Unlike some of the chapters of the guild, the Vault was pretty bare bones. In fact, if you didn't know the vault was there, it was pretty difficult to even find. Sure, it was connected to the foyer of the guild itself, but figuring out where its entrance was if you had no clue was near impossible, especially considering even the vault keeper rarely used it.
The vault entrance area itself, if someone ever managed to find their way there and through a hallway of traps, looked like something out of a lovecraftian novel. An alien world where nothing really made sense, even if it was only in a large squarish area and was basically indoors. that didn't matter though, considering the strange stone, floating chunks of... things... and weird spires that were there to just suck the hope from, or intimidate, intruders who actually managed to make it there. Not to mention the are itself was pretty hostile in general with various traps laid about that, unless you were familiar with the area or had a guide such as the Vault Keeper herself, you'd probably stumble into something and become lunch for horrors from beyond time and space. Or just launch yourself into a sawblade, or any number of strange things. The area had very little rhyme or reason in order to disorient intruders, and because the creator of the area just thought. "hey this looks cool" with no real intent on overall continuity or theme. Heck, the door to the vault itself was something out of a 1990s cartoon, and it looked like without enough strength you could never open something so big and impractical.
Although if you were lucky enough to find the hidden room inside the hidden vault room itself, you'd find a fairly almost normal looking living space, besides the fact that everything looked like if someone used eldritch stuff combined with crystals but in a way to make it look beautiful giving it an almost alien charm. Laying lazily on a bed in this area, was the vault keeper Light. If someone looked at her in any other place but here, they couldn't tell she was the vault keeper. While she was an eldritch creature from the void, you'd be forgiven if you thought she looked like some fish/demon monster girl.
As she laid in her bed, reading a book, she felt something was... different today. As if she was more... 'full' than previous days. But she didn't think much of this though, and was enjoying reading her book until one of her sensory spells was triggered. Sighing, she put her book down and got up for the day. After a bit of brushing and cleaning herself up, she sliced the air near herself and slipped out of a hidden circle near the entrance. Light had these teleport circles littered all over her domain, so she could get to important areas at a whim. As she waited in ambush at the entrance to her domain, she noticed that one of the skeleton servants had entered the area. Today wasn't cleaning day, so Light was curious as to why the skele boy was here. Making her way to the skeleton maid, who was waiting patiently at the domain entrance, Light greeted him. "Hiya. Something happening today?" Light said, yawning.
Thanks to her truesight, Light could tell this was just one of the skeleton butlers of the guild so she wasn't really worried about getting into any fight and as such just lazily carried herself as the butler gave his message. "Greetings madam. Lord Rodias wishes to see you and all other members above level 40.” Light blinked a few times to get rid of her tiredness, saying. "Thanks buddy. I'll go and see him." With a bow, the butler turn and left, nimbly avoiding the trapped floor tiles in the hallway as he left. Light spent a little bit doing some morning exercises and stretches, before putting on a smile and opening another portal with her claws.
Light was one of the last few to make her way to the throne room. Much like her domain in front of the vault, she had placed teleport circles in various locations within the guild to make traveling easier. Although in the throne room, she was only allowed to make her circle up on the roof where no one could see it. This had the comedic effect of forcing Light to fall from the cieling every time she wanted to come here, although that wasn't often. Still, as the others filed in, Light dropped from above, like a raindrop made of void, splatting onto the ground all the same.
Apparently the others had made their entrances as well, although way more flashy than her falling from the ceiling. Although 'flashy' is probably not the best term for those who put turrets and blast marks in the throne room. It WAS a throne room after all, and someone had to clean that all up! "Hiya everyone. Anyone know why we're summoned? Are we going on vacation or something? Oh, oh, or is this a family banquet type deal?" Light said, bringing an air of joy to the area, even though everyone could hear extremely faint whispers as they stood in her presence.
The vault entrance area itself, if someone ever managed to find their way there and through a hallway of traps, looked like something out of a lovecraftian novel. An alien world where nothing really made sense, even if it was only in a large squarish area and was basically indoors. that didn't matter though, considering the strange stone, floating chunks of... things... and weird spires that were there to just suck the hope from, or intimidate, intruders who actually managed to make it there. Not to mention the are itself was pretty hostile in general with various traps laid about that, unless you were familiar with the area or had a guide such as the Vault Keeper herself, you'd probably stumble into something and become lunch for horrors from beyond time and space. Or just launch yourself into a sawblade, or any number of strange things. The area had very little rhyme or reason in order to disorient intruders, and because the creator of the area just thought. "hey this looks cool" with no real intent on overall continuity or theme. Heck, the door to the vault itself was something out of a 1990s cartoon, and it looked like without enough strength you could never open something so big and impractical.
Although if you were lucky enough to find the hidden room inside the hidden vault room itself, you'd find a fairly almost normal looking living space, besides the fact that everything looked like if someone used eldritch stuff combined with crystals but in a way to make it look beautiful giving it an almost alien charm. Laying lazily on a bed in this area, was the vault keeper Light. If someone looked at her in any other place but here, they couldn't tell she was the vault keeper. While she was an eldritch creature from the void, you'd be forgiven if you thought she looked like some fish/demon monster girl.
As she laid in her bed, reading a book, she felt something was... different today. As if she was more... 'full' than previous days. But she didn't think much of this though, and was enjoying reading her book until one of her sensory spells was triggered. Sighing, she put her book down and got up for the day. After a bit of brushing and cleaning herself up, she sliced the air near herself and slipped out of a hidden circle near the entrance. Light had these teleport circles littered all over her domain, so she could get to important areas at a whim. As she waited in ambush at the entrance to her domain, she noticed that one of the skeleton servants had entered the area. Today wasn't cleaning day, so Light was curious as to why the skele boy was here. Making her way to the skeleton maid, who was waiting patiently at the domain entrance, Light greeted him. "Hiya. Something happening today?" Light said, yawning.
Thanks to her truesight, Light could tell this was just one of the skeleton butlers of the guild so she wasn't really worried about getting into any fight and as such just lazily carried herself as the butler gave his message. "Greetings madam. Lord Rodias wishes to see you and all other members above level 40.” Light blinked a few times to get rid of her tiredness, saying. "Thanks buddy. I'll go and see him." With a bow, the butler turn and left, nimbly avoiding the trapped floor tiles in the hallway as he left. Light spent a little bit doing some morning exercises and stretches, before putting on a smile and opening another portal with her claws.
Light was one of the last few to make her way to the throne room. Much like her domain in front of the vault, she had placed teleport circles in various locations within the guild to make traveling easier. Although in the throne room, she was only allowed to make her circle up on the roof where no one could see it. This had the comedic effect of forcing Light to fall from the cieling every time she wanted to come here, although that wasn't often. Still, as the others filed in, Light dropped from above, like a raindrop made of void, splatting onto the ground all the same.
Apparently the others had made their entrances as well, although way more flashy than her falling from the ceiling. Although 'flashy' is probably not the best term for those who put turrets and blast marks in the throne room. It WAS a throne room after all, and someone had to clean that all up! "Hiya everyone. Anyone know why we're summoned? Are we going on vacation or something? Oh, oh, or is this a family banquet type deal?" Light said, bringing an air of joy to the area, even though everyone could hear extremely faint whispers as they stood in her presence.