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Level 9 Blazermate - (29/90)
Bottomless Sea > the Maw room 2.5
Words: less than 750

Blazermate was calling out where Moreau was as Jr. and Mirage did their thing. And they were successful! They managed to drain the water that blocked their path forward, and Moreau didn't take that well. Due to the damage they had been doing to the room to fight and distract Moreau, Blazermate used her ability to fly and easily carry others to escort those who needed aid to the command center where others were gathering, it also had people in trouble with something that Blazermate could help them with!

Moreau didn't take the fact that people were managing to escape well, and decided to chase down those that he could, even getting out of the water to do so! Link being his primary target, but everyone nearby being in danger. Link seemed to be able to keep away from him though, even with his small body and hunger issues. Peach had been injured and others were fending off some kind of monster thing in the Command Center, so Blazermate had to make that her first choice before doing anything to help Link out.

Grabbing a larger sheet of scrap, Blazermate held onto it like it was a shield and made her way to help deal with the creature that rika and Mirage were having to deal with that was advancing on those that hung over there. Using a chain to help control her flight, Blazermate spun around on it to gain momentum, the centrifical force multiplying her flight speed when she eventually let go and barreled towards the creature that Rika was shooting with her cannons. Shield held out in front, Blazermate tried her best to slam into that thing with her makeshift shield. Sadly she wasn't the heaviest medabot, but even so, she was sure she could help knock over some humanoid creature. She lost said shield in the process as she refused to keep a hold of it upon impact, using it to jump away and counteract her own impact force so she didn't tumble with the creature.

Should the creature fall off, she'd start to stabalize and heal up Peach, since it and her flight were really the only functions she could do right now. The water was drained and link was distracting the thing she was watching.

Level 7 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (10/70)
Location: Al Mamoon
Word Count: Less than 750

Since the items Shadow used weren't powered by magic, but by technology, they eventually ran out much to the hedgehog's annoyance and Sectonia's joy. Her Antillion absorbed a fair amount of the magazine of the LMG, but Sectonia abosrbed the other part and it didn't tickle. Necronomicon's marking was more useful than Sectonia could even hope for, as she even predicted where Shadow would be, meaning Sectonia's spells which the hedgehog was lazily dodging hit, annoying him greatly. It also let her remaining green antillions to fire off their lightning blasts themselves, adding to the chaos that Shadow had to dodge.

Chaos being a word that Shadow was familiar with, dropping his drained gun and deciding to use his own power for once, his frustration and pain after getting hit by one of Sectonia's light rings. Seeing Shadow starting to cast 'magic', Sectonia used her pipe of insight to absorb some of the chaos spears, casting Haste on herself, and engaging Shadow in a flurry of body slams on his end, sword swipes on her end, teleports on both sides, and the occasional Void Globule when Shadow decided to use his martial arts skills on the Queen which Shadow dodged without too much trouble.

After all the clashing, Sectonia being hurt as well as Shadow looking about the same, the hedgehog had enough and using his power to stop time again, but putting far more effort into it to conjure up a barrage of chaos spears that would hit Sectonia when the stasis of chaos control ended. Necronomicon, being a support champ though, gave Sectonia invincibility at the moment those spears would've hit and leaving Shadow utterly confused as this was clearly one of his bigger attacks. Seeing as Sectonia was in the midst of combat and not appreciating being frozen in time again, threw one of her Void Globules at Shadow before teleporting around and behind him to conjure a Ring of Light around her lower half on top of the hedgehog. A combination of both light and void would hurt quite a bit coming at both sides.

"You are quite strong, you'll make an excellent minion." Sectonia said to the exhausted Shadow as she attacked him.

Level 6 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (54/60)
Location: Al Mamoon
Word Count: Less than 750

This hedgehog was quite an annoying foe. Sectonia wasn't used to having to have a teleport fight, and the occasional metal shots he fired were quite annoying, stinging quite bad. Still all they really did was sting, and that was when they hit. But with the buffs provided by Necronomicon and all, she was gaining the upper hand on this 'edgelord'. Seeing this and needing ammo himself, Shadow threw a garbage can at Sectonia, which while she dodged without much issue, exploded leaving a cloud of garbage, smoke, and stink. "Ugh, how dare..." Sectonia mumbled as Shadow used this cover to acquire a new weapon from his 'allies', although Sectonia wouldn't know that this would've doomed one of them in the long run.

