Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Nomadic
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Nomadic The Wanderer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"I can't believe it! It's been only ten minutes and she's already saved over fifty people! Who is she?!" The crowd outside the burning building by was massive, press and public alike as they all wanted to see a glimpse of the new hero. She'd made this rescue her debut and she wasn't about to screw that up. Sure, she wasn't doing this for the press, but impressing them sure didn't hurt. Especially since it took so much to impress them now, with heroes and villains being normal in this world, you had to be really good at what you did to stand out.

"Here she comes!" Another voice called out and suddenly from out of the building came a purple glow, and then out of thin air a person materialized out of that air. Panting slightly and trying not to show it was a girl that appeared to be not much older than fifteen. She had long purple hair that reached her waist and eyes of the same color. She wore a skin-tight leather dress as a costume that started at the base of her neck and reached her mid-calf. She had on a simple black eyemask as well.

"That's all of them! The building is now secure, and remember. There's never a reason to fear while Glitch is here!" The young woman said while pointing a thumb at herself, her other hand on her hip as she shot the crowd a winning smile. She knew they'd be eating out of the palm of her hand in a matter of moments, and soon she'd be all over the news. All that attention was sure to get her noticed, which meant she was going to get paid really nicely if she kept this up. But that wasn't her main focus, as Glitch looked back at the people she had saved, she couldn't help the small smile on her face knowing that they were all safe now. That's what being a hero was really about, saving those that couldn't save themselves.


"Kisame! You better be getting up or you'll be late for your first day!" Her mother's voice pulled Kisame from her very pleasant dream, causing her to roll over on her back and groan softly as she threw her arm over her eyes. The sun was streaming in through the blinds covering her window, causing Kisame to squint at the bright light. She laid there for another minute or so, willing her body to wake up. But then she remembered what her mother had yelled at her and Kisame sat up rapidly, her eyes wide. Her first day! UA! She had to hurry!

Leaping out of bed, Kisame quickly threw on her school uniform and ran her brush through her hair to make herself presentable. Two minutes later she was speeding down the stairs towards the kitchen where she found her father drinking coffee at the small table in the center of the room whilst reading the morning paper as he did every morning. Kisame's mother was busy making breakfast.

"I made you your favorite for your first day honey," Her mother said with a wide smile, holding out a plate stacked with three pancakes and loaded up with butter, sugar, syrup, and whipped cream all of which was topped with a few strawberry slices. Her mother was really just super at being a mother, something that made her an even better nurse.

"Thanks mom, but if I don't go now I'll be late and I really don't want to be late on my first day. I'll see you guys later!" Kisame said brightly as she bolted for the door, leaving quickly as her excitement and nerves put her on edge. It wasn't too far to her new school, though she did have to take the train, it wasn't too long of a journey. On the way there she thought about her entrance exam and wondered just how well she had really done. Sure, her scores had been good and she was placed in the top half of the class, but she still wasn't as good as she wanted to be. Her quirk wasn't overtly strong physically seeing as how it was mostly good for mobility and sneak attacks. She also wasn't very good at taking down multiple opponents either.

The entrance exam had been straightforward enough. Each of the applicants was placed in the center of an urban environment, made by the school for the exam itself Kisame was sure. Somewhere hidden in the landscape was a hostage that needed saving, guarded by robots. It was the applicant's goal to either successfully rescue the hostage, successfully retreat to call for help, or successfully hold their ground until help was able to arrive. The applicant had thirty minutes and at the end of that time was scored in how much damage was done to the city, the dummy citizens that were littered throughout the landscape, and themselves. Points were taken off for unessesary damage and awarded for successfully completing the task while minimizing damage dealt by the robots as much as possible. Robots were placed throughout the city to act as obstacles and points were given for taking them down. There were also other methods of scoring, but that was the general gist of it. Kisame had originally had the plan to rescue the hostage, a seemingly easy task she thoyght since her glitch made it easy for her to dodge the robots and avoid fighting. She'd glitched her way around the battlefield for the first few minutes until she'd found the hostage but then run into a roadblock. She couldn't glitch while carrying the hostage because she would have to leave the hostage behind.

This had been her downfall, and while she had tried to think up a solution, Kisame had been swarmed by robots. It took everything she had just to hold her ground and keep the hostage safe for the remaining time. She'd scored rather well, but she was disappointed in herself. She could have done much better if she could just learn to transfer her glitch to other people or at least bring them with her when she glitched. But that was one of the many reasons she wanted to go to UA, they could teach her things she couldn't teach herself. They could teach her to be better.

Moments later the train arrived and within ten minutes, Kisame was standing outside the school with wide eyes as she gazed up at the glass building. Standing here was intimidating, and Kisame felt like she had weights tied to her feet. She couldn't believe she'd managed to get in, let alone land a spot in the first hero class. All of her dreams were starting to come to fruition which made her extremely nervous and frantic. She could feel herself beginning to shake and sweat as she knew she was freaking herself out.

"Okay Kisa, calm down. You've already been accepted, you can do this. You just have to walk inside and then everything will be fine," She muttered quietly to herself as she stood there, hoping her pep talk would be enough to get her to move.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

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Waking up from her power down, Lizzy was thrilled for the day. Her first day at U.A. High, nothing could be more exciting! Since this was her first day at school, she made sure to oil and polish herself to make herself extra shiny. After all, she was about to make some new heroic friends, best to look your best! Making herself all nice and shiny, Lizzy waved to her parents and made her way to the train to head on over to UA. Being a robot girl, Lizzy didn't really need to sit down. And considering how hit or miss most of the seats on the 6 o clock tram were, well...

As the train made its way to the station near UA, Lizzy did a bit of reminiscing at the test that lead her to be accepted to the prestigious UA High. After the written portion of the exam, which was pretty much what Lizzy expected, was the more exciting and interesting practical exam. This exam changed every year, and this year was no different. The scenario was to either run for help, stand your ground, or find and rescue all the hostages. The big thing was to minimize damage to the city, citizens, and herself. While Lizzy wasn't sure how the others did this, she did this the best way she knew how, by blasting things. What was good, was that since all the obstacles of the test were robots, Lizzy was allowed to do whatever she needed to in order to do what she needed. Deciding to minimize damage, Lizzy spent most of the test blasting the villain robots with her cannons, her firepower superior to the test robots they were using. Likewise, the robots couldn't do too much against her metal body with their low energy blasts or bullets. Still, Lizzy didn't keep herself exposed unless she had to, and kept her accuracy high to destroy the robots without causing too much damage. Thankfully these robots weren't strong enough to require her to use her more destructive attacks.

