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Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia - (17/50) +2

The Desert
Word Count: 765

Taking her suggestion to heart, the rest of the group started to think of plans on how to get up there. Sectonia had one, but waited for others to say theres to see if any of them had anything better; they didn't. Although the weird shadow creature girl had an interesting suggestion about using the shadow of someone to approach the beast. "It seems a Queen must take charge here hm??" Sectonia said, bringing an end to everyone's meandering. Looking at the 'control spire' that the lightning came from, Sectonia waved her hands and attempted to conjure portals near the lightning spire to disable it or destroy it. But the creature was much larger than she anticipated and far out of range of her portal summoning, so she just looked like she was waving her hands for nothing. "Hm... Plan B then." Sectonia said. She tested something before enacting this plan and did a quick blink, watching her shadow as that was what the strange twili girl needed, and noticed that she didn't cast one as she teleported.

"Your shadow plan seems to be folly. If a single lightning strike brought you out of the shadow you were hiding in, how could you manage to hide in the shadow of others while they dodged lightning strikes?" Sectonia said, pointing a huge flaw in Midna's plan. Out of everyone here, Sectonia was the best of the bunch from what she knew to handle the lightning strikes and disable this mechanism so the others could approach. Then a thought occurred to her, what would be inside this thing? This irritated her a bit, as she now had to plan to carry another person with her. She only needed 1 hand to manipulate lighting using her staff, so this wasn't a useless plan, but she couldn't blink while carrying others with her. She sighed before saying. "Alright. Midna, if you want to ride in my shadow, you may. But if you can't keep up, I wont be able to save you." Sectonia said, addressing the imp before turning to the others. "As for you all. I can take one more up there with me. Who would like to volunteer?" As she said this, she summoned her staff that she channeled her lightning magic through. With the plan all set, Sectonia got to work.

Grabbing the first volunteer with her free hand, she got to work. Keeping herself out of the range of the camel, Sectonia flew around it until it was walking towards her, instead of her chasing it. With this, she began her flight, flying towards the Divine Beast. Her flying speed was pretty great, and it wouldn't take too much for her to force her way into the beast herself. Still, it would get a chance at hitting her with a lightning strike which the queen prepared for. As the air swelled with electricity, crackling and squeaking as the marker appeared over Sectonia and the charge built, she readied herself. When the charge was almost fully charged and about to strike, Sectonia began channeling her Lightning magic above her head, giving the lightning strike an alternate current to travel through that would divert it far away from herself, her shadow, and the ones below. This had the desired effect, as the lightning bolt came in, it rode her dark lightning, diverting the blast into the desert where it struck the ground harmlessly.

"Hmph, still no match for my magic." Sectonia boasted as she continued her flight towards the beast, the charging sequence seeming to take some time before it could beginn again. However, thanks to Setonia's planning and flying ability, before the charge could complete Sectonia was already at her destination. While she would've liked to fly directly into the lightning tower control rooms, those windows weren't big enough for her so she instead had to aim for the lower windows on the camel's sides that were quite large.

Inside the camel was a lot more spacious than Sectonia was expecting. It was more of a giant cylinder than anything inside here, with various platforms around and what looked like to be energy pipes along some of the walls. Descending to the nearest landing point, she set down her passengers. "Now we need to disable those lightning bolts. Not sure if whoever is shooting them will fall for the same trick twice." the Queen said. Hopefully the others could come up with a plan, or their team could disable the lightning tower so the others could board this machine.



Level 8 Blazermate - (9/80) +1

Dead Zone
Words: Less than 750

Blazermate wasn't the best driver at all, and it was clearly shown to her commrades as before the vehicle started to gain speed by going downhill, Jak ran next to the vehicle and demanded that he take the wheel from Blazermate, which she agreed with as she moved out of the way before Jak almost shoved her off the control. Her hands and attention freed thanks to Jak and his far, far superior driving, Blazermate exited the vehicle and flew above it, watching Bowser leap the gap with his cat form as she flew above it herself. Jak, being a much, MUCH better driver than Blazermate, managed to make the jump thanks to the greater speed offered by both his expertise and the hill the shockdozer was traveling down.