Using the garbage as cover, Shadow unleashed his new weapon, a LMG which did far more damage than his pitiful pistols did. This caught the Queen by surprise. So much so that she had to do something to stop the barrage coming at different angles thanks to Shadow's speed. Seeing as Necronomicon was making sure to stay behind Sectonia in fear of getting shot, her remarks of being fragile showing themselves, Sectonia only really had a few methods available to her in this position.

She summoned a few Green Antilions, grabbing one and using it as a shield with one hand to absorb the bulletfire, while the other three dropped down to where Shadow was firing, being the only long ranged attackers of her summonable minions. Her conjured meatshield didn't last too long under the barrage of gunfire, but Necronomicon soon began to ping Shadow's location to Sectonia through the cloud, giving her and her minions a target. "Good Work." Sectonia said, her Green Antillion disappearing in a puff of smoke as it had absorbed all the damage it could as Sectonia conjured and fired a few large Rings of Light at where Necronomicon was pinging, the magical rings being quite large and quite the surprise for the hedgehog when they came out of the smoke. Still, this cretin and his constant gunfire was quite annoying, and painful.


Level 9 Blazermate - (28/90)
Bottomless Sea > the Maw room 2.5
Words: less than 750

Well, this monster wasn't the best at tactics, or really much of anything but thrashing around. And that really hurt him when he fell into the trap Link, Geralt, and everyone was setting up using the hanging staircase. Blazermate could help those trapped due to the missing part of the walkways with her limited flight and gliding capabilities, but all she could do now was call out Moreau's movements and how much damage he had taken. Something that would be super helpful, considering Bowser's new plan of trying to fish the monster fish up using his own keepsakes. That thing Bowser had gotten of the jar looking even worse than the mutant fish below them. "Be careful everyone. That blow did really hurt him, but hes still coming." Blazermate called out, keeping track and calling out where Moreau was when he was going to rear up to do something. Thankfully no one besides the monster was damaged from these shenanigans, and some were even making use of the abundant scrap around to do some shenanigans of their own.

Still, Link was the one putting himself in the most danger, and while he was agile so far, Blazermate was ready to help him if she needed to. She could still lift off, but couldn't keep flight going for too long thanks to her injury. She'd need the Engineer to repair that later.

Level 6 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (53/60)
Location: Al Mamoon
Word Count: Less than 750

So not only Sectonia, but one of those resistance members could control time, as well as teleport! And how impurtinant, kicking the Queen after teleporting her and Necronomicon above the fight, this black... thing confident in its ability to take out the Queen of Floralia and this Persona alone with two frankly small guns. "I concur." Sectonia said to Necronomicon's declaration for a quick and speedy end to this creature. In fact, his powers to teleport others and his even greater mastery of time seemed like it'd be very useful, although his attitude didn't leave much to the imagination.

Her cape wings open in a grandious showing, Sectonia was ready to face off against Shadow. With Necronomicon to her back and Shadow to her front, she began by casting her Slow spell on the hedgehog, not only to reduce his speed but reduce the speed of the bullets coming from his guns. Of course the hedgehog was faster than the Queen, getting off a few shots on her. What the hedgehog probably didn't expect though was just how tough this bee was. Although once he was slowed, Sectonia began to attack with a flurry of sword strikes and stabs. The hedgehog emptied the rest of his akimbo clips into the approaching Queen, but the slower projectiles greatly reduced their power, and the Queen was quick enough to parry some of them with her swords.

She made sure to keep up with Shadow when he used his teleports with her own to do a strange dance of sorts. Shadow was no coward, and unlike others who would face her might, always tried to go on the offensive. This did score him a hit or two at the start of the dance, but once Sectonia was used to how he fought, she kept the teleport strike dance going for a good while until she decided to swap one of her swords out for one of her staffs, and began to add lightning strikes to their little choreographed fight in the air here.