Having held out for the full time limit, Lizzy succeeded on the practical exam. She did worry that the fact that she took quite a few hits protecting the dummy citizens would hurt her score as self damage was one of the criteria, apparently it didn't hurt her score all that well since it was in the defense of others. Although the grenades making her face plant constantly weren't very fun to deal with.

As the train arrived, Lizzy got off and made her way to the gates of the school. The start of her hero career was right ahead of her, and whoever else she'd meet along the way would probably be thinking the same thing. As Lizzy approached the gates to YA, she noticed a girl with purple hair waiting outside gazing up at the gates. "Hey, are you a new student to UA too?" Lizzy said, waving as she approached. Her voice sounded mostly normal, besides having a slight metallic twang to it. This made Lizzy think a bit to herself; How would these students react to her being a robot?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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The entrance exam was difficult. That was the conclusion Rokkaku came to as he rode the bus to UA for the first day of lessons.
The objective was to save a hostage from a host of robots while minimizing collateral damage and also ensuring the safety of the citizens scattered around the area. Though it wasn’t anything wholly out of hand, the problem laid in the time limit. Thirty minutes was hardly any time at all, especially when students hadn’t been provided any information at all about the layout of the area and the location of the hostage. Rokkaku felt sorry for those who were less physically able; this exam required endurance and speed, as well as cool judgment and precision. The world of heroic education was cutthroat, wasn’t it?

Thankfully, he had it easier than most.

First, establish a safe zone. The robots were plentiful, but like all machines, were simple. As it was their programming, rather than their nature, that made them oppose him, Rokkaku didn’t lay a hand on them, instead simply leading them on, sometimes outrunning them, other times distracting them. Quick observations had marked them as machines that were programmed to roam the area they were assigned to. By having them give chase, he was able to create pockets of space within the urban center that were devoid of nearby robots.

Second, use the safe zone. In an area with plenty of vertical obstacles, Rokkaku’s ability to jump was easy to leverage, bypassing stairwells to reach citizens in apartment suites. Perhaps it was a bit rough, but his mobility allowed him to quickly shuttle them into the empty pockets of space where robots no longer roamed. To evacuate them all would require superhuman strength, and as dummies, there was no way for him to actually lead them without having to physically carry them, so the simplest method had been to keep them all in a place where he’d know they’re safe. Thus the safe zone. Completion of this task took most of his time, but being able to view things from a bird’s eye view made it easy to avoid the robots’ detection.

Third, rescue the hostage. The density of the robot guards around the hostage, while intimidating, wasn’t a large problem in retrospect. What was a greater problem was the grenade launchers that some of them wielded; robots didn’t care about friendly fire and any injury upon the hostage was a failure. Speed then, was the priority. It was unfortunate, in some aspects, that the area, despite being full of buildings, had no utilities or ornamentation inside those buildings. An improvised smoke bomb would be useful, or even just a large blanket. Maybe there was a better way to do it. A way that didn’t involve combat, that could settle things with zero damage done to the robots.

But time was running out. Thirty minutes was hardly enough time to get anything done. And as the pressure mounted, the impulse kicked in.

He got up onto an adjacent building, dropped down, and landed onto the robot closest to the hostage. It wasn't Meteoric; the machine remained unfazed as it reached out towards Rokkaku. But grabbing onto the hostage took a split-second, and the youth’s legs, powerful as they were, escaped the clutches and the rain of bullets an instant later, shooting upwards into freedom.

It was a success. It was clean. But any normal hostage would have suffered whiplash from the sudden movement.

So it was still a failure.

There had been, after all, the option of waiting for backup in order to extract the hostage without harming them at all. In retrospect, if the time limit had not made him anxious to act, Rokkaku would have decided on that course of events instead. He lacked discipline still, his self-control insufficient. A hero who escalated a conflict was a liability. A hero who harmed those they sought to rescue was worse.

He gazed darkly at his palm, callused and marked with plentiful cuts, before marching grimly towards the avant-garde buildings of UA.

There had been a better way, and it was loathsome, that he was unable to see it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SmokeDragon
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SmokeDragon Oddly Familiar Stranger

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Yuno was honestly a bit surprised he passed the test, as he'd made a mess of it. He felt a bit unlucky, having to deal with robots, as metal was very hard to damage with fire, but that was no excuse for the mess he'd made. At first, he'd been doing quite fine, his standard Jalapeño
fire breath seemingly able to at least confuse the sensors of the robots, though not actually harm them. He'd been making fairly good time running away, but then he'd spotted a hostage. The smart thing to do would be to just keep running. But would Endeavour just run away? No, Endeavour would deal with it. Granted, Endeavour's quirk seemed much better than his own, but a Quirk was not everything there was to being a hero!

So, he'd rushed in without a plan, and quickly found himself cornered by three robots. His previous strategy of just breathing a "smokescreen"(or should he say firescreen?) wouldn't work, since he was both flanked, and had to carry the hostage. Furthermore, his mouth was starting to really hurt, even though he'd only been eating Jalapeños, and his stomach was rumbling threateningly. Luckily, his throat was fairly fine, as Jalapeños didn't hurt it much. But he had to so something, or he'd be forced to abandon the hostage. If he ate the ghost pepper he had with him, he might be able to at least take out one of the robots, maybe even two. Then he could just run from the last one. He'd convinced himself to do it, and had already swallowed the pepper, one of the most painful things he'd ever done, when he changed his mind. It was too risky. So instead, he ran into a deadend alley, and used his super hot breath to cut a small hole in the side of one of the buildings, and dived through the hole, just barely evading an attack from the robots.

Once inside, he rushed deeper inside the building, as the robots crashed through the wall, chasing him. His throat really hurt now, his mouth felt like hell on earth, he was sweating and shaking, and his stomach was cramping painfully. Still, he had to save the hostage. By this point, he'd almost forgotten that it was just a test and that the hostage was just a dummy.

