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Level 11 Sectonia (holding 5 level up) - (88/110)
Location: The Under - Hollow Knight Victory
Word Count: Less than 750

The Radiance had been more scared than Sectonia had thought. Perhaps much like herself, she shrugged off pain until it got too great to ignore? That would explain how they were able, upon some of her allies approaching the front of the train, able to take it out without as many hits as the arena itself. Sure the Radiance was in a blind fury, out of anger or fear, and thus not stopping her void globules as often, but it was still a relief. Using her conjured gemstone barricade, Ganondorf and the other melee bruisers were able to get up close and send the Radiance down into the darkness below, which ended up finishing her off. With her dead, her spirit drifted to the train with everyone. A spirit that Sectonia was interested in and grabbed.

Sectonia, having grabbed the guardian spirit, was interested in it. It had great power, and it wasn't half bad with its looks. Plus it would be difficult to ignore her beauty with such control over light. And did she mention it was powerful? Much more powerful than the other spirits she had grabbed earlier. Besides the first spirit she grabbed, the others hadn't been too great in terms of power. But outside of one, which she used the respec orb to get rid of, the others at least had some beauty to them. And there could be some untapped power she'd have to figure out. She hadn't gotten a chance of doing so recently as of late. And with that thought done, Sectonia assimilated the Radiance.

After assimilating the spirit and having a Rumor Honeybottom spirit in her hands, unsure of what to do with it for now. With that done, the dream ended and they found themselves back within the hollow knight temple. That was when an interesting surprise appeared before them. A terrified F whom 'saved' them from a still moving hollow knight no doubt trying to attack Sectonia due to her taking the Radiance's power. Sectonia could only look at him with skepticism and doubt; what was he planning this time? But perhaps she could take advantage of his terrified state if it wasn't a game. "Hmph, if you want to be helpful, giving some information would be a good start." Sectonia said. "What are the details behind the flame clocks? Why did P vanish without a spirit? And do you Consuls have a leader?"

Sectonia trusted F less than she did Ganondorf, whom she trusted less now for some reason; even though he had shown that he was at least quite strong and useful when pointed at something to destroy much like his other king cohort. So she wouldn't let him leave, at least not until she was done poking his brain. She did momentarily think about mind controlling him, but she doubted that would even work.
Lost at C

Midna’s @DracoLunaris, Roland’s @Archmage MC
Word Count:3640 +4

When Midna went on defense, the Consul did too. He hopped away, then used Scapegoat again for an extra spurt of backward movement. He glanced up at her huge, inert mech. It had yet to take action, and thanks to the various AoE attacks from both Karen and Tycoon, it was taking a pounding. After a brief moment, he seemed to understand. “Ah, I see. Now that’s a side effect that didn’t come on the bottle.”

Indeed, even as he realized the ploy, the pilotless machine was already sinking back into the twilight realm, the princess unable to sustain the summoning of the sized up titan for more than a few moments.

Though Roland’s ability to rapidly switch weapons impressed him, C felt no need to test their mettle by clashing. Instead he used Steady Aim, gripping his pistol with both hands as he locked onto Midna’s legatus again. With Mephisto’s gasp seeping in through her broken mask, now looked like a good time to try again. His bullet couldn’t hit her Beast Legion, which meant it would pass right through, and if he took out her wolfos that would work, too. This time he fired, canceled his stance into reload, then resumed his stance after reloading one round to fire again. Shooting like this fully optimized his resources, allowing him to keep blasting away at max accuracy and power until his concentration waned.

Aware of this possibility now, however, Midna had made a non reactive plan, and brought up her one lower arms to block her upper one that was holding the legatus. The bullet ripped into the limbs, shattering the entirely replaceable magic, the only cost of which was causing her to drop the gun she’d been holding with them. She struck it with her knee as she kept moving forwards, bouncing it away and into a portal.

A second bullet came in, a second arm was sacrificed, and then her beast legion struck back for her. Not with claws, but by running a lap of the Consul as Midna closed in close enough for it to do so, wrapping the chain he kept trying to break around him.

”Let’s see you get out of this one, you slippery moblin” Midna taunted, before attempting to deliver another igniting axe blow to her foe.

Roland had used Midna’s distraction to fade back into the smoke, using his silent movement to get around and strike once Midna opened up with an axe shot of her own. Roland struck C with his lance, using the extra range to strike even sooner, before swapping to his daggers to rush him down.

For his part, C seemed focused on Midna, and he evidently knew something she didn’t. “Hehe, well, if you ins-!” Then the Astral Chain closed on him with a jerk, cutting him off. The Twilight Princess had no trouble bringing her axe down on his head in a puff of flame, and his rabbit-eared helmet practically exploded into halves to reveal a visage topped by small horns and a mop of gray hair, accompanied by an almost cartoonish bonk. His x-shaped shades (worn beneath the helmet) flew from his face, which turned to one of dismay as his eyes rolled like slot machines, sounds included. Once Roland stabbed him with his lance and dashed in with his daggers, his rolling eyes stopped on two blue symbols.

Immediately an omnidirectional wave of blue energy exploded outward from his position, freeing C and lifting him up into the air with a stylish pose. The Burst did no damage, but it did knock his foes away and floor them. When the Consul landed again, he flicked his hand and made a new pair of shades appear from thin air, which he donned with a grin. “Now we’re cooking!” He drew his gun, but as he twirled it for effect copies of the gun flew out of it and littered the ground around him. When he noticed this, C looked bewildered, lifted his shades to give the pistol a better look. “Wait, what?” Doing so meant that he also noticed the early warning signs of Tycoon’s Artificial Gravity. “Ugh, guess it’s about that time.” Rather than attack, he hurried toward a particular point on the arena, some purpose in mind.

Getting back up from the ground, Roland saw the signs of some big attack coming as well from Tycoon, having had enough of getting shot at by Blazermate’s sentry gun. Well, it was doing something that concerned C, so Roland decided that getting next to and dealing with him would be the best idea. Either to stop his plans, or to be in the same protected area he was in. Plus he could get a few more clashes in on his new… weird form with his sword.

”Wha, where, how?” Minda asked, very confused about everything that had just gone down, as she picked herself and her axe up off the floor alongside her wolves, before glancing over at Tycoon and realizing it was doing … something. Something big.