"What is THAT?" Blazermate said, hovering down to land on Bowser as she pointed at the floating Flood monster that was raining explosives from the sky. From Blazermate's position there wasn't much she could do, but the flood was more interested in the Shodckdozer, which thanks to Jak, was being handled much better and could dodge most of its explosive mines. "C'mon big guy, we gotta keep up!" She said, urging Bowser forward as she called on Zombies to clear the way for the shockdozer by running into those explosive sacs far ahead of the shockdozer.
@Lugubrious Alrighty, fixed that backstory thing.
OK, here is my character. I'm still working on her.

I'd make a Blight slime. Sounds fun. That one fits perfectly for an always hungry slime that loves to give people hugs.

Level 8 Blazermate - (7/80) +1

Dead Zone
Words: less than 750

Blazermate wasn't really made for driving cars. Heck, she could barely keep her head over the steering wheel and push the pedals due to her height and the oversize-ness of the car! This combined with her lack of knowledge of actually driving made her driving erratic. She knew to stay away from anything that was solid, and her erratic driving did have one benefit of leaving a much bigger path of destruction for her team to follow even if the smell would be horrendous. She would also more or less blast the tesla cannon on top whenever it was charged to also clear the way, as they made their escape from all the flood and made their way to the last root, the 2nd root seemingly have already been destroyed by... something... Which was nice, but still, very odd.

As she was sort of leading the way with her comendeered vehicle, some of the more intelligent denezins of the dead zone were trying to come at her to stop her rampage. Thankfully as they were out of the 'Flood" area though, she could use her Suffering arm to call some zombies to attack the ones trying to attack her and her party as she drove. Although she wasn't sure exactly how many zombies were in the area, the flood had been doing a good job of eliminating most of them and making it so she couldn't control any of them and it appeared there were more demons around since their last visit. Sort of made her cool upgrade seem... less cool. Also, why was she driving this car she was so ill equipped to drive? She hoped one of her other teammates would take the wheel from her so she could set a sentry up top.
Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia - (15/50) +2

The Desert
Word Count: 772


Queen Sectonia

"I don't know what an ether furnace is, but it sounds like you absorb and burn the ambient mana in the air. And it sounds like you burn mana faster than you can gather it." Sectonia said, eyeing Poppi and her explanation as the car reached a stop. Much like the mechanical lady, Sectonia watched as the others filed out of the car. Seeing this, Sectonia descended, still towering over most of them but being at 'landing' height all the same. "I'm surprised we're taking a break so soon. Did something happen?" Sectonia said, looking over everyone who had left the car.

Poppi soon spoke up, mentioning that the group made contact with someone in the distance. The woman didn't seem like they were here to hurt the party, only gesturing towards the mountain as to say to continue on ahead. Still, Sectonia wasn't one to trust strangers, heck she barely trusted most of those with her right now, so she kept an eye on this newcomer as she discussed a few things with the party who were outside the van. Especially the big thing in the far off sandstorm.

"Hm... Does that thing look familiar to any of you?" Sectonia said, pointing off in the distance at the Divine Beast roaming around in the sandstorm. "Considering its size, it could potentially be related to what we are hunting." Around this time, Midna appeared out of Premise's shadow, explaining her whole deal about needing parts of a mirror which rung bells for Sectonia, although the bee queen was far, far off base with the mirror she was thinking of. "I had a mirror back in Floralia that was quite large with a gold frame and radiated some incredible magic. Your not looking for that are you?" Sectonia didn't know where Taranza had gotten said mirror, so the description of where the mirror would be held didn't matter much to her at all.