Level 9 Blazermate - (27/90)
Bottomless Sea > the Maw room 2.5
Words: less than 750

So, this little 'copy' of mirage was just that, a copy. But a copy that wasn't aware it was a copy which was weird. Maybe because Mirage wasn't aware he'd be copying himself when he got in that chair? Either way, he hadn't attacked yet and was still being fairly amicable like the real mirage, even if he was galeem'd. With a bit of effort, the group was able to get the submarine in the water, Jr. being the one to helm it. Well, Blazermate wasn't going to go down there if she could help it, but maybe there were other ways she could help. "Is there anyway I could tell Jr. when that monster is getting close to him? I can still see him down there... changing..." Blazermate asked the group.

The suit of Mirage was getting a bit tired of the antics going on, asking everyone to be serious for a moment. "Well Big Boy Mirage, we need help with getting into the next room and hopefully fully out of here. I'm sure you know that right? Well..." Blazermate started as her sensors told her that the sea creature was on the move now, having fully transformed into a grotesque creature. "Everyone look out!" Blazermate said, but it wasn't needed as even with a swimming start the creature couldn't reach them all up on the catwalks, even with how much he shook the area.

"Well, thats good... Yeah we need help with THAT thing. Serious enough for ya?" Blazermate said, with even her robotic disposition finding the creature disgusting. "We just need to get where Peach said and work that panel. With your illusions, it should be a snap right?" Blazermate said, unaware that Suit Mirage couldn't use illusions. She wasn't sure how Mirage did it, maybe it was one of those spell things that Kamek used? "I'll keep an eye on this guy as you guys try to get that panel!" Blazermate said, making her way to and hovering over the catwalks and focusing her attention on tracking that disgusting monster.

Level 6 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (52/60)
Location: Al Mamoon
Word Count: 757

Many of the thieves took up Sectonia's offer to use her treasure helmet to get new gear from the crushed spirits. While some were apprehensive or even disliked the pain it caused them when they wore it, their amazement at the items they acquired overshadowed that. "Hm... Considering the quality and usefulness of the items you acquired, even I am tempted to use that thing for a mere moment even knowing how ugly it looked. That is incredibly useful." Sectonia said as she observed thief after thief getting new weapons they immediately put on to use for their upcoming fight. "A shame I can't wear it due to its size. But that is what minions are for!" Sectonia said, laughing lightly. Although seeing how this worked, only those who fought similar to herself would give her anything useful.

After the last person crushed their spirit and got their equipment, Sectonia took back the offered Symbol of Avarice. "Good work all of you! Enjoy your new equipment." Sectonia said, delighted at the results of the test of this magical item. Her regen aura slowly healed up the thieves who took damage from wearing the hat, so there wasn't any real lingering penalty for using it, at least not now, although the upcoming battle would probably leave a few wounds.

"I believe now that we have seen the power of this item, only my minions shall get use of it." The queen said, dismissing the item in a puff of smoke, putting it where her staves and swords went. "Sadly none of you fight like I do, but should you find spirits you wish to gain items from, just see me and I'll let you use this magical item again. As long as you're a loyal minion of course." The Queen concluded, stating the rules of how she would let people use the Symbol of Avarice. She wasn't a charity, and would be getting something out of this arrangement as well. But as long as people became her minions, she would promise them the power and rare items she always promised to new minions.

The newcomer, Mao, gave his own complaints about ruling, apparently he ruled a world as well. More royalty, but Seconia knew about vassilization, so she didn't keep the chance of him being a minion off the table. Although she figured it would be very doubtful, like that large koopa there. "The key to any successful kingdom is a proper hierarchy. Its easier to let others do the busywork as you make the large decisions. Just keep them under scrutiny if they aren't fully loyal." Sectonia's comment having a bit of a double sided edge to it.


Eventually they made their way to the building in question, where more resistance members were saying. And they were not only waiting for the group, but were heavily armed pinning the group down almost instantly with gunfire, explosives, and water. Sectonia was one of the later ones to arrive to the fight, being a bit bigger and having a bit of trouble finding an entrance, needing to make her own after a bit of exploring. However, as she entered the room and fired off a globule of void at the enemies defensive wall, a tough shield weilder, one of the resistance members spoke some words and yelled, causing many things to fly about with the insane force and blowing the Queen back out of the hole she had just made, knocking her back a fair distance before she recovered.

