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Level 8 Blazermate - (24/80) +1

Dead Zone
Words: Less than 750

Bowser's fireball landed full force, devastating Marie and her defenses with the crit boosted power from Blazermate alongside with a few other teammates doing what they could. However, she didn't appreciate that fact and counterattacked, especially considering Bowser's fireball left Marie not looking so great as it were. First to go down was Linkle, who got mowed down by machine gun fire and passed out from the damage, but was saved from turning into a spirit by one of their allies. Blazermate's limited range of healing meant she had to stick with Bowser during her kritz, but Bowser had some ranged healing in the form of his striker which would help at least. That, and the fact that Marie's retaliation to Blazermate patching up Bowser's wounds was to summon a shadow to both knock Bowser back a bit and knock Blazermate off him, to then summon another one of those big skeletons from the gorge below to try to grab and crush the medabot.

But she was still being empowered by her kritz and while she couldn't shoot Mariw with kritz, she could still punch with it. So without a beat of keeping her kritz on Bowser, who was now roasting the undead before him with kritical blue and red fire, while Blazermate herself shield bashed the approaching fingers from one of the hands of the skeleton, denying its ability to grip her as the hand shattered into bone fragments and dust from her kritical bash. Krits was going to wear out soon though, and as it did, the last spurt of Bowser's sweeping flamethrower which was once glowing blue/red fire turned back to normal fire.
Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (31/50) +2

Word Count: 792

Sectonia followed Poppi down to the desert floor, towards the crowd of RED colored people. While Sectonia and Poppi could fly, Fox still kept up with them with his agility which Sectonia was fairly impressed with. The three soon made it to the spawn area of the RED team, the team still waiting for their next round of combat. Poppi was the first to introduce herself, waving herself in and making introductions for herself, Sectonia, and Fox. It was probably for the best, as while Sectonia thought herself as one of the most beautiful things in this world, she wasn't the most qualified to make introductions. Plus having someone else introduce her was proper for royalty.

Poppi talked a bit with the gruff warriors, their gruffness most certainly showing as they seemed to shoot down or question everything Poppi said or asked, not giving her much acknowledgement for her attempted joyful kindness. Even Sectonia noticed this and felt a little sorry for the mechanical lady. But even with all eyes on her, she didn't fluster too badly and was able to get a few important tidbits of information out of this group. Especially during the muttering phase where they seemed to chours the 'forever' thing, one of which even muttered how they had been in this desert for as long as they could remember. This gave Sectonia a few ideas on how to win these warriors over, and she was going to act upon them getting ahead of this 'Fox'. She was the Queen, so she was going to make sure these mercenaries knew it.

"Ahem" Sectonia coughed, to get the attention of the mercenaries in the room. "As said, I am Queen Sectonia, ruler of Floralia. From the looks of you all, you seem quite strong and fond of combat." Sectonia said, thinking this little 'speech' through. This area felt very familiar, but she couldn't put her tongue on it. "Are you all content here, fighting the same endless fight over and over, with no new opponents, no new scenery, no... purpose?" Sectonia said. And saying that, she figured out what made this area feel familiar, it was like that "Lumbridge" town they had been in. But instead of resetting every week, this reset every few minutes. But from the sound of things these mercenaries could remember past battles. While she recognized this, she looked over the various people here and gauging their reactions. Some were in armor, some weren't, one was holding a gun almost as big as he was, and he came up to Sectonia's chest! It was a very varied group, one that would do them well in the fights ahead if they could be convinced to come with them.

"Now, much like what Poppi said. We are a group adventuring through this land to bring purpose and beauty to it. Purpose that seems to have been stripped from you all. After all, what purpose is there to fight over the same thing over and over?" Sectonia said, looking over the group again. "Much like some of us here." Sectonia said, pointing at Fox "some of you have other allies that came from your world you'd like to meet. You can't do that staying here fighting an endless fight." While this message might've reached a few of them, it wasn't really her biggest selling point. She did need fighters after all, and continued. "And if you just want to fight, we could give you some purpose to fight for, more varied fights, and even strong powerful items that allow you to do all sorts of things." pointing at Poppi's fancy looking shield she got from Thunderblight ganon, and the crown she had fashioned herself from a spirit she had crushed earlier. While Sectonia had no idea what Poppi's new shield could do exactly, she did know that these spirits were quite strong from the others that she had seen, even as items.