After chatting a bit with a few of the others, Sectonia took this down time to formulate something she had been thinking of since they had left the tower. She was given control of a small army of some strange individuals which would help her take over this World of Light. And much like a ruler would, she had been thinking how to best use these individuals. She didn't know a fair amount of them, but the looks of a few of them gave off an heir of royalty or charisma and while she wasn't familiar with the stranger of those, she could recognize and formulate teams based on those she figured would work for the recruitment missions at least. Still, not knowing everything, she did ask around to hear if any of the others knew anything about some of the "mercenaries" that she would be commanding.

"Before we go, there is something a Queen must do. Delegate. However, I am unaware of the abilities of a few of those I would be delegating. Would any of you know anything about some of these people?" Sectonia asked the group, running off the names of the people she remembered that she had no clue what they did at a glance, or if they'd even be useful. After getting whatever information the others could provide, Sectonia summoned one of the moogles to delegate a few mercenaries to the recruitment missions. She would send Chrom, Corrin, Din, and Shovel Knight to recruit people in lumbridge, seeing as three of them were dressed in the same garb that a few of the 'respected' people in lumbridge wore, and Din who she knew was well known around lumbridge herself. She then delegated Zelda, Dr. Mario, Nintendog (After learning what a dog even was from the others, as those didn't exist in her world.), and Wii fit. Most of those who she delegated looked like royalty in their own right, or should do well where they were placed from her thoughts and learning what some of them were. She did remember the time where she was at Peach's castle for the night that the Toads went on about a "Mario", so that made the most sense there as well. Although it was kind of strange that there was a mission to look for a Mario as well when they had one who was a dcotor. World of Light shenanigans Sectonia mused.

With that all taken care of and the rest of the group piling back into the car, Sectonia took to the skies again to fly over the car and head to their next destination.
Blazermate and Queen Sectonia

Level 8 Blazermate - (3/80) +2
Level 5 Sectonia - (13/50) +2

Various Areas
Word Count: 792



It really sucked that they went from the smash tower to a massive melee, but considering how dangerous this zone was, it made sense. Thankfully all her preperation in the Smash Tower let her enter this zone with a pretty much full tank of Medaforce, which was promptly needed as while Bowser was handling things from the front, Blazermate rode on his back to keep that guarded from the flood and other strange things that were here, keeping her medi beam attached to Bowser as he was the one taking the most damage here. As they fought, Blazermate saw a weird glow thing approach the pair of them, aiming at Bowser. As it got closer, Blazermate noticed that it was something being held by something, her robot eyes able to make out the distortion of the creature's cloak. Not knowing what that was, and having a full Uber anyway, she decided to pop it and hop off the koopa king's back to block whatever that object was with her shield, herself and Bowser now ubered and invincible.

As the creature hit her shield, the suffering's visage sprung to life and bit into the creature's arm, breaking its cloak and revealing what it and its weapon was. Making sure to keep it there, as Blazermate had bitten into the creatures now visible sword arm, she ignored the creatures attempts to knock her off as she was completely invincible to grab his sword out of his hand, breaking its fingers to do so. "Why does a zombie have a sword? Its a cool one though!" She said as she grabbed the sword, causing Bowser's uber to flicker a bit before stabbing the creature with it (with a clearly amateur and untrained strike that she could only do because she was invincible), before going back to tend to Bowser, her new sword in hand. "Hey Bowser! Careful! Some of the zombies here have weapons, and they look nasty! And cool! I got a new energy sword!" she said, trying to command any zombies that'd listen to destroy this flood infestation, defending the Koopa King's back with her shield, healing, and new sword she clearly wasn't trained in using at all.

It was a good thing that Blazermate and Bowser were ubered as at some point during the Uber, a truck crashed into the area, causing damage to basically everything that didn't move out of its way and destroying the teleporter. "This is a warzone! Where are the zombies?" Blazermate said as even the cloaked man decided to help them clear out the flood. This reminded her of a weapon she had gotten earlier, and while she knew what it could do to projectiles, she wondered if it'd work to help clear out the flood as well. Pulling out her short circuit, she noticed that it had recharged all of its blasts, all 3 of them. Seeing as there wasn't many things that used projectiles here, she fired the electrical orbs at groups of flood, the orbs exploding upon hitting the ground. She only had 3, but it'd zap a good amount of them.


