Avatar of Arista


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Cataract surgery happening today...send good vibes/well wishes, please? I'll be back soon~
5 yrs ago
Officially 27...getting closer to 30 xD happy birthday self!
5 yrs ago
"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." Uncle Iroh
6 yrs ago
That moment when you plan an RP and get the first post up and then your partner deletes the OOC PM thread and doesn't answer... ~_~
9 yrs ago
The moment when you're having a Disney movie marathon and you regret nothing. Not even caring that your parents are looking at you funny because your singing along ^^


Enter at your own risk~

Hello, hello!

I'm Ari~ An adult who loves video games and my pup equally, I'm a dork who loves watching the shows I adore and then ranting about them until I get all my Feelings under control.

I'm a veteran when it comes to roleplay, I've been doing this long enought to know I'm better suited for 1x1's then Group Rps. My level is at the high causal to low advanced, once I get really into an RP its on my mind in a way that I don't mind. Feel free to send a PM with plot ideas or pairings, the most I can say is no thanks, which is rare and unlikely to happen~

Thanks for dropping by!

Discord: Aristacratt

Most Recent Posts


"Well...it says she has a home. A rather famous one of I say so. It says she's been living there for about three years now. She'll have to stay overnight so we can check her vitals and in the morning we'll see what happens, she's running a fever right now as well. Nurse Ada? Bring a bowl with cool water and towels if you don't mind." Nurse Gina turned away from her screen and focused on her patient, Sylvia looked so small nestled in the two blankets they'd wrap her in. Her cheeks were flushed with fever and her muscles tense even in sleep, she hadn't much stirred since they placed her in bed.

The fracture was another matter as well, it had been treated and had healed nicely. The deeper matter was that she wouldn't be able to walk on it for a long period. She'd have to either wear a vast or boot for at least two weeks and keep off her feet ubless absolutely necessary.

"Does she have school? A job?" Nurse Saunders asked, her head tilted and sky-blue eyes curious. Returning her attention to the screen of the heart monitor, Nurse Gina allow herself to relax.

She'd heal just fine, she was a young woman after all. @Briza
The musky scent of male drew its attention as it passed a small stream, its large head rose into the air and its nose slowly breathed in. Head tilting and jaws unlocking in preparation, it gathered its strength and turned direction, stomach growling with ravenous hunger. Easily filling the scent, it paused behind a few large trees, ears flicking and tail wagging slowly from side to side. With a soft growl, it lunged and easily caught both male's off guard, its maw opening to snap at the one under its hand. A shriek come from the other and it raised its now bloody maw and lunged for him as well, ravenously tearing into the flesh.

Once down, it lazily licks its maw before taking off once more, nose scenting the air as it silently travels the forest. A few feet ahead, it comes to a pause as a faint smell draws it's attention to the right. Diluted flowers that it couldn't pinpoint, rumbling sofly and turning, it takes off in a run.


Huffing and flicking a lock of silver hair from her eyes, she pauses as the wind changes direction once more. Hefitng her crossbow higher, she jumps from the tree she'd been using as a lookout point. Focusing hee gaze on the moon and nodding with a quick check of her watch, before taking off in a sprint.

The sudden shriek that filled the air had her stilling ten minutes later, it faded as quickly as it had come, Estonia hissed and took off once more. What she saw had her teeth gritting together and the urge to punch something filling her so suddenly her arm lashed out and slammed into the nearest tree. Phone in hand, she take off in the direction she thinks the wolf is headed, she was going to get scolded but she couldn't do this alone anymore.

"Yes?" Came the monotone voice after two beeps, Estonia rolled her shoulders and breathed out slowly.

"I need assistance, the wolf just killed two hikers and is heading towards town. I have to turn back and get back by car and that'll take me a few hours at least." The silence that filled the line had Estonia rolling her eyes, she stopped when a large shadow passed just a few feet ahead of her. It's nose was lifted and testing the air, the Hunted focused on it as it stood still for a moment before changing direction and heading east.

Towards town.

"I'll get another Hunter to aid you. Are you certain its heading for town?" The voice asked softly, Estonia clicked her tongue before turning on her heel.

"Yes, it seems to be following a scent. I'll try to get there as soon as I can." The other person on the other side of the line hummed before hanging up. Estonia didn't have time to be annoyed by that, she had more pressing matters. Getting to her car and back to town was on the list, as well as finding out why two of her students were headed to the hospital.

Such a long day. @Briza


Margaret stilled and with a screech, made a step for her daughter, her body twitching and eyes glazed. She'd just reached her side, a leg raised as if to keep her ribs, when a familiar slender point pierced the side of her neck and everything went black.