"So, which of you would like the opportunity to discover what lies beyond this 'desert'. I can assure you, this world is vast and needs agents to make it beautiful." Sectonia concluded. She would like to see Fox top that! Although thinking that, Sectonia did figure that Fox would be able to address angles she missed. But what was a better motivator than purpose and loot? Especially for those who fought endless warfare? She was hoping that she wouldn't need to 'fight' any of these people to gain their loyalty though. She knew about the whole 'galeem controlled red eyes' issue that could lead a simple loyalty fight into an all out brawl and she wasn't going to get herself involved with that if she could help it.
Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (29/50) +1

Divine Beast -> Lakeside
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia was a bit disappointed that her 'gift' couldn't really be used by Tora. However she wasn't a mechanical expert and figured these pieces could be used differently from what was around the giant moving camel, considering they were much smaller. She let out this disappointment with a "hmph" before moving on with the rest of the party.

As they were making their way to the destination that the Queen had suggested, Sectonia caught a few tidbits of Midna and Fox's conversation. She didn't understand some of what they were talking about, but she did pick up on the philisophical crisis this world of light presented with its whole 'spirit system' and mish mash of worlds. However she only listened to their conversation, not interjecting as they made their way to the pyramid and fighting ground below.

Once they arrived, much like Fox, she noticed that the fighting sounds they had heard before were gone, some below celebrating a fight they had won. Considering they weren't hostile at the moment, Sectonia followed Fox and Poppi as he descended upon the battleground, liking his suggestion that Midna stay on the camel for backup. If they needed to make a hasty retreat, she could carry the both of them back, but time would tell if they even needed to do that. Most of those below didn't look all that threatening, and noen looked like they could fly or even handle her magic.

Midna, staying back, waved her hair at the people below, trying to be peaceful with them. Sectonia figured that this was the best course as well, as none of the ones below even had a beautiful spirit for her to take for her own as it were anyway. And she could always use more minions, especially combat hardened ones. Still, she was ready if they attacked her, they were galeem contrlled after all. Getting a closer look below, Sectonia did notice something very, very odd. The battlefield was mostly symmetrical and each side had blue and red paraphinalia much like the people below being either red or blue colored. Although neither had as regal of a royal blue/purple color that the queen herself had.



Level 8 Blazermate - (23/80) +1

Dead Zone
Words: 507

This "marie" wasn't the best conversationalist and really didn't do anything to help her case about being an ally to the dead zone party to Blazermate. Her expressions just seemed both defeated and malevolent, which while an odd combination, didn't feel like it'd make for the greatest of team mates. However, these thoughts were put aside when Nero informed everyone that in a couple hours, everything would be annihilated. "Wait, wait, wait... WHAT?" Blazermate said, processing what Nero just said. Apparently according to her, the dead zone would be wiped out in a couple of hours due to some delivery someone in the zone had made. This worried Bowser and Marie as well, the latter deciding that she would just take the power that the heroes had for herself to escape and not be destroyed by this 'annihilation' event.

Marie, going on the offensive, cracked the ground causing Bowser to plummet down a chasm, Blazermate hopping off the koopa king and hovering in place. She then summoned a bunch of strange skeletons, some looking like gun weilding yakuza, some like animals, and others that were just weird. However before Blazermate could attach herself to a new healing target, Bowser grew in size, becoming a giant once more and telling Marie that she wasn't ready for what he could do, more or less. Unleashing his fury, Bowser dove into the melee, destroying skeleton after skeleton, some accidentally, some by using the larger skeletons as weapons.

