Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"You're probably right," Kath said with a sigh. She quite enjoyed the exhilaration that came with discovering something new and that included trying to translate a newly discovered language, but it was about time they made their departure. Though she couldn't help but feel a bit more nervous about their stalker. She was confident that part of why whoever they were didn't attack was because of the crowds of people. Leaving the town to head back up the mountain on their own could potentially be the opportunity their stalker was waiting for to strike. Still, she sensed they were about as powerful as herself and she wasn't alone. If it came down to combat, she was sure Ashara and could edge out a victory. If not, one could return to the Chateau for reinforcements.

After her traveling companion had received her gift from Corona, Kath would follow Ashara up the mountain, again taking notes on any newly appeared flora and fauna that their new path up the mountain discovered. Fortunately, their stalker did not seem to follow or attack, causing the dragonoid to skip merrily as they arrived at the Chateau. The journey was quite nice now that she thought back to it, however she still missed her library and couldn't wait to add two new books to its collection.

Then, tragedy would strike.

"My books... gone... taken... missing... books taken," Kath would whisper to herself as Rodias' words sunk in. Anyone that looked at her usually composed face would see her eye twitching, giving her usual smile a more sinister appearance. Then it stopped. Like something had snapped and she suddenly returned to her usual demeanor. "Excuse me for a moment. I need some time to myself," she said, performing a curtsy before retreating further into the The Athenaeum of Historia, most likely the mysterious forbidden section that still remained lock to all but herself.

Once it's great vault door would shut, the screaming would begin. Judging by how the whole of Chateau Gothika would begin to rumble as well, it was safe to assume she had also transformed into her dragon form. Anything not nailed down ran the risk of falling off its perch and even the village at the bottom of the mountain would feel quake, albeit much diminished. At best they would notice doors that were open begin to close shut on their own. The screams would also echo through the Chateau's halls, a sound more chilling than any an experienced torturer could coax out of their victim.

Eventually, Kath's meltdown would subside, returning to her human form and to Rodias and Ashara. She would greet the two of them with a curtsy before apologizing. "Sorry about that, I just needed a moment to calm down. You said it was the mimics of Enderal that had taken them, correct?" she asked, planning on paying Chuunitrixx a visit once their debriefing was over. Despite her usual smile having returned to her face, there still lie something sinister in her eyes. An anger that hadn't yet been quelled by her earlier outrage. She would have words with the Doppelganger.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@The Irish Tree@Guess Who

"You are most generous, Miss." Ashara said to her strawberry blonde benefactor, bowing deeply as she accepted the kump of amberlyte with both hands. She then waved goodbye in a soft manner, before turning and nodding to Kath. It appeared her colleague was ready to set off, back to their home, and to report their findings to Lord Rodias. In truth, Ashara was glad to be going back, for while walking outside and exploring a new land might seem exciting to some, to Ashara however, it was just a lot of work and extra hassle. Not to mention that nothing they had found or seen so far had really been graceful or pleasing to look at. The village was rustic, at best, the animals were all rather dull and non-stand-outish, the scenery was... Decent, perhaps? The only really eye-catching bits, to the fox at least, had been the amberlyte and the strange currency she had been giuen. But then again, this wasn't a trip made for sightseeing or searching for aesthetically pleasing vistas, it was an important scouting mission for all of Chateau!

Their trip back was rather uneventful, and aside from stopping a few times to let Kath draw and write in her book, nothing really noteworthy happened. Ashara was content with walking along, watching her companion with a warm smile, finding it rather cute how the usually calm and collected dragonoid librarian was now skipping about, like a giddy little girl. It was rather cute, and it made the fox-woman stifle a small giggle at hjust how unusual the sight was. The way back was a bit more troublesome though, as they had to move along paths and areas that would keep them from being spotted by the villagers down below... Not that any of them probably had good enough eyes to pick up two, small figures making their way up a mountain, but you never knew who might be watching from elsewhere... like their mysterious observer...

Regardless, upon reaching the gates of the Chateau, Ashara let out a sigh of relief. She had managed to keep both Kath safe, learn some information and made it back to their home, all in one piece. A resounding success!

Returning to the library on the 4th floor, Ashara was pleased to see Lord Rodias dutifully keeping his promise to Kath, about guarding her books. Well... At least, that's how it looked, until he opened his mouth and declared that the place had been raided and books absconded with. Ashara's face was stoically staring, first in disbelief, then in slight judgement. However, this faded quickly, as she reasoned that the Lord had many tasks to do, and in addition to needing both food and sleep, he also had to deal wtih the day-to-day needs and affairs of the castle proper. Surely, even his watchful and capable hands couldn't be everywhere all at once. In that sense, it was more so the fault of the thieving mimics, having taken advantage of their Lord's busy schedule to sneak in grab things they weren't allowed to touch. The nerve! That Chapter Keeper really hadn't disciplined her children at all.

Before Ashara could say anything though, Rodias asked how their mission went... But Kath excused herself. Then there was a loud roar that made the entire place shake and quake in a rather violent fashion. Being close to the source of the noise, the Library was affected far more than any other region of the Chateau, and even Ashara, with her nine tails and excellent sense of balance, found it hard to keep from bobbing about and around. Still, she somehow managed, albeit she had to change back into her white-haired partial form to do so.

"Oh my..." She said, putting a hand on her cheek and tilting her head, a look of slight concern on her face.

Once Kath returned though, things would proceed as intended, albeit Ashara could sense a faint, growing aura of considerable resentment, or perhaps just pure rage, growing and eminating from Kath's general person... It was, unpleasant, to stand next to her while this was occurring, but she didn't exactly have a choice in the matter. Perhaps if giving their report quickly would allow them to be dismissed, she could escape before the dragonoid unleashed her fury upon the culprits, and any innocent bystanders unfortunate enough to get caught in the crossfire. THus, she placed a balled hand to her mouth and lightly cleared her throat, before looking at Rodias.

"Our trip down the mountain was rather uneventful. Apart from some small animals, and the very sparse cave filled with lonely creatures, there really was no hindrances to our descent." She began. "We approachd from the road, as per my lord's command, and entered the village under the pretense of being fledgeling sell-swords." She made sure to mention that they had followed his instructions and kept to his plan of pretending to be novice mercenaries. "The village itself pose no threat to the Chateau, or any of us. The townsfolk are mostly miners of considerably low power, and apart from a single individual by the name of Mars, their military strength consisted of a few lowly men with terrible spear-skills." She paused. "This Mars-person seemed unusually more skilled than the rest of the townsfolk though, I would estimate that he could, at least, fight on par or perhaps even outmatch any of General Gromgard's goblins, or Lady Chuunitrixx mimics, in single combat. But, as I said my lord, he is the only exception. The rest of the village would not stand any chance of opposing your will."

She paused for a moment, letting Rodias take in this news, before moving on to more detailed matters.