Since the robots were now on one side of his, he figured his firescreen trick might work again, so he, very reluctantly, swallowed yet another fistful of Jalapeños, and breathed out a wide wave of fire, even hitting the robots, though doing no damage, then he opened the door leading outside, but dashes round the corner, deeper inside the building, as he stopped spitting fire. Luckily, just according to the plan,, the robot's sensors couldn't track him through the fire, and the basic logic they had for such situations bought his bluff and rushed back outside. Yuno had planned to just hide it out now, but his fire breath had set fire the building, so he was forced to leave after a short while, luckily, there were no robots just outside, and he managed to find a hiding spot. His body had been shaking badly by then, and he'd sat down the hostage, and slid down against the wall himself, after a few seconds, he vomited, the chilli hurting almost as much on the way out as it had on the way in. He'd chocked back tears and straightened himself. He'd made a mess, setting fire to a building, and the fire might even spread. But at least he'd saved the hostage. That's when he looked over the hostage dummy and noticed that it had several scorch marks. He'd even botched saving the hostage.

He'd been taken to see recovery girl after the test, as he'd seemed rather beat up, but she'd decided that he'd recover fine on his own, though she'd given him some pills and a glass of milk to help settle his stomach. He'd been absolutely sure he'd failed. But by seemingly sheer luck, he'd managed to scrape by. He'd apparently gotten a bunch of bonus points for prioritizing the hostage, despite how poor a job he'd done of it, allowing him to pass, albeit with the lowest score in the class.

So it was with mixed feelings he entered the school grounds on the first day. Was he really cut out for this, after all?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Kaze had analyzed the Entrance Exam to see how best he could fit into it. The behemoth of a wanna-be hero decided to disable the robots so others can perform the rescuing and Hostage situation. He was very combat oriented after all, the bullets that the robots shot were rubber and did no damage to him so he used himself as a shield for the dummy rescuee's. The melee oriented robots he disabled by strong blows to their joints before piling them onto the shooting bots. The grenades they launched were swiped back at them via his nimble tail. They were probably just as harmless as the bullets but it was better to not find out. The laser droids agitated him, he took a couple of those focused beams of light and they burned a bit. The moment he saw that type he pulled a car door off and used it as a shield before pummeling it into a mound of scrap metal.

The draconic teens score was exceptionally high considering he took minuscule amounts of damage, did negligible amounts of damage to the environment (read steals car doors), and disabled a good portion of the robots he encountered by wrecking their joints but still leaving them 'alive'. If he had gone for the Hostage like other youths he might have landed first place. But that was a lofty goal for the lazy reptilian being.

Needless to say due to his exceptional scoring he got into UA. One of the best Hero Academies around. Already rookies were heading into it, and the behemoth was following at a sedate pace. Some would say because he's so massive he moved so slow, but no. He just didn't feel like moving fast. His crimson eyes were half lidded as he started to pass by two girls, one appearing to be armored, the other a nervous smelling purple haired girl. He cast his gaze briefly on them before continuing on his way. His footsteps were strangely quiet despite his size and obvious weight. He was a predator type being after all...

Hopefully this will be an interesting learning experience... He thought as he moved. His pseudo-wings stretching out behind him now to work out a kink in a joint. The rustle of leather, crackle of joints, and what sounded like steel girders bending, before they settled back to his enormous shoulders. The pseudo-wings acting like a strange living cloak. Would the teachers frown on him if he took a nap?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

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The bus to U.A. was smooth sailing. Momiji had passed the first hurdle; she was now a registered student. Really, she herself was astounded. She got into one of the two hero classes. Not support. Not general education. Not even management (which, in truth, would probably be the absolute worst spot for her considering how she couldn't even manage a healthy sleep schedule) was her place. She was in the hero course. All because of her ability to control paper served to be useful during the practical half of the entrance exam. On the way over, she drew. It calmed her down. After all, so many people so close made her rather nervous. Pen met paper as she tried to stay calm.

It was a collage of sorts. Scenes spliced and interconnected with only aesthetics and meanings to connect them. In one part of the picture, there was a figure reminiscent of the artist herself. Around her, a flowing river of thin rectangles that bent and warped as they moved. In front of the figure, they pierced the gaps drawn onto a robotic assailant. Next to that, a robot stuffed with paper on the ground, smoke emanating from its motors. Paper erupted from the gaps between the reinforced plates. On the opposite side of the page, the short figure surrounded by paper was instead surrounded by dozens of paper airplanes that scattered in each direction.

Then, the figure got worse as the picture continued.

There she was, surrounded by robots as the figure frenetically attempted to stuff them full of paper. Then, it was that figure trying their damnedest to stop out a fire caused by their paper getting too jammed in a robot in the middle of the road. The final figure showed the same figure but the linework was ragged and shaken. There that figure was, entirely burnt out and attempting to drag out a friendly figure, but she did little more than move in place.

It was true. Momiji spread herself too thin. Rather than do something that she could do to her best ability, she decided to do a little bit of everything. Her paper jams worked wonders against robots (until they caught fire), her rescue paper planes sent a good message (but she didn't escape) and her attempt to rescue a hostage worked (before she realized that she had no way to move the hostage out). Thankfully, she scraped by. It was still good enough to get in. Even though she messed up a decent amount at the end, they still saw her potential.

Then the bus stopped, making Momiji drop her pen on the floor of the bus. As people began to leave the bus, Momiji went on the ground between the seats. From there, she crawled underneath the seats. She occasionally hit a leg or two, but her pen was more important than all of that. A few seats down, she finally was able to grab it. Like a weird human-snake, she slithered back to her original seat before turning and walking down the aisle of the bus. Finally, she was there. She was at the gates of U.A. high school.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

The little man on the pedestrian crossing changed from green to red and a crowd of people on their daily commutes to work or school began to coalesce along the edge of the pavement. Among them was a teenaged girl on a bicycle wearing the uniform of U.A., attracting some attention from those people who recognised it as belonging to the famous academy for aspiring heroes.

For her part Kudo Akeno was oblivious of the extra attention she was getting this morning, a blank look on her face as she spent her time waiting for the light to change lost in thought. It was her first day of high school as well as the first day of many spent working towards her goal of becoming a pro hero and she wasn’t nearly as anxious as she thought she would be. If she was honest with herself she still didn’t believe that any of this was real; it wasn’t like her performance during the entrance exam had been anything special after all so her acceptance into the hero academy seemed like a fever dream, except for the fact that even in her wildest dreams she couldn’t see herself being accepted into U.A.