Since the party didn't have much time, Blazermate would have to use her more offensive options available to her and hope her normal healing would be enough to keep everyone up. She kept her healing beam on the raging koopa king, his natural bulk plus her healing and overheal making him able to withstand quite a bit of punishment. She also set an internal clock for herself that, if it ticked downt o zero, she'd force everyone to teleport away to avoid this 'annihilation' event. She didn't want to chance being inside a nuke zone, although all she had to go on was Nero's word.

Woth all that set, Bowser, turning to the Skull Girl, began to charge up one of his massive fireballs. As Blazermate had been healing the whole way here, her medaforce was fairly well charged and before Bowser unleashed his barrage of attacks, Blazermate used her Kritzkrieg ability on the koopa king. Unlike before with her charges turning the koopa king a metallic sheen while he became invincible, this charge instead made blue electrical energy shoot out of the koopa king, supercharging him with power and making all of his attacks emit a blue particle effect on top of what they did, the attacks looking far more intense and vibrant and, unlike what would normally happen, his attacks showed no signs of decay as they rocketed towards the Skullgirl and her army. Blazermate was also sparking, but as she had no ranged attacks, she stood back with her shield to attack whatever came by with her own kritz.
Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (28/50) +1

Divine Beast
Word Count: Less than 750

Much like Premise, Sectonia knew nothing of this 'din' who was apparently a dancer that Tora knew. Although she vaguely recalls someone in Lumbridge being called 'din' but she didn't pay too much attention to that place as it were if it wasn't right in front of her after they denied worshipping her. She gave no indication that she even wanted to touch the thunderblight spirit, so Tora was free to do what he will with it. What fascinated Sectonia more than anything was how he was able to turn such an ugly thing into something that was.. while not beautiful, was a vast improvement while upgrading his mecha girl Poppi. "Hm..." Sectonia said to herself, making note of this mechanical skill. It could be very useful later. She knew Tora was a bit of a mechanic already, but this was the first time she saw him making something ugly into something not ugly, which really impressed her. Although all Tora could see onher face was a bit of mild intrigue. Which was already quite a different expression on her face than normal, so it was probably somewhat noticable.

She was snapped out of this by Premise taking her advice the wrong way about the Maximum Tomato. Sectonia quickly corrected the girl. "I mean don't eat them casually. They are great for healing but they will ruin your figure if you take too many. There are a few in my army that did just that." She said, not elaborating much further than that as she went off with Premise to look for some healing hearts.

After exploring the beast for a bit, Premise managed to find what Midna was talking about, although she got a few other items before getting a healing heart. Sectonia assisted her in looking through the area, able to get to places Premise couldn't. Although much like the dancer, she couldn't find much of use, finding a couple healing hearts but mostly finding odd gears, sprockets, and other metal bits she assumed were there to repair this beast if it ever got damaged as they shared a similar design to the innards of this thing. Still she took them with her and left with Premise, healed up a bit.

Soon the group came to the Lakeside pyramid, where below there was a huge battle going on with various gunfire and the like coming from below. Midna gave the group a couple ideas of how they could progress, and much like Premise, Sectonia suggested that they keep moving with the divine beast here. After all, she pointed out, if the things below attacked it, they could just shoot lightning at them. Although she did suggest that they didn't wade through the exact middle of the conflict below but picked a side instead.

With her suggestion being thrown out there, she flew next to Tora and dropped the Ancient machinery she had found. "Lets see what you can do with this later." She said. While she doubted she could use anything Tora could make form this, her curiosity got the better of her either way.



Level 8 Blazermate - (22/80) +2

Dead Zone
Words: 844

Bowser was just as relieved as Blazermate that their little trick stuff worked when it did. Although he commented on how he felt something 'leave' him when he did the friend heart thing. Blazermate, having done it a couple times, said. "Yeah, not sure what that is myself. But its not that much, as long as we save it for the big guys. Not like we'll be friend hearting these zombies." blazermate said, her zombie call bringing in a zombie that just stood there as it was cut down by Dante. "But yeah, I'm not entirely sure myself what its 'draining' from us, but whatever it is, we build it up pretty quickly as we adventure, so it can't be that important right? Its not like its taking away my medaforce or anything."