Queen Sectonia

As they made their way across the expansive desert, Sectonia was glad that she used her minions to keep herself and by extension everyone else cool as the desert just moved on and on. As the others were in the car below, Sectonia couldn't really make out anything they were saying, however the few that were outside the car with her, namely poppi, decided to make conversation as their journey was quite boring. At first Sectonia was a bit... put off with Poppi referring herself in the third person. Sectonia was going to say something about this, before she was reminded Poppi was a robot, and they tended to be odd creatures in general. "I can fly for a long time, yes." Sectonia said, eyeing Poppi. "When I need my magic to recharge I'll fly myself, when I'm tired, I'll use my magic to fly. Its an elegant system." she said. Of course her magic reserves were vast, so it'd take awhile before she did any hard flying, but without telling Poppi, Sectonia combined both her magic and manual flying to make sure neither side exhausted itself, as this was quite the trip and there was no one that could summon her.

"Although I have a feeling we will rest before we even reach those mountains. Unless the moon doesn't exist here." Sectonia said, pointing out that this might even be a multiple day treck. This got her thinking though, and she asked "Do you even think that thing flying around the sun is the 'boss' of this area?" glancing at the thing while shielding her eyes at the intense bright light.
Blazermate and Queen Sectonia

Level 8 Blazermate - (1/80) +3 - Level up!

Level 5 Sectonia - (11/50) +3

LoA - Smash Tower
Word Count: 1407

After selecting their missions, Blazermate deciding to help finish what she started in the Dead Zone and it being the most dangerous region, while Sectonia was reluctantly forced to head to the desert, not wanting to get wet in the ocean nor go to a place that was said to be filled with horrible, ugly monsters and disease. "I really hate this Galeem. For a creature of light, he has no taste of beauty." Sectonia said at the table pointing at the Dead Zone in particular when she was given the brief about it. "Yeah, but he has a sense of... what would you call it... hatred? I mean, we found you IN the Dead Zone, which is... well, its like finding a diamond in a swamp." Blazermate said, sighing at remembering her time there and all the death. Sectonia was impressed with Blazermates almost nonchalant compliment, and even more annoyed with Galeem. "But I'm the best to go there. Medabots can't get diseased so no chance of me becoming a zombie. Plus, I can control them with this arm which is very, very helpful." Sectonia nodded grimly, both thankful she wasn't going there, and almost feeling sorry for those who were going there.

With their roles set up, both ladies went to explore Smash Tower some more. Blazermate ending up to be the local healer for all the people who were sparring, declining the opportunity to spar as it was 1 on 1, which was something she didn't care for as a support medabot. And thanks to constantly healing everyone who came by, she quickly got popular among the routine fighters as they didn't need to go grab heart containers or maximum tomatoes and could jump back into the action much faster than making their way tot he item armory. At some point when she had some time to herself instead of healing people, she summoned Dell to help clean and maintain herself, even if she was just going to get super yucky form the Dead Zone, it made her feel happy. Although Dell wasn't the most... gentle mechanic she had work on her with his wrench being as big as it was. She wasn't as vain as Sectonia, but still, a shiny medabot was a happy medabot. After her little 'spa' session, she went back to work healing, waiting to be called forward for her mission.

Sectonia meanwhile was in somewhat the same boat as Blazermate. She wasn't interested in fighting if it didn't get her anything, after all, thats what minions are for! But even then, many of the fighters basically ignored her crown or were royalty themselves, but considering they seemed to do this for everyone, even Bowser and Peach it didn't sting too badly. Still, she used this time to relax like she hadn't been able to do since, well, she was back on Floralia. And, mirroring Blazermate although in a more conventional manner, Sectonia found a private room to herself and had a spa day of her own, summoning her minions to do the work. After all, a queen must always look her best! This was over a bit sooner than even Sectonia expected however, as besides the problems with the outdoorsman she was relatively clean, keeping her beauty on the battlefield as it should be.