"I also questioned some of the locals, and learned a few things. The hamlet itself is called Ambderden, named after an ore that is apparently rare and valuable, called Amberlyte. I was fortunate enough to acquire a sample of it, here." She reached into her haori, retrieved the lump of unprocessed metal, and handed it to Rodias reverently, while bowing her head. "A villager told me that it was mainly used for making tools, but perhaps Lord Graft or Lady Oz could find other ways to use it?" She suggested, not knowing much about how to make the most of things like this.

"I also learned that while the ore is rare and valuable, most of the profits that the village makes are taken, or paid in tribute, to a local lord called... Oh, what was it..." She trailed off putting a hand on her chin and rubbing it softly. "Duke... Duke... Long? Lark? No, that is not right... I think they said Larn. Duke Larn. Apparently, he is not well liked, and the villagers warned me that he had spies and ears all around the area, and that mentioning his name was a poor decision, at least in the open." She stated, looking rather unperturbed by this, likely thinking the man to not be as much of a threat as the low-level locals did.

"Oh, and the Mars-person I mentioned before, told me that apparently some strangers had been lurking about the village recently. Strangers wearing stranger masks, who kept at bay, but nontheless seemed to be observing the village." She proceed to describe the masks and other details she had learned about the freaks before moving on. "Additionally, I was told that this nation is ruled by a High Queen, called Atlecia. Ah! Oh no!" Ashara suddenly burst out into a shocked, horrified face, and she fell to her knees, bowing profusely to Rodias in a panicked state. "F-forgive me, my lord! In my ignorance, i forgot to ask the name of the country! I am truly ashamed of my negligience." She apologized, earnestly and sad in tone, obviously upset with her own shortcoming. Still, once calmed down a bit, she reached into her robe again, and produced the small sack of coins, which for whatever reason, Ashara had been storing inbetween her cleaavge...

"This, my lord, is apparently what passes for currency in this realm. It is quite different from the coins of our old world. Here, have a look." She opened the bag and gently shook it, causing a handful of shiny pieces to fall out and into her lord's hand. "I did not recognize the materail they were made from, nor their inherent value. I am sorry, my lack of knowledge in these matters have proved most unbecoming." She again bowed her head apologetically.

Though, once this was done, her face took a more stern and serious appearance. "Finally... There was an incident." She said. "While I was away form Lady Kath's side, I felt a ... Presence. An aura of power, one that rivalled that of our very own Chapter Keepers. It was only for a moment, and I did not catch a glimpse of the one from which it eminated, alas as I was too slow to come to Lady Kath's side." Ashara spoke with a tone that was not typically like her. Usually her serene and calm demeanor lent itself to giving her a soft and gentle presence, but while talking about this subject she was uncharacterisically serious and perhaps even stern. "I did not sense this presence while we returned to the Chateau, so I do not believe whoever this was managed to follow or trails us back to the Chateau itself. However, I cannot say for certain that such is the case." Her face softened a bit again. "That is all I have for you, my lord." She finished, bowing one last time.

Ashara had purposefully left out the details about the singing from the mountain, which had alerted and confused the townsfolk. For perhaps there had been rhyme or reason for the lady of the Sixth Chapter to do what she did, and Ashara wasa in no position to question or rebuke actions that may have been sanctioned by their lord. For now, she would just wait, see if her friend had something to add, or if her lord needed more from them.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 3 days ago

After Mamoru had given her report, she was ready to leave when Light arrived. The Maid Of Steel remained calm as she could, but even her presence was shook by Light’s abnormal existence. Her resistances, as well as certain mental fortifications provided by her class, allowed Mamoru to mostly be able to withstand Light’s madness aura, but the fact Mamoru can still feel it’s presence was telling that it was quite powerful.

Stranger still, Rodias insisted on laying Light for her services. Fundamentally Mamoru understood the purpose of paying others for services rendered, but not only was Rodias in a position where he could simply ask and his will would be done, but Mamoru questioned what exactly they could use the gold for. She vaguely remembers the Creators using Yggdrasil money to pay for goods and services back in their old realm, but that was an ability exclusive to the Creators. And now that they were not longer in Yggdrasil, Mamoru wasn’t even sure if that was possible for Rodias.

Finally Light was to assist with interrogations. That was fine with Mamoru: she can be a little scary when bullying others, but she doesn’t really have the abilities to actually torture anyone. Light is much more suited for a task like that. “I’m afraid I won’t be much help in questioning our guests, but I have the upmost faith in your abilities. If you’ll excuse me, I shall begin coordinating the skeleton butlers and have them prepare for further instructions. Farewell, Lord Rodias.” Mamoru bowed out and would return to her room, and from there she’ll begin her own scheme. She needed to stay here and take care of the Chateau, as was her duty. But that’s why she had other people, namely herself.

Once in the privacy of her chambers Mamoru began to buff herself using her skills until she was able to max out her stats. From there she proceeded to create multiple clones, copying her stats though with a largely reduced health maximum. Once she had gathered at least over fifty of these clones, Mamoru cleared her throat and spoke plainly to them. “Alright ladies, you know why I brought you here. I’ll have to ask you to please refrain from goofing off, because you all get the fun job: go out into these lands, disguise yourselves as mere travelers, and learn everything you can about this world. Each of you should take a Bone Phone so we can stay in contact. If something is truly dire, you know what to do. Dismissed!”

Meanwhile Bone Daddy gathered up the bones of the previous victims. The bones alone could be constructed into a low level skeletal servant, but any information he could gain from them requires their jaw bones. As he worked he heard music and wasn’t sure if that was normal in this world or not. It did remind him however that he should try and better hide this place. The strange yellow ropes his masters left here was not going to work to keep people away. Fortunately, a skeleton mage is well equipped to disguise themselves and their lairs. With a simple large image illusion spell, where the ritual sight was suppose to be Butterfly replaces it with a large tree. Visually it would appear to be a large tree but physical inspection will allow anyone to see behind the truth. Still this will serve as a visual camouflage if nothing else.

Secondly Butterfly would set up a few wards. Two layers: one to alert him of the presence any creature, even bugs and insects, and more importantly anyone else who might come here searching for the ruins. The second ward would specifically affect living creatures who weren’t strong enough to bypass the wards magic. This magic would cause them to simply get disoriented and make them move away from the warded area. Undead creatures, constructs, or any person strong enough to withstand the Magics effects would be able to continue onwards, but Butterfly doubts anyone but his masters could withstand the wards without suffering from some vertigo.

Finally for himself, Butterfly used an illusion to transform himself into a dryad. He figured such creatures may be native to these woods and would allow him to more easily traverse the place without always having to hide, and still have a certain air of mystery to ensure that common folk don’t interfere with him. Though once he finished these preparations, including creating the skeleton servant to act as the physical sentry of this location, Butterfly was curious about this strange music he was hearing. Telepathically commanding then sentry, he had him stay guard while Butterfly investigates.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rockin Strings
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Rockin Strings Mechanically intelligent, musically inclined.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Archmage MC

"Helloooo everyone!" Gromgard heard light from the doorway. He had just given each of them a single lashing when she had stuck her head in. With a slight glare, he spun to look at her. "No no no! We can be nicer than that!"