”That can’t be good” she observed, as she unsummoned her wolfos so she didn’t have to worry about it getting caught in whatever was about to happen. She tossed her ax into the same portal before it closed, before hopping onto the back of her Beast Legion, and then spurred it into sprinting after C.

”I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m going to make it your problem not mine!” she declared as she formed her shadow hand and prepared to slap it down on top of him once she got in close enough.

Seeing Midna mount up, Roland decided to hitch a ride so he could start shooting C with his own gun as they rode towards him, pulling out his own pistols to shoot C with before he got in close to clash swords with him. ”Not the weirdest thing I’ve done…” Roland said, looking at the… whole situation he was in right now.

C slid to a stop and turned on the Seekers as they bore down on him. The sight of Midna on an invisible steed and Roland piggybacking on her shoulders really threw him off. “Pfff, haha!” Of course, the wild shots in his general direction forced him to block, and the two reached him the next second. “Not bad. If this hero business doesn’t work out, you should join the circus.” Suddenly the miniature vortexes all around the arena grew much larger, blanketing almost the entire battlefield. But the spot the Consul parked himself in wasn’t a safe space–it was an intersection point where a whopping four different AoE markers overlapped. C grinned. “‘Cause this is gonna be funny.”

The next moment Tycoon’s Artificial Gravity descended, and the area filled with raging spacetime vortexes. Even the chip damage from blocking them might have been too much for C if he didn’t mitigate chip damage with Faultless Defense. Unfortunately, the others weren’t quite so lucky, including Mephisto. “Well now,” the Consul muttered as the attack subsided. “Guess who just sang his swan song.”

As for Roland, Midna, and her Legion all that reminded them of where they had been was a little crack in the air. A crack that expanded open, and out of which black particles descended, reforming the trio as Midna warped them back down from Arahabaki. As soon as the Legion’s claws hit the steel floor, it continued its charge towards C as if it had never stopped.

Roland hadn’t expected to be pulled through time and space so… violently yet gently to dodge that massive attack, he had gotten ready to try to get into a defensive stance instead much like C. But no, Midna had his back while C had tanked all of that and gotten 4 stacks of Vulnerability Up.

“Huh.” C sounded mildly surprised. He hadn’t really expected that his opponents would get caught in his trap using Artificial Gravity, since that would be a pretty ignoble way to go out, but he’d guessed wrong as to how they’d avoid it. Now, with only a brief delay, the two were on his case again. The sight of Midna riding nothing (not to mention Roland riding her) still amused him, but it also solidified his idea of what her invisible companion was. “You really do have a thing for wolves, eh?” Without any time to prepare, or an invincible reversal to bust loose with, the Consul resigned himself to defense behind a conjured barrier.

”I have a dragon too!” Midna declared as her flygon burst from a portal and lunged forwards to deliver a one two swipe of dragon claw slashes while the princess lightly slowed her beast’s charge so that Roland could dismount and join in the fight. Which Roland did, doing an anime jump off of Midna to clash with C’s conjured barrier in an attempt to shatter it with his twin blades. This clash also leveled up his Emotion level, hitting emotion level 3 and gaining Learning, a puppet’s voice echoing “I’m keen to learn as usual. Would you like to see me learn?” as well as the EGO Aspiration. That EGO was a bit… risky to use.

“A dragonfly, maybe,” C grumbled as Midna called in the cavalry. “But if an apple can be a dragon, it hardly matters.” After that, he got locked down on defense. While no amount of whaling on the magical smiley face would destroy the Consul’s guard, the various attacks still did chip damage, amped up by Vulnerability. By now, C had lost (or spent) enough health that he couldn't just burn through his reserves wildly. “Oh, put a sock in it,” he told the mouthy puppet. This nonstop pressure from his opponents left him without many options. They weren't giving him any space to do much of anything that wouldn't just result in an immediate punish.

“I know I'm one to talk, but this is pretty cheap,” he griped with a wince. “Guess I better turn things up a notch.” While still in blockstun, he performed a Yellow Roman Cancel. The short-range wave interrupted his foes’ attacks and staggered them just enough to leave nobody at advantage or disadvantage. “Time for rock, paper, scissors,” he told the Seekers, flipping out his gun. “Shoot!”

”Agreed” Midna said, having not engaged alongside Roland, but instead held back for a moment to rearm. Now, as man and beast were blasted aside, she hefted her Mutagen Shotgun, and squeezed the trigger in tandem with C, filling the air with enough lead that even she couldn’t miss.

Roland, seeing this mess, jumped out of the way to let the two have a shootout. He didn’t want to be in the middle of a firefight, that was for sure.

The two blasted each other at almost the same time, C slightly faster due to his skill and smaller weapon, but Midna with a lot more force. Her shotgun threw the Consul backward to land on his back and roll over into his stomach. Then he faded out, a copy fading in simultaneously into a standing position above him. “Oof,” he muttered. “These debuffs are a real buzz killer.” He reached up above his head and snatched something out of the air. It seemed to be a little shield-shaped emblem, emblazoned with a black and orange spiral. C ripped it in half, then drew his pistol. “Now where were we?”

[d7d7d7]”How many times do we have to kill this guy?”[/color] Roland said, a bit annoyed with just what this C was doing. There was also the other option; they were fighting an illusion this whole time. Well, he could at least confirm the latter bit, although it was going to hurt a bit. Manifesting the EGO he had gotten, Roland donned Aspiration, looking like he and turned himself inside out with the arena turning into the inside of a chest cavity for 10 seconds thanks to the page wisps. And with that Roland let out a massive burst of energy blasting everything around him in a large AoE with the power of unending craving and aspiration, at the cost of half of his HP. This buffed Midna and any other allies near him for 10 seconds, while doing a massive amount of damage to all enemies hit. C would have a hard time blocking this move.

When Roland transformed, C made a face at the sight of him. “Now you’re just being nasty.”

”What?” was Midna’s first confused reaction to this as she picked herself up from the floor where she’d been knocked down to by being shot, followed by observing that ”well that’s disgusting” as she took the mess they were in and Roland had become for a brief moment.

Still, it was only for a moment before she got moving again. Predicting that C was going to try and block and no-sell whatever this big explosive attack was, she thrust her shadow hand forwards to grab C so she could then hurl him at the gross wall of whatever arena magic or pocket dimension they were in. Then she’d have Flygon land between them and him and give him a bub buzz for good measure.