"Take him away and make sure he doesn't escape. I need this one bound and sent away aa well. Young man? I need your help with her, I can't carry her and do my job. I'd appreciate it." Nurse Gina stated from where she stood beside Sylvia's mother's comatose form, the first police guard moved forward and hauled the step-father up away. The second slipped on a pair of handcuffs before lifting the woman up and heading towards the closest doorway. Sylvia shifted slightly and choked on the gag, pain radiating from somewhere from her feet drawing a soft hiss from her mouth.

Nurse Gina turned on her heel and sent off two nurses in search of a splint as well as cast, a new IV drip and a relaxant. First she had to determine if the break was a clean one, if not then she'd need to be sent to OR. If it was then she'd have a cast and boot for the next few weeks. Returning to the room and hoping the young man returns with her patient, Gina begins to set everything up, her tense muscles relaxing as the normal buzz of the hospital returns to the air.

Sylvia shivered and tried to curl into a ball, the pain from her head and ankle keeping her still.

Long limbs unfurled and flexed in an attempt to regain blood flow. A hiss escaped chapped lips as pale ears twitched in an attempt to losten for any noise. Pale fingers danced across cool stone as the sound of the pitter latter of rain tapped against the window. Night had fallen and with it, the chance to escape. Heavy head lifting and nose scenting the air, chapped lips pulled back to reveal elongated fangs where human teeth once were. Allowing the shift and savoring the stretch of muscles long since ignored, clawed hands tested the stone for weakness. Head lifting and a long howl escaped into the air, clawed hands pushing against stone until a portion of it fell to the floor. Sniffing the air once more, powerful hind legs kicked off and perked ears flattened as a strong shoulder connected sith wall before easily smashing through it. Cool droplets of rain soon had its thick fur feeling heavy and sticky, ignoring it, massive jaws part to release anther long howl.

Freedom was in its grasp. If only it could find someone or some place to hide. Something unsettling was on the wind, with a huff and flick of a tail it lowered itself on all fours and took off. @Briza
The door opened and Margaret halted in her tracks, her hair was disheveled and her cheeks were botched with red. Sylvia stiffened intimate sat ramrod straight, her eyes steadfastly watching the patterns in the blanket the covered her legs.

"What the fu-" Margaret began in a hiss, her gray-blue eyes scanning the room before falling on her daughter. Her expression shifted at once and a worried frown etched itself across her features. "Sylvia? Why? I got a call from a nurse who said you were here-" Her mother fell silent as Arron appeared at her side, his pale face grave.

"How is she?" His tone was brisk, his arm rose to wrap around Margaret's shoulder, Sylvia remained silent and still.

"Fine, for the most part. These kind people found her before anymore harm could come to her, you two are?" Nurse Gina asked politely, her voice however was wary.

"Her mother." "Her step-father." They offered at once, in perfect unison as they moved further into the room. As they moved closer to the bed, Sylvia began to twitch, a deep sense of fear and panic rising in her. She knew it was part from the drug in her system, the other part, the small child that hadn't gotten over that "incedent" screamed at cried out.

"I see, well you'll just excuse me for a moment-" Nurse Gina got no further before a strangled sound came from Sylvia's throat. Arron had moved until he stood before the bed, his hand 'resting' on her left ankle. Her mother had moved into the corner of the room, Sylvia's eyes were wide and filled with panic. Nurse Gina seemed to realize at the moment what was about to happen, she lunged forward, blonde hair flying as she reached for the larger hand now gripping Sylvia's ankle.

"Bad little raven. Bad." A twist and pure agony filled her as her bone snapped. She didn't scream, didn't even seem to notice anything as Arron moved back and Margaret moved towards the door. At the brush of a hand across her cheek, Sylvia bolted, hands ripping the blankets away from her legs, she ran. Once out of the room, she turned right, her broken ankle dragging as her frenzied mind tangled with past and present. She managed to get a few steps down the hall before large hands gripped her shoulders. Her head whipped up and her lips opened on a scream, only for a gag to be stuffed into her mouth. Her vision wavered as Arron's pale face swam in and out of view, her mother appearing at his side.

"Time to go." She purred, a grin spreading across her pale features. Sylvia whimpers and tries to pull away, only for darkness to pull her under. She never felt herself being lifted, cradled almost as both bolted down the hall, shouts filling the air as Nurse Gina demanded someone to catch the two kidnapping a patient.

All hell broke loose. @Briza
The room seemed to grow colder by a few degrees coder, Sylvia continued to stare at the bandage. He teeth clench and a long, drawn out sigh escapes her lips after a few long moments.

"My...mother and I don't get along very well. Ever since I was a child, she won't care if I'm here. She'd be happy." Her voice was monotone, her body tense, when Nurse Gina placed a hand on her free hand, she flinched as if burned.

"Don't say that, she might be-" Sylvia hissed softly and jerked away from the warm hand that had begun to caress her wrist. Her eyes were glazed and her lips were turned up into a humorless smile.