"Light." Gromgard growled softly, lightly pulling on the whip. "Control your aura, Light." he said with a sigh, already feeling the slightest effect on himself. Once she released it, he wrapped it up around his hand and hung it back on the wall, listening to her speak, though not facing what she was currently doing.

"What this guy meant was... Tell us stuff about the area and everything. Even public knowledge works! Its either whips or looots of fuuun~, maybe both if you're into that sorta thing. Just tell us stuff like, what's nearby, how does time work, what is your favorite flavor, whos your deity, any guilds around, the king's name... you know, easy stuff~."

When he spun around, he saw her with an arm wrapped around one of the cultists, pushing his face into her chest. To say Gromgard wasn't surprised would be an understatement. Despite her usual control, he knew Light was a bit touchy-feely with certain things. He summoned a small fireball to launch into the stone wall, harmless to the structure and not near any of the other lives in the room. "Are you having fun?" he asked, walking up to her as he shook his head. "Should I just leave you here to interrogate them all?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Hunt for Answers

As Kaldora urged her steed to ride away from the incoming beast Zouyu launched himself at the beast. She had hoped that the gardener would be able to soften up their weakened prey even more before they got round to trapping it, but much to her delight Zouyu went above and beyond her expectations, trapping the beast in a cage of bone and binding its tusks with druidic magics.

”Goodness me darling, that was quite the stellar performance!” Kaldora called as she approached the boy and their captured quarry ”I’ll get it under my spell right away.”

“Aye nice work lad!” Arthanar said as he and the rest of the hunters (who added their cheering to his) approached the trapped beast “And dinny worry about stealing our thunder, making it weak's all we where needin tae do anyway. It’s the trappers you gotta worry about who'll have set up their ambush in the forest for nothing. Ye’d best watch your step till we get back lestt you end up hanging upside down in a snare trap!” he joked before directing a few of the hunters back towards the forest to tell the support teams there that the battle had been won and that they should begin packing up their things.

As Arthanar got everyone else in order Kaldora dismounted and then carefully approached the beast front on, making sure to stay within the narrow cone where it had binocular vision. Her eyes glowed a bright crimson as she locked eyes with the beast, using a combination of the [Dominate Beast] and [Vampiric Enthrallment] skills known as [Enthrall Beast] to gradually begin stripping way at its resolve. By the time she reached it and gently laid a hand on it’s snout the trapped and heavily wounded beast was completely under her spell.

”“Shshshshsh its ok” she spoke softly to it as she gently pet the beast before telling it that ”You belong to the beast pens now, and we look after our own.”

With her free hand she indicated for the other beast master's to approach. When they did so they laid their hands upon the creatures wounds and cast [First Tier Magic: Bestial Regeneration] upon it, causing the many wounds that had been inflicted upon it gradual heal shut.

“There we go. All better.” Kaldora said, before petting the beast a final time before standing and returning to her mount. The other beast master’s following her lead, but not before a few of them paused briefly to lick the blood of their gloved hands.

”You can let it go now.” Kaldora told Zouyu as she mounted her horse, before adding “It will obey anyone for the chateaux at the moment, so if you’d like to ride them back your more than welcome too.”

After the beast had been captured and the hunting party had gathered back together (with Zouyu receiving only a few dirty looks from the trappers) Kaldora spoke to the group, saying ”Well now that was an exciting diversion if I do say so myself, but we do still have a task to complete. Let’s head back and see how the others are getting along with rounding up those Gorgonbulls Zouyu found shall we?”

After she received a course of agreements the hunt set off back towards their camp at a brisk trot, the vampires chatting noisily to each other about a dozen different topics as they went. Kaldora herself road alongside Zouyu, casually making conversation with him and asking “So darling, did you enjoy your first hunt with us?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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@Xaltwind@Guess Who


@Archmage MC@Rockin Strings

@Lucius Cypher

@Xaltwind@Stern Algorithm

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 1 day ago

Light was fairly pleased with what info she got. It was pretty basic stuff all things considered, but it was what she was told to get so its what she got. Making sure not to break their sanity entirely, she'd step back and let Gromgard snap them back to reality with his less than desirable, if not effective, methods. "Its like a dance, huh?" Light said as they weaved back and forth a bit, getting what info they could from the pair. It would be cruel what Light and Gromgard were doing, if it wasn't for the fact that Light often brought them to insanity through a nice cheery bliss, and Gromgard more snapped them back to reality when they lost themselves in Light's cleavage.

"So you do this often Gromgard?" Light said, standing back from the cultists as Gromgard whipped them again. Her aura would be affecting him, but since she didn't keep any physical contact with him and his will was strong, her aura came off more as suggestive whispers of insanity instead of the full blown mental breakdown these cultists were having on a semi routine basis. "Or are you only doing this to spend time with me?~" Light said with a tease, posing a bit to show herself off before laughing at her own joke.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Fox at the Throne:

Hearing Rodias exempt her from any punishment on account of her inability to acquire all inofrmation, Ashara sighed a slight breath of relief. It was reassuring to know that her Lord was not the type to rule with an iron fist, nor the one to divvy out lashes of the whip when all expectations weren't met. She thus proceeded to listen to his musings and words, particularly about how it would perhaps be beneficial to overthrow the local duke and seize control of Amberden for the Chateau itself. A good enough plan, Ashara assumed, as she could not come up with anything better herself. Not that she particularly cared one way or the other who the village and villagers served - if they were slain, their mines could still be used, and if they were enslaved, they could mine for their new master. Both ends had the same result.

Of course, she knew that Lord Rodias wasn't the type who would just send his cohorts down the mountainside to raise their flag and announce their annexation of the territory, no. He had something far more elaborate and cunning in mind, she was sure of it! Sadly, since the fox wasn't particularly bright, she failed to imagine what possible plans he could be concoctijng within that clever mind of his. This made her smile, and feel assured that her leader was a competent and cunning one, which meant that both she, the others and the Chateau as a whole were in good hands.

His remark about Mars being useful was a bit curious, but given how the man had been a clear exception among a plethora of proverbial insects, Ashara could only reason that Rodias was curious about him because he was a rarity, rather than anything else. Still, her Lord needed only say the word, and Ashara would dash down the steep rockface and cliffs, snatch that Mars-man and lug him back up the mountain if an audience was desired. Sadly, Rodias made no such request. Instead, he politely thanked them for their service. This made Ashara smile gently and genuinely.

"There is no need to thank me, milord." She said, matching Rodias bow - albeit slightly lower. "If it is for the Chateau, I am more than happy and willing to aid you." She rose from her bow, looking at Rodias with now a rather quirky, carefree expression. "That being said! If there is nothing else, I would like to return to the Shrine. I imagine Mikoto being furious at me, and the young ones will most certainly want to hear about this new strange land." She said, apparently aware that a scolding was awaiting her once she returned, along with a barrage of questions.