The light changed and traffic stopped at the crossing, the mass of pedestrians beginning to move again as Akeno began to peddle. She soon overtook those walking, her bike speeding her away down the street as she followed the route she had planned to her new school.

Her scores for the exam had placed her roughly in the middle of the accepted students, even if she thought her performance warranted less than that. She hadn’t destroyed any robots, nor rescued any hostages, but she was one of the only people to make it out of the area and successfully ‘retreat and call for help’ as they called it. The more combat inclined students had caused enough of a distraction in the opening stages of the exam for Akeno to slip past any robots in the immediate area without being seen, from there it was just a case of being aware of her surroundings, avoiding patrols through patient progress and keeping an ear open to any noises. Any time she was spotted she was able to escape by reacting quickly and being able to break line of sight with the patrols before they caught her. In this manner she steadily progressed towards the outer edge of the exam area and followed the boundary to the exit.

She wasn’t the first to escape, nor was she the last, and somehow her performance was deemed good enough for a place in U.A.’s hero course. Maybe the fact she had managed all of this without using her Quirk counted in her favour, even though in her case it was just due to the fact that her Quirk wouldn’t have helped in the slightest.

Turning from the main road Akeno began to cycle down the main path towards the school, rows of trees passing her by on both sides as the gates of the academy loomed ahead of her. As she’d gotten closer to the school the number of people wearing the same uniform as her increased and now that she was on the main path to the school itself that uniform was all she saw. Some she recognised from the exam, an extraordinarily tall boy with lizard-like features most of all, but most were strangers to her.

In front of the gates themselves were a few people she assumed were new students based on the way they were staring up at the building or the archway itself in a mixture of awe and fear; that and she recognised the metallic girl from the exam. How could she not? Stopping her bike next to them Akeno turned to call out some encouragement in their direction, to try and give them some of the confidence that she herself didn’t feel. “Hey, you guys are new students right? You’ve already taken the first step so this one’s nothing to worry about. You can’t stop now after coming all this way, right?”

@Nomadic@Archmage MC
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Nomadic
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Nomadic The Wanderer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kisa had been standing there muttering to herself to try and give herself encouragement for a few solid minutes, drawing off glances fro M those walking past or around her, Kisa didn't seem to pay them any attention. Her nerves were on edge and she was definitely intimidated by her first day at UA. She was still amazed she had made it into the Hero course. Kisa knew her quirk was good for mobility, but her combat skills were lacking no matter how much she trained by herself.

But then her thoughts and quiet mumbling were interrupted as Kisa turned he read and noticed a small girl...or was it a robot, talking to her. Kisa noticed the large ears, the metal skin, and the big eyes immediately. Beigg in a world with millions of unique types of Quirks it wasn't all that strange of a sight, but Kisa was nervous by nature and tended to freak out over the little things. So instead of acting rationally and calm, she did probably the worst thing that she could do.

Jumping slightly in her place, Kisa's eyes widened in shock, "Woah you're a robot!" She yelled and then wanted to face-palm herself. Of course this girl knew she was a robot, it was kind of hard to miss. Kisa cleared her throat and rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment when she realized how silly she was acting.

"Sorry, it's just I've never actually seen a quirk like yours before and it sort of took me by surprise. I guess I should introduce myself. You're part of class 1-A right?" Kisa asked the small robot girl with a kind smile before bending down in a low bow, as she was very polite. " My name is Kisame Momosake but please call me Kisa. I'm in class 1-A as well if you hadn't already guessed though I'm really surprised at all that I got in. My quirk is good for moving but I'm not the strongest so really I'm just super lucky to be here," Kisa said in a fast voice, her rambling nature becoming evident rather quickly. She couldn't stop herself, she was really good at word vomit.

A moment later another young woman approached them, this one tall and athletic. Kisa jumped again slightly at the new arrival, bending low into an immediate bow as her long purple hair fell around her face. "Hello! My name is Kisa Momosake, it is a pleasure to meet you. Yes, I am also a class 1-A student! I'm sure you're both quite talented to have been accepted to such a prestigious school. I've been dreaming of coning here since I was a kid, so I'm super lucky and fortunate to be here. Though, I still am not sure how I managed to score so highly. I must work as hard as I can, in order to be the best hero that I can be!" Kisa said standing up straight once more with a determined look on her face as her fists clenched at her sides. Kisa had wanted to be a hero for as long as she could remember, and she would be one, no matter what it took.
@King Cosmos@Archmage MC
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Toya
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Everything was going to be different from now on.

He still couldn't quite believe it... Accepted into the U.A. Academy, the most prestigious high school for heroics in all of Japan. A fate most of those gifted with a magical ability, a quirk most commonly called, could only dream of... And yet, it had never been a dream for Mahiru. Not once in his life had he imagined himself to follow the road of becoming a professional hero, to take part in a culture he didn't always agree with. While their initial intentions aligned with his, to protect humanity and create peace in the world, Mahiru wasn't too fond of what the superhero culture had grown to be - a business filled with so-called 'heroes' who were only in it for the money or fame.

For years he longed for a world without these quirks, the cause for all chaos and inequality among humans, an irregularity that brought out the worst in them. Quirks weren't natural, they were never meant to exist, and never should have fallen into the hands of humans... Granting them such power only lead to more disaster.

It took until his thirteenth birthday that he began to to view the academy, the most talked about phenomenon in his hometown of Musutafu, in a different light. Rather, what it took for him to do so was the meeting with a pro hero. A young woman who helped him come to the realization that there was little point in moping for what could have been, and that he instead should focus on making the most of what he was given. With his own power, he too could make a difference by protecting those in need. Among the way he might even enlighten other heroes with his philosophy, and perhaps one day be influential enough to truly make the world a better place.

And so, more than a year of intensive self-taught training to get the most out of his quirk, led up to this moment. The entrance exam wasn't as bad as Mahiru expected it to be. It helped that his opponents were robots, man made creatures without soul. Enemies he could go all out on without feeling regret. While it was difficult for him to fight them head on with his quirk as bone wasn't much of a match against the gigantic metal machines, they were quite easy to outsmart. By staying inside of the robots' blind spots and using the environment wisely, Mahiru eventually managed to get to the hostage and kept them safe from harm until time ran out. It hadn't been the best performance out of all entrance exams, but his stealth was deemed good enough to pass.