"Well then..." she said with annoyance, only gaining slight injuries from scraping the wall on her way as the shout only seemed to push her back. She flew back to the hole she made, and cast her Slowing effect on the side of the room where the Resistance was set up, before summoning 3 fire antillions to advance on their position before finding some cover herself, staying out of the water. Her ice ones were still busy finding the lost mercs, and there was no way she was going to use the green ones with all the water about, unless her minions were out of the water themselves. This also meant she couldn't use her lightning which was one of her primary magical attacks she liked to use. At least her Rings of Light were still available to her, and considering the lineup of the resistance members, she had a feeling a few of them would be dangerous if she got up close.


Level 9 Blazermate - (26/90)
Bottomless Sea > the Maw room 2.5
Words: less than 750

Blazermate was a bit too concerned with keeping an eye on the monster guy swimming underwater that she did miss a little bit of the shenanigans going around her, but not so much as to be oblivious. While still keeping an eye out for the aquatic monster man, who had seemed to be just sitting there, watching everyone, Blazermate noticed that Sakura had fallen. Getting closer, she found that Sakura was depressed, with a few people trying to cheer her up. Blazermate made note of that, hoping the others would help her out of her little funk, as she had a bit of a bigger issue with Mirage and the Koopa troop.

Mirage with the help of the ones that weren't comforting Sakura managed to get that thing that Sakura had healed with her friend heart, which on second examination apparently was the cause of her depression. However while Mirage could pilot that thing from the chair he was sitting in, it also had a side effect of making a large diving suit ALSO talk like Mirage. As Blazermate glided over, making sure to check that their aquatic monster buddy was still chill, she caught wind of the conversation. Apparently this was an exact clone of Mirage, although in robot form. While Blazermate didn't fully get it, as their was two Mirage, she did understand that somehow he got copied into that robot.

"So... Glad the chair worked Mirage. Although it made a clone of yourself in a diving suit." Blazermate said, landing and approaching the group, periodically turning her head to keep track of the soon-to-be monster should Bowser be right. "So... New Mirage in the diving suit. Wanna help us with the whole diving thing?" Blazermate said, trying to diffuse the tension as both Mirages were getting irritated with each of them copying each other. "Shame... I doubt that chair can copy Medabots. Imagine a ton of me running around! Not like that isn't uncommon where I come from. I AM a mass produced product after all..." Blazermate said.

Level 6 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (50/60)
Location: Al Mamoon
Word Count: less than 750

Sectonia took a little bit longer to heal up fully from the clerical healing service than the others did due to her size and overall health compared to the other, scrappier members of the group. Still this gave her a bit of time to observe and think about what was going on around her. Even when not under the effects of Galeem, some of these resistance members were... interesting to say the least. One that seemed to be super innocent, others that didn't. It was surprising at just how galeem both changed, and didn't change people. IN fact, it seemed that this lightball corrupted the more innocent into fighting rather than anything else, which made expanding territory particularly bothersome.

Either way, once she was fully healed up, she made her way to the area that Midna had gone off, hitching a ride in someone's shadow again. She was able to catch up to the small group as they hadn't made it that far. While Sectonia didn't hear the start of their conversation, she did hear Midna talking about Band and how he was still Galeem'd. Sectonia could only reply with. "This one's former allies ruined a prime opportunity to fix that with their bomb." looking at Mao. The kid looked like Joker and the others of their group. And seeing he seemed to look so young compared to herself and Midna, Sectonia wasn't expecting much from him. But a minion was a minion after all.

"And if you ever needed another reason to hate that ball of light, Royalty is forced to do stuff like 'this'." Sectonia said, spitting out the last word and showing how much she disliked being told what to do from others she felt were beneath her. "Making a Queen such as myself, or a princess such as her do bounty work..." Sectonia said, pointing a thumb at Midna as she grumbled, a bit more to herself, but loud enough to be heard. Still, it wasn't all bad. There were magic items here that made them stronger than they ever could be from their own worlds alone, so Sectonia went along with things, even if she disliked it.