Soon after as they continued down their path, Bowser commented on Blazermate calling him cute, almost being offended while also showing he could retract the tentacles that made him 'not cute' in her eyes. "Aw, theres nothing wrong with being cute! But I guess in your circumstance it would be 'handsome' But cute sounds better. Can you imagine a lady being handsome? That just doesn't sound right!" Blazermate said, laughing a bit as a few more zombies were cut down as she rode the koopa king. He was right though about keeping the tentacles out, this place wasn't very welcoming at all.

Soon the group came up to some weird library building, needing to pass through it to find the core of the next root. However, this place wasn't all that it seemed. While things came to life to nip at Bowser, spooking him. While that was happening, Blazermate's scan was going haywire as pretty much everything in this building seemed to be alive and be an enemy. "WHY IS EVERYTHING ALIVE?" She said, having a bit of an information overload. Bowser meanwhile was being attacked by one of the mimics, its tentacles clashing with his. "Oh come on! Why did it have to be tentacles. Bowser, I've seen where this can lead... Be careful!" Blazermate said as Bowser was being attacked by one of the mimics, both clashing with their tentacles. Blazermate kept away as best as she could from the things all around them, raising her shield and keeping her beam on Bowser but sadly not having much space to evade due to all of the stuff around. Thankfully these things were annoying Bowser to no end, and he started to torch the place, wiping out a good number of these creepy things down in his fiery rampage. "uuugh. Why tentacles. Why'd they have to have TENTACLES." Blazermate said, as she relied on Bowser and the rest taking care of things, the building slowly burning down and the mimics hating fire. After awhile, they found an entrance that went down deeper towards the root.

Thankful they were away from the tentacles above, descending the stairs down to the part of this root the strange sounds of the mimics and their tentacles burning emanating above they followed the pale 'veins' of blue energy until they came into a large room lined with skulls, bones, and all sorts of nasty stuff. But even with all of that, these blue 'veins' joining at a base, the group ran into... nothing? Well there was one person there, a creepy looking girl in a maid outfit with skeletal bits sticking out in various places. The area itself just looked like undeath itself, and Blazermate could see a weird heart shaped weak point within this girl as if she wasn't even attempting to hide her weak point from the group.

Bowser seemed to have massive reservations about fighting this girl if he had to, not wanting to fight a kid. Funnily enough, Blazermate wasn't much taller than this girl, so her reservations weren't as much as Bowser as she just thought this 'kid' looked like an undead medabot if anything. A really powerful one, but still, they clearly weren't human after all. Still, Bowser's reservations lead to some very intelligent insights from the big guy. "Yeah what Bowser said. Are you going to destroy the root too?" She then listened to Bowser explain his plan, blazermate nodding, joining in on the whispering. "Yeah, that makes sense. Although time will tell if she'll even be friendly. She hasn't attacked us yet, buut... I got a feeling that might change soon." she said, pointing out to Bowser and the rest of the group the skull heart thing discreetly. "Well, the weak point isn't too hidden if we have to fight. And I have a good amount of charge from all the healing on the way here." She kept her healing beam on Bowser and was ready for something to happen, but keeping a neutral stance as she rode the king.

"What do you want to do after you clean the root? Want to help us with the big thing this root is protecting afterwords?" Blazermate wasn't too concerned with this whole 'skull heart' thing. If they came to blows that could be something they worked out afterwords, but it was more important to deal with the dead zone as a whole. Although she knew a certain bee queen who would probably love to have a free 'wish' granted. Although Blazermate highly doubted this object could even grant a wish properly.
Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (21/50) +1

Divine Beast
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia was a bit disappointed at the lack of healing from her allies here, but as far as she knew only Blazermate could heal people, so she guessed that made sense. Midna, being the bravest of the bunch, or rather, the most impatient, took in the spirit of the amazon warrior and transformed. This was the first time Sectonia actually saw someone take in a spirit, and this gave her pause about taking in spirits in the future. At least the imp became a bit more beautiful in her change, making Sectonia think about how these spirits worked in general. As she thought to herself, she missed Tora upgrading Poppi with her new shield dropped by the gerudo warrior.