Today was the first day at his new school. It had only been a 5-minute walk from home, yet he seemed to have been one of the last to arrive, the school grounds already bustling with students ready to start the new school year. It certainly was quite the sight to see such unique looking people all gathered here, some having animal features, while others were abnormally tall and muscular as a result of their quirks. There was even a robot among them, chatting with a couple girls that must have been about his age. Clutching onto the strap of his school bag, Mahiru walked down the path towards the school's entrance, taking in everything in sight.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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"Yes, I'm aware I'm a robot. What tipped you off?" Lizzy said to Kisa's exclamation, giving her a teasing look. The girl seemed to be very nervous about being here at UA, unlike Lizzy. While many different students made their way through the gates of UA, one of them being a big dragon guy that Kisa didn't notice. (to be fair, Kisa was focused on Lizzy...) But before Lizzy could point out some of the more eccentric looking people that passed by like herself, one of the students decided to stop by and say Hi as well.

"Hi Kisa, I'm Elizabeth, but call me Lizzy. Its way cuter. And I'm in 1-A too! Yay classmates!" Lizzy said as Kisa introduced herself to Lizzy and the newcomer. "I'm not nervous, just saying Hi to anyone who wanted to walk in together. This is going to be so much fun!" Lizzy replied as the newcomer was attempting to pep up both Kisa and Lizzy. "Lots of students are passing by, I think we should go. Don't you two think?" Lizzy said a few moments later, gesturing to Kisa and Kudo as she passed by the gates to head to class 1-A.

As Lizzy walked, you could hear her gears spinning and some audible metal tinks as her feet hit the pavement. "So, did any of you see the giant dragon guy pass by? I hope hes in our class. That looks really cool!" Lizzy said, not hiding her excitement about being in UA at all. Thankfully all she needed to do was follow the few students who had passed through the gates to figure out where the classrooms were. While not the first to arrive to the 1-A classroom, Lizzy was far from the last. And there were some interesting looking people in the classroom, including the dragon guy she had seen earlier alongside a few other mutant quirks like herself. (Although she was the only robot.) "Yay, the dragon guy is in our class! This'll be so cool. Wonder if he can breath fire?" Lizzy said.

Entering the room, she waved at everyone who was already in class. "Hiya!" Finding a seat near the front of the class, Lizzy sat down. The chair gave an audible groan as she put most of her weight on the chair but it held firm which was nice. She watched as the rest of her classmates came in.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Salty Spitoon
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Salty Spitoon

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Benny had awoken before the birds, as he usually did. He quickly committed time to his morning rituals before heading into the kitchen of the small orphanage. More like hiding hole for those unlucky enough to be born with 'hideous' mutations and unwanted by their parents. Benny shook the thought from his head as he pulled his apron off its hook and slung it over his head and tied it to his frame. Benny made practiced work of chopping and preparing all the ingredients necessary for the morning breakfast. Going through the motions on auto pilot he let his mind drift off to memories of the entrance exam.


Benny took quite the beating during the entrance exam; finding himself faintly wincing at the memory. He was able to evade most of the robots as he searched for the hostage. He was used to skirting around town unseen from the general populace so sneaking past some robots wasn't too difficult. Though as he found the hostage location there were far too many to sneak past. He had to think quickly on how to deal with them as time was ticking away. He decided on a rather sh***y course of action, but if it worked would be totally epic.

Benny snuck around the area, collecting as many small rocks as he could on the way. Satisfied with his haul it was time for phase two. Poke the bee hive. With a few heavy breaths to settle his nerves he was off to the races. Bolting out from behind a car he began tossing stones at whatever Robot he could with reckless abandoned. That accompanied with his loud guttural war cries he got the attention of a metric f&$% ton robots. About ten or eleven in actuality.

Scared sh**less by the number of robots chasing him down he decided now was the perfect time for phase three. Code name: THIS IS SPARTA!

Benny ducked and dodged like a pro-league dodge ball master as he lead them down the street and into a narrow alley way. There at the end of the alleyway Benny stood in wait for the coming swarm. A trash lid in his left hand and broom in his right. Raising his spear (broom) high into the air he cried out.

"YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!" His voice booming with the might of a trillion padawans down the alleyway, stunning the robots for a brief moment.

Given their stunned mechanical bodies he had enough time to strike. With a continuous flow he shot out stream after stream of bullet like stomach acid; using the space between his fangs to shape the bullets. Like a gatling gun the acid ripped and tore down the alleyway in a torrent of death and doom. Scorched and melting the concrete walls and destroying anything in between.

Benny was triumphant. A glorious victory for the Avatar.

(Based on a true story; heavy creative license.)

Benny finally snapped out of his wildly exaggerated retelling of events as breakfast was nearing completion.

"Hey Tsuki, go wake up the kids for breakfast." Benny spoke towards the pantry door, his voice rather gravely and guttural. Best described as Demon-Lite.

All that responded was an annoyed grumbled that was muffled from behind the pantry door. Following that a clattering movements before the door opened revealing Tsuki; a small pale grey girl with white hair, icy blue eyes, and dark bags under her eyes. She wore a large baggy sweater that came down far enough to cover her shorts, a handheld game system hanging at her side lazily held in her hand. She glared simply at Benny in annoyance for being disturbed from her gaming session but went to do as asked shortly after.

As if the timing God's smiled upon Benny breakfast finished just as the handful of small kids shuffled in sleepily. Despite their varied deformities Benny found them absolutely adorable when they were still groggy. Benny quickly made up a plate for each kid and delivered them to the table in front of each as they loudly pulled out chairs for themselves. As they nearly dropped their heads in their food from exhaustion Benny was pulling off his apron and heading to get ready for his first day of UA.

After a short while he returned back downstairs dressed in his school attire. He was nearly out the door before he heard a soft voice call out to him from the kitchen.

"Aren't you gonna have breakfast with us Benny?" Little Aoyami called out. Benny turned to the kitchen and gave a big, BIG toothy smile.

"I'm sorry but I don't have time. Have to get to class." Benny explained in his Demon-Lite voice, trying to sound as sweet as he could.