After a bit more of talking from the group Primrose brought up that they had a few spirits they could make use of. This reminded Sectonia of an item she had gotten earlier, which she brought out. "If someone is looking to crush those for items, I would recommend you wear this. Its quite ugly and doesn't fit me, but even I have to recognize how potent this helmet is. It will make whatever we get from those spirits 'better'." Sectonia offered whoever wanted to crush these spirits the opportunity to use an item she had gotten in the previous bounty assignment she had been a part of, which would sap their health slowly but make whatever they got from crushing spirits much higher quality.

"Of course whatever we get should be given to who could use them the most afterwords." Sectonia pointed out, making it clear she would dictate where the loot goes if it would go somewhere that didn't make sense or if something could be used by any of her other minions. She eyed Mao more than the others at this point, as he was the newcomer.

Level 9 Blazermate - (25/90) +1
Bottomless Sea > the Maw room 2.5
Words: less than 750

Blazermate followed the rest of the others through the whole Carl situation, although she arrived late compared to everyone else and didn't really see his 'human' tyrade, only the fact that Sakura healed him with another friend heart and while his body was reconstructed, he stopped talking and just stood there like an idle robot with no mind. "So these hearts can have adverse effects potentially..." Blazermate thought as Carl just stood there motionless but functional. If she had seen his tyrade earlier, she wouldn't have been much of a help as she'd berate him for thinking he was human. Medabots were better after all, what human could heal others with their arm instantly for example, or shoot laser beams that put military weapons to shame? Plus she had experienced being semi organic at one point and it wasn't something for her, not at all. But even with these thoughts, she wouldn't berate her friends about it, they weren't trying to pretend to be something they weren't after all.

After activating the power to the door that blocked their way, the group moved on into a new area that was just horrible. Blazermate didn't mind water as it wouldn't short circuit her or anything, all medabots were fully waterproof as they didn't run on electricity or anything, but the fact that she would just sink with little way to actually swim really bugged her. There was a round sub that seemed like it would fit either her or two others, but not the whole group. Seeing as she didn't need to breath, if they were forced to go underwater she would just hold onto the sub and ask any other of the aquatic people if they could help her move around under there.

Then there was the whole problem of a... frankly, ugly and slimy man whining about being lonely, saying something about a lady that he seemed to be the underling of. Perhaps a boss of this place? Either way, he seemed to be torn about having new friends, yet not letting them leave even with people offering friendship with the gross, slime spewing man if they all got out. He then slipped into the water, and while everyone else thought he was gone, Blazermate's sensors told her that it wasn't over. Then Bowser, either by immense perception, or dumb luck, thought the same thing Blazermate did. "The goo man isn't gone everyone, hes still very much alive in that water. Bowser might be right."

Now the issue was... how were they going to go forward with this? Some pointed out a chair that looked, frankly, like a trap. A chair that was too big for everyone except her. "So uh... do we actually need to use that chair to progress, knowing that we might have to deal with a water monster down below? I'd really prefer to progress without going in the water if I could help it... I'm not a swimmer." Blazermate said. Mirage offered up to use the chair, which well, if things went poorly and he didn't die Blazermate could heal him so there was that...


Level 6 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (49/60)
Location: Al Mamoon - Warehouse Fight
Word Count: less than 750

Sectonia was right to be on guard, as this cat girl acted much like her namesake, using deception to try to get a free hit on the bee queen. She was fast, and had Sectonia not taken that moon shard, she wouldn't be able to keep up. But since she could, it was a furious fight of parrying, the occasional teleport, thrusts, knives flying everywhere, both sides getting the occasional hit in although Sectonia took more than Maeve, and all in all a fairly flashy battle. Maeve kept up her attacks, leaving Sectonia very little chance to swap away from her swords, although the Queen didn't mind all that much and she still had the ability to throw globes of darkness which gave her a ranged attack as well.