Having this extra time to herself, she looked for a place to eat. Moans's Pizza was the only major eatery of the smash tower it seemed, or at least the most popular. Deciding to see what made it so good, Sectonia entered and was perplexed by 'pizza', as that didn't exist in Floralia. But her fascination would turn to disappointment in the end as while tasty, it wasn't food that really helped beauty all that much, so she was forced to eat the pasta instead. "This place needs some fruits..." She muttered to herself while lazily sucking down a pasta noodle. She wasn't going to eat one of those Maximum Tomatoes either, she knew where they came from.

The two ladies having concluded their business, rejoined the meeting to move to their respected areas soon enough, a little before the 5 minute call. Sectonia noticed that Tora seemed to be panicking, asking for electricity, and after bugging the tallish psionic using creature, took a yellow creature back with him to his little area. The whole ordeal was a bit confusing, but there wasn't much time for that as she and Blazermate were sent to their respected areas. Although, before everyone left, Sectonia sought out Kamek one last time and told him that, as a fellow magic user, he at least deserved to know the way to summon the queen if things went badly or he found something of interest. She then 'casually' dropped the wand of pocus that Kamek had given her earlier in plain view of the koopa, seemingly ignoring it. She found she couldn't really make use of it anyhow, so it was best that someone at least use it.


Queen Sectonia

While the 'best' of the 3 options, Sectonia still wasn't too happy with this assignment. While the trail to the desert wasn't that eventful, Tora eventually catching up with everyone with his companion, the mechanical lady that, honestly, unsettled Sectonia far more than Blazermate even with her demon arm, having a complete makeover. Much like the others once she got to the desert, she was also protesting the heat, although in silence unlike some of the others. One of their new companions from the Smash Tower, seeing the expansive desert that lay before them, Tora commenting on it, used their powers to summon a car for some of them to ride in.

While she wasn't going to ride in that deathtrap of a car after her previous experience with land vehicles, she was curious about this 'AC' and why it not working was such a huge issue, but not one that didn't make the vehicle inoperable. Through a few context clues she caught from the nearby conversations she figured it was some device that cooled everyone down. Wait... That did give her an idea. Waving her hands, she summoned a few small blue antillons. While they could be used to clean, they were primarily good at using ice magic, a school of magic Sectonia herself wasn't very proficient in. Using one as a hand cooling fan, she suggested. "These minions of mine can keep you cool. I don't want you to be exhausted if we have to fight another dragon." With that said, the remaining blue antillon offered its services to those in the vehicle, able to sit in the lap of someone and act as AC for everyone in the car.

With all that being set, Sectonia flew above the car, following its lead as she didn't really know where to go herself while their ally in the car did.



Bowser, being the tank he was, ended up being the first to go through the teleporter. Since it was level 3, it took a few seconds before the next person could be teleported. Blazermate ended up being the second to last to get teleported, as their more beefy members went first in case something bad was waiting for them. And oh boy was there something bad. A whole horde of those things that took over her zombie minions from yesterday were infecting the tower! "Ew, I HATE these things!" She said, noticing that Bowser had already begun taking damage from the hordes of various things here, but also having roasted a good chunk of them himself. If it wasn't for them being in combat, Blazermate would've found it hilarious that, as she was making her way to heal Bowser, he called for help.

"Of course I'm going to heal you silly." Blazermate said with a bit of a laugh, trying to fly so that she could land on Bowser's back and hold on to his shell, being at relative safety and covering the koopa king's back at the same time. Seeing as she was in the Dead Zone again, Blazermate used her Suffering Arm to try to call to any zombies she could control to destroy the Flood and assist her as she rode Bowser into battle, healing him all the while. Thankfully her healing so many fighters let her start this encounter with a hefty amount of Medaforce. She did notice the black cloaked person, but these evil zombie controlling things came first.
Blazermate and Queen Sectonia
With Kamek!