After all, she had left without telling the other Shrine Maidens that she was going away, leaving the Chateau proper. Likely, the golden-haired three-tailed little sister who was a straight-laced and serious type was now absolutely fuming, steam shooting out of her ears in rage at her careless, nonchalant older sibling. The thought made Ashara giggle slightly, as she turned and faced Kath.

"My lady, it was an honor to travel with you." She bowed again. "Once you retrieve your stolen books, please come visit us at the tower some time. I know the little ones would love to have you read to them." She said, offering an invitation to the Shadowtower Shrine - a place where nobody in the Chateau usually went, simply because it served no real purpose or function.

It was Deka_Ribbon's personal sanctuary, her own little toy-box, where her designs and dreams were made manifest for no other reason than to sate the woman's own artistic desires and preferences. But even if nobody else ever visited, even if was just a pretty decoration, it was still Ashara's beloved home, and that was where she was heading now, after this tiresome first trek in an unknown world.

The Shrimp, The Midget and The Flustered:

AT Salem's words of Rodias being the last creator around, and all the others having abandoned them, Isolde made no remark. Her perfectly neutral, apathetic expression did not change, nor did she make any sound, movement or give off any kind of indication that his bomb-shell of a revelation had, in the slightest, phased her. However, when it came to the comment about Rodias being allowed to do whatever he so desired, simply because he was the last Sable Lord, Isolde's head turned, with a slight noise of a servo-motor, to look at the levitating puppet.

"Dismissive. Nobody asked for your opinion, Tiny." Although her voice was as flat and unenthused as always, this was perhaps one of the rare occurrences of Isolde actaully being able to call someone else tiny... Given her rather diminuitive stature.

Rodias seemed a bit flustered though, removing himself from the tiny Automaton maiden's side in a hurry, then blurting into a whole spiel about his gentlemanly ways and absolute code of cordial conduct, which forbade the deflowering of sleeping beauties. He also stated that the situation was complex and, for whatever reason, he had been having issues trying to re-initiate herself and her floor. At this, Isolde blinked - once - before speaking.

"Understoof." Was her reply.

At this point, the ESPERs turned their heads away from Rodias and Salem, and instead proceeded to stare blankly out over all of the 5th Chapter, their visored hidden eyes likely staring off into space, looking at everything and nothing all at once. The golems below the dais rumbled and groaned as they moved about, heavy metallic thuds and clanks being heard as they worked and labored to fix minor problems or damage that the floor had suffered during its time in disuse.

Isolde also took a look out over the floor, though without moving at all, aside from her eyes that scanned first one way, then the other, before returning to look up at Rodias rather towering self infront of her.

"Informative. Creator Dr.Dnd initiated Sleep-mode approximately 5 years, 9 months and 14 days ago-" For an approximation, it was rather specific... "-in an attempt to rework Creator Ivonbraids' settings for the Chamber. The former however failed to do so, as apparently their way of thinking and reasoning differed significantly." Or, in simpler terms, they wrote code very, very differently. "As such, Creator Dr.Dnd eventually grew frustrated with the Chamber's apparently flawed core design, and seem to have abandoned his efforts in this project. This action has left the Chamber in a state of non-functionality and disrepair for a considerable amount of time. Suggestion. Relocating resources to restore Chapter 5 to fully operational status is advisable." The little doll-like robot-girl stated, deadpan and unacring as always.

Her suggestion was reasonable though. While the COIN was working at the moment, the transition from YGGDRASIL to this new world had seemingly caused some issues to appear due to the chapter being a state of dormancy at the point of dimesnional shift. If one looked carefully, some of the glyphs and runes along the walls were glitched and not displaying properly, some of the vein-like power-conduits weren't flowing, or were severed in places. The four orbs above the trio were also sparking and fluctuating irregularly - whereas normally they did so in a periodic and somewhat pattern-like way. Of course, the chapter wouldn't collapse or stop working if nothing was done immediately, but using something that had small nicks and dents in it wasn't a good plan long term.

Isolde, however, just kept staring at Rodias. Unblinking. Unflinching. Unmoving. Unwavering.

"Your orders?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rockin Strings
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Rockin Strings Mechanically intelligent, musically inclined.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@The Irish Tree@Archmage MC

Gromgard sighed as he mentally berated the voices appearing in his head again. "Light, as much as I'm loving our combined efforts, you could do with only half the aura you're putting off." he said, frowning. He hung his whip up again as he swapped it for his spiked gauntlet.

Just to show off his power, he punched straight through one of the cultists' arms before using a potion to heal him, regrowing the severed limb and healing him completely. "This would be so much easier if we had a hypnotist." he sighed, looking to Light again.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Drumming his index and ring fingers against the side of his head, Graft reclined in his office chair and reread the list. “Status, learning, trade...er…” So many thoughts electrified his skull that a couple were bound to slip out here or there. Oh well. If he forgot anything, he could simply call again. Pulling about the airborne glyph that designated a muted Open Line, he drew his finger across it to reactivate the magic. It turned from transparent cerulean to a bright, active blue, and Graft used his voicebox to generate a cheery tone.

Doot doot doot doo, doo-doot doot doot!

“Good day, Kath Erine,” the industrialist greeted immediately. In telecommunications one typically waited for the person who was contacted to give a greeting first, but so few denizens of the Chateau harbored any conception of it that Graft always went first to take charge of the conversation. Maybe that identified him as bossy, or as a control freak, but Graft did not care much to disguise those aspects of himself. “My apologies for disturbing you on short notice, but I was hoping to inquire about borrowing some of your books. I also reach out to you prepared to negotiate payment for all the more-than-generous favors you’ve been doing me.”

After her conversation with Chuunitrixx, Kath had become distracted and returned to her library, deciding to take her mind off things by going through its many hallways of books and making sure that none had been misplaced while she’d been gone. It was during this period of reorganization that a familiar voice would return within her head.

“Oh, Graft. No need to apologize. In fact, I was thinking of saying sorry myself. I’ve been so scatterbrained after returning from the village that I had forgotten about bringing to you my book on this world’s flora and fauna,” she replied, before recalling another task she had forgotten. “I seem to have forgotten to bring Lord Rodias the text I had written on this world’s language as well. We’ll have trouble communicating with any outsiders if I don’t release this information to everyone as soon as possible,” Kath said, distracted as always. She hadn’t even paid attention to her fellow floor guardian’s mention of payment.

Graft chuckled. “No need to worry. You overwork yourself so, it’s surprising you remember what you do. And this last day has been full of such interesting developments…” he cleared his throat and triggered a playback of what he said a moment before, taking it easy as his voicebox did the rest. If not for a touch more static, it was indistinguishable from his real voice. “I was hoping to inquire about borrowing some of your books. I also reach out to you prepared to negotiate payment for all the more-than-generous favors you’ve been doing me.”

