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<Snipped quote by Archmage MC>
I think we're past the whole "let's pretend to be nice"-phase at this point...

Anyone want me to add a bit about Isolde and her amazing experience of being a blind statue? :D

Yeah, just dunno if gouging out a gorgon's eyes right away as the first move would be too strong or not xD.
Oh boy, should Light go slasher flick or no... Poor gorgon isn't going to like it if she does... xD
Light was reassured by Rodius that she could actually be serious here and fight like the boss was an intruder in the vault area, something she wasn't too happy about as she really didn't like 'showing' her more, slasher type fighting style. However, as she was getting ready to stab Rodius with one of her claws, an alarm sounded with one of the ESPERs coming to talk to Rodius, explaining why the alarm went off. Light knew it wasn't anything in the vault area, as none of her alarm spells went off, and she soon heard the reason for the alarm, an intruder! Rodius apologized to Light and said he was going to put the fight on hold, giving a message to have everyone gather in case Rodius couldn't talk this person down.

Light decided to shadow Rodius, her void origins making her unsensable or unscyable so unless Rodius saw her or she made sound, she was effectively invisible and it'd be the same for the intruder. She'd watch Rodius as he interacted with this intruder, just in case he needed backup or a way to escape, but would otherwise stay out of sight.
@Xaltwind I can tell ya now sure. XD

Its Acid, un-enchanted Iron and un-enchanted Silver. Basically 'stuff of industry made by man' Plus her normal 'pacifist' tendencies. Its why shes very cautious around Graft and Flan, but more around Flan as she can read Graft's personality better, even if Graft has way more of that 'industry' stuff. Plus you know, its hard to punch a slime.

I was expecting the iron thing to come up wayyy sooner, so yeah xD.
They were outright immune to spells up to tier 6. Our characters are all - at most - capable of casting tier 6 spells. The Medusa on the other hand, may be capable of higher tier magic. Ergo, Magic Resistance won't do much most likely.

I was thinking it'd give her, in DnD terms, a +2 or there abouts to her magic saving throws, or advantage on her saving throws. Nothing like immunity, she has specific cases of immunity listed, and petrification doesn't fall under any of those. (Although I'm sure she can, EVENTUALLY, regenerate petrification, but it'd take weeks.)
Well, we also have that artifact thing. Dunno what it does, but yeah.

Light can help be a distraction, she has magic resistance xD.
@Xaltwind How old are you? Corona causes lung scarring, which is why its 'deadly', but if your not immune compromised or elderly you should be fine. I don't know any proper treatments for the disease itself though, might need to ask a doctor about that. but yeah.

BTW, I like how you guys are discussing Chuunitrixx and Light knows very little about all of whats going on with her. Shes kind of in her own little world right now, which is kind of funny and sad at the same time.
I don't think Chuunitrixx has said anything mean about Light, or at least, not in her face. But yeah, she looks like the heel of the group, always gotta have one!

Also, can't Graft like, turn people into goop with his tech? Nanotech is scary scary stuff.
Blazermate and Queen Sectonia

Level 6 - (13/60) +2
Level 2 - (1/20) +2 - Learned Graceful Lightning
Location: Lumbridge Guild Hall
Word Count: 794

Bowser and his group, having been healed by Blazermate and assisted by Kamek, well, a white version of himself anyway, had to stand and bear Bowser almost yelling at the guild master for their reward from the last mission they had been on. "Must he be so noisy?" Sectonia said, examining her new magic item in one hand, while using her other to block the ear that was taking the brunt of Bowsers demands. "I got used to it. He is a big boy after all~." Blazemate said as the Courier came out of the hole looking for Blazermate's aid. The guy didn't look too hot, but he survived. Sectonia could only look at the man in... well disgust wasn't the right word. The guy was ugly for sure, but he also looked to be really beaten up. So as she was unsure of what to make of him, she waited as Blazermate healed the man up.

"C'mon Courier, you gotta stop getting so beat up. What would you do if I wasn't here?" Blazermate said as 6's wounds closed up thanks to the powerful healing beam. "By the way, like the new parts? Demon arm and some kind of weird head part that also gave me a new backpack. At least this time I kept my cuteness~." Blazermate said, showing what she had aquired from the Dead Zone. Speaking of Dead Zone, Blazermate then introduced Sectonia to the Courier, the Queen Bee still thinking Courier wasn't much of a looker, but he was at least passable now. "I can see what the loud king was saying. Your kind is very common outside of Popstar apparently." Sectonia said, only looking at the Courier with one of her big eyes before going back to examining the item Kamek had given her.

"We met Sectonia in the Dead Zone before we got here, like, RIGHT before we got here. I think shes pretty, but I don't think she has the 'team spirit' yet." Blazermate said, explaining Sectonia's presence here. She then moved close to 6, whispering. "Also she says shes a Queen. And well, Bowser's a king... Think that might mean anything?" Blazermate said, giving a playful giggle.

Blazermate backed up again to give 6 some space, continuing with. "Oh, I didn't tell you what my new parts did! They're cool. This demon arm..." Sectonia said, waving the arm, the shield blinking absently with its maw shut. "Lets me control the undead, make them stronger, and uh, make new undead! Plus its really loud and a decent enough shield." She then gestured to the parts she gained from the Robo medic. "This lets me use my Medaforce to make people INVINCIBLE! Its super super cool! Although, we ran into this guy who could freeze time in the Dead Zone who kind of put a sour spot on that after I made someone invincible to kill a bunch of big zombies." Blazermate said, a bit bitter about what had happened with the camera killer guy.

While Blazermate was giving her demonstration, Tora came into the guild hall, Din following him and looking really beat up. Blazermate, doing what she did, healed up the dancer when she came into range. "Hi Tora, Poppi, Din. Like my new parts? Also we got a new friend!" Blazermate said, explaining and telling the trio the same thing she did the Courier, Sectonia glad she had some servant to say all the introduction she needed here already. Although from the robot girl's demeanor she just seemed to help whatever wayward soul came her way. An odd creature, but useful no doubt. Sectonia, having thoroughly examined the item Kamek had given her, took out the other magical item she had claimed from the Dead Zone and sighed at how the thing looked strong, but would clash horribly with her royal outfit. "I don't suppose any of you have something to make this look more... appealing would you?" She said, holding the N'kuhana's Opinion in one of her hands, speaking to the people standing around Blazermate for her healing.

More and more of the people Blazermate knew, and some she didn't, came up and out of the hole. Most didn't beeline their way to Blazermate, although the new arrivals probably didn't know she was a medic. No one so far looked all that injured, and seeing as she didn't know most of the people here, she'd rather stay with her friends, only moving to heal someone who was really hurt. "Uh... I think someone does? Although Tora is more a mechanic. Maybe that'll help?" Blazermate said. She then asked. "So, did you guys make any new friends here like we did?"
Welp, that'll interrupt the sparring between Rodius and Light before it even started. xD

Now we just gotta wait for someone in the Chateu to be in Legion endgame epics at 110 while this person is 120 BFA greens and yeah xD.
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