Level 7 Blazermate - (68/70) +3
Level 5 Sectonia - (8/50) +3
Level 6 Kamek - 29/60 +3

LoA - Smash Tower
Word Count: 1883

Much like the others, Blazermate and Sectonia listened to the speech that the Princess gave to everyone attending, this area clear of Galeem’s corruption apparently to the both of them. While she didn’t like how Peach was the ‘leader’ of this party, from what Sectonia had seen of the now dark princess, she had powers that worked with the fabric of this world better than the bee queen’s own and riled up everyone to their cause, so she begrudgingly let her go about with her speech. Seeing this disgruntledness, Blazermate said. “Bowser is in love with Peach so it makes sense that he follows her around and doesn’t complain. I take it you have issues with her leading?” to which Sectonia nodded, looking the medabot in the eye as she dared to speak what was on Sectonia’s mind. “Well, I’m a medabot, so I’m used to following my medafighter which I’m missing, but still. Uh… where was I going with this….” Blazermate said, thinking. “Oh yeah, why don’t you see yourself as her medafighter? I’ve noticed Peach isn’t the… strongest of us and is more like me, there for support in combat. So yeah. She does stuff so you don’t have to?” Sectonia still looked at Blazermate, but the bots logic was sound and put the bee queen at ease for now.

As the two listened to the end of the speech and a few others of the crowd speaking up, one of them a big burly man that Tora seemed to know, about her ‘plans’ to retake the World of Light from Galeem, Sectonia got an idea as well. Teleporting herself to hover above the map, scepter in hand, she used it to point at said map ”I can’t speak for the others here.” the bee queen began ”But it would be more tactical for those of us with minions to send them out as well to scout and relay information. It's how I ruled Floralia.” With this, she glanced at Bowser and his family, knowing they had minions as well.

WHAT YOU LOOKING AT ME FOR? Bowser asked once he noticed he was being looked at by the queen

”Well, you would normally also do that sire” Kamek helpful pointed out

Well yeah. We would. But until we find my castle and all my minions we won't be able to do that. They’re all kinda stuck to us as strikers… well. Other than this lot now I guess The king said, before scratching his head, mulling over the idea and where they’d go next.

Soon after Sectonia suggested her plan to conquer this land, came some clapping and words from a dark robed figure in the crowd. Sectonia didn’t recognize him, but Peach did, and with the mention of his name, Sectonia was reminded of something. ”Master of masters…. Kamek mentioned him knowing how this world worked….” she muttered to herself, interested as she moved away from the map, letting others take their time with it.

”Ah, your majesty, I could not help but overhear your mention of my name,” Kamek said as he walked towards her ”Is there anyway i can assist you?”
”Yes you can Kamek.” Sectonia said, floating down a bit to get a good look at the koopa magician, with the unintended side effect of giving him a bit more respect than she showed most others as he was Bowser’s #1 minion, much like her Taranza. ”I remember you mentioning him and Blazermate mentioned him as well when she essentially ‘recruited’ me to rule over this little ‘elite squad’. What do you know of him? From what both of you have said, I surmise he knows much about how this “World of Light” works, maybe too much…” she said, trailing off at the end as she thought about all she had been told from Blazermate, Kamek, Peach, and now the Master of Masters himself.

The mage glanced back at the two other royals of the party when Sectonia mentioned her rule over the squad, but diplomatic avoided raising the issue. Instead he got right down to addressing her question ”The initial group freed chrome Galeem’s control, containing my king and Blazermate among others, encountered the Master very early on in their exploration of the world. He was, like the Guild master and his ally, seemingly already free from the light’s grasp, which I put down to their shared robes even if those are made to resist darkness rather than light. If i remember rightly, he claims to have a detached eye and he can see everything that eye will ever or has ever seen. Including explanations of how the world of light works gained from others who, I assume, learned it from him which he learned for us and so on indefinitely. Ah time travel. It does even my head in and I’ve done it.”