Kath would nod as thanks for the compliment before recalling that he could only hear and not see her, replying with a quick, “Thank you.” When he repeated to her his request for books and compensation, she would say, “Oh yes, if there are any other books within the Athenaeum of Historia that you would like to borrow, you need only ask and promise to keep them all within good condition. As for payment though, there’s no reason to worry yourself about that. My services are free to all as long as they treat my library and its tomes with respect.

“Splendid, though I meant payment for a service, rather than for books. It is the function of a library to loan out books for free, after all!” Graft chuckled again. “But since we’re on books, I’ll go ahead and make my request.” There came the sound of rustling paper through the Open Line. “First, I am currently training a new protege. She is learning to read, so on the off chance you have any easy material, I would appreciate it. After that, I’m interested in exposing her to religious texts so that she might grow in the Faith skill. For my own purposes, I’m looking for two documents related to Supreme Beings. The first is any chatter regarding abominations known as ‘endgame bosses’, specifically ‘raid bosses’ or ‘world bosses’. If there is any mention of such monsters’ status effects, that’d be even better. I would also highly prize some trade logs. I’m sure that there’s a great volume of those, so two or three is enough.”

He fell silent for a moment before exploding in excitement. “Oh! Forgive me, I just remembered. I’m currently trying to upgrade my scanners, among other things, so I’ll need to collect a great deal of data on various species’ biology. Undoubtedly there’s too much for one trip, so perhaps some sort of circuit would suit you. A steady stream of biology texts from the Athenaeum of Historia to the Factory and back. This is a large request, of course, but would that be acceptable?”

As Graft began to list out the very texts he was in need of, Kath would walk to her reading chair and approach the nightstand she kept next to it, opening one of its drawers to use a piece of paper and quill to write out everything requested. She didn’t want to leave out anything from his order. She would even begin writing the names of books that she might recommend later if he were to ask for more texts similar to these.

Upon request of biology books, Kath would beam. She was so happy to see others within the Chateau Gothika so excited to read so much. “Certainly. Though you might be surprised by just how much my arms can carry within one trip,” she joked. Mostly. Her dragonoid attributes did give her quite a lot of strength after all, even in human form. The hardest part wouldn’t even be trying to balance the books upon each other as she walked them to Graft’s domain. No, it was being able to get the large stack through doorways that would cause the most trouble. “Is there anything else you might need?”

“Ah, Kath.” Graft marvelled. “Truly an indispensible specimen. While it cannot be touched, bagged up, or spent, knowledge is its own sort of wealth, and you are obscenely rich. You need not concern yourself with carrying, however. I anticipated just this sort of response and dispatched a number of Guards some time ago. Perhaps you saw them gathered by your library as you entered. They can do the grunt work.” The line went dead quiet for a moment, as if shut off so that Graft could speak to someone else without Kath hearing. It came on a moment later, though. “As for anything else, unless you’re crazy enough to take a physical, I don’t think so. After all, you already provided me with such fascinating insight into what our moody friend Chunnitrixx is up to, with those mimics of hers. It appears I am not the only one cultivating new life…” He trailed off with a snicker before continuing. “That service, and of course the spirit of goodwill, are what I seek to repay you for. It is my turn to ask: is there anything I can do for you? Any items you need made? I have an inimitable collection, and I do take custom orders. Oh, I have just the thing! Emel Shells, which can inject a sedative. Why, they’re just the ticket if, say, transgressions upon your sacred domain have made your gorge rise.”

“Oh lovely. Yes, I’m sure they will be a huge help for transportation,” Kath said, peering from her position in the library over to the front door to see Graft’s Guards standing by. Upon him mentioning providing a service to repay her for all her efforts though, the polite librarian would turn him down again. “No, I can’t say I’ll need such a thing. Traps and servants are not necessary here in the Athenaeum and any… hmm… troublesome visitors I might have I should be able to handle on my own. I appreciate the offer, but I promise it isn’t necessary.”

Graft started talking again quite quickly. “Well, if you insist! With the Guards is a Team Lead who will help keep things organized and running smoothly. I shall look forward to cracking open these tomes of yours. Thank you kindly.”

“And thank you,” Kath would say before Graft cut the line. Now with a new task in front of her, she would begin collecting all of the books and texts that he had requested, bringing to the Guards several stacks within minutes. She focused on the first few things Graft had asked for, before moving on to the Biology books, not wanting to forget any from the smaller order before moving onto the bulk one.

Despite just how many texts had been requested, Kath would clear out her library of anything related to Graft’s order within the next half hour. It was mostly thanks to just how well organized she had her library as well as her encyclopedic knowledge of what was housed within its shelves. With several stacks piled high near the door, she waved to the Guards as they struggled to keep up with how many texts she handed off to them. “Make sure to not drop any,” she said with a smile.

The enormous, heavily armored Team Lead, burdened with many tomes in both his arms and tentacles, nodded his helmet. “Count. On. Us.” He turned and lumbered away, and the Guards followed as best they could.

In the Factory, Graft stood to his feet. He’d been tempted to keep the Open Line on again, but this time he decided to dissolve it. Too much to do to spend time snooping. He thought about Kath for a few moments as he leaned over his desk. Utterly dedicated to her job, without any hint of hesitation or restraint, and willing to do it wholeheartedly without recompense, but uninterested in what he had to offer. Unlike with Chunnitrixx. The pair’s interaction was the only anomaly, the only evidence of Kath going beyond her duty. Mentioning the surveillance she unwittingly carried out for him had been a gamble, but either she was less clever than he would have thought, or a lot more . Altogether, the results of this test were conclusive: Kath could be wholly relied upon for the sake of his R&D. “And that,” declared Graft, causing Papillary to look at him in bemusement, “I can take to the bank.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Shortly after they were created, Mamoru’s clones would disguise themselves in a variety of ways, from merely changing their outfits to changing their hairstyle, eye color, even skin tone, some even drank rare gender bending potion. Mamoru’s task for them was simple: go out into the world and learn all they can, and infiltrate the highest of governments and authorities to solidify the Chateau’s control behind the scenes. They’ll have to improvise a bit for their backgrounds, but ultimately their skills alone ought to help them provide what they need to prove their worth. Anything worthwhile can be reported directly via Bone Phone to Bone Daddy, who’s computer-like super intelligence will allow him Yo perfectly remember and store the information for later. If for some reason any clone is about to be compromised or in danger or something g worse than death, they can always dismiss themselves and their memories will be absorbed into Mamoru.

The maid sent her clones out via tunnels, trebuchet, and simply escorting skeletal servants out from the chateau. They scattered to the four winds with big hopes of adventure and bringing glory to the Chateau. All the while the real Mamoru just felt exhausted. All this hard work made Mamoru really want to take a nap. She didn’t have anything to do off the top of her head, and Mamoru is fairly certain that some of the others have returned from their missions, so Mamoru would go visit some of he other chapter lords.