The sight of a hand reaching out to grasp him prompted a reflexive response from C, but he misestimated what he was dealing with. His attempt to tech Midna’s throw failed, and the tenebrous fingers closed around him. “Oh, come on.” A split second later, he found himself tossed straight at the energy surge’s nightmarish epicenter, too fast for him to recover and block in the air. Roland’s eldritch outburst blew the Consul away, and once he hit the floor he tumbled before skidding to a halt. This time he lay there, groaning. “Ooh, got that one wrong.” When Midna’s Flygon landed next to him, he unceremoniously emptied his pistol into it, which immediately resulted in a handful of cactus needles. Then the gun clicked empty, and he allowed the hand to fall back down. Seemingly defeated, he stared listlessly at the ceiling. “Man. I really do suck at this.”

A moment after Midna tried ”You gave it your best, and that’s all they can ask for?” vaguely hoping they could add him to the list of foes who had booked it. He didn’t deserve to live, in her mind, but she also did not want to learn how many more times he could play the fake body trick, so playing along it was.

Roland himself was recovering from using Aspiration, the page wisps changing the arena back to its normal state. ”Phew, that one is a bit rough…” Roland said. Unlike Midna though, he wasn’t really humoring C, instead being on guard since he knew weirdos like him were up to something at all times. Especially if he had that same ‘moebius’ thing that the previous consul had.

C seemed to ignore Midna as he began to speak, his voice as coarse and conspiratorial as ever. “You know, until humans die, all they have is the process. And if you can’t enjoy the failures along the way, you’re really missing out. So here’s the question. If there was a set path you could follow to reach your final destination, that being death, without ever suffering failure, could you really call that path life?” He grinned as his head lolled to the side. “All that is to say, I’m feeling very fulfilled right now. A happy…accident…”

His body rippled, as if a shadow passed over it. When it faded, it wasn’t the body of the Consul laying there at all, but that of Akira Konoe, which quickly began to dissolve. As Midna and Roland stared at it, someone walked out from between them. “Of course, that begs one other question,” the voice belonged to C, and when he turned to face them, pointing finger guns at them both, he was wearing a devilish grin. “Are you my protagonists?”

Time seemed to freeze for a brief moment as he drew both his pistols, spinning them in his hands as he framed his head. He then pointed them sideways, firing into a magic portal as time resumed. “Deus ex Machina!” A handful of portals manifested around Midna and Roland, and from all directions a fusillade of bullets blasted toward them. More portals would appear to trace their movements, making evasion almost impossible. After a couple seconds a final, much larger portal appeared overhead, and from it hurtled a supersized bullet bigger than an outhouse that plowed through the arena itself.

Roland pulled out his sword and began to parry the bullets fired at him from the various portals. He had to admit that he wasn’t as good as the blue sicko when it came to parrying gunfire. He wasn’t a slouch, and could deflect a fair amount of shots from himself and Midna as the two were near each other, but he couldn’t get them all. And once the big shot came, there was nothing to do but just avoid it entirely. There was no way he was parrying a shell that big. Only the blue sicko and the red mist could deal with something that big without specialized weapons. And even then, the latter did have that cool sword that split entire city blocks.

Midna did her part by, after realizing dodging wasn’t going to work, by opening a portal of her own. Out of it the paw, and only the paw, of her giant mecha-bear rose up, while next to it she summoned her warthog ATV. Putting their backs against these twin walls, they massively reduced the amount of space the portals could open in.fire at them through, letting her pull out and wrap her shadow hand over their heads to block bullets coming from above, while Roland focused on those coming through the remaining gap.

Then when the big bullet came she whipped her shielding shadow hand up, slapping the shot in the side to try and direct it away from the way they chose to try and evade it, while dropping their cover back into the twilight realm.

When the bullet storm ended, and the last few spent casings clattered to the ground, C lowered his guns to get a look at his handiwork over the gunsmoke. Deus Ex Machina was no joke, and he’d definitely dealt some damage, but the two Seekers were still very much alive. “Well damn, looks like you might just be. Only a true protagonist could have that much plot armor.” Holstering his right-hand pistol, he span his left with a flourish. “How about…”


A disembodied voice echoed across the Consul’s corner of the arena. When he heard it, C’s shoulders drooped, an annoyed look on his face as he scratched his head. “Aw, really? Victory by timer scam? What a rip.” He squeezed off a near-instant shot, aimed at an nonspecific point in the air. It hit something invisible to his opponents and shattered it, leaving a hole like broken glass in the fabric of reality itself. With an exasperated sigh, he put away his other gun and shrugged. “Still, a win’s a win. If I’m being honest, I was hoping you’d win. Really breaks the monotony whenever you guys show up. Let’s do this again sometime, huh?” He grinned. “Who knows, maybe next time you can try beating me for real. Good luck figuring out how, hehe.”

”I… What just happened?” Midna asked, entirely bemused by C’s antics and, entirely unable to maintain any anger at him as a result of it, before deciding simply that ”You know what, I’ll take it.”

C crossed his arms, looking over at Tycoon. Thanks to the efforts of Pit, Roxas, Zenkichi, and Susie, Midgar’s Guardian seemed to be suffering. “Still, I gotta wonder. Do you really know what you’re getting into? The consequences of your actions? There’s no way, right?” He glanced back at Midna and Roland. “If you did, though, heheh. Wouldn’t that be something.”

”You tell me?” Midna replied noncommittally as she took a moment to first catch her breath and then another reform her second pair of arms.

The Consul snickered. If she really expected him to give a straight answer by now, she should learn to temper her expectations. “Nah, go ahead and find out for yourself. And if you can’t get it, maybe that brainy angel lady can fill you in.” Without further ado, C turned to go. He skirted around the perimeter of the battlefield, ducking away from stray shots, as he headed for his parked car. Once he hopped in, the Consul turned as if to say something. Then he lifted up a glass with a grin, swirled it, and took a drink. “Ahh. My favorite.”

”What the hell…” Roland said, utterly confused. Apparently this C was way crazier than he figured, or he could see some weird wing test, or WAS a test or… ”Ok so… hes just…. Leaving? Well, I guess with how his powers work, I guess it makes as much sense as anything hes doing. These weirdos…” Roland said, sighing.

