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@Rockin Strings You forgot to mention about breaking away from Light's one armed hug there mate xD.
@Xaltwind But then we have an entire village of humans converting to the cult of Light. And worshippers wont attack, ever xD.
@Xaltwind I like him too. I know I wanna see his salesman side at work. Light is always looking for new traps so the skele bois have a hard time getting in. So far Frank has nimbly dodged all the stuff she has so far.

Need to make you play Super Meat Boy before you can even get into the outlandish old god room that Light stalks ya in. xD.

And whats wrong with Light wanting to send herself? She can teleport back if things get bad. Which depending on how racist the human village is, could be very, very soon xD.
Hey, wait... How much does each chapter member know about the others?
Can't have tragedy without comedy!
@Xaltwind@Inkarnate A shark, a wolf, and a fox walk into a bar...~
@Rockin Strings Nope, shes eldritch.

@Xaltwind If she has always been a 'free' spirit, as I assume she acted something like this before the loss of the creator, then while she acts bubbly and ditsy, she is scarily good at her job xD. Otherwise she wouldn't be a vault keeper. I haven't shown it yet, but she does take that job seriously. BTW, she does take orders, she just acts like she doesn't, or acts very chipper about it.

I can honestly see the other chapter keepers rarely ever seeing Light serious, probably because they don't watch her stalk people who invade the vault xD. I can see Graft knowing about her serious side though, some of those traps have to be bought from him I'm sure xD.

... Crap, I forgot to have her ask Graft for new sawblades come to think of it. too late to edit now. xD
We have our first two hug victims! But they're both one armed hugs so...
Quite a motley crew Light had found herself with in this guild of theirs. Since she was one of the last to arrive, she didn't hear many of the previous banter, and instead focused on what their guild master had to say. "Huh, so thats why I feel fuller today. I'm in control of my own destiny." While everyone else was lamenting their creators loss, Light was looking on the more positive side of things. Voicing this, she said. "Hey, think of it this way. We're unshackled from the whims of those above us! What we do is now our choice, not theirs!"

Unlike the others, Light wasn't too saddened by the loss of Fredrik, but as she was made along the guideliens of cosmic horror, the concept of loss wasn't as big of a thing to her as it was to the others. After all, the universe was uncaring, unforgiving, and just didn't care, so why should she? Just have fun, do what you want to, and look towards the future and not the past.

Light hoped her little cheerful message perked up a few of the depressed looking chapter leaders, and after giving htem a bit to digest what she said. "Anyway, I usually sat in the vault or moved around the base, so being away from that big 'ol tree doesn't phase me much. Plus we have neighbors! Maybe they'll enjoy a hug?" Light said, still looking on the positives of their new situation. "So, I'll go down there and say Hi. Maybe get a few converts? I'm pretty much free now, so... " Light said, grabbing both Kaldorna and Gromgard and pulling them into separate one armed hugs as if she was bringing the two in for a weird huddle. "So whats the word boss?" She said, smiling her sharp, toothy smile.

Level 5 - (43/50) EXP +1
Location: Police Station
Word Count: 500

Blazermate followed everyone else into the police station upon everything calming down. She picked up and began to carry the dispenser that Dell had created while he was summoned, telling her zombies to clean up the area and wait patiently for further instructions as she carried the healing building into the police station with her, the sentry still beeping as it looked for more targets to shoot with its limited ammo.

Blazermate wasn't too happy with getting crowded by these police station survivors, but they soon gave the party some room as they explained themselves and introduced themselves. Much like the people at the road stop, peach's castle, and everything, they were a varied bunch with some looking like people from Anime, others animals who knew some of Blazermate's friends, and some tough looking guys. All in all, until the cat lady came down, only Fox McCloud kind of looked out of place her.

Ms. Fortune caused Blazermate's scanners to go haywire. All in all, she shouldn't be alive with all the various injuries and weak points on her, but she also had something that kept filling her with life almost like she was some kind of... organic medabot? It was both great and disturbing all at once.

Ms. Fortune was more on Blazermate's mind than the apparently haunted area they were in. V had done some kind of skill or ability to sense the dark energy in the air, and ghosts weren't Blazermate's expertise at all. Heck, in her world ghosts were just a myth, but considering where they were, any B movie trope was probably real here. Thankfully her confusion as to handle the subject quickly went away as the survivors mentioned that they had sick and injured people. "Injurd? I can help with that! Plus I assume you guys need ammo." Saying that, Blazermate put down the Dispenser she was carrying. "This thing makes ammo for you and lightly heals you if you stand next to it/ask it for what kind of ammo you need!" As she said that however, she noticed that the display on the dispenser was all static-y and jumbled up. She hit it a few times, but that didn't do anything to fix it. "Although, thats not normal..." She said, poking the building.

Shrugging, she said. "Well, I'm sure it'll work eventually. I should go tend to the injured." Blazermate said, asking Max to show her to her new patients. "Nero, V, I think you guys know way more about this ghost stuff than I do. I'll join you when these guys are all healthy. Hopefully the dispenser works then so we can refill ammo for these guys. Probably going to need it to get to the teleporter." Blazermate said, following Max into their makeshift infirmary. Before she left the room, she said. "Donnie, might need you to use your magic stuff to get rid of any diseases. I can't do that." and she went off.
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