After a little while, Maeve gave it her all and darkened the area. Normally this would've blinded the bee queen, but the Moon Shard gave her a bit of vision in the darkness. Maeve, having used her ult, maneuvered behind Sectonia in an attempt to strike her when the queen gave her an opening. However as the fight had been going on and Sectonia had been passively healing, a green skull shot out of her crown and undeterred by the darkness, homed in on Maeve as she made her attempt to assassinate the Queen, giving Sectonia the angle at which Maeve was trying to attack from. While Sectonia wasn't left unscathed by the clash that happened, Maeve was in a much worse state as she had been punctured by a rapid stab barrage from Sectonia, making a wall of sorts to defend herself from the unseen attacker.

And then the fight came to an abrupt, explosive end. Literally as one of the rebels dropped a bomb that blew up the warehouse, causing damage to everyone involved. Thankfully Sectonia's magic shield from her pipe of insight protected her minions and herself from a large chunk of the blast's damage unlike the rebels who had no protection. Still, this caused some of the group to pass out, with the tankier members of the group such as Tora, Poppi, and Sectonia able to still be conscious. "Hmph Well it seems they have made the enemy of us." Sectonia said to Kan-Rah as their clerics healed up the group, some worse for wear than others. Sectonia had taken more damage than she had anticipated, and until her wounds were healed, had issues keeping her regal form, needing to grip an area that was in pain. "Very foolish of them. My wrath will be their nightmare." She said plainly, appreciating the healing.

Level 6 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (47/60)
Location: Al Mamoon - Warehouse Fight
Word Count: less than 750

Sectiona wasn't surprised her minions were turned down by Band, as they weren't the stealthiest of things considering. Especially considering Midna was able to hide inside someone's shadow and be nearly undetectable. So with the suggestion to just chill and relax until later where they'd only need to lazily patrol around until Band called them, Sectiona took that opportunity to do as was requested for once, and relax like a Queen should. Her Alcremie seemed to enjoy the sweets and soda that Sectonia had acquired, needing very little in the way of sustenance compared to the Queen due to their relatively small size even compared to a shorter member of the group such as Tora.

Time passed, and eventually Sectonia made her way with the others in search of Band and his little sting. Poppi was a bit more subtle about flying due to her much smaller size in comparison to Sectiona, although her jet boosters did let out a dim hum sound and emit light from the fire so perhaps the two flyers would've been even thinking about it. Still Sectiona kept lower with the rest of the group and eventually the sound of Band's horn rang out and brought the group to a warehouse where Band was being ambushed by quite the few people. Midna was helping how she could with her own power and her Wolfos, with Tora and poppi being the first to join the fight of the group and getting a bit dogpiled as well to put it lightly. Still the rest were here, and Sectonia had a strong presence about her as she came into the fight.

The first thing she did was assist the, quite frankly swarmed, Big Band by giving him a bit of haste, causing time around him to slow down but he still moved normally, at least for him. For everyone else, the big lad just started to move much quicker than before. She then added to the chaos, summoning a round of 4 green antillions to assist both Band and Tora with their electrical attacks, while the Queen herself turned to the nearest of these 'enemies' that was attacking Band.

A katty looking girl, although unlike Ms. Fortune Sectiona had seen prior, this girl was just 'pretending' to be a cat, instead of actually being one. She seemed to use throwing knives as a weapon, but didn't seem to have much else in the way of things that were apparent to the Queen. Opening her cape like wings in an attempt at intimidation, cackling while summoning her swords to deal with this lady. "You can surrender, or fall my dear. Your choice." While saying this, Sectiona activated the item she had gained in the desert that exerted some of her royal aura, the Pipe of Insight, giving herself and her other allies a green shield that absorbed magical damage. Thankfully unlike summoning her minions this was a nearly instant spell, although it seemed to have a cooldown.

Assuming Maeve didn't surrender, the first thing Sectonia noticed as she started to swing her swords was how much faster she could swing them after absorbing the essence of that moon shard. Of course her swords were all the same as they were before, so this was a noticeable increase in her personal power. An increase she was using to attack this girl with a flurry of swipes and stabs. And if Maeve did surrender, well, Sectonia had another minion to add to her collection.