”If it means I don’t have to listen to him throw out a dozen more terms I have never heard of I’m not going to complain” Midna replied as she shook out her newly reformed limbs ”I mean, what is plot armor?”

”It’s a literary term for “your invincible due to plot” but why he was making quotes on writing is… well he is a weirdo.” Roland said, clarifying that for Midna, who supposed that was on brand with whatever C had been on about.

Level 11 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (88/110)
Location: The Under - Hollow Knight
Word Count: Less than 750

When they managed to deal some damage to this guardian, it seemed that darkness came from below to engulf this being of light. Darkness that got a bit of something in. Whatever that 'something' was, scared off the Radiance and made it retreat unlike their attacks. "So it is weak to the darkness it seems. With how Ganondorf is handling the attacks, its perhaps weak and strong against darkness. Unless that is an even stronger darkness, it did look a bit different..." Sectonia said. She then listened to Kamek reading about the Radiance from his book, and learning that it was fleeing to ascend to an even more powerful form.

"Hmmm... that book seems to be a bit confused with what it knows. It says this guardian can't be defeated, yet it does? Why would a book want to stir up dramatic tension?" With her wording, it seemed Bowser's flare for stageplay rubbed off on her a little bit. But that wasn't important now, since they had to chase the guardian. And almost as if on que, a friend Nadia had made arose from the darkness on a train offering the seekers a ride towards the fleeing Radiance.

"Why does this seem familiar..." Sectonia said, remembering having to use a train to fight another guardian before. But this one didn't have a giant cannon, so it would be up to the group at large to deal with this. "Well, there can be only one radiant beauty, so shall we slay a presumed god?" Sectonia said to get everyone ready for the approach.

Much like before, Sectonia had a bit of trouble keeping herself on the moving train. It was far worse this time however, as before she could keep her back to something when she needed to rest from flying. This time though? It was a flat train top and was much more difficult, needing to use a hand to hold onto the train itself most of the time, leaving her dodging opportunites to be quite limited at the moment.

To compensate for this, she summoned a golden antler and a crystal in front of her to use as cover from the blasts as they approached, offering the cover to anyone else who needed it. The cover wouldn't be indestructible, as she herself could shatter these crystals, so it would only take so much punishment before it broke. She could use this makeshift cover to throw the occasional void globule, knowing that the Radiance was scared of them, but the range and rate of attacks made them hitting being very low. Seems she'd have to be on defense for a while until they got closer.

Level 11 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (86/110)
Location: The Under - Hollow Knight
Word Count: Less than 750

Being a flyer, Sectonia was immune to the ground spikes summoned by Radiance. However the rest of her group wasn't and that was causing a lot of issues with their footing and inability to land a good clean hit on this thing. Meanwhile Sectonia was causing some celestial fireworks n the air as this creature countered her void globules with its own light balls, the energy of light and void evaporating each other in a beautiful implosion. This was interesting though, as this creature seemed to almost ignore hits against it, but it was using attacks to counter her void attacks? Well, that was something!

First things first though, dealing with the spike fields her allies had to deal with. While she couldn't help with the first few, she did notice that there were only two locations of these fields and they coincided where the Radiance was hovering. So Sectonia summoned two golden antlers to not only strike at the moth when she got close, but also act as some protection from the floor of the others. They could take a couple spikes before disappearing with their sheer bulk.

Sectonia meanwhile just continued to throw void globules at the guardian, dodging her vertical lasers and swords with her own teleport. Granted when those attacks were going out, Sectonia couldn't attack and dodge at the same time, she wasn't that nimble. Seeing the balls aiming for the globules did make Sectonia try one thing that was a bit risky. She'd teleport next to the Radiance after the guardian had teleported and threw void globules at it point blank to land some damage. This was during her little lightshow of lasers emanating from her that attacked all the fliers though, so it was very unpleasant to get hit by multiple beams.


Lost at C

Midna’s @DracoLunaris, Roland’s @Archmage MC (Also susie dealing with Tycoon a little bit.)
Word Count: 1711 (+3)

Everyone was puzzled at Nox's new outburst. He went from declaring his intent to take this guardian's time traveling powers for himself, to... bemoaning his plans weren't going to work? Blazermate was thoroughly confused about this, while Roland and Susie had an idea of what happened. Susie could only guess with context clues, while Roland had his second hand experience to guess what happened. "Sounds like he already time traveled." Susie said, with Roland saying "So... from what it sounded like... he succeeded, but only reset the cycle back here. Like with Angela." Well, it didn't take long for Nox to despair and leave, seeing his plan as failed, with C replacing him.

"I don't blame the guy. Repeating cycles is not fun and I know I'd probably hang myself around cycle 4 or 5." Roland said, giving a bit of empathy to Nox. But now with C here, and using his powers to transform Mephisto into some strange abomination to get him to fight, well... they still had a job to do. And with Nox not interfering, well... He wouldn't know if this would be a different cycle or not, but it seemed like it.

Getting ready for combat, Susie summoned her business suit and went to deal with Tycoon, her big mech suit strong enough to deal with the large guardian's slaps. Keeping its attention from the other seekers in the process. Roland was about to dash in to deal with Sam, but Roxas concocted a plan and managed to convince Sam to at least leave the fight entirely. Seeing this, Roland gave the boy a thumbs up saying. "Nice work! 1 down 3 to go."

Blazermate was on healing duty as always. With the opposition being down an entire person, and the person she wanted to use her new striker on having left the fight, Blazermate instead saved Armstrong for now and instead summoned her engineer to set his base up and his sentry gun which would plink away at Tycoon as he was the closest. With the battle started, Roland had memories of his time on General Works, or 'keter' as it would eventually be known as. As Midna was dealing with C at the time, Roland moved in to clash sword to bullet with Mephisto, deflecting and taking a shot which halted his rush in. A good thing too, as Mephisto unleashed a cloud of gas or something that obscured the arena and did some light poison damage. Blazermate and Susie were immune to the damage due to being robots, and the engineer's sentry gun seemed to ignore the obscurement entirely. But Roland and the engineer striker itself weren't immune to the poison and started to take some light damage.