Looking at Midna Sectonia said. "Indeed, you are far more beautiful than you were before. And you say your cursed? Hm...." with that being said, Midna gave a bit more context as to what they were riding, what it was, and that there might be some 'recovery hearts' here. "If we somehow find a red tomato with an M on it, that will also help. Just don't eat it as normal food, otherwise bad things happen." Swooping over to Premise, Tora, and Poppi, she suggested that the three of them look for these "recovery hearts" while Midna piloted the giant lightning camel.



Level 8 Blazermate - (20/80) +1

Dead Zone
Words: Less than 750

Thanks to the efforts of her other allies, Blazermate was able to friend heart the Doomslayer, someone they knew could do quite a bit of damage if given the chance. After all, apparently him, Dante, and V had beaten one of the roots for the group which was incredibly helpful. As the red light faded from the visor of Doom Guy, Blazermate did what she did with Dante and started to heal him up too, making sure he was in tip top shape. "This friend heart thing is super useful but also weird. But we got two more powerful allies, huh Bowser?" Blazermate said, using him again as a ride. The Koopa king, ready to get going, kept everyone on track as they made their way to the final root that would expose the area boss to 'free' this area. Although freeing this area probably wouldn't do much with all the demons and zombies everywhere.

Speaking of Zombies, as they walked, Blazermate called out to whatever zombies she could as they walked to help them with the next root, playing with her mutation ability when she could. Although after mutating a zombie which sprouted a ton of tentacles, this made her note Bowser's transformation, making her say. "I wont lie bowser, you were way cuter without the giant tentacles on your back here." teasing the king a bit.

@ONL Oh man, I can't wait for Heavy to meet Blazermate. Blazermate is essentially the Medic but in medabots form xD.
Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia - (20/50) +1

Divine Beast
Word Count: Less than 750

With everyone dogpiling on the amazoness warrior, including Sectonia's ice antillons, she went down fairly fast especially as those in the car below finally got themselves up here to assist everyone. Although Sectonia underestimated thunderblight ganon a little bit, as it got a few hits in on her and when she thought it was dead, it wasn't. It did die soon after the amazoness lady, but only after dealing some damage to the others as well as the queen herself, going down in a blaze of glory.

with the fight over, Tora sighing his relief and Sectonia dusting herself off once the fight was over. With some of the others injured as well, Premise asked if anyone had any method of healing. Sectonia shrugged, saying. "Our main healer went with the giant buffoon. Healing is not something I am versed in." The queen said, not showing any flinches of pain or anything form her wounds, keeping her royal composure.

Midna suggested that they use this camel thing to explore the desert in relative safety, with its inhabitants dead. Sectonia nodded at this suggestion. She also nodded at the imps suggestion of crushing the Thunderblight's spirit, as she said. "Agreed. I will not allow any of you to fuse with such a hideous thing." Although Sectonia wouldn't break the spirit herself, as she didn't want to even touch such a grotesque thing.

"So, do any of you have anything that we could use to patch up these injuries?" Sectonia contiued on, watching Midna absorb Uribosa's spirit into herself to gain her knowledge to drive this machine.



