great test for Akeno, for example, whose Quirk would fail to make much of an impact on the plate at all and although she could probably get a better result from just hitting it, that wasn’t a great showcase of her abilities.

Before she could think on it much longer, Lizzy stepped forward to be the first to demonstrate her Quirk. Akeno probably shouldn’t have been that surprised to see that the robot-like girl had a laser cannon in her arm, but it was still shocking to see the powerful beam the girl fired at the plate, setting a standard that would no doubt be hard to meet for the rest of them.

Not bothering to suppress her sigh this time, Akeno resigned herself to giving a thoroughly unimpressive performance as she prepared herself to step forward. She removed her uniform jacket and neatly folded up before dropping it at her feet, telling herself it was better to get things over with rather than delay them; if she was going to be outshone by all the other student’s then at least she wouldn’t be the last thing people remembered about this exam. There was only so much to make the restrictive school uniform easier to move around in but she undid the bow at her neck and loosened her collar before stepping out in front of the class. “I’ll go next.”

Standing in front of the plate Akeno took up a basic karate stance, her left leg leading and her body turned away from the device. She inhaled, pushing away all distractions as she focused on the feel of her body and on her movements; she should probably have stretched first, but it wouldn’t make much of a difference now. As quick as a flash Akeno turned the heel of her leading foot forward and spun on the ball of her left foot, raising her right foot off of the ground and turning to look over her shoulder as she brought her leg around and extended it; her foot slammed into the plate with a dull thud as she completed the spinning back kick, the sound it produced decidedly less impressive than an explosion but still not something you’d want to be hit with.

Lowering her leg Akeno dropped out of the stance and walked back to the rest of the class without further comment, picking up her jacket and she began to fix her uniform.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Kaze's eyes opened fully when the dinosaur teacher asked them to rise. Slowly he got to his feet, his joints creaking like great steel girders before he cracked his spine by leaning backwards. A physical exam? Damn, and here he was hoping to hide what he could do for a bit longer. The students filed out of the classroom and down the halls to get to the fields. Kaze obviously bringing up the rear with measured steps that were as quiet as he could make them.

When they got outside he shielded his eyes for a moment and it seemed he perked up a little from the heat of the sun. But not much, he was a lazy ass through and through. His eyes went to some sort of contraption, a plate attached to chains, which was probably attached to some sort of scale. This...seemed like an inadequate test for those without strength based capabilities. Kyou told them that they should go all out in a single blow on it, which earned a raised eyebrow from him.

The robot girl, Lizzy, went first. Instead of hitting it she fired a damned laser at it. "What kind of measurement is the thing using?" He questioned as the...girl? Stepped back to let someone else go. Another girl stepped up and performed a spinning back kick before moving away. Apparently her Quirk didn't enhance her destructive power? Or was she holding out like he had planned to. But he had to go all out to get the proper teaching it seemed.

The others seemed to have gotten cold feet, none of them stepping up after the first explosive display, then the second ordinary one. Sighing, and giving off a slight growl, he went forward. "Hard as I can, huh...?" He questioned aloud as he stopped in front of the plate. Rolling a shoulder he widened his stance and stepped back with one of his feet. His bulky arm rose up, drawing back as the muscles of his body began to ripple and tighten. His great mitt turned into a fist just as the leather armband he had on his left bicep snapped with a crack before his arm shot forward as he stepped in to put more power into the blow.

A cloud of dust billowed out in front of him as the plate was driven away from his haymaker, or telephone punch. The chains groaned as the frame skid back several feet from him, nearly toppling over. If it had been a solid target, no chains to displace some of the force, the target may have wound up across the field entirely. Flicking his hand he turned towards Kyou for a moment before going back into the crowd of students.
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