Level 9 Blazermate - (24/90) +1 +10 encounter

Bottomless Sea > the Maw room 2
Words: less than 750

So Blazermates idea didn't turn out so well. First her idea of launching Geralt and Mirage to the couch didn't get them enough distance as well, she wasn't the strongest medabot especially without her demonic shield arm. Second her flying kick of desperation was that, a flying kick of "oh dear god the fan is now a buzzsaw". Blazermate ducked out of the way, but due to the wideness of her frame due to having her jets out she couldn't fully dodge it and the saw ricochet off her pigtail and disabled it, causing her to be forced to land with the others. The silver lining of this was that the now turned buzzsaw fan sliced its way through bongo bongo, although this didn't kill the monster like some had hoped but sent him back to the start. Apparently deadly slashes like this only reset the monsters down here instead of killing them, good to know for the future. Still she made her way up to the vent with the others, climbing with them as she had no way of using her flight for now.

When she got into the vent, she put her hair in a different mode so that it'd be more compact to allow her to navigate the vents, even if one of them had a massive slash along it and the engine components inside were showing. Her head part wasn't completely depleted, so she could heal up if given the opportunity, which soon she would be allowed to do as the vents went in deeper and deeper, and everyone had been able to get inside. Blazermate would've liked to help the others get up, but her size meant that it was difficult for her to move through the vents let alone turn around inside them.

""Phew, that was close..." Blazermate said as they made their way through the vents, most exhausted and a little hurt. She wouldn't be able to do much for everyone until they got to a more open area that had the sound of water flowing nearby, something Blazermate wasn't too keen on. With the space to move around, she began to mend her own jet and the wounds of the others, not having the enhanced healing rate that her fancy robo medic medigun gave to lingering wounds meaning that this took far longer that she would've liked. While she made sure everyone was at least health, she could hear the rumbling coming from everyone's stomachs. This wasn't something she could help though, with her saying. "... Are you all ok?"

Level 9 Blazermate - (13/90) +1

Bottomless Sea > the Maw
Words: less than 750

Blazermate did not like this creature above with its giant hands. Sure her flight wasn't the quietest out of all medabots, but this creature sure had an ear on him! Although he seemed to be a bit on the dumb side all things considered. Still, two near misses on his grabs before Blazermate hid, which actually worked much to her surprise let her observe what was going on with the others, even if she was the furthest away from the vent. At least, what she could see that wasn't blocked by objects or the big junk pile.

Bowser and his group were making the best progress it seemed with their group jump strategy. A few others were using other bits of junk to make some makeshift walkways or boats across said junk, ad yet even others were just making their own way around everything as bongo bongo attacked whatever objects they threw or noise they made. At least until he got mad and started to just go ballistic, causing a ton of noise in his frustration. Noise that was much louder than Blazermate's high whine jets. Seeing her opportunity she got out from under her hiding spot and glided along the side of the walls, giving herself a push off point with her legs if she needed to make a quick dodge.

Although due to his rage, soon this wouldn't be necessary as bongo bongo both hurt himself in his rampage, making an audible sound and his hand turning blue when he did so, as well as him causing the junk pile to start to slide and collapse, causing an insane amount of noise and putting Mirage and Geralt in danger, as they were the closest to the pile. With how erratic bongo bongo was being right now, there wasn't much for it and Blazermate made her way over to the two in order to help throw them onto the couch that the others were at, the vent above said couch they were going to use to escape.

Now while Blazermate couldn't fly with either of them, let alone two of them, she could still yeet them to the relative softness of the couch and if they got hurt, she could heal them up afterwords. Considering getting crushed by junk would be a much worse fate, she flew over and helped Mirage first, offering using her strength and an aerial flip for momentum to throw Mirage to the couch. This forced her to descend a bunch, but she could leap off a piece of junk to steady herself back into the air before she did the same thing for Geralt. Not wanting to even see if her little stunt was grabbing bongo bongo's attention, the monster having made a loud thud as it landed to handle the escapees, Blazermate made her way to the vent. Inside the vent was a quiet spinning metal fan with a glowing weakpoint in the center. Not being able to stop herself since she was making a mad flight to the vent, she decided to just try to dropkick the fan's weakpoint, using the fact that she was metal to aid this fact. Although she wasn't expecting to get out of this unscathed.
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