The mage shook his head, Sectonia joining him with an audible ”Ugh, time travel.”

”Agreed.” the mage said with a grin, before returning to the topic of the Master ”As I said, that explanation was before my freedom, so take it with a grain of salt due to it being a telephoned explanation, but I’ve had two somewhat lengthy conversations with the man since. Mostly about magic, which he is very knowledgeable about. I also got some information about the “organization 13” which the Guild master/king dice/Gneidxick is probably a part of and the Kingdom Hearts which is supposedly the core of all worlds which said group has sought in the past.“

”He has also been running around the world apparently, he mentioned investigating events beyond the dead zone, which is further than any of our group have ever been. Overall a very interesting individual. I can understand your suspicions, You are likely not the only one to harber them, but so far he has been nothing but helpful. Even if he is a bit, ah, eccentric“ Kamek explained

”So, like Taranza then… Wonder if he can play the piano?” Sectonia said, thinking a bit to herself before snapping back to it. ”Very suspicious all the same. Still, he did mention something that not even Blazermate told me, about gaining the knowledge of spirits instead of their power. Do you have any experience with that?” Sectonia said. Meanwhile, Blazermate, seeing the Master of Masters went up to talk to him.

”Hiya MoM, long time no see! Well, a few days but who's counting. Also your a guy right? Don’t think calling you mom works… uh….” Blazermate said, losing a bit of focus. ”Oh right! Lookie here, I got some new parts since we last met! They’re great! I can make people invincible, make zombies, command zombies….” Blazermate said, showing off her new medipack and suffering shield arm, its tongue just lulling out as if it was asleep. “But uh…. Why are these parts so temperamental? This one twitches and does its own thing sometimes.” Blazermate said pointing to her suffering arm. ”Do you know how to stop that? It's annoying sometimes. I can’t touch people with this arm anymore, because if I do, I get this super strong urge to turn them into a zombie. Meda parts aren’t supposed to do that.” She said.

Other than chuckling at the pseudonym given to him, the Master of Masters withstood Blazermate’s questioning in silence. Once she finished, however, he launched into an explanation with his typical laidback manner of speaking. “Well now, little miss ragdoll, these are spirits you’ve playing with after all. If I were you, I’d count my blessings, each and every one. Seems like you’ve got high Resonance, which sure is handy, but it’s still fusion. Every time you fuse with a spirit, a bit of its personality gets added to yours. So I’d chock up any fun little quirks you’ve been finding out about yourself to that.” He gesticulated with his arms out and palms up, as if showing Blazermate what he meant. “But hey, could be worse. Could be going loopy from contradictory beliefs and behaviors. If ya wanna keep the whole bein’ sane shindig, I’d be a little more careful about whatcha take in.”

”So essentially these are just glitchy parts that are way stronger than they should be. Like dark parts or something. Huh, well, as long as dark medals don’t exist I think things should be fine then. This whole thing is essentially what Medabots do on the norm.” Blazermate said with a weary smile before hopping off to the map, deciding where she should go as the dedicated medic of the team.

”Personally I have not… I’m not sure if anyone has, as it seems like the most drastic of the options available. But I was aware of it. Apply the spirit to the head instead of the heart and you will gain the skills, wisdom, or knowledge, of the spirit. It seems useful but, again, also more invasive than gaining physical aspects and power. Not that said powers do not also come with side effects as we saw with the tall teleporting fellows from the island filled void.“ Kamek said when asked about the absorption of spirit’s knowledge ”Also ah, intelligence and skill have not exactly been forthcoming in the foe’s we have faced, so it has not been much of a consideration either. The ability to gain the sniper’s shooting skills being a notable recent exception that none, not even I, considered till now.“ The mage scratched his chin thoughtful but then seemed to put aside the notion almost as soon as he had considered it.