Having lost his first clash, Roland's emotion leveled up and he got Lies, a puppet's voice saying "Everyone lies, why are you saying it’s a bad thing?", which caused his attacks to randomly get faster or slower. Hearing Midna seemingly struggling with C, Roland decided to give her a hand as Blazermate found herself helping the group dealing with Karen. She'd give Roland her healing drone however, so she could give Midna and Roland some healing. Roland would join after Midna had just deployed her mecha wolfos, his large two handed sword having been sped up by Lies and allowing him to deflect the shot aimed at Midna before going in to strike at C.

"I could hear you two from over there." Roland said, striking with his large sword.

Intercepting the weak shot meant for Midna removed Roland's element of surprise. Though the fixer moved quickly to strike back, C had more than enough time to holster his pistol and block. By this point Mephisto's fumes had crept back in, and unlike the Twilight Princess, Roland lacked a respirator to take the edge off the caustic haze. Two opponents would be more difficult to deal with, but he wondered if the newcomer was just here to bail Midna out. "Your point being?" The Consul hopped backward, lobbing another curse ball at Roland. While the projectile moved slowly enough to deflect with ease, it applied the curse even on block, creating a murky aura around Roland's body. When C drew his pistol, his reticle moved with uncanny accuracy even without Steady Aim. He fired while running forward three times, locking Roland in blockstun, then jumped toward him, still firing. He came down with a stomp that failed to hit his foe overhead, but it did bounce the Consul up and behind Roland to land his jumping dust. The wily blow crossed Roland up, bypassing his defense, and sent him stumbling a few steps with an ache in the back of his head. Of course, that put C directly between both his opponents, but he didn't seem to care. "Things only ever start to exist when there's a reason for them to," he admitted, reloading quickly. "What's yours?"

"Only the crazies monologue mid combat unprompted." Roland said as he blocked the curse ball with his large sword, before reflexively countering the three shots that C followed up with, before drawing his longsword to deal with C's overhead. C's attack chain left him in advantage though, leading to his final hit smacking Roland behind his head and sending him stumbling.

Well, Roland would be lying if he himself wasn't sure how to answer that question. It’s been mostly to survive, but he wasn't going to tell that to his opponent. "I'm just an everyday fixer doing his job. Fixing being something you don't know much about." Roland said as he swapped to his X Baton to get ready for another clash with C.

His response elicited a tilt of the Consul’s head as he finished reloading. “And just who do you think fixed the game for Nox?”

Roland could only be confused by what Nox said. He clearly didn’t know what a fixer actually was. It wouldn’t stop him from using his X baton as its namesake and smacking it at C, getting blocked as was C’s fighting style, but leveling Roland’s emotion to 2 and causing him to gain Urging, a bolstering monstrous voice saying “Your craving will make the beats faster.” which made Roland faster and increased his HP. After breaking away to pull out a gun of his, Roland understood what C was getting at, sorta.

”Pretty sure it was you. From what I saw at the meeting, you and the other guy were actually running Midgar.” Roland said.

The Consul was faster. With the curse applied to Roland, his aim seemed practically automatic. He fired off a couple bullets to keep his enemy locked down, sneaking a curious glance at Midna on the sidelines, then turned his attention back to Roland. “Then you weren’t paying attention.” After jumping, he airdashed forward, then dropped with a downward gunshot. He did not cross Roland up, though, and upon landing he went for a throw that flat-out beat the fixer’s block. Considering that C just planted his foot in Roland’s stomach and kicked him down, however, the price he paid for getting opened up could be a lot worse. After that C backdashed in order to focus and regain concentration, though that left him open for a brief moment. “I don’t ‘run’ things. I just wind ‘em up and watch ‘em go.”

”Yeah you're nothing but a meddler” Midna agreed with C as she stepped back into the fray, having had to pause to catch her breath after an attempted distraction. Now she was back in though, and had re-armed. Two of her hands were holding one of the commando’s auto-pistols, the princess not at all confident enough to duel wield them like the man she had stolen them from. The other two she had the Sharpened Volcano Fragment, her enemy-igniting obsidian ax.

Her two wolves darted a head, once again attempting to harry C with tooth and claw, while she advanced, pistol firing pot shots over the heads of her beasts, ax hefted to deliver an overhead cleave once she got close.

Only a smattering of the bullets Midna sprayed out landed, but those that did caught the Consul during his attempt to focus, and they left him wide open for her wolves. They jumped on him, their jaws snapped shut around his limbs as they dragged him to the ground. While their viciousness in tugging C around made it somewhat difficult to aim for vitals, the Twilight Princess was nothing if not determined. She brought down the axe on C’s helmet, a loud crack ringing out as she chopped into it. He slumped down as the twilit wolf and Beast Legion released his now-burning body, but a moment after his back hit the ground, an arm just like his own reached out from beneath his body. Out of nowhere, a new Consul C emerged from the space beneath the fallen one, throwing off the original like a cellar trap door, and his reticle locked onto Midna’s head. “Bang.” He fired, damaging her mask, and as the fresh C stood the other one blipped out like a TV screen.

Minda stumbled back, hand clutching the rebreather mask, eye darting to and fro behind its cracked lens in confusion.

”What the? How? When did he replace himself” she questioned as her wolves moved to put themselves defensively between her and C.

Getting back up from the ground, Roland groaned in a bit of annoyance. ”Why am I not surprised this guy is a distortion. A weird one at that. Even spouts the same nonsense the blue sicko was going on and on about.” Roland said, using his own gun to shoot C before swapping to his lance. ”If he starts talking about hearing a ladies' voice, I'll be convinced he was part of that sicko’s band.” Roland said, switching to his sword to try for another clash.

Robot Girls

Level 5 Roland - (19/50)
Level 12 Blazermate (Holding 3 level up) - (116/120)
Level 7 Susie - (15/70) - (Holding 4 level up)
Location: Midgar- The Guardian
Word Count:

Being on the half of the group that was still standing, Susie and Roland were doing what they could. Although needing to take Tycoon's attacks alongside its gravity well clipping her business suit, Susie wasn't looking so good. Roland meanwhile was probably one of the healthier of the group somehow. His fighting style, with Sandalphon and Blazermate giving him heals before their untimely demises, was at least keeping him up. But things weren't looking good, he'd need to do something to turn the tides or think about running himself.

