Light was fairly pleased with what info she got. It was pretty basic stuff all things considered, but it was what she was told to get so its what she got. Making sure not to break their sanity entirely, she'd step back and let Gromgard snap them back to reality with his less than desirable, if not effective, methods. "Its like a dance, huh?" Light said as they weaved back and forth a bit, getting what info they could from the pair. It would be cruel what Light and Gromgard were doing, if it wasn't for the fact that Light often brought them to insanity through a nice cheery bliss, and Gromgard more snapped them back to reality when they lost themselves in Light's cleavage.
"So you do this often Gromgard?" Light said, standing back from the cultists as Gromgard whipped them again. Her aura would be affecting him, but since she didn't keep any physical contact with him and his will was strong, her aura came off more as suggestive whispers of insanity instead of the full blown mental breakdown these cultists were having on a semi routine basis. "Or are you only doing this to spend time with me?~" Light said with a tease, posing a bit to show herself off before laughing at her own joke.