Aoyami's eyes grew in horror as if this turn of events was a total curve ball to some unknown plans. Quickly fumbling out of her chair she bolted out of the kitchen and towards the bedrooms. "Wait, wait, wait!" She called out repeatedly, as if she stopped he would think it was then okay to leave.

It wasn't long before Aoyami returned, nearly screeching around the corners, and running up to Benny and presenting a crudely wrapped gift. Benny chuckled, basically gargled, a laugh as he looked out to see not only Aoyami but the rest of the table (excluding Tsuki as she was already back in the pantry playing games) smiling from ear to ear proudly.

Benny took the package in his hands and quickly unwrapped it. The wrapping basically unwrapping itself as he grabbed it, if he was being honest. He pulled the lid off the top of the package and saw it was a leather half mask that covered the lower half of the face. Benny looked up from the gift at the smattering of kids now huddle in front of him still smiling; bewildered how a bunch of kids could think of a gift so perfect.

"We know you don't like people seeing your mouth." Tobiki explained in his hissy voice.

They all began to chime in encouraging Benny to try it on. He hesitantly pulled it free of the box and brought it towards his face. It slowly slid on and hooked behind his ear. Covering over the bridge of his nose and under his cheek bones all the way down to his jaw line. It fit perfect. It was perfect. He tried stifling back a tear before wrapping up all the kids the best he could in his arms and gave them a big hug.

~~Time Skip~~

Benny finally made it to the front of UA; strolling along with his mask firmly in place. His briefcase slung casually over his shoulder. You know, general edgy dark boy stuff. His orange eyes scanned over all the other students outside mingling amongst eachother. His eyes eventually spotted a small group of girls chatting. With a robot. That's norma.... IS THAT A F&$%ING ROBOT GIRL!? Well that's unexpected. Doing his best not to look surprised. Wouldn't be too kind for him to make any kind of face about it. Especially not by a guy who looks like he got b@#ch slapped by Freddie Krueger across the mouth.

So he simply diverted his eyes dead ahead. WHAT IN THE SH^& IS A DRAGON DOING HERE!?! His eyes grew wide in utter surprise as the giant scaley creature strutting around like that was f*&king normal and not at all alarming. He guessed he might have over reacted. MIGHT HAVE.

Benny would need to do some soul searching to address some of these immediate emotional responses he has to strange people.

Benny shook the shock from his mind and decided to just head to class. He walked with a casual stride like the cool boy he was. Pushing through the absurdly sized classroom doors, mentally remarking on how crazy big the doors were. Then he saw the dragon again in class. The doors were making more sense.

He continued up the steps towards the back of class and taking a seat away from everyone. Trying to stop himself from glancing back and forth between the robot and the dragon. Dragon. And a robot. Robot dragon. Dragon robot. It was a dragon AND a robot. In one class. Their poor mothers.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

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Kaze's ears flicked back when he heard the robot girl speak up. She had been surprised by his presence once she noticed him lumbering away. He ignored it though, people in the school would get used to the sight. Hell there was probably someone bigger and more strange looking. He went straight to the classroom, the other teens parting before him like a school of fish in front of a shark. His lazy gaze didn't change much, occasionally looking at a specific student to file them away for later.

He stopped briefly at the door of 1-A before pulling it open with a flick of his finger. Stepping in his tail closed the door behind himself. There weren't too many present yet, so he took the rear of the classroom. His bulk took up about three desks and he didn't even bother with the chairs. Settling in he laid his chin on the center desk and closed his eyes fully. More students began to file in, one of which was the robot girl who seemed excited at his presence before...and was even more excited now.

One great eye opened to lock onto the robot girl. "No I don't breath fire." He stated, his voice unsurprisingly deep. Actually it made the windows vibrate slightly within their frames. He closed his eye and yawned, his lips curling back to reveal a frightening array of teeth within that maw of his. He seemed to be settling back into what looked to be a nap.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SmokeDragon
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SmokeDragon Oddly Familiar Stranger

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Yuno swallowed down his nervousness, and made his way to the class 1-A classroom, by the entrance, he spotted a giant dragon man, a robot girl, and a few others, seemingly all in his class, talking. The dragon-man looked really scary, and quite strange, while the robot girl was strangely cute, bit like a kid or dog, though he supposed that was a bit of rude thing to think. There were also many other interesting looking people about, like a guy with a cool face mask, seemed like a bit of an ikeman though, probably popular with the girls too, lucky bastard. Yuno knew he himself wasn't a real looker, but it was always annoying to see people whose mere presence reminded him of the fact.

He'd planned on just going into the classroom to find a seat, but when the dragon-man said he couldn't breathe fire, Yuno felt it was a perfect opportunity to make some friends. Big and strong looking friends at that. "I can, though!" he said confidently, as he stepped next to them "breathe fire that is." He considered popping a pepper to prove it, but decided against it, the damn things were horrible, and he'd rather not eat any more than he had to.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Without anyone else encumbering him, Rokkaku had been the first to enter the new classroom. There were a couple of seconds where he could bask in the silence, the untouched cleanliness of the room before him. Dark eyes flickered towards a few of the desks, altered to be accessible to students with mutant-type quirks, and he approved. But that was all. A breath, and he sat himself to the far end of the room, by the window. The front row seats should be reserved for those with poor eyesight. The seats closest to the doors should be reserved for those who had places they needed to go immediately, or who had bladder problems. The rest were fair game, but the back row should be left for larger students, if they did not want to be a nuisance to anyone who's view of the whiteboard they were impeding. Perhaps this classroom would be better then, if it was a sloped lecture hall instead.

Things to think about. Things to consider. He sat down quietly, priming his notebooks and utensils, and, with slitted eyes, watched who entered.

It was curious, almost, the variety of students that entered. The huge lizard was the most-eyecatching one, then the petite robot. Both had steps that made the room itself rumble; he could feel the subtle vibrations with his palm against his desk. More regular folk strode in after, their own eccentricities of coloration and hairstyle muted by those two mutants. Mutants? Hrm. Rokkaku's gaze darkened again. Settled. It hadn't been long ago that mutants were shunned by society for their innate otherness. The Luminous Baby had shown with a bright light, but a child born with too many arms, a child with the head of a spider, those had swerved such individuals into mutants. To still call them that now, whether by intention or habit...it was curious. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, yet names still held power over individuals. Was there another term to be used? Was there a better way? Racism still existed now. Xenophobia too. Heroes were defenders of society, but how much of society was worth defending?