Mamoru chose to go pester the maidens at the chateau’s shrine. While the fox girls there weren’t nearly as fluffy as Ashara, they would have to entertain Mamoru for now until their head priestess returned. But fortunately for Mamoru, their head priestess had indeed returned, and Mamoru was quick to utilize every skill she had to quickly and immediately envelope herself in Ashara’s tails. “Haaaaaaiii.”

What a strange thing here. A grass flute growing from such a profane location. Butterfly knelt down and examined the grass, examining his options. He was given command to investigate this area which he shall. And yet... There was still yet more here to explore. Then he had an idea. Butterfly turned to the skeletal servant nearby and granted him a level of intelligence similar time his own. Though his new found sentience would only last for a few hours alone, it should be more than enough for the skeleton to study this place while Butterfly investigates the surrounding area.

He took a few reeds of the musical grass with him, shaping them into a reed flute. He wandered these dark woods alone seeking out anyone else who might be exploring the forest at night. While the others before him were looking for their goblins and danger, Butterfly wanted to know what sort of beauty could be found in this new, unknown land. He wanted to see just what sort of creatures lived here, what sort of magic inhabits this place, so foreign to his own. There were a lot of things he wanted to do now, and so Butterfly spread his wings to search.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 1 day ago

@IceHeart@Rockin Strings

Light shrugged at Gromgard's complaining of her aura. "Sorry buddy, I can't really bring it much lower than this. Graft is helping me figure that out." Light said, gesturing where she figured Graft's floor was, although she wasn't actually sure what direction it was. She watched as when Gromgard took his turn how he turned up the brutality, smacking off a limb before healing it right back. Light flinched a bit at seeing this, but more out of the impact of Gromgard's fist than the act itself. At his offhanded comment of a hypnotist, Light got an idea.

"Oh boys~~" Light said, gesturing to the cultists. "I'll leave you in the care of my friend here. I'll be right back~~" Light said in a teasing voice as she waved at the group, leaving the room before she ripped open one of her teleport portals that lead to near the kitchen.

"Hey Flan, are you here? I need some of your name sake for the cultists. I've got a hilarious idea!" Light said, popping her head into the kitchen and looking around. Light didn't really invade the kitchen much even though she loved to eat, Flan kind of creeped Light out. Not because she was creepy looking or anything, but more because she was a slime, and Light didn't do too well against slimes. Light would still gladly hug her, but not as openly as the others since getting stuck inside a slime wasn't a good way to spend an afternoon.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Thankfully, despite having her kitchen invaded and nearly ruined, the industrious little slime had everything back under control without any problems. Everything was back how she liked it, except for an influx of ingredients. In order to help remedy the situation she had decided to enlist the help of the harvest slime squad.

Like pretty much every slime currently in the Chateau they had been a creation of her rather strange creator SlipperySavior. The harvest slime squad had two very important tasks: The first was the obvious one, they were ingredient gatherers that could literally fill themselves to the brim with any random thing they found useful or delicious. The second was a very particular task that was only useful to Flan, they could be her food testers.

The harvest slimes had the ability to taste anything they touched as their whole body was literally a sensory organ capable of digestion. So whenever a harvest slime came back from a gathering mission, they meld a part of their body with Flan and transmit the exact sensations they experienced with everything they had tasted that day. From the data alone Flan could tell exactly what would taste good, what was actually edible for non-slime consumption, and what benefits said product might have. It would be extremely valuable information since they were stuck in this new world. Until they discovered locations to routinely harvest from, the harvest slimes task at the moment was to taste test every single thing on the mountain top they called home, and any discovers of potential seasonings was to be the number one priority.

@Archmage MC
At the moment that Light burst into the kitchen, harvest slime Tapioca, a white slime, had just started the temporary melding process with Flan to share its findings. Essentially it looked like Flan was sucking up Tapioca into one of her hair tendrils, dyeing most of it white, though stopped before it reached her head to make sure the melding process didn't become more permanent, and to prevent Flan from accidentally eating the white slime. Slimes really did have very unique biology and the sight could be downright terrifying for some.

Flan smiled at Light as she shouted out her request. "Oh? You need some of my specialty for the prisoners? I would be tempted to tell you that it would be a waste of good food and yet I find myself curious as to what has you so excited for using my flan? Should only be a second more and I'll be done with Tapioca here." Flan didn't want to risk trying to make anything during one of her melding sessions as it required quite precise control to do effectively and safely for the slimes involved. Her entire body went completely frigid for a second, signaling the process was done, and Tapioca carefully extracted itself from Flan's tendril and slipped merrily away.

From the information she acquired, there were a few things of note. First, the goat creatures that seemed to inhabit the mountain were quite a tough meat, so she would have to cook accordingly to tenderize them. Second, there were a few flowers and herbs that could be usable. Most notably there was a plant kind of similar to a dandelion that could be used as a garnish and salad, a flower that had somewhat sweet nectar that could be extracted as perhaps a sort of syrup, and a sort of green fruit that was poisonous but would be possible to boil out the impurities and create a pleasant juice. It wasn't exactly a great variety of usable materials so far but it was a start and a few of the harvest slimes were be directed to their procurement at once.

"Well how much will you need Light? The less the better at the moment until we find some could ingredient sources, but for the good of the Chateau I can make some for you." Flan quickly fired up the stove top and her various tendrils quickly gathered up the ingredients, water, sugar, eggs, milk, and vanilla. Due to her high resistances Flan was probably one of the least effected by Light's insanity aura, even direct contact wouldn't really do too much to her unless Light really was trying to make her mad. Also being a slime, made it very easy for her to slip out of any tricky situations.

It would only take a few minutes for Flan to make the requested flan for...interrogation as strange as that seemed. A request was a request though Flan was making sure to use lower quality ingredients since she wasn't sure how much of the flan would actually be used in the correct manner of consumption. It would still be tasty of course but with very little stat boosts, if any.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Upon approaching the Factory, Kath would take a moment to peer inside before crossing its threshold. She knew that Graft’s domain was made up of living matter, but finally seeing it for herself for the first time with her own eyes, she realized just how disgusting it looked to her. Approaching the first of the Homunculus’ Guards she saw, Kath would request to be escorted to its master upon the shortest possible path. As it walked inside, she realized a problem. She’d need to follow it.

Like a child slowly putting its foot into a bathtub of water to test its temperature, she would step forward and discover that despite how flesh-like the Factory appeared, it wasn’t as squishy as she would have thought. Still, it made her feel uncomfortable to walk on. Eww. I better find Graft quickly.

As Kath approached the Guards, something in the walls nearby shifted. Organ bulged out from a circular fixture, like membranous eyes. They wobbled and dangle in Kath’s direction, or more specifically, that of her load, and a moment later its keening echoed through the musty facility. Instantly the Guards went on alert, forming a rough wall across the hallway. None of them raised a weapon at Kath, who was not only ingrained in their makeup as an ally but also far, far stronger than them, but they still barred her way. After a few moments a much less freakish noise came from one of them.

Doot doot doot doo, doo-doot doot doot!