Karen wanted a piece of Roland and wanted to clash, which Roland was all for. He'd take this one down at least for how annoying hes been for the whole fight while their healer was occupied. Karen was ready for Roland's lance strike however, and countered with his own move to knock Roland back to the ground. Having gotten Roland off him, Karen now turned to deal with Pit, Sakura, and Karin. With Sam free Roland decided to focus on him. While Sam's sword was strong, Roland had a few strong blades of his own and broke through a defensive flourish from Sam using his massive two handed sword, Sam surprised the huge hunk of metal wasn't sliced apart by his blade.

Sam retaliated with a slash of his own, which Roland guarded against taking reduced but still fair amounts of damage. However with that, Roland's emotion leveled up and due to their losing position, he gained Mountain of Corpses, with a chorus of voices from some undead creature echoing. "Don’t fall off… Get together again… We are one…". As he did, he absorbed the pain and suffering in the air from his injured allies and defeated allies and gained immense strength, speed, and durability. He also gained the EGO page Mimicry. This also reduced Roland's HP enough to trigger his Claws of Savagery, which caused some strange fog to obscure Roland's actions for his next blow.

A next blow he'd be using right away as the page wisps appeared again, turning the area into an overrun containment unit as Roland donned Mimicry, turning into a horrifying abomination and struck at Karen from the shadows, using Pit's distraction and his own invisiblity to smack him with a buffed, fast swipe with his scythe, a demonic "GooDBYe" coming from it as he swung dealing massive damage and left a massive amount of bleeding behind and Roland healing himself for a large amount on top of that. A very nasty combination that left Karen reeling from the attack. And without Mephisto, who had been finished by Pit, there wasn't much left for Karen then to do a few extra moves before he bled out, each attack he did accelerating his bleed out.

While Roland was doing that, Susie had been dealing with Tycoon this whole time. Having taken many hits from the giant robot, alongside her previous battles and its AoE wells hitting her business suit, it wasn't doing super well. Even that was an overestimate, the thing was on the verge of falling apart at this rate. Something that Sam, having lost track of Roland, capitalized on. Coming from behind, he slashed at an exposed component of the business suit, causing it to finally give in and explode, knocking Sam back and Susie upwards.. Only to get spiked by Tycoon. And without her suit, she wasn't as durable anymore with the guardian doing some serious damage with its slap. Sam, not wanting to lose an opportunity as Roland had just struck Karen with a vicious move, the fixer looking like a monster himself, used this opportunity to move to, and finish off, Susie with a quick slash to her oversized head.

This left him in a weird position though, as now he was the focus of Tycoon. And since Susie had been tanking the guardian's punches and was now gone, Sam had to deal with these punches. Punches and slaps that hurt, a lot, as Sam would find out when one connected on him. It got even worse when Roland fired at him from behind with his guns, forcing Nox to come to Sam's defense against the fixer after dealing with Pit. Roland had been studying Nox, and knew his shield would be a problem.

Level 11 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (84/110)
Location: The Under - Hollow Knight
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia let out a bit of annoyance as her Antlers, while controlling a lot of space and offering cover for others with their bulky bodies, were falling to the corruption seeping out of the hollow knight as it used its own ichor to attack. Well, there was time to deal with them before they turned, and she did just that by throwing her Rings of Light to not only deal some damage to the hollow knight itself, but the Antlers as well as they were starting to lose control of themselves to dispose of them. Dodging the globes herself was annoying, with her trying to strike at them with her axe to knock them away. This ended up just having them splash off her axe, but at least she didn't get hit by too much of the horrid stuff.

It didn't take long for their opening to the REAL guardian to come about. As they had weakened the hollow knight, it started to stab and mutilate itself to get at whatever it was containing inside of it. And soon after that, the org member from before came and held its head open with their keyblade. Well, that was apparently what they were waiting for as Kamek used the Dreamcatcher and sent everyone into this things... dream?

Much like before, they were in some heavenly looking place with a big battle arena. Unlike before though, this place was unnantrually bright. And the center of that brightness would form into a giant moth. "Hmm... Something like this is the guardian of the whole underground here? Its a lot more pleasant than the other things down here, curious." Although that thought would have to be put on hold as now was the time to fight.

Much like its illumination would suggest, this thing used light magic, something that both Kamek and especially Ganondorf seemed to hate. Sectonia was pretty neutral on it all things considered. But not having a weakness to this magic didn't make it any less painful. Much like Bowser, avoiding these rain of attacks not to dissimilar to her own style of firing out multiple projectiles wasn't easy for her size. But unlike the koopa king, she could teleport and blink between the sword volleys as they seemed to come in a very predictable pattern. While Ganon and Bowser had to swipe or tank the attacks, she could gracefully teleport through them. Even the large beam of light that spread across the platform was something she could handle, although since the rest of her group had a very hard time dealing with that, it seemed like she'd need to help them with what she could.

Those close to her, at least before she blinked to the other side of Radiance's spells, would have some resistance to her magic thanks to her pipe's aura. She could also give her team a bit of a shield thanks to that that would absorb some of the damage coming their way. But it seemed with the lack of them able to hit this thing, Sectonia would have to step up being one of the few fliers in the group. Antlers would just be wiped out by the constant barrage of light swords and light beams, so short of the golden ones to take a hit for someone, they were out of the question. But she had her own powerful spells to throw at this 'light goddess'. She started by summoning her Chaos Heart shield to absorb some of the damage she'd no doubt take during this fight, as while some attacks were made for her to dodge, her big size made others, such as the light balls, the beams of light emanating from Radiance, and the sword burst difficult to dodge.

She would use the opportunites of being unable to dodge to hit Radiance with her Dark Lightning, letting her pipe of insight shield and her chaos shield absorb the not insignificant damage. Sectonia noticed that much like herself, it would be difficult to tell if they were even damaging this thing as it didn't react much at all to being attacked. Well, even if it had insanely high defense, Sectonia swapping to her void globules would bypass that. Although it was up in the air of this thing would be weak or heavily resistant to the void.

Level 11 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (82/110)
Location: The Under - Hollow Knight
Word Count: Less than 750

"Hmph. I suppose I should see what this staff you wanted to make so badly did..." Sectonia said, grabbing the blue gemmed staff from the ashes of Rubick. As she did so, she found that this caused his spirit to disappear, as if the weapon was tied to his very essence with how much he valued it.