No. Heroes inspired. And not all 'heroes' did that.

He'd have to try more. As he was, he wasn't worth defending, and he couldn't inspire as well. Those eyes fell upon the robot thing. Could something be considered human, when there was no flesh to speak of? Was there a difference between treating something as a human and treating something as sentient?

There probably was.

He didn't know what it was.

So he watched and thought, mulling over such thoughts, wondering if anyone but the quirkless could be considered human anymore. Wondering how much it mattered to him, how much it mattered to others.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nomadic
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Nomadic The Wanderer

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As they all started walking into the school, Kisa trailing behind slightly as she listened to Lizzy mention a dragon. There wasn't actually a dragon around was there? The though alone made Kisa nervous, though she was sure it was just an interesting quirk. All would be revealed in time, she supposed. As the entered the classroom however, Kisa's eyes widened to the size of saucers. Sitting in the room, was a giant dragon. An actual bonefied living and breathing dragon, with wings.

"Holy crap! It's an actual dragon! I thought you were just joking but you were actually serious about the dragon," Kisa said in a hurried, nervous voice as she moved to sit in a desk directly to Lizzy's left at the front of the classroom. She wondered who their teacher would be, seeing a name but not knowing just whose name that was. She was sure it was some famous hero, as that was usually known to be the case with the teachers at UA. Kisa silently pleaded for Midnight, but she knew that wouldn't be the case. She couldn't get that lucky, it wouldn't be possible.

So as Kisa sat there, mentally overthinking every possible scenario for how their first day would play out, she didn't noticed much as the fellow students began talking around her. She wasn't known to be overtly social, though she was hyper and nervous by nature, she wasn't very good at initiating conversation. Kisa was very much a background type of person, which didn't clash well with wanting to be a pro hero. Pro heroes were always in the spotlight, as much as Kisa hated the spotlight. She knew it was something she was going to have to get used to, especially if she wanted to be half as successful as Midnight was.

As one of the students boasted about being able to breathe fire, Kisa found herself smiling. She was going to be in for a wild adventure now that she had been accepted to UA and she honestly couldn't wait for it. She could do with an adventure, her life had been much too normal and boring for someone living in a world made up of heroes and villains. Kisa knew that her new path would provide a much different life to her old one, a welcome change as Kisa knew that she might not have the courage for what she was trying to do, but UA could help her get some.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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When the bell rang for homeroom, Kyou let out a breath and entered the room. It was his first homeroom class in UA, one of many firsts that would soon be coming, but he had some hope for an uneventful semester, at least. Scanning from the profiles compiled of the students during their entrance exams, it didn’t look like any of them were innately troublemakers. That was good. He was never comfortable with disciplining kids, especially when their crimes were rooted in immaturity and enthusiasm.

He had dressed well for the day, a dark suit tailor-made for his wide and stocky build and a beige trenchcoat to drape over his otherwise intimidating form. The dark fedora, his wife’s choice, was almost comical on his large, boxy head, but it gave him something to set to the side, something to buy a few more seconds with before he faced them properly. In the light of the spring sun, his rust-red scales shone dully, and his thick tail swept across the clean floors. The dragon-boy, Kaze Rin, looked asleep already. It was an early morning, and it was an uncharacteristically warm day.

Kyou sucked in a breath.

“Good morning, Class 1-A, and allow me to extended a belated congratulations for your acceptance into UA and,” his smile was wry and full of teeth, “for making it to class on time.” A pause. Saw a couple smiles in the room. “My name is Kyou Suika, your homeroom teacher for this year and, if this is indeed the path you are set on, for all your years in UA. Heroism is founded upon strength, of body, mind and spirit, and, like the building around you, I expect you all to polish yourselves daily, to become a better person that you were the day before. Your past dictates your future, but your present dictates your past. Some of you may feel like you already have all you need to become a hero. Some of you may feel as if you’ve started too late, that you do not truly deserve to be here. But it matters not.”

The red eyes of a tyrant king gazed upon all of them, as if capturing their gazes individually, rather than as a collective.

“You’ve all made it, because the professional heroes within this school had seen a spark inside. A spark that aspires to become more than what you are. So don't stop working. Don't stop thinking. Let that set you aflame. Let your courage roar.”

For a moment, he was all intensity, all ferocity, a predator staring down challengers, his rows upon rows of razor-sharp teeth splitting to speak his next words.

“Now, who wants to declare their goals first?”

And then, all that pressure was gone, a sharp-toothed grin breaking out as he beamed at them all.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

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As the students still outside, including the two girls Akeno had spoken to, walked into the school Akeno split off to park her bike and lock it to the provided racks. By the time she was done the number of people walking down the path had shrunk considerably and she jogged into the building to change her shoes and hurried down the hallways to make it to her classroom on time. She made it in time for the first bell but was still one of the last students to arrive and the low number of empty seats meant she didn’t have much choice in where to sit.

Sitting down in the first seat she found, second row in the column nearest the door, she barely had any time to take a look at who her classmates were before the teacher arrived. She spotted the dragon boy from earlier almost immediately of course, along with Lizzy and Kisa from earlier, before the door opened and their homeroom teacher walked in.

As Suika-sensei introduced himself, Akeno idly wondered if they’d placed the dragon student in this class because it was easier to accommodate both in one room than to have them in two.

The speech itself evoked a number of complicated emotions within Akeno; insecurity, self-pity, stubbornness and determination along with a few others she couldn’t identify. ‘Heroism is founded upon strength’; it was a sentiment that she herself had thought many times before but even so, hearing it stated so plainly now, by one of the people who were to teach them to be heroes, brought her mood low for a moment before she could recover.

Not everyone could acquire the kind of strength Suika-sensei was talking about, even if they worked at it every day as diligently as they could. Even if they worked hard every moment they could for every day of their lives they would still fall short of someone born with an even greater strength. ‘Some of you may feel as if you’ve started too late’, but even if you started early, and Akeno was willing to bet she had started earlier than most, the starting positions weren’t equal. That was just the way this world worked.