“Welcome to the Factory.” Graft’s voice said, monotone. The line itself sounded rehearsed. “Please state your business.”

“Um, I have a delivery. Chuunitrixx asked for me to personally deliver this to you. Something about a white flag or something. I really didn’t understand. In any case, she asked me to and I agreed to do so,” Kath would explain to the strange organ.

A couple seconds passed before Graft’s voice came from the same Guard again, now sounding much more like his normal self. “Ah, Kath. A pleasant surprise. But I didn’t order anything...and from Chunnitrixx, you say? How cryptic.” A static-laden humming noise filtered through the line. “A white flag...used to denote surrender. But we’re not at war. And never should we be. To think that there could be such infighting between the Chateau’s servants. Goodness me, we’ve scarcely ever interacted. If being irksome and making pointless threats constitutes a declaration of war, I imagine I’m the least of her concerns…” Another pause before he started speaking resolutely, as if having made up his mind.

“I admit I’m the sort to grab up whatever I can, especially if it’s free, but I’m not stupid. Far from it. The only possible impetus she might have to reach out to me would be because of my...indiscretion, which was ultimately accidental, you know. I don’t know how she’d have detected it, being a gunslinger and all, but I do know she’s temperamental, defensive, and going beyond her assigned duties. Even if this isn’t a trap of some sort, it could carry expectations of something in return. And sending it through a proxy, when you have much better things to be doing…?” A smacking noise resounded from the Guard. Wherever Graft was, he’d slammed his hands on a table for emphasis. “Highly suspect! Besides, if that chest’s from her city, it’s definitely a mimic, and I don’t want vermin running around my Factory. I’ve got health and safety codes to follow, for crying out loud.”

He seemed to relax again. “Just set it down right there,” he said, his tone dismissive. “I’ll have some Guards return it. If Chunnitrixx wants to deal with me, she can do so directly, and in a forthright and sensible manner, and we can work out the exact terms of any exchanges. I am sorry that your time was ill-used, Kath.”

“I’m not sure if this will change your mind,” Kath would speak up. “But I’ve already looked inside it. It’s some sort of weird slime filled with chi-” Realization would dawn on the dragonoid as she was describing the contents. Setting down the chest, she would apologize to the Guards before opening it before them, checking one last time in the hopes that she was wrong.

Picking up the chip- No, the eggshell one last time, she looked at the broken sword that was marked on it before speaking up. “Oh, poor Ares,” Kath said, feeling tears welling up in her eyes. “It’s the eggs, Graft. She smashed the eggs. That’s what’s inside this chest and probably the one she gave to Rodias as well.”


“She realized you had used Open Line to eavesdrop on our conversation. So she smashed her eggs and placed them in the chest. If she couldn’t keep her secret, then it wouldn’t exist anymore,” Kath further explained, wiping her tears away on her sleeve.

“That doesn’t make one lick of sense,” Graft said, sounding both confused and irritated. “Someone found out about something precious -accidentally- so she destroyed it. A baffling leap in logic. A baffling waste of assets! And were they not hers? What kind of parent would brutalize her own…” A guttural choking sound, heavily distorted, came through to Kath. It was a few seconds before Graft continued, his tone deadpan. “Despicable. The mental health issues of someone cracked enough to kill her own spawn do not concern me. If you harbor sentiments for that slurry, by all means, you take it. As for Chunnitrixx, my statement stands.”

Kath looked down at the chest, considering what best to do with it. It was mush now. Destroyed utterly. What could she do? She still didn’t have an answer as she leaned down to pick it up, leaving Graft to his own devices.

If anyone cared to track the dragonoid down, they would find her outside the Chateau, setting fire to the chest and its contents, giving the unborn spawn of Chuunitrixx what she hoped was a proper enough burial.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

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Salem Vicarious, Lord of Lost Things

@The Irish Tree @Xaltwind

A look of annoyance passed over Salem's face as Isolde insulted the doll's stature, but the feeling passed, and Salem shrugged, "Being small is my charm point." Salem found it interesting that neither the absence of Isolde's creator, nor the questioning of her loyalty to Rodias perturbed her, yet threats to her supposed chastity did. Such strange priorities to harbor, though Salem figured that was probably the fault of Isolde's creator, who likely had 'a thing' for 'pure maidens'; Lords knew how often Dr.Drd had been accused of being a 'shotacon' because of Salem.

But the tense moment passed, and Isolde brought up a fair point. The reason Dr.Drd had taken an interest in the Chamber of Imaginary Numbers was because the function of the Chamber was revolutionary, and quite frankly, indispensable. How Chateau Gothika had managed to function without such a convenience for so long was a testament to the tenacity of the Sable Lords. Thinking helpfully for once in the doll's miserable life, Salem knew the function of COIN would greatly benefit not only those outside who were exploring and bringing in newfound materials, but the upkeep and production centers as well, like Kaldorna's pens, Flan's kitchen, and Graft's factory. "But who could repair this place and get it working again?" Salem lamented. Though Dr.Drd was one of Bandersnatch's most celebrated creators who had a hand in the most intricate parts of the Chateau, he had not passed on any knowledge of creation to Salem; unlike Graft who had the Factory at his disposal, Flan who could cook, and Chuunitrix who could spawn. Creation was a gift from the gods, and it had been denied to Salem. Salem turned their attention to Rodias, who was one of the Sable Lords, yet had no creation to his name, which led Salem to wonder why it was that some of the Sable Lords created, and why some of them did not. "Could you fix the Chamber? You did manage to unlock it...without my help..." Salem asked, then teased Rodias with the hint that the doll could have offered assistance earlier.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

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@IceHeart@Rockin Strings

Light watched as Flan did her sensory/memory melding thing with one of her slimes. While Light didn't like acid or acid based attacks in the slightest, Slimes were still fascinating to watch, all goopey and jiggley and basically one big smart amoeba. "Not that much Flan. Just going to use it to hypnotize the cultists with its jiggliness. So make it extra jiggly!" Light said with a grin, watching Flan whip up her namesake in almost no time at all. While something gelatinous was probably way more jiggly, often those foods weren't sweet enough to produce the effect Light wanted. Light took the two servings of Flan she requested, placing them into her pocket space for safe keeping.

"So... Graft wants gold, while I'm out and about, I'll look for stuff for you. Anything particular your looking for?" Light said to Flan, kind of noticing just how little everyone had. Yeah, the floors were massive, but everyone kept saying something about "we don't have this, or we need that.", and frankly the stuff in the vault should be the last thing the chateau should access. Light waited patiently for Flan to talk, and with her request in mind, Light nodded off back to the chambers with the cultists, giving Flan a wave. While Light loved hugging people, hugging a slime, while it looked fun, was way harder and more of a hassle than it should be. Maybe later, when Light wasn't on a timer.


