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Huh, we have a few egg layers huh? Add Light to that list, although I highly doubt you wanna have pure insanity for breakfast. xD

Besides, we have a village to go get eggs from down the mountain, alongside lots of other tasty goodies.
Light has no resources to manage, all she has to do is guard, so shes good in that regard. Heck, she could be one of the people that goes out to find new stuff, since she can store a bunch of stuff on her person thanks to her powerset. And if any adventurers find their way to the vault area.... well...

But I'm not expecting that anytime soon, so shes basically a free agent. xD

@The Irish Tree Hey man, if the only episode he saw was that ramsey one or the "your not perfect" one, I get it. That one is still not right even today. xD

Also, there was a live action Flapjack movie? whaaaaa?

EDIT: Ok, I found some info on it, It was shown at some movie festivals, and it wasn't flapjack, but something that was eerily similar.
Oh, no, how is this gonna turn out? Also, gonna have to have Gromgard visit Flan after he's finished with the interrogations. Perhaps setting up a feast for the goblins?

Well you wanted a hypnotist, so... Remember that courage the cowardly dog episode about Flan? xD. Although more the hypnosis part.
@IceHeart@Rockin Strings

Light shrugged at Gromgard's complaining of her aura. "Sorry buddy, I can't really bring it much lower than this. Graft is helping me figure that out." Light said, gesturing where she figured Graft's floor was, although she wasn't actually sure what direction it was. She watched as when Gromgard took his turn how he turned up the brutality, smacking off a limb before healing it right back. Light flinched a bit at seeing this, but more out of the impact of Gromgard's fist than the act itself. At his offhanded comment of a hypnotist, Light got an idea.

"Oh boys~~" Light said, gesturing to the cultists. "I'll leave you in the care of my friend here. I'll be right back~~" Light said in a teasing voice as she waved at the group, leaving the room before she ripped open one of her teleport portals that lead to near the kitchen.

"Hey Flan, are you here? I need some of your name sake for the cultists. I've got a hilarious idea!" Light said, popping her head into the kitchen and looking around. Light didn't really invade the kitchen much even though she loved to eat, Flan kind of creeped Light out. Not because she was creepy looking or anything, but more because she was a slime, and Light didn't do too well against slimes. Light would still gladly hug her, but not as openly as the others since getting stuck inside a slime wasn't a good way to spend an afternoon.
Light can just teleport to whoever she needs to talk to, assuming she put a teleport point down beforehand. Now how would Graft's telepathy work in regards to Light and her aura and such?

Also just had a fun idea, Oh Flaaaan~
Ok, we need to have this happen at some point, its just too good.

Any takers?
Light was fairly pleased with what info she got. It was pretty basic stuff all things considered, but it was what she was told to get so its what she got. Making sure not to break their sanity entirely, she'd step back and let Gromgard snap them back to reality with his less than desirable, if not effective, methods. "Its like a dance, huh?" Light said as they weaved back and forth a bit, getting what info they could from the pair. It would be cruel what Light and Gromgard were doing, if it wasn't for the fact that Light often brought them to insanity through a nice cheery bliss, and Gromgard more snapped them back to reality when they lost themselves in Light's cleavage.

"So you do this often Gromgard?" Light said, standing back from the cultists as Gromgard whipped them again. Her aura would be affecting him, but since she didn't keep any physical contact with him and his will was strong, her aura came off more as suggestive whispers of insanity instead of the full blown mental breakdown these cultists were having on a semi routine basis. "Or are you only doing this to spend time with me?~" Light said with a tease, posing a bit to show herself off before laughing at her own joke.
@Xaltwind xD. It is also funny that shes using her boobs for interrogation, even though shes mostly butt and thighs xD. Speaking of which, I have to rerig her 3d model which suuuuucks. But Rigify got updated and she wasn't fully rigged, so yeah, and I've learned how to do better rigs for cartoony eyes like hers, so yeah. BTW, rigging her dress is annoying as hell. I don't know how to properly rig a dress like hers since its like this tabard/trenchcoat/skirt thing.

I'm jumping between rigging 3 different models, fun fun >.>. At least I only need to set and configure the face bones for Light then rerig her dress. I was thankfully able to keep her hair rigging. lol.

Its a shame I don't know many anime clips besides the big ones, otherwise I'd join you guys in the anime video linking. I have ones from this anime which isn't as well known, but... They are more comedy based since I'm into comedy anime. xD.
Light: C'mon, talk!
Light: I want the truth!
... And then Light ate his face pff. And it was delicious~

Going to apologize in advance to who it may concern. I've been suffering from a headache that's lasted all week, and as such my mood - which is usually full of salt and grump - hasn't exactly been improved. So, if I come off as extra snarky, sarcastic, rude or otherwise being a big bully, I ask for gorgiveness. It's just really annoying waking up in the mroning, and as soon as you get out of bed it feels like your skulls about to be crushed in a vice, and retain that feeling until you fall asleep at night...

your not wrong there!


Make sure you keep your fluids up. I've got a history of headaches/migranes and as long as I drink my 4 bottles of water a day they go away/I don't have them. Also drink some water before you take a nap so your brain can flush itself out better. Otherwise yeah you'd need meds.
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