Sectonia gained

Sectonia wasn't disappointed though, it gave her the same power Rubick had shown, the ability to summon Golden Antlers. She could only summon 2 at a time unlike Rubick's 3, but this was quite an interesting ability. She did find that she had to hold the scepter to have these buffs, but that was quickly remedied with her trinket smelter. From what she could gather from how joined it was to his spirit, whatever spell he stole, this scepter upgraded it so that it'd be better than the person he stole it from. Now she saw how he got that title. Although his lack of power in this world was ultimately his downfall.

Sectonia couldn't help but agree with the others distaste of F. "Considering P ran as well, it seems so far these Consuls are cowards that let others take care of things for them. But that also means they give up ground as they run. Annoying." Well, before them was the source of this 'infection' coming from behind the sealed door. As they moved through the temple, Sectonia could see what Bowser was about, this had some proper flare at the very least. "Could use more color." Sectonia said, giving her own criticism but not denying what Bowser and Nadia had said.

Soon they found the bound form of the Hollow Knight. Something felt a bit off about this though as when they freed the thing, it began to fight them. She summoned her new Gold Antlers, which took up a fair amount of space and were bigger than Bowser thanks to her BFF trinket. They were slow, but would smack the hollow knight with their maces if he got close.

As the fight went on, Kamek flipped through his book and learned something that had confused Sectonia, confirmed something for her, and also made her a bit uneasy. They had to somehow get inside this thing's dreams to deal with the true guardian, as this was just one more seal. "Hmph, so weaken, but don't kill so we can restrain it and find the true guardian. This'll be a bit annoying, but I'm sure the two kings can hold it down when the time comes. The question will be, when will we know the time has come to enter its dreams?" Sectonia said as she cast Slow on the hollow knight to slow it down and fired off some void globules as to not damage it too much, but give it some steady damage.


Robot Girls

Level 5 Roland - (17/50)
Level 12 Blazermate (Holding 3 level up) - (114/120)
Level 7 Susie - (13/70) - (Holding 4 level up)
Location: Midgar- The Guardian
Word Count: 1205

Well, it seemed that the Consul was better at what he was doing when he had an army. Once he got cocky and started to want to eat everything, he went down with a fair amount of difficulty. Being the first Consul that these three had beaten, Blazermate was confused as to why he didn't drop a spirit. "Dang, I figured he'd drop a strong spirit or something." Susie noticed what he had said about Mobius, and while she didn't know what it meant, both her and Roland said, although in their own ways, that perhaps whatever power he had over the others of this world meant he no longer dropped a spirit upon death.

Given some time to rest and heal up before they approached the guardian itself, and the secret under Midgar. Blazermate took this time to turn Armstrong into a striker, beating Susie at a game of rock paper scissors over the buff boy as the two small ladies had a thing for big buff boys.

As they entered past the doors they saw the Guardian. It was some huge robot, monitoring portals all around it. It looked... very cobbled together for a word, but in a professional way. It was operated by what looked like steam, and it seemed to ignore the seekers for the moment. And as if to make the situation even worse, the other Consul C appeared and brought his own group that wanted what this guardian could do as well. Apparently it could control time? Something that only Roland had any experience with, if only second hand. Still, from what he knew from T corp and Angela, nothing good came with meddling with time.

He even voiced as such, saying. "So what is your plan then? Use this thing's power to reverse time to... what? There isn't a past to go back to if that Galeem thing was so powerful to erase and combine multiple dimensions together AND this thing is his guardian, thus under his power. At best you'll cause a loop and we'll just be here, again and again..." Hm... Could this be the case and he has been here before? He wouldn't know if that was the case at any rate.

Goldweis was the first to rush into battle, and it was clear that this guardian wasn't the only one with time powers as the mummy Nox, the one most interested in using this power, took out Goldweis in a flash using some time stopping power. Considering how tanky the vet had been so far, that was a bit of a shock. But with that, the battle began.

Blazermate was on healing duty as ever, but this time as she had turned Armstrong into a striker, summoned the big boy. The striker Armstrong and Sam locked eyes, and almost as if it was a magnetic pull from two opposite forces, Armstrong charged Sam with the former cyber ninja looking a bit apprehensive about the man running towards him but not floundering in his resolve as he wasn't alone this time. Roland was ready for a fight, and reminded of that, he gained the powers of the Floor of Language. And with that, he engaged with Armstrong and jetstream Sam, clashing with Sam to open him up for the senator. A clash that Roland didn't have a chance of winning causing him to get pushed back and injured from Sam's swipe but giving Armstrong a bit of an opening to tackle him.

This upped his emotion level and gave him Claws of Savagery, a savage voice saying "What sharp claws I had, the better to fill the role I was born for…" This wouldn't actually give him any benefits for a while though. While Roland and Blazermate were doing their things, Susie engaged with the guardian itself. While her business suit wasn't in prime condition, she could at least use it to try to guard the Guardian from the other enemies and deal some damage herself. Her high defense in her business suit softened the blows from the giant mech that could only do some heavy, but half handed punches her way. After having a bit of a boxing match with Susie, it began to start to use its abilities. Spawning portals around the room in a + pattern, it fired lasers out of them. Lasers that would be immediately stopped by its time powers. It was clear to anyone paying attention where the lasers would go once released, it just wasn't clear when Tycoon would release them.

Seeing Roland injured and her other allies, Blazermate went to heal them. The enemies around weren't dumb though, and upon seeing Blazermate heal her allies, those not distracted at the time made it their mission to deal with her. And unlike Y's clone army, these were much stronger opponents. Mephisto took their opportunity to engage with the medabot, shooting his special bullets at her. Blazermate was used to projectiles aimed her way, and blocked them with her suffering shield arm. Their damage was lower than even she thought, although after a few shots he had managed to build up some kind of debuff on her. Before she could swap to herself to cleanse her own debuff though, Sam had broken away after beating Roland in another clash and using his superior speed to get away from Armstrong whom despawned with his target out of range and deal with the medic, attacking her from behind as she was busy dealing with the shots from the front. This did bonus damage since she was weak from the back, and it wasn't often that people blindsided her.