Popping back into the chamber where Gromgard was still at it, Light pulled out the Flan she had requested. Emitting her aura a bit more than before, she moved the flan around in a circle and made sure it jiggled, giving Gromgard a sly wink. "Tell us everything and you can have some of this wondrous food. It'll set your heart at ease..." Light said, hoping her aura would make the cultists much more susceptible to the wiggling, jiggling, sweet dessert in front of them.

Now, the only problem would be if they didn't find the jiggling dessert fascinating. But who in their right mind would hate something so adorable?
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Hunt for Answers

Kaldora trotted along beside the beast they had captured, content to let Zouyu’s energetic stream of consciousness wash over her until all at once is slowed to a halt. At first she thought the young man had been struck by melancholy upon his own mention of his master Yaoishi and was about to offer him words of reassurance when her nose picked up the scent of blood. She glanced in the direction of the smell just in time to see Zouyu sliding limply off of the side of his massive furry mount.

“Oh dear. That isn't good” Kaldora said, the shock of his sudden collapse muting here response so much that it took a moment for the rest of the hunt to catch onto what had happened. It was only when Zouyu came close to being trampled by an oblivious hunter's mount a few heartbeats later that Kaldora shook off her surprise with a cry of “Zouyu!” and she leapt off her horse to rushed to the were-tiger’s side.

Around her spooked horses and equally spooked vampires ground the expedition to a halt as half of its members turned inward to try and figure out what was going on while the other half drew weapons or looked warily outwards for unseen threats. Arthanar pushed himself through this mess on horseback to the center of the incident, where he found Kaldora kneeling down beside the limp form of Zouyu holding two fingers to his neck.

“Still alive” she was saying with a sigh of relief before looking up at the shocked Arthanar. The two locked their worried gazes and then both of them began shouting orders at their compatriots.

With only a little additional prompting Arthanar got the troops forming first into a defensive perimeter and then, once it was clear that nothing was going to attack them, sent some out hunting for possible snipers or assassins. Meanwhile Kaldora moved the fallen druid beneath the shade of a tree, where she was joined by two vampires, male and female who had secondary levels in dark priest and herbalist respectively. They where the best Kaldora had on hand when it came to healers for non beasts, but even then they weren't great. The dark priest focused mainly on healing undead like themselves, while the herbalist was there to cure status ailments inflicted by beasts and both were utterly stumped by Zouyu‘s condition.

The initial examination revealed he had no physical wounds which when combination with the scouts' failure to find any trace of anyone or anything hostile in the surrounding area ruled out the source of his collapse being an attack. The beast itself was inspected as a possible culprit, but suspicions that its fur might be poisonous were also quickly discovered to be unfounded.

“It is quite the conundrum” the Harbalist, who wore a witches hat on top of the sun shielding cloak and veils that all the vampires were draped in, stated. She sat beside Zouyu, who had been laid beneath a tree and atop a picnic blanket with his head rested upon Kaldora’s lap. The two vampiresses where examining a hovering low quality stats screen that the herbalist had summoned that was normally used to track allies' statuses in combat, but was currently being used as part of the medical examination.

“I’ve never seen this ailment before,” the herbalist explained to the beast mistress as she pointed to a small icon shaped like a grey star with a stylized downwards pointing dagger overlaid slightly off center on it. It was listed alongside a few others including one they recognized as unconsciousness and several others that they did not but had found present on everyone else they had examined by the spell as part of the investigation.

“Whatever it was it's done a number on the poor dear” Kaldora replied as she gently stroked Zouyu’s hair, her tone conversational with only a touch of worry remaining. After the Dark priest had done what he could to restore his physical condition and they were fairly sure Zouyu had been stabilized, his sizable healthpool was gradually ticking up from the low it had dipped too, but he still hadn't woken up.

“Whatever it was, its completely drained his mana pool” the herbalist noted as she pointed towards a bar that should have been brimming with blue, but was instead entirely empty.

“You missed his performance, but Zouyu certainly must have used quite a bit of mana when he trapped the beast over there. But I don't think it would have been enough to drain him entirely.”

“Well his MP is rather low for someone with MAG. ATK as their main attack stat.” the harbalist commented conversationally. As the pair tried to suss out what was wrong the rest of the party had set up a temporary camp around them. Arthanar had posted guards and sent out messengers to the foraging party who would now be coming to them instead of the other way around.

While the herbalist was in the midst of theorizing about the atmosphere of this new world being slightly poisonous to the living from their home realm Zouyu‘s mp suddenly started ticking up.

“Ah that’s good yes? Something must have changed to make that happen!” Kaldra said excitedly before the pair scrutinized the stats screen, which showed no change in status other than the very gradual filling mana bar.

“That makes no sense!” The herbalist exclaimed in frustration “Nothing Changed! If the statuses are all the same then it should have been ticking up all this time! SO why wasn't it?”

Kaldoa stared at the hovering screen for a few long moments before suggesting that “Perhaps it was then and the monitoring screen is broken? It was ticking up but we couldn't see it for some reason?”

“Want? No that’s not how magic works… or at least not how it did. hmm” the herbalist replied first with indignation and then with thoughtfulness before turning to Kaldora and, after getting her permission, casting the same stat viewing spell on her once again.

“Oh well now that is most certainly less than it used to be. I assure you that I could cast twice as many spells more spells than that bar seems to indicate.” Kaldora said after she cast a spell and noted how it dropped the bar by twice as much as it would have before they arrived in the new world. “It’s a shame this screen doesn't give exact details or we could compare numbers rather than just looking at valueless bars and icons" she noted.

“We'd need a dedicated healer class to get that I’m afraid” the herbalist apologized before she launched into a bout of theorizing,“So. Your guess was probably right. There’s now... Negative mana? Unsafe mana? We used to be able to use the whole bar without adverse effects and so maybe the bar still shows that? And the rest of it is negative and has adverse effects when used up?”

She paused there for a moment before deciding that “there's only one way to find out I guess?” before she stood up, cast [view status] on herself and began throwing around low level druid spells.

“Do be careful,'' Kaldora said as thorn bushes and medicinal plants sprouted around the herbalist “It won't do to have two people knocked out if overuse of mana if that is the issue."

The heabalist nodded as she used up the last of her mana bar. When she did both of them glanced over at the screen and to the herbalist delight the grey star had appeared on her screen, only it was tagged with a small red chevron instead of the dagger Zouyu had been displaying. Then she cast a few more times and watched as a second chevron appeared below the first, and then a third joined it after a couple more spells.

“That's quite enough darling, any more and you run the risk of ending up like poor Zouyu here."

After a moment's hesitation the herbalist agreed and rejoined Kladora on the picnic blanket. By the time Zouyu stirred back to consciousness a few minutes later the rest of the hunt had arrived with their captured herd of Gorgonbulls and the herbalist was oscillating wildly between complaining about the headache she’d given herself and telling anyone and everyone about their new discovery.

“Welcome back." Kladora greeted the were-tiger as he awoke in her lap “You over exerted yourself just a little it seems and knocked yourself out in the process. I’m so glad your awake. How do you feel?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Collaboration with @Enkryption and @Lugubrious
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