But like Suika-sensei said, it didn’t matter. She’d made it this far and she intended to make the most of it and see this through to the end. Akeno wasn’t aiming to be Number 1 after all and she wasn’t in this for fame or glory; she didn’t need to be the best, she just wanted to be a hero.

“Now, who wants to declare their goals first?”

Akeno raised her had to bring the teacher’s and the class’s attention to herself, a determined look on her face and the hand on her desk clenched into a fist. “I do sensei.” Standing up, Akeno bowed to Suika-sensei before speaking. “My name is Akeno Kudo and I want to be a hero.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Toya
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Passing by the group of girls - and robot - chatting with each other, Mahiru made his way into the school to search for his designated classroom; 1-A. While he would have loved to spend more time observing the collection of... unique human beings gathered outside, he couldn't waste anymore time than he already had. He still needed to get Hotaru-chan prepared for her first day at school after all.

Finding his classroom wasn't much trouble for the fragile looking boy. The room still seemed fairly empty if it weren't for the enormous figure sitting at the back at the class. That guy was in his class too, huh. Now that he got a closer look, it was easy to tell the kind of quirk he must have been born with. The scales, the gigantic tail...

Despite the dragon guy's prominence taking up the rear of the classroom, Mahiru still snatched himself a seat at the back of the class as well - if there was one thing he hated it was people sitting behind him. The thought of someone staring at his back the entire time, watching everything he did... It made him uncomfortable, to say the least. And so he settled on a desk somewhere in the corner of the room that was still unoccupied, where he set his bag on his lap, opened it and pulled out a small container. Opening the container revealed a tiny skeleton, judging from its teeth must have belonged to a rodent of some sorts, which he placed on a stand of similar size to keep it positioned upright. "... There. Now everyone here can admire your beauty." he whispered to the rodent skeleton, one he called by the name Hotaru, and placed her on the front of his desk so she was the first thing to capture the gaze of anyone looking his direction - or well, if they weren't distracted by the big ass dragon freak or tiny muscle man next to him.

As if dragons weren't enough to make his new class a freakshow, out of all people to walk into the door next, it of course had to be the robot girl. Mahiru could only stare in awe at movements of this girl as she made her way over to one of the seats in front, and he feared for the chair's life as she took her seat. Soon after was someone who probably was more his style, although he could only wonder what was hiding beneath that mask covering his mouth...

Slowly the remainder of the students began pouring in, none of which caught his eyes as much as those mentioned before. However, just when Mahiru thought he had seen it all... the teacher came in. A T-rex wearing a fedora. Briefly he glanced through the classroom to see if it was just him who was fazed by this, and all of a sudden he regretted not taking a seat more upfront to actually be able to see the expressions on their faces. His own face barely showed the bewilderment he felt on the inside once the dinosaur man opened his mouth and casually began his introduction. Kyou Suika, was his name, and if Mahiru was here to stay; this creature was to be his homeroom teacher for the next years at the U.A. Academy.

His speech started out as exactly the kind he would have expected from a teacher at this school, but eventually became rather inspiring, even encouraging the ever so pessimistic Mahiru to think about them. 'Your past dictates your future, but your present dictates your past'... Was he just spouting out something random to make himself sound wise, or was there actual meaning behind those words? Perhaps it had something to do with this man's own past? All these thoughts however were blown out the window when the teacher's demeanor took a hundred and eighty degree turn, his hauntingly red eyes staring down his pupils intensively as he bared his teeth. "Now, who wants to declare their goals first?"

It was a tall girl at the front of the classroom to be the first to speak up. Introducing herself as Akeno Kudo, she revealed her ultimate goal that probably a lot at this school shared with her; to become a hero. Having no desire to be one of the first students to answer the question, Mahiru quietly waited for his turn to come.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Lizzy tapped her hands together, giving tiny metal 'chink' sounds every time the tapped as she waited for everyone to enter the classroom. Apparently the boy who looked like a dragon couldn't breath fire, yet another of her classmates could? Lizzy couldn't help but give a little mechanical chuckle at the oddity of that situation. Next came in a kid with a bandana over his mouth. This boy kept on looking at Lizzy and the dragon boy with a bit of disbelief on his face which was always enjoyable to watch. There was also another kid, a really thin kid, that Lizzy hadn't noticed until now which sort of gave off a... creepy aura about him? Lizzy couldn't place it.

Lizzy didn't have much time to think about it though as their homeroom teacher came in following the last few stragglers. And he was a dinosaur? A dragon and a dinosaur, it was going to be a really fun time here! No wonder why the classroom door was so big... His speech was pretty fun. It was clear he was trying to intimidate the class at the start, but Lizzy couldn't help but think about how much fun it was to have a dragon AND a dinosaur in her classroom. And when the man looked at her, she couldn't help but enjoy that he noticed how much polishing she did this morning. As he finished his speech, his intimidating look went away as he asked for each student to declare why they were here.

Akendo went first, giving her reason to be a hero was, just to be a hero. Just like Lizzy! With her declaration done, Lizzy went next. "Hiya everyone. I'm Lizzy and I wanna be a hero as well. Need to make sure people can live life happy right?" Lizzy said, standing up as her chair groaned in relief to give her statement. She waited to be given the signal to sit back down, deciding to stand like Akendo. Lizzy's chair was very grateful for the relief.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SmokeDragon
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SmokeDragon Oddly Familiar Stranger

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Yuno's attempt at making friends clearly failed, as no one bothered replying, though he did get a chuckle out of the metal girl, so maybe there was hope? Shrugging, he found a desk near the front and sat down. Normally he might have been surprised to see a tiny dino be their homeroom teacher, but after the arm dragon and the robot girl, a tiny dino seemed reasonable.

Yuno was the third person in the class to get up and give his introduction. Better to get it over with, he figured. "Hello Sensei. I'm Yuno. My goal is to be a cool and confidant hero who protects everyone from the villains. Umm, nice to meet you all." He finished with a tiny bow.

Yuno was a bit unsure if they were supposed to keep standing or not, as the two to answer before he did, but the teacher had not told them to do so, so the expected thing to do should have bee to just sit back down, right? Like almost always when faced with a dilemma like this, Yuno decided to take the easy way out, and just sat back down. If they were supposed to stand, he figured the teacher would tell him to stand back up. If not, well, why stand when you can sit?
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