"'Stay quiet and don't make trouble. I didn't want you but now I'm stuck with you. I hope your father found a wife and rebuilt his life, because if he was here I'd make sure his days with us would be hell. Your a waste of space and energy.' The list goes on, I'll just stay here thanks." Nurse Gina reached for her chin, Sylvia hadn't even noticed she'd lowered it, much less that she'd begun to rub furiously against her collarbone. Her head snapped up and a hiss escaped her clenched teeth, the wounds see buried were slowly being peeled open. Her knees lifted and her free arm wrapped around them, her gaze focused on the gown that the nurse had left with a frown. "I had unwanted visitors at work today, my boss gave me a break and allowed me to spend some tone with them. I stepped out for a breath of cool air when I felt a needle pierce my skin, everything went fuzzy after that. 'Your a waste of space...you should of died when they took you out of me.' She murmured under her breath, her chin resting on her folded knees, her tense muscles relaxing as all the defensive fight left her.

Maybe I should of died, it would of saved, everyone the trouble. She sighed and took a deep breath, her fingers twitching as silence fills the air. She was hoping she'd pass out from lack of oxygen, her eyes squeeze shut as memories invade her mind. She was so sick of all of this, the urge to pack and run away had never been stronger. Maybe she'd be able to slip put when the nurse's switched shifts. @Briza
Sylvia winced when something pierced her skin, her eyes darted down and focused on the new needle that Nurse Gina had managed to inject.

"I need a blood sample to see what's running through your veins so I can give you the proper medicine. Now hold still, we're almost done." Hee voice was soft and almost soothing, it did nothing to relax Sylvia but she silently accepted the gesture. She watched in fascination as the tub that Nurse Gina had attached to a long, thin tub, began to fill with her blood. The dizziness had passed and now she seemed entirely focused as her blood left her body, she frowned when the tub was capped and the needle removed.

"She'll be here for the night to make sure nothing goes wrong. She was having an allergic reaction to what was injected, if you hadn't made it here when you did, she would of lost the ability to breath and have died from lack of oxygen." The voice was younger, softer and serene, Sylvia paid no mind as her gaze stayed on the droplets of blood that were staining the bandage someone had put. She felt tired all of a sudden, hee limbs heavy and eyes drooping, flexing her arm and feeling a twitch of her lips, she allowed sleep to pull her under.

Estonia sighed and slung her packed bag over her shoulder, long hair tied back into a low bun. She moves to her apartment door before pausing, twin bodies rubbed against her legs and purred in unison. Smiling softly and reaching down, she pets both of her cat's heads heifer pulling away and pushing open her door.

"I'll be back in a few days, Granny or Gramps will pass by to feed you. Behave." She commands softly as she closes the door and turns to head down the hall, her boots thudding softy against the carpeted floor. She had to be at the airport nine-thirty and with the time it normally takes to get out of the main part of town, she'd need the extra time she had now. Her missson was to find a female wolf -which were rare since females usually didn't last during the change- and either capture her alive or bring her back dead if she resisted.

Jumping into her car and setting her duffle bag in the empty passenger seat, Estonia starts her engine and takes off into the stormy night. Her finger absently tapping against the steering wheel as she drove down the quiet road.

Let's see how this goes. @Briza
"Dear? Can you hear me?" A kind voiced asked from the right side, Sylvia's head turned slightly in answer. "I'm nurse Gina, can you tell me your name? Your friend wasn't sure and we need to check your record." Sylvia's eye narrowed as the word's slowly filled her mind.

Must be the ER, joy. She swallowed and wined when the faint acidic taste of bile filled her mouth.

"Sylvia Wyeth." She an managed to say before a wave of nausea and pain had her teeth clenching. Her gaze focused on a pale, blonde-haired women with emeral-green eyes as she nodded and typed across something in her lap. Sylv's brow furrowed when Nurse Gina's lips thinned a moment later and her whole expression hardened.

"I need an IV drip stat, she needs to be changed into a gown and her clothes washed. Gauze and rubbing alcohol are also things that I need. Move." Hee tone was soft but had a harsh tone underlining it, the closest nurse, a strawberry-blonde haired woman nodded and ran from the room. "You my dear have an extensive history here, I'm surprised I haven't seen you before. A broken arm, four broken ribs, fractured wrist and left ankle. As well as an allergic reaction to several vaccines that were not provided by a licensed physician." Sylvia looked away and when another nurse came in with a gown, she sighed and rolled her shoulders.

"I had a rough childhood. You said my friend? Who's here?" With that Nurse Gina pointed to the opposite side of the room. Sylvia's eyes wide when she spotted Aleksandr standing stiff and still beside the wall, she didn't even notice the needle entering her right wrist.

Well fuck...and he just heard my injuries as a kid. Minus the ones I know she saw but won't admit to saying. Why me? She hissed softly as hee left wrist lifted to wave stiffly from her side, a hiss escaping when a cool object was placed over the injection site on her right arm. @Briza
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