Level 8 Blazermate - (26/80) +1

Dead Zone
Words: Less than 750

"I am glad that is over..." Blazermate said, healing up Bowser and their new ally Dante as Bowser had friend hearted the demon hunter. They still had to deal with the other person who had engaged them, the Doom Slayer, but he was a bit preoccupied killing the buildings the engineer had put up. Still, the turret he destroyed didn't tickle, and left the slayer wounded. Plus the assistance of V summoning some monster to fight him also helped a bunch, although the doom slayer didn't seem afraid at all of this newcomer. Seeing as Bowser had friend hearted Dante, Blazermate pulled one out of her, holding it in her other hand as she rode Bowser into battle healing up who needed it that was nearby. "Lets get this over with big boy. That guy is almost to the hearting zone. I'll get him this time, just beat him up and hold him when I say to!" Blazermate said, pointing Bowser into battle.
Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia - (19/50) +1

Divine Beast
Word Count: Less than 750

Thanks to Midna's help, Sectonia could land another heavy blow on Thunderblight. While he was countering the grip of the imp girl, Sectonia summoned another ring of light and ripped it along his face. However, when she made this motion, she found that her ring of light was spinning much faster and looked even more ornate than she was used to. Apparently the people who were left in the car managed to make their way up to where Sectonia and co. were and one of them gave the bee queen a buff to her magic ability. Still, she only gave the slightes acknowledgement to both premise and midna who had to dart off to help the others with the amazoness lady, leaving her to fend with thunderblight on her own. Even still, Sectonia had more powerful things under her command than this 'thunderblight ganon' and she wasn't too worried about handling him alone.

With the lighting strike that hit the others though causing them trouble, and Thunderblight retreating after getting hit hard twice by Sectonia, Sectonia lent them a bit of aid herself. Thanks to the buff that Premise gave her, Sectonia could summon more minions than she was used to, and when she went to summon her ice antillons to slow down and potentially freeze this amazoness lady to death, instead of 5 8 appeared out of the small portals she summoned over the ladies head. Surrounded by all angles, the antillons began to spray her with bone chilling frost, far colder than the simple air conditioning they had been doing in the car earlier.
Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia - (18/50) +1

The Desert -> Divine Beast
Word Count: Less than 750

Apparently this Joker kid wasn't one for taking a ride in Sectonia's hand, instead preferring to grapple her stinger. To say this was a new way to carry someone would be an understatement, but it did leave her hands open. Upon entering the camel, Midna, the imp that could ride inside shadows, appeared on Sectonia's head playing with her crown. Although she didn't stay there for long, saying a smarmy line before placing her crown back and hopping off, this was still an irritating situation. However, before Sectonia could scold the young princess, she exclaimed that she recognized some of the stuff that was along the walls here, saying this thing came form her world. "Such a device needs more elegance. Stone like this is a poor excuse for beauty." Sectonia said, a bit of her annoyance from the previous situation still in her voice.

Tora, having caught a ride on the robot girl Poppi, had followed Sectonia, trusting her enough to divert the lightning, finding their way inside the camel as well. He noticed that nothing here was guarding this, and if on que, two foes appeared to challenge the group. One being a musclar dark skinned woman, and the other, some ugly creature that needed to be destroyed. Luckily for Sectonia, Thunderblight attacked her as the woman attacked the rest of the group.

Sectonia had only a small amount of time to summon her swords before Thunderblight charged her with its shield. She couldn't fully block the charge and took some damage from said charge, but it didn't knock her around allowing her to parry the swipe the creature was making at her regal body. "Ugly things like you will not exist in my kingdom." Sectonia said, deflecting Thnderblight's sword strike with her own swords before summoning one of her large rings of light in close range, having it swirl around her body like a saw seeing as she was locked in close combat with Thunderblight.


Level 8 Blazermate - (10/80) +1

Dead Zone
Words: Less than 750

Everyone made it over the chasm safely it seemed, the flood unable to keep up. All that stood in front of htem wsa that explosive dropping flood, at least, until some kind of ghost thing attacked and destroyed it. Turning to the group, it called out that it was a friendly, revealing itself to be one of the people from the police station they had rescued earlier. With the path cleared and the Skulldozer pretty much totaled as it turned over, those inside escaping, the wraith lady gestured for everyone to continue down the street and finish off the last root, a few root guardians down the street.

"Thanks buddy!" Blazermate said, waving at the wraith lady as she rode on top of Bowser, healing him and keeping him and the others nearby overhealed as they charged down the street.
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