Light wasn't too surprised that the boss man didn't have a task for her. After all, her task was to basically safeguard a powerful artifact for the guild unlike the chapter keepers who had a variety of tasks. Seeing as many of them were going with the goblin king to deal with that village, Light figured she'd lounge about and see what the other chapter keepers were up to. Hearing Graft's little sales pitch before he left gave Light an idea, and decided to pay the guy a visit while he and Salem started to make items.
Waving the others off, giving Ashara a sly comment about how she "Needed to get a bit bigger." before going off in her own direction, taking the longer way to Graft's floor. Now, while Light didn't go around the Chateau very often, she did know where everyone's rooms were and how to get there. After all, best to learn where everyone and anyone can hide if they ever stole something. So while it did take her a bit of time, she made her way to his floor as well. Approaching the entrance to his floor, Light decided to draw a quick pattern on the wall, allowing her to teleport here later if neeeded, before knocking and poking her head into the industrious area. "Hello? Graft? I've got a job for youuuu~~" Light said, looking for Graft within his area.
If one were observing Light as she moved throughout the area, she tended to keep herself away from anything that looked like it was made of iron or was some kind of metallic restraining device. One could assume those items spooked her, and they'd be right. However, while she kept her distance from such items, she did so in a sing-songy way to make it seem like she didn't actually care. She moved through the area, looking for its owner Graft. Eventually she'd find the man in Production.
When Light found him, she came up to Graft, saying. "So, I can explore, decided to explore your place first... Think you can make me a few things production wise when your done with Salem's little project there?" Light said, her hands twitching a bit due to that order of her to 'not hug' anyone of the chateau. "Like, some saw blades for a new trap in the vault area, or something so boss man will let me hug people... or maybe a big fuck off giant bomb? Last one could be loads of fun later on!" She continued, swaying back and forth in a bit of a sing-songy, almost car dealership balloon person way. Not being able to give Graft a hug was clearly making her agitated, keeping her in constant motion as she talked.
Waving the others off, giving Ashara a sly comment about how she "Needed to get a bit bigger." before going off in her own direction, taking the longer way to Graft's floor. Now, while Light didn't go around the Chateau very often, she did know where everyone's rooms were and how to get there. After all, best to learn where everyone and anyone can hide if they ever stole something. So while it did take her a bit of time, she made her way to his floor as well. Approaching the entrance to his floor, Light decided to draw a quick pattern on the wall, allowing her to teleport here later if neeeded, before knocking and poking her head into the industrious area. "Hello? Graft? I've got a job for youuuu~~" Light said, looking for Graft within his area.
If one were observing Light as she moved throughout the area, she tended to keep herself away from anything that looked like it was made of iron or was some kind of metallic restraining device. One could assume those items spooked her, and they'd be right. However, while she kept her distance from such items, she did so in a sing-songy way to make it seem like she didn't actually care. She moved through the area, looking for its owner Graft. Eventually she'd find the man in Production.
When Light found him, she came up to Graft, saying. "So, I can explore, decided to explore your place first... Think you can make me a few things production wise when your done with Salem's little project there?" Light said, her hands twitching a bit due to that order of her to 'not hug' anyone of the chateau. "Like, some saw blades for a new trap in the vault area, or something so boss man will let me hug people... or maybe a big fuck off giant bomb? Last one could be loads of fun later on!" She continued, swaying back and forth in a bit of a sing-songy, almost car dealership balloon person way. Not being able to give Graft a hug was clearly making her agitated, keeping her in constant motion as she talked.