Sectonia nodded. ”I haven’t been with you all that long, so I will take your word for it if you’ve only been fighting dragons or mindless drones or weapon users. Still, something to keep in mind if someone is physically frail, but has useful knowledge I suppose.” Sectonia said, thinking about the whole thing.

”Glad I could be of service your majesty“ Kamek replied with a kurt bow.

With their conversation more or less done at this point, Sectonia watched as a few of the others picked out what they would do on the map, listening in over why they wanted to choose those locations and what might be there. Soon however, she wondered about the other areas. Most areas seemed ok, but some, like the Dead Zone, didn’t sound very pretty. Although apparently according to Blazermate, they found Sectonia locked in a tube in the Dead Zone, although she only remembered awakening on a lab floor, very sore and annoyed.

Blazermate was equally as undecided, as she knew she was one of their strongest healers, so she would have to go with the biggest group. But she wasn’t sure who that was yet so both ladies stood back and waited for the others to make a decision; Sectonia hoping for something valuable and powerful and Blazermate just looking to be in the biggest group for healing, or go to the most dangerous area. Thinking ab
Blazermate and Queen Sectonia

Level 7 Blazermate - (65/70) +1
Level 5 Sectonia - (5/50) +1

LoA - Floating Reef Isle > Smash Tower
Word Count: 527

While Sectonia was busy commanding her minions to clean up those that she had been traveling with, some seemingly never had a bath ever seeing how well they cleaned up. Blazermate was also busy fixing and healing herself with Dell offering some support before he disappeared. As they were doing this, a few new people came to their island, with one riding a dragon! Although before anyone could get ready to attack said dragon, Sectonia having one staff in her hand, it turned into a human woman and started talking to Tora as if they were friends. This stayed Sectonia's hand, as the threat was clearly non hostile. Plus the Nippon cleaned up so well that even she had to admit he was a bit cute. Needed more gemstones, but still.

One of the newcomers who was riding the dragon addressed the party in Japanese, which Blazermate instantly cough onto. but before she could offer a greeting and be the translator for the party, this Sailormate looking girl started speaking english, commenting on how no one probably knew japanese. Standing up with most of her bits repaired and just needing herself cleaned, Blazermate said. "Hello, I can speak Japanese too, but yeah, I'm the only one. Why are you dressed like a sailormate?" She ended with that question, because usually humans didn't dress like medabots unless they were REALLY into them.

Being one of the last to be cleaned by Sectonia's minions, Blazermate didn't resist at all, and just spoke casually to the lot. "Good to know there are good and bad dragons. Although dragons turning into humans is kinda weird. But then wehave this guy so maybe its not that weird." Blazermate said, pointing a thumb at the Courier. Sectonia wasn't too impressed with the dragon lady either, but at least she knew how to present herself so that was fine. the girl dressed up in a sailor outfit though, she didn't care much for at this moment. She looked off to Sectonia, but she couldn't place a finger on why.

With everyone cleaned up and Blazermate repaired, Sectonia de-summoned her minions and the group started moving again, moving towards this 'smash tower' that some of the newcomers had mentioned. Apparently according to quite a few of their group this could be very beneficial, although both Sectonia and Blazermate were unsure why. They figured some new allies maybe, but beyond that they didn't know what they were getting into until they reached the tower itself. Inside there were quite a few people free from Galeem's grasp, and everyone seemed to know everyone else. that all changed when most of their group entered the reception area, an odd looking yellow dog lady managing the front desk. Blazermate thought she was cute, Sectonia didn't really care either way and was more interested in the location itself.

"I sense there are quite a few here of some renown." Sectonia said, regally looking at everyone around her. Most were quite a bit smaller than her, but even she could sense their power. Blazermate wasn't as perceptive, but she did at least notice no one here was hostile.
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