Roland, taking over from what Zenkichi had done, moved to smack Karen with his hammer and parried his next move against Zenkichi. This leveled up his emotions again, and gained him Vampirism, with a noble voice saying "Chew it all up! Imbibe to the last drop!". Now his attacks would heal him if he succeeded in winning clashes a little bit. Using his hypervelocity and duplicate powers, Karen sent a duplicate to break Roland's counter, before attacking him and pushing him away so he could deal with the target that his other allies were targeting the healer. It'd use up a bit more of his power than he'd like, but getting rid of their healer would be paramount to winning this fight and claiming the guardian, so there wasn't much choice. Using the tail end of his hypervelocity, he moved to intercept Blazermate as she fell from the sky after a followup leg kick from Sam sent her to the ground and punched her into the line of Tycoon's laser.

To keep the medabot from getting back up in hope to keep her in line with Tycoon's laser, he hit her with his cryokinisis, freezing her momentarily in place. Sam slammed down on Blazermate with his sword to deal what damage he could before he moved out of the way as Tycoon's laser was let loose from its stasis, hitting Blazermate and with the damage caused by Sam and Karen's CC and shoving her into Tycoon's laser, overwhelmed Blazermate's parts and finally caused the medabot to eject her medal in defeat.

Level 11 Sectonia (holding 5 level up) - (78/110)
Location: The Under - Dirtmouth
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia wasn't much for this 'camp' food as it were, but with a bit of creativity, she could at least flavor the bland meat with something to subsist with. She wasn't happy though, not at all. This just reminded her of how she was a 'hobo queen' at this point and that just wasn't something she wanted to think about.

Unlike many of the others, the question of how to get down the chasm wasn't really a hard one for Sectonia. She was one of the resident fliers, and had flown down the chasm before. The only problem would be another ambush from F, but that seemed unlikely. She even offered to carry one of the lighter team members down, as long as they didn't make a fuss or mess, since it was quite a long ways down. What she wasn't expecting was the appearance of a strange warrior-miner, sorta deal. But she had already descended the chasm to worry too much about them. From what little she heard, they offered another way down that seemed... to waterlog you. Not a pleasant way to do things.

Upon reaching the bottom, Ganondorf showed himself to be... useful and giving information? Did he fuse with a spirit to make him more chatty or was this something else? Nor did she expect him to give away something so charitably. Much like the Octopath travelers, she found that was... unexpected. Well, she was a bit like that earlier before she got to know people, so perhaps it was the same for him? Or the seeds of some power grab? Well... time would tell, but that was interesting at least.

"The only thing I know about this guardian, is that it has something to do with dreams. So it could be anything really. A god of dreams perhaps?" Sectonia said, having just as little info as everyone else. "Hmm... if thats the case, do you think it has been watching us as we progressed through this area?"


Robot Girls

Level 5 Roland - (5/50) Learned

Level 12 Blazermate (Holding 3 level up) - (102/120)
Level 7 Susie - (1/70) - (Holding 4 level up)
Location: Midgar- The bridge
Word Count: 808

Roland, being more mobile in general with his fighting style, kept up the maneuvering jumping from platform to platform. Susie and Blazermate, being more defensive though, ate a powerful laser. Both robots had shields of various make, and Susie had her business suit, but this beam did some good damage to the two even through all that, even breaking Blazermate's projectile shield. This taught the two to be mobile like everyone else though at least, although Blazermate could only heal. And her sentry gun had gotten destroyed, but that at least ate one of his attacks.

Seeing these big attacks coming their way, the seekers unleashed their own big attacks. Roland acting like Goldlewis now and striking at Y with his large two handed sword in melee range, using his jumping momentum to slash into him, before using his body to jump back to the platforms. Blazeramte was busy healing, and Susie was busy dodging, so there wasn't much to do here.

Although things took a spicy turn when Y was tired of all the relative knats swarming and biting his form, so he decided to pull his trump card. Opening up his chest cavity, he put out enough suction force to devour all the platforms and the seekers upon them. This was... Well, it wasn't good considering what he did with those clones.

Being sucked up wasn't the end though, instead it seemed that, to 'assimilate' his pray, Y had to expose his core. Of course this wouldn't be easy, as Y was well aware of his own weakness and unleashed a varying barrage of attacks. Most were just strikes with some purple energy manifesting as various kinds of spears and lances in various formations in both melee and ranged variants. Alongside that he summoned some minions with the same kind of scheme.

Susie went on to deal with the Wireframes, whirling her fists to more move to dodge the barbs going her way as she barreled towards one of the wireframes, stopping to grab it and use it as a shield from a second wave of barbs heading her way. Her business suit had taken enough damage now, and she'd have to stop using it soon, but before that she'd use its strength to at least cause some chaos and the wireframes made excellent shields in the meantime. With Midna's assistance, she could also use a few Wireframes as body missiles to throw at Y's core, but that wasn't really all that effective.

Roland meanwhile clashed with the lances and barbs flying his way. He could deflect the purple barbs with his swords without much issue, but for now he could only clash with the purple spears, not gaining much ground for now. After a couple clashes though, he reached Emotion level 4, and gained Power of the Past, with the same womanly voice from before saying "I’ll be the one to take things away this time…" This made Roland a bit slower, but much, much stronger. He also gained the EGO The Homing Instinct. This one he decided to use when he got the chance.

As the white area turned into a grass field with a yellow road leading to a distant city of emerald, Roland donning a classy suit as he got ready to snap his fingers. Seeing what was happening, and needing a Kritz target to get this fight done as fast as possible, Blazermate decided to kritz Roland since she knew a big move was coming. Sure it wasn't the best of the EGO to Kritz, but a glowing electric blue house dropped onto Y's core dealing a massive amount of crushing damage to him and any wireframes nearby the landing area as well as giving all of his allies a slight damage boost. Roland's Rake ability now triggered, leaving Y locked out of using his Circuit Lance Stab and making him easier to approach as a bonus.

Not wanting to waste the kritz, Roland went in to smack the heart, the Kritz allowing him to overpower the lance attacks coming his way and allowing him to smack Y for some good damage. What was even better, when Y tried to attack Roland when he wasn't clashing, his Counter activated, and while under the power of Power of the Past and Blazermate's kritz, that just lead to Roland overpowering and striking Y's core a few extra times on each Counter, greatly punishing him for using a flurry of light attacks instead of one huge get-off-me move if he wasn't taking Roland seriously.

Eventually though Roland would need to retreat as his weapons started to flicker, signifying the end of Kritz. Seeing this, he retreated as he left a final parting shot with his crossbow, getting back to get into a more evasive